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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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I have been reading that Moonlight Drawn by clouds (direct competition of SHR) has changed its name to Love in the Moonlight. So, Moon Lovers (SHR) vs Love in the Moonlight xD? OH NO! Love and Moon everywhere. :lol:  

Poor 14th! :cry:

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@sukbin  Welcome. I think we all hope for the best. I have my heart and soul invested in this being a major hit. Once this starts I hope someone is able to give us some real time updates as to how the ratings go the first night (well all of them really)

@maskros @cherry48 great posts. I want to believe that we should be optimistic.Everyone has a lot riding on this. I think they want it to be as great as we do.

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[Photos] Lee Joon-ki and IU to star in "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo", new posters released



Lee Joon-ki and IU have been cast for the drama "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo".

SBS drama "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo" has changed its Korean title to "Lovers of the Moon - Scarlet Heart Ryeo".

"Scarlet Heart: Ryeo" is a fantasy historical drama about a woman named Hae-soo (IU) from the 21st century who time-slips to the Koryeo times and the fourth emperor Wang So (Lee Joon-ki) who terrifies everyone.

The moon is the medium that links Hae-soo and the Koryeo world. The title "Lovers of the Moon - Scarlet Heart Ryeo" has various meanings in it and one of them would be that all the characters in the Koryeo times had to live anxiously as if they were walking on ice.

The cast of the drama are Lee Joon-ki, IU, Kang Ha-neul, Hong Jong-hyeon, Nam Joo-hyeok, Baekhyun, Ji Soo, Kim San-ho, Yoon Seon-woo, Kang Han-na, Jin Ki-joo, Seohyun, Z.Hera, Kim Seong-gyoon, Jo Min-ki, Park Ji-yeong, Jeong Kyeong-soon, Seong Dong-il, Woo Hee-jin, Park Si-eun and more.

The final episode was shot on the 30th last month and the release date is on the 29th of August.


































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Soompi has made other translations from what is written in the poster. I think are more accurate. But the synopsis they had is different, and eclipse? What? :lol:

“Scarlet Heart: Goryeo” is a fantasy romance drama that tells the story of Hae Soo (IU), a present day girl who is sucked back to the Goryeo dynasty during an eclipse, where her romance with the fourth prince, Wang So (Lee Joon Gi), begins, all in the midst of palace power struggles.  


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"Scarlet Heart: Goryeo” is a fantasy romance drama that tells the story of Hae Soo (IU), a present day girl who is sucked back to the Goryeo dynasty during an eclipse, where her romance with the fourth prince, Wang So (Lee Joon Gi), begins, all in the midst of palace power struggles.  

Eclipse? No wonder they add in "Moon Lovers" in the official title.

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Great - normally I don´t check a Thread of an upcoming Drama so often... this Time it is different. Thanx a lot for the new Pictures!!!!

I believe the Feeling to watch Moon Lovers will be really different from the C-Version. Thats how I feel just after watching the Trailor. Extremly 4 Prince looks different - but in a Way I sooooo love it. Not cold and controlled - but dangerous and cruel. Oh - I know the Original became cruel too. Still...  CDramas tend to be slower in pace and ... not sure how to describe that - but the Trailer gives me Movie Feels - intense - stunning visuals - I love the ancient Song too.

I believe they will surprise us - and I guess there will be changes... I tried to remember the Original - the third Prince... hmm was he in the Picture too... Too long ago. 

I will stay here now - I have to see what you find out. Thanx for all your work!

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Forgot to say something...

I really don´t like this Discussion about the Lead Actress - For me those feels really poor. If I like her or not is not the question here. But if someone likes the Story - he or she should try it. Every Actor / Actress can improve with every new Role. And some Roles are more fitting to a Character than others. I never really found such a discussion about an Actor - like it is enough to look good if you are male. Fans will still be found. But for femals - really - please. The Drama not even strated - how to judge  if she will be good or not. From the Trailer - I like her. She too gives me a total different feeling like the Lead in the C-Version. But that is good. And I believe - I will like it even much more. Not only for Joon Ki!


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2 hours ago, Mau_Cherry said:

Forgot to say something...

I really don´t like this Discussion about the Lead Actress - For me those feels really poor. If I like her or not is not the question here. But if someone likes the Story - he or she should try it. Every Actor / Actress can improve with every new Role. And some Roles are more fitting to a Character than others. I never really found about such a discussion about an Actor - like it is enough to look good if you are male. Fans will still be found. But for femals - really - please. The Drama ot even strated - how to judes if she will be good or not. From the Trailer - I like her. She too gives me a total different feeling like the Lead in the C-Version. But that is good. And I believe - I will like it even much more. Not only for Joon Ki!


Sorry if I'm too sensitive and take this personally ^_^ but ...

I for one don't find anything wrong with discussion about the actors or actresses, as long as the audience keeps it civilised. While many viewers are indeed sexist and tend to jump too quickly on the actresses, there are people who are not emotionally connected to both actors and actresses alike. I have read critics of as many actors as I have read about actresses, and for me I have actors that would turn me off big time as well (oh and they would potentially make a bigger crowd than the actresses combined lol). If you turn back to page 5-8 of this thread, there are more negative comments about the idol male cast than about IU tbh. Moreover, truth be told aren't the actors and actresses the ones who deliver the story? Even if the story is good, but if the teller is not skilled enough, your interest in it would soon wane. And if you weren't particularly impressed by a storyteller in the past, it is just natural that you wouldn't want to listen to their storytelling anytime soon. The same goes with people who have decided to not watch this show. So to make the long story short, I would say that we shouldn't worry too much about people not liking IU or not tuning in for the show because of her. An actor/actress can't please every audience. Let's just accept that there will be people who don't like our IU no matter what, just as we will have certain actors or actresses that are not our cup of tea. It's not something bad if they criticise IU's acting (why, we will complain about someone else's acting at some point in our lives too), as long as they do not insult her as a person.

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1 hour ago, maskros said:


Sorry if I'm too sensitive and take this personally ^_^ but ...

I for one don't find anything wrong with discussion about the actors or actresses, as long as the audience keeps it civilised. While many viewers are indeed sexist and tend to jump too quickly on the actresses, there are people who are not emotionally connected to both actors and actresses alike. I have read critics of as many actors as I have read about actresses, and for me I have actors that would turn me off big time as well (oh and they would potentially make a bigger crowd than the actresses combined lol). If you turn back to page 5-8 of this thread, there are more negative comments about the idol male cast than about IU tbh. Moreover, truth be told aren't the actors and actresses the ones who deliver the story? Even if the story is good, but if the teller is not skilled enough, your interest in it would soon wane. And if you weren't particularly impressed by a storyteller in the past, it is just natural that you wouldn't want to listen to their storytelling anytime soon. The same goes with people who have decided to not watch this show. So to make the long story short, I would say that we shouldn't worry too much about people not liking IU or not tuning in for the show because of her. An actor/actress can't please every audience. Let's just accept that there will be people who don't like our IU no matter what, just as we will have certain actors or actresses that are not our cup of tea. It's not something bad if they criticise IU's acting (why, we will complain about someone else's acting at some point in our lives too), as long as they do not insult her as a person.


Please don´t take it personal!

Okay - I tried not to write too much - but I guess I missed an importend point - critic - if you give it out with respect - is something i like and need - because I can learn and grow with it. That goes for me... and critic about an Actor or an Actress - I have no Problem with it - polite and reasonable. (sorry for my english by the way).

What I don´t like are comments like - I don´t like the Actress I will not watch it... At least - as I said - if they like the storyline - they should try it - and than they can say I don´t like her Acting. But right now - the only thing what we could see is the trailor.


So again - I´m sorry - I didn´t mean to offend anyone here - and yes - I did not read back so much - because .... when... how.... help ... I need longer Days to use them. Maybe it is a Problem too that I can only use the limited english to explain my frustration about it. I have only watched IU in Pretty Man - and I hate it - but I hate the whole Drama and the characters - so I believe - it was in the script to act like she did. One of my biggest dissapointments.

Maybe I will try later to read the comments you referended too.

So - I hope I could make my proplem clearer - and I hope you can rest again.. please - no reason to be sensitive.. Sorry - I just should have stayed silent... .

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11 hours ago, maskros said:


I think it also boils down to how well an actor/ actress can connect emotionally with the said people. Sometimes an audience switches off from a show because he or she feels emotionally estranged with one or some of the cast (maybe due to their acting, or maybe because of parts of their own identities that they bring into their interpretation of the characters etc.), and even an element which does not feel right may make the whole watching experience not worthwhile for them. For example, there was a really great show in 2012: the majority of the cast, the plot, the cinematography were all spot on, except for the female lead. Much as I love the male lead and the show, I couldn't bring myself to watch the last 3 episodes and had to quit because watching him and the female lead's interactions on screen was so painful, I felt so much from his side but none from her, and her limited, sour facial expressions from the beginning till the end of the show irritated me to no end. I skimmed a few of her recent projects and saw that she had improved, but she ruined that particular show for me when she was in it, and I avoided any shows with her for a couple of years following the conclusion of that show.

Having said that, I'm not saying that IU is bad in the acting department. Perhaps it's just that she hasn't quite cut it for some people, but I'm sure if she improves and matures in the future, many will come back and, seeing how well they can connect to her more seasoned acting, they will support her in other shows. 


Thank you for explaining your point of view. I should've considered it that way. Now that I think about it, it definitely happened to me in the past more than once; I had to stop many dramas because I just couldn't watch the female leads(and sometimes male leads too). Let's hope that iu does well in this drama and the whole drama becomes a success and lives up to the hype. 

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1 hour ago, cherry48 said:

Thank you for explaining your point of view. I should've considered it that way. Now that I think about it, it definitely happened to me in the past more than once; I had to stop many dramas because I just couldn't watch the female leads(and sometimes male leads too). Let's hope that iu does well in this drama and the whole drama becomes a success and lives up to the hype. 


Thanks for sharing your opinion and experience too. I believe the cast will generally do well, though as I have voiced my worry about a few idol actors, partly because I haven't seen their earlier projects if they were in one, and partly because I have always had the opinion that people, especially teenagers, in ancient time matured a lot earlier than we do in ours, what with getting married at the age of 3 or 5, and getting involved in politics as early as the age of 6. Perhaps because I'm so invested in the C-drama, which was so emotionally laden and the characters there were all mature too, I also expect a similar level of maturity portrayed in the K-version. I'm sure the idol actors can do well in interactions that give off a young, fun, and cute vibe, which connects more easily to modern viewers, but I think what leaves the deepest impression is emotions, and for a big-budget and carefully produced drama like SHR, I want it to take on a more serious note. It would be very difficult for actors and actresses without a lot of experience under their belt and acting chops to portray the various nuances of an emotionally complex person in ancient times, and many of the princes have rather 'modern' faces, so I don't see them as fitting in with the time yet. That's what I'm mainly concerned about.

Strangely enough, even though I'm rather ambivalent towards IU (I was cold to her performance in Beautiful Man, and warmed up a little bit as she matured more in Producer), from the trailer I have a feeling that she is suitable as Hae Soo (rather than a Korean Ruo Xi) in this drama, but right now I can't really pinpoint why I feel that way. Now let's just pray that the writing is good. I haven't watched any dramas of this writer so I don't know, but I hope the writer will do the story and the characters justice. I agree with a poster above me that I don't mind the show having a sad ending. I would actually welcome it if it will become another series that I will return to watch for several  times :)

1 hour ago, Mau_Cherry said:


Please don´t take it personal!


So again - I´m sorry - I didn´t mean to offend anyone here - and yes - I did not read back so much - because .... when... how.... help ... I need longer Days to use them. Maybe it is a Problem too that I can only use the limited english to explain my frustration about it. I have only watched IU in Pretty Man - and I hate it - but I hate the whole Drama and the characters - so I believe - it was in the script to act like she did. One of my biggest dissapointments.

Maybe I will try later to read the comments you referended too.

So - I hope I could make my proplem clearer - and I hope you can rest again.. please - no reason to be sensitive.. Sorry - I just should have stayed silent... .


No you didn't offend me :D I was just not sure whether  your post was in response to mine, that's why I said I took it personal, as in taking as if you were talking to me personally :D. And you shouldn't have stayed silent. The whole point of the forum is to share ideas and opinions. I'm just glad that we can voice our opinions all round. To be honest I enjoy discussions and criticisms as much as reading about updates and looking at swoonworthy photos. They're food for both the mind and the eyes ;)


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this is my 1dt post here!!! everything looks great and I hope that the drama turn out to be as great as it looks!! :D

Lee Jun Ki’s Having a Bloody Good Time Along with Full Cast in Official Character Posters for K-Bu Bu Jing Xin

Posted on July 4, 2016 by ockoala



One of these things is not like the others is my first reaction upon seeing the just released official character posters for the Korean drama version of Bu Bu Jing Xin. The concerted effort to distinguish male lead Lee Jun Ki‘s 4th Prince, from the C-drama version’s understated steely scholar and also from the other princes in the K-version called Bobogyunsim: Ryeo (Scarlet Heart: Ryeo), is going overboard in the character poster that has him covered in blood like he’s in a sageuk version of a slasher movie. Whereas his costars IU, Kang Ha Neul, Ji Soo, Nam Joo Hyuk. Hong Jong Hyun, and Baekhyun are all looking tidy and quietly regal. I don’t have a problem with intense guyliner Jun Ki slashing and stabbing his way to the throne except that wasn’t 4th Prince in the original novel so I’m starting to be angsty for what the K-version has in store. Other than the wholesale visual differentiation of 4th Prince, everyone is looking softly pretty.




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5 hours ago, maskros said:

If you turn back to page 5-8 of this thread, there are more negative comments about the idol male cast than about IU tbh. 

I agree with what you have said ;) but I want to clarify.... The only idols were IU (Haesoo) a solo singer, Baekhyun (10th prince) from EXO, and Seohyun (Wohee) from Girls Generation. There is NO idol male cast :confused:, but I understand that you could be saying this because of old comments like these: 

Source: Nate

[+268 -8] This drama is basically an ocean of idols with Lee Jun Ki drowning in it

[+9, -1] A drama with more singers than actors; every single casting news makes me nervous, Lee Jun Ki is the only one who will be acting


If there are more idols than actors that means only 5 people were acting in this show? 3 idols and two actors? :lol:


Now, I will talk about the K-entertainment commenters in general, not only about ML SHR.... I can't blame international fans for believing this kind of sites that translate mostly negative stuff for impact. This is what korean commenters said...is true...but for me the 75% of the translated negative comments are from pure Korean haters that like to talk nonsense as the one I posted, spread lies, or omit part of the truth :confused:, and 25% of the translated negative comments are okay and understandable. I try to stay neutral to this kind of negativity until I do my research. 

@makros @Mau_Cherry @cherry48 Thank you for your opinions...keep posting. :) It is interesting to read. My english is not so good so I hope you can understand me. Now talking again about ML SHR if the script is good it will have good ratings. I believe the cast is decent in acting and will deliver. I hope for the best. 

@sakura2016 Welcome! :D


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3 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:
Hahaha Seohyun is another Haesoo, she can't decide between those 3. 

My favorite good looking guys here are 8th, 4th and 14th. All are handsome but those 3 are my favorites. 


Who can blame her - my choice is clear by visual  4 / 14 / 8

Sorry - but nearly noone can beat JG for me. So it has to be 4.

I need another Trailer - I need more input. Can´t wait for new Styles - and Pictures. Great - two Dramas right now I have to wait for - both will make me crazy... wait - they are not on the same Timeslot - right... Oh that would be my personal Drama. *hope not*

Have to check it... :phew: Lucky me - no. chincha  - I´m relieved.

I wonder if the Bathscene is the first time she meats the other Princes... Not the 8th for sure. I guess I need to makes notes and pin them above my table - soo many names. I´m really really curious about the OST. Are there any Information out I have missed. Actually I just came here now - and I will not read back all those Pages - even so I´m sure - you all wrote great Comments.

I fellt really sorry for 8th Prince in the C-Version - from the Start - because of his STory with RuoXins Sister. Thinking about all those possible changes... That makes a Drama who we could believe to know what will happen totally unpredictable again. Love that!

@Gabi Bros Thank you - seems like I´m already caught here. :D I will surrender wholeheartly !

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22 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:

Great - two Dramas right now I have to wait for - both will make me crazy... wait - they are not on the same Timeslot - right... Oh that would be my personal Drama. *hope not*

I´m really really curious about the OST. Are there any Information out I have missed.

Moon Lovers and Love in Moonlight (with Park Bogum and Kim Yoo Jung) are at the same time slot. Apparently, it will air 2 weeks before Moon Lovers.

About the ost:


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6 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

Moon Lovers and Love in Moonlight (with Park Bogum and Kim Yoo Jung) are at the same time slot. Apparently, it will air 2 weeks before Moon Lovers.

About the ost:




Thanx - but it is not Love in Moonlight I´m waiting for - okay - too - but the priority here is soooo clear for me. It is W.

And this Drama will not Air on Monday - phuuu.



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22 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


Thanx - but it is not Love in Moonlight I´m waiting for - okay - too - but the priority here is soooo clear for me. It is W.

And this Drama will not Air on Monday - phuuu.



Ah sorry :)...I thought you were talking about Love in Moonlight! :lol: W two worlds? It seems to have an interesting plot.

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