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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Guest maniac-moon

I'm not sure but i feel we will have scarlet heart season 2...:|

I geuss HS is pregnant:|

For godsake  WSya just kill PDnim and writernim after that we can breath:|

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32 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


I watch Jealousy Incarnate, stop after 2 episode. I feel nothing.

I watch 49 Days, stop after 1 episode. I feel nothing.

I watch Secret Garden, after 2 episode fast forward to the most romantic scene (bed), feel nothing.

and the list continue


Am I numb right now after MLSHR squeezes every single emotion I have as human being?

I should file for a lawsuits :(


Same for me. I stop watching Jealousy Incarnate, Moonlight, W, Doctors. MLSHR draw all my energy. Since the first ep, I'm like a zombie. I have no more social life and my husband, like other's, is happy that MLSHR will finish next week. And like everyone else, I need a break because right now, I even have nightmare about WS  and HS several times (never happened before) ! I can't even tell my BF about my melancholy.


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4 minutes ago, iloveknovela said:



They could have used their LOVE to their advantage but unfortunately they are good at tearing each other apart.  Although, I am frustrated with their roller coaster relationship, I am still giving them time to grow.  It really takes time to build a solid foundation within a relationship that could withstand every storm that comes their way.  Sometimes they need to discover their strengths/limitations for the sake of the ones they love.  How far they could go before it became too much for them to handle.  They need to realize that they are stronger together than they are apart.  Strengthening one another is what they need the most.

Let me add also:

When relationships break down, the tendency is to walk away and find someone new rather than work at reconciliation.  This is what HS will possibly try to do.  Should I be in her shoes, I will redeem the time and spend it with him knowing that I am living in a borrowed time.  I'd rather endure the heartache close to him than apart from him.  This way, their parting later on (when she dies or back to the future) will leave no regrets because they've done everything they could for each other.  At least the person who be left behind will have good memories to live on and endure the loneliness of her absence also.  I speak by experience here because I've been there done it with my late hubby.  This is why I can't help but be concerned with our OTP.  I desperately want them to work with each other and not against each other.

There are some things in our lives that need to be broken: pride, self-will, stubbornness, and unhealthy habits, etc. that prevents growth.  They should learn to say SORRY and avoid pointing fingers on who is right or wrong.  Because in a relationship, there is no you and me but US.  It takes two to tango, we used to say.  But I just couldn't figure out how this OTP will resolve their issues.  Gives me headache. :D  I just hope writer-nim has something in store to make us a little bit happy.  Sort of a parting gift, since we will surely miss them once this drama ends. *** praying ****

BTW, I can't help but smile reading wives here who watch with their husbands and tolerate them for their addiction to this drama.    I've done it myself too, maybe worst. :D  I remember, I would tell him this and that (like a typical fangirl) and how I like this actor and everything about him and he would say:  Are you sure you're not in love with that guy?  Being a typical playful, I would teasingly say:  Don't worry hon, I love him but you're the one that I'm in love with!  He can't win over you!  And we just laughs!  Oh my, I suddenly missed my very best friend!  He would certainly love watching this drama with lots of opinion.  I have no one to share my craziness anymore.  Sorry, out of topic...  



OMG, I am so sorry but I laugh reading your post. Only because my husband at one time tell me (after I talk non stop about MLSHR and the actor)

"Please remember me when you are watching your drama."

I feel like the worst wife of Goryeo (holding that title together with evil queen)


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3 hours ago, bitofmadness said:


Saw this on Youtube. Omg I bet they're going to play this song next week. I can't. I can't. I can't. :bawling:

OMG this song...:bawling: it breaks my heart everytime this song played... queen yo death is an exceptional... seems it doesn't feet to her death

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2 minutes ago, violet90 said:


yes.. in BBJX 4th know about RX sickness and he did know about the 10 years lifespan.. 

the royal decree is one part that i hate too cause RX did said finally 4th using his power to order her around.. its kinda slap on 4th face tbh...

i don't think that So know about her sickness yet... cause if he do know about this no matter what happen he will not letting Su go even its mean they have to separate because of WW.. pretty sure he does't know and if i'm not mistaken Su did said that she will personally told the king about her sickness so the doctor must assume So know about it..

Su is the type that endures on her own.. telling So about her sickness just going to make him more worried about her and he already have enough on his plate.. so she will not tell him that and now when she ready to leave its the last thing that she will tell him...

and this will eat him alive when he know about Su hiding her sickness for his sake and what he will do is putting her into her death sentence when he said that he will never meet her again because of her promise marrying WW 10 FREAKIN YEARS AGO!!!!!! its because of him that Su life ended and i don't think he can handle it later on knowing this fact..


Chingu...your death sentence mean So say he never wanna see her again,not as in death sentence, like hanging to death like lady oh right? Please tell me not the later one...my heart and soul cant take it...

Yes..I know 4th use the royal decree is for Rouxi sake but I feel like smacking 4th as well, in the end, he dont allow her to kneel down, she stand in her room throughout the night...it is bad for her knee as well...and 4th know it...

I also dun think So know about her sickness...if not, he will not leave her alone, I guess he tot that she is sick cause of CR death...not as in sickness that affect her lifespan...and you are right, Soo will always endure everything on her own..no one will know about her sickness till her final days is numbered...Jung will be the first to know..but who will act in QiaoHui place to accompany her for her last journey of life?

I agree know Soo life is ending or ended will definitely eat So alive, and will burn out his humanity as well, guess he will be more devastated if Soo didnt die in his arm, even we as a viewer barely survive with the tot of that, how can a man that want to be Soo lover till death could survive it...

heartache and headache is what I am feeling now.. 

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5 minutes ago, AryRa said:

OMG this song...:bawling: it breaks my heart everytime this song played... queen yo death is an exceptional... seems it doesn't feet to her death

by listening to this song already brought tears to the brim of my eyes already..this song..and Soo death..I totally cannot...

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On 10/24/2016 at 3:58 PM, krysyuy said:

I don't understand where people are getting this from. Soo has no way of knowing that she'll go back to the future? (Unfortunately, neither do we the audience. We're all assuming it, based off the cdrama, but if the kdrama intends to be faithful to the novel........) Soo gave up trying to find a way back to the future and has lived for nearly ten years in Goryeo. She thinks she'll live and die in this time period. Ji Mong is clearly no help and is still a huge mystery.


I get this from the logic that one cannot simply be transported back in time and left there. Time is the one thing that no matter what type of story you tell, you really can't play with it or alter it. You can stop it for a little while, but time goes on. Even though Soo doesn't know the how and the why, I would guess that she is smart enough to know that eventually she will go back, or that she will be given a choice whether she wants to stay or go back. We saw this in Faith (Good Doctor), the lead actress decides to stay in that time, but she does go back to the future for a little while. We see the same thing in Queen In Hyun's man, with the lead actor, who was from the past and chooses to forge ahead to the future. Now MLSHR could surprise us all and completely deviate from the logic of these tropes from earlier sageuk's, but then it would leave the plot too open-ended and unfinished. It could be wishful thinking on my part. I did like your explanation. I forgot about the king telling her to enjoy the present while she can. Of course that time is too short for her and all of us watching.

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19 minutes ago, violet90 said:


yes.. in BBJX 4th know about RX sickness and he did know about the 10 years lifespan.. 

the royal decree is one part that i hate too cause RX did said finally 4th using his power to order her around.. its kinda slap on 4th face tbh...

i don't think that So know about her sickness yet... cause if he do know about this no matter what happen he will not letting Su go even its mean they have to separate because of WW.. pretty sure he does't know and if i'm not mistaken Su did said that she will personally told the king about her sickness so the doctor must assume So know about it..

Su is the type that endures on her own.. telling So about her sickness just going to make him more worried about her and he already have enough on his plate.. so she will not tell him that and now when she ready to leave its the last thing that she will tell him...

and this will eat him alive when he know about Su hiding her sickness for his sake and what he will do is putting her into her death sentence when he said that he will never meet her again because of her promise marrying WW 10 FREAKIN YEARS AGO!!!!!! its because of him that Su life ended and i don't think he can handle it later on knowing this fact..


CMIIW but after Soo fainted from seeing CR beaten to death, there was a conversation between So and the physician, So angrily asked why the physician didn't tell him that she was ill. Nah I'm not sure whether the physician told So the whole story or not.

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Alright, I have vented long enough since being traumatized by the last episode 25 hours earlier. I bet next week's episode will be just as traumatizing. That preview of So telling Soo he'll never see her again.

Soon-to-be-ex-loverboy, you're going to pay for that. Good Luck.

As much as I want them to reunite in the 21st century , the dark side of me is toying with the idea of So retaining all his memories in the 21st century, find Hajin still lying in the hospital in a coma from the pond drowning, suffer and cry for a few minutes before Hajin wakes up and he'll have to make up to her by wooing / proposing to her in many sweet ways to give me the happy sweet OTP ending scenes to calm my traumatized heart :P

Alright, So , I still love your character even when I know this Sh**storm is about to hit. It's not your fault or Hae Soo's fault.

See'yall next week :) Thanks for sharing this journey here :)

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I am a SoHae shipper, but I am going to watch this FMV to prepare myself for what is about to happen next week.


I wish that Jung was not so much of a spoiled brat. There are plenty of opportunities for the director to develop his character over time. I guess he wants Jung and So to hate each other until the very end. However while watching this FMV, one thing I cannot take credit away from Jung is his devotion towards HS’s happiness. It is ironic how out of all the princes who promised to take HS away from the palace, the one keeps his promise is someone who HS does not have any romantic feelings for. 


Okay, I am not here to preach about Buddhism…but now that I think about it, I realise that Buddhism sheds a lot of light in this drama. The writer has constantly included a lot of Buddhist themes and symbolism throughout the drama; whether it is in the mis-en-scene or the themes. Besides karma, another one that catches my eyes is the perfection of giving - dana paramita. 


“Giving with pure motivation is called dana paramita (Sanskrit), or dana parami (Pali), which means "perfection of giving. The Buddha taught that when we give to others, we give without expectation of reward...It's important to remember that there is no giving without receiving, and no givers without receivers. Therefore, giving and receiving arise together; one is not possible without the other. Ultimately, giving and receiving, giver and receiver, are one. Giving and receiving with this understanding is perfection of giving. As long as we are sorting ourselves into givers and receivers, however, we are still falling short of dana paramita.”


 Despite being trampled on over and over again, HS keeps on giving. But she has not perfected the art of giving because she expects people to treat her the same way. I think it is only until episode 18 that she realises this. When she is able to give without expecting, receiving will come naturally. In this particular case, she is going to leave the palace not only to free herself from the struggles but to also free GJ from his burden and not expecting that he will continue to treasure her (I hope I made sense omg I am so bad at explaining deep stuff someone help me) From this same angle, we can also see that HS has put her life on the line to save Jung twice. It is now his turn to save hers - giving her back what he received without expecting that she will love him.   


On a side note, the only way I can like Jung’s character a bit more than usual is to actually view him as a prince from the fairytales I used to idolise. The one who sweeps you away from the struggles in life. However, you will have to pay a price for escaping reality. 


Just my two cents. I may be completely wrong, so just take this perspective with a pinch of salt mkay. 


P.S. I used to be a lurker here...but after signing up for Soompi..here I am typing away. What is this drama doing to me? Stahp!  

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1 minute ago, riuenu said:

Chingu...your death sentence mean So say he never wanna see her again,not as in death sentence, like hanging to death like lady oh right? Please tell me not the later one...my heart and soul cant take it...

Yes..I know 4th use the royal decree is for Rouxi sake but I feel like smacking 4th as well, in the end, he dont allow her to kneel down, she stand in her room throughout the night...it is bad for her knee as well...and 4th know it...

I also dun think So know about her sickness...if not, he will not leave her alone, I guess he tot that she is sick cause of CR death...not as in sickness that affect her lifespan...and you are right, Soo will always endure everything on her own..no one will know about her sickness till her final days is numbered...Jung will be the first to know..but who will act in QiaoHui place to accompany her for her last journey of life?

I agree know Soo life is ending or ended will definitely eat So alive, and will burn out his humanity as well, guess he will be more devastated if Soo didnt die in his arm, even we as a viewer barely survive with the tot of that, how can a man that want to be Soo lover till death could survive it...

heartache and headache is what I am feeling now.. 


the death sentence is because of that line 'i never wanna see you again' Su will think he will forever resent her and it will put more pressure and end up dying because of that...

So that i know who even angry because nobody inform him about Su fainting will scared more than anyone if he know that Su only have 10 years to lived... he can control everything and everyone concerning Su but the one thing he can't control is death... if he know about this his focus will switch from throne to Su just like that because in the end Su is the one matter its just right now he been corner with that evil sibling...

and maybe that what So description of character comes alive..... 'even when he dies he want to be Su lover' 

cause he can't love her properly when she alive but he will continue to love her even after he dies... 

and yes the thought of So losing Su and MAYBE did't even meet her for the last time make my heart ache so much.. the guilt , regret , and love that will pouring out his heart will broke him so much.... 

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I’ve never blamed HS before.  As I’ve mentioned, I wasn’t even upset with her when Eun died.  I understood her actions.  After episode 18, I feel she is letting her emotions take over.  Yes, WS broke promises, but so did she.  She said she would never change.  She did.  She said she would never leave him.  She’s going to.  Like some of you, I was surprised by WS’s sudden changed in behavior (not heart because he loves HS).  His punishment for CR is based on crimes she committed.  Remember how badly HS treated WS after her “visions?”  WS hasn’t kill anyone for his own greed…yet.  CR was involved in murdering Moo.  Her only crime is being born a slave?  She did it for love?  WTF HS??!!


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29 minutes ago, antiherofans said:
41 minutes ago, iloveknovela said:


BTW, I can't help but smile reading wives here who watch with their husbands and tolerate them for their addiction to this drama.    I've done it myself too, maybe worst. :D  I remember, I would tell him this and that (like a typical fangirl) and how I like this actor and everything about him and he would say:  Are you sure you're not in love with that guy?  Being a typical playful, I would teasingly say:  Don't worry hon, I love him but you're the one that I'm in love with!  He can't win over you!  And we just laughs!  Oh my, I suddenly missed my very best friend!  He would certainly love watching this drama with lots of opinion.  I have no one to share my craziness anymore.  Sorry, out of topic...  



OMG, I am so sorry but I laugh reading your post. Only because my husband at one time tell me (after I talk non stop about MLSHR and the actor)

"Please remember me when you are watching your drama."

I feel like the worst wife of Goryeo (holding that title together with evil queen)


LOL .... 

Just make sure you don't starve him due to your addiction to drama.  Or else you'll be holding the same title as QY. :D

Well, post of most wives here makes me laugh too!  Good thing that we are able to bring joy in small ways like this.

You should all cherish and appreciate your husbands consideration guys!  You're all very fortunate that they they are still around to share with your silliness. :D Although I missed mine, he definitely is happy watching me up there.  :heart:


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Hi everyone this weeks episode were both tense. I tried to catch up with the post but couldn’t.  however I’m surprised that some of you are chocked by WSs actions, specially when it comes to CR….

In the beginning of ep 17 WS trays to be a good king. Remember? He returned the laborers to their homeland. Those who had lost their lives, their family got compensated. But no one accepted him as a king. His mother still despised him, Jung hates him and so on…. They forced him to marry some one he doesn’t love. WS  was ready to fight but HS gave up….yes I know it was  out of love but still.

As for CR I understand HS got frightened, but think about it. Because of her action WM died, some one WS desperately tried to protect. That event was a turning point. With WM as a king WS could leave with HS. But he became Yos dog instead.  He saw  Eun being chased and day in the worse possible way!! Jung turned his back on him. ALL because CR! I’m not excusing his actions but I understand.. 

And let’s face it HS is doing the one thing WS asked her not to. WS asked her to NOT leave him!


Abut Wook, he’s getting what he deserves! IMO  

And YES I’m sold to the dark side thanks to LJKs awesome portrayer of WS:wub:

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I realized in episode 18 when Wang So and Hae Soo go to the festival, their cold breath are visible. Maybe they filmed that scene in early filming around late 2015 to early February. But usually it 's snowing around December to January, so my guess it was on February. And the rest of the scene without hints of cold weather were filmed on March to June. Too bad they didn't shoot in Fall season, that would be beautiful for filming <3 Imagine Wang So and Hae Soo took a walk together with falling brownish leaves around them...hmm just my fantasy,  ^_^ 

So my guess is that the filming was random and not per episode. I somehow wish they filmed it in order, so when they reach the climax of the story all of the actors were already so close to each other that they will perform their totality of acting when filmed together. but even though they filmed it randomly the chemistry between characters were excellent :)

The festival scene may be shot around February, only after two or three months since the beginning of the shooting but LJG and IU nailed that scene and the chemistry was so real! :wub: 

I guess actors and actresses are professional and they don't think like I do :P 

And I conclude that the first scene we saw in first episode when Go Ha Jin got drunk near the lake probably filmed on the last days of filming around June? and maybe the first and last episode were filmed in a short interlude maybe the day after they filmed that lake scene. Ahhh but who knows maybe they filmed the ending scene on winter which was the early days of the shooting.  I just wish Hae Soo and Wang So could meet again in the future...please writer...:D


(sorry I use too many 'maybe's lol)

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4 hours ago, yuhotarubi said:

Never has a drama ruined me as much as this one, not even cheese in the trap or bridal mask did this to me, Ithink I'm gonna take some time out for like a year before I start another drama again, but I will still love you MLSHR, you're just painfully good.


OMG yes chingu it is exactly describes how I feel about MLSHR. It is a PAINFULLY GOOD drama that keeps me emotionally invested and obsessed! MLSHR has consumed my life for the past few months, it's unreal lol :D

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