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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Sort of ... hmm .... well reading comments and stuff here, FB and twitter made me fear the episodes of this week more than I thought 

Ok, maybe I did get the sad bits into my system before reading them, but in the end ... I have to say, the episodes weren't that brutal.

Not saying I am happy about them, So did have some really mental moments, he was all fluffy with Soo, apart from the moments he told her that it's none of her business. He did explain to her why he punished CR. True the punishment is harsh for a modern girl. But even so, he could have just left it to be .... would not be fair, but he is the king, who should judge him.
He promised her not to harm his brothers and he exiled Jung, not executed, thought in the eyes of old times he would have been dead meat, specially under Yo's reign ... even thought Jung would have been up for execution entering the palace, he still looked the other way and left with a warning. True he scolded HS for going against his wishes, but ...

In my eyes he should keep a bit longer distance to YH, 1. I just hate her face (not the actress, I think she does a marvelous job betraying that scheming richard simmons) and I would love to dip her in dung ... face first .... 2. since we know some history by now the first child is born like 5 years after marriage .... 3. HS is hurt already, if he rolls around the bed chamber with YH it will hurt her even more ...

In the preview he asks HS if she had intentions to marry WW, which in my eyes is like confirming, if HE was the guy HS loved before and just getting that point straight. Thought yes he is mad at her, but still he will not let her go away with Jung without some fight. He will feel betrayed, but I hope HS will (the modern girl she is) throw that into his face and challenge him some more ... just to spike up his anger and instead of letting her go, kicking her out ... naturally regretting it soon, but to late ...

I will ahve neither my own kids nore work next week so ... the last two episodes will be MINE!!!

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38 minutes ago, riuenu said:

yes yes, I remember u mentioned that Soo is So guidance of light...that is why, only with Soo around, So will smile and laughing wholeheartedly, Joongi did a very good job here...he make his aura change when he is smiling to Soo, his eyes is smiling and I practically see light in his eyes..light, hope and love, Soo is the only one that can bring life, bring smile, bring happiness and laughter to So, looking at how he smile and play around with Soo at the lantern festival scene...his eyes is full of love, that is the only time I saw So's smiling eyes after he become King Gwangjong...

So yes, by removing Soo from So live will remove all the above...I know So is always on the dark side...but that scene that u mentioned in the preview make my hair stand really...and yea, joongi nail it right away as well, his aura totally change, like the image Soo saw at rain ritual...the throne and jealousy swallow the So that we loved entirely...

Edit* I think they are pulling out this card as well, I believe So will say this to Soo or something along the line...."I won’t allow you to touch me anymore. I said before that the only thing I’m afraid of is that you will leave me. Right now, I’m not afraid of anything" in episode 18, writernim already giving us clue when So stopping Soo from touching his face...I guess So will say that to Soo in their final showdown *end of edit*

I understand which scene u are mentioning...4th keep repeating he never give Rouxi premission to die, so she cannot die at his throne...

So sitting on the throne, he owe the world...yet, ironically, what been throwing at him is the women that he loved, had passed on...death had make them separately permanently, and he, will go in self denial stage, keep repeating that he never give premission for Soo to die, so she cannot die, with his tear dropping..that scene I cannot..then after that is the letter, the box, those items and her ashes...and her thinking that he resent her till refuse to see her even he knew that she was dying..and I really hope that Soo will tell So everything in her last letter...I know that the more Soo wrote in the letter, the more heart broken So will be, but I just want him to know that, there is one person, name HaeSoo, the person that he love wholeheartedly, also reciprocate to him wholeheartedly as well, never once..she had stop loving him..in her heart, there is no King Gwangjong,only the 4th prince So that had stolen her heart and her soul.

Can I really handle those that I type above...I don't think so....


what make me sad is the part that So can't understand that its all in the past because right WW is his no 1 enemy and to think that this guy used to have Su as his lover just make him goes mad BUT its not an excuse for him to go all out to Su who really the one who getting betray from WW... So actually loss his ability to think logical cause the anger and jealousy clouded his decision...

the more ruthless he is to Su in their final argument and the one who led Su to leaves him and palace the more heartbroken he will be later on.. all the word that he used to hurt Su in the end will eat him alive too.. i just can't bear to see the scene where he will said all those thing to Su cause i know he will get so much more later on...

1. because how hurt Su will be.. since the beginning she been betray , tortured , be a slave and witnessing so many death and now that she happy and in love the man that make her happy saying all those thing in front of her and of course the fact that her past lover will again destroy her (i wish WW saying this to make Su leaves palace but WW not really great at protecting what he loves so slim chance of him doing the thing that 8th do in BBJX)

2. because as much as Su hurting So is the same.. every word will slice his heart too.. every tears that going down Su face is like a sword to his heart.. So realize that she crying because of him and hurting because of him but his mind is not in a right states.. nothing can changed after he said those word... they will break up and that was the last time So will see Su face... with tears and it was him who caused it...

i think i'm gonna cry when So found out that his lover dies.. this one mainly because he have no idea about her sickness and it will be so sudden for him to process that one person that he loves the most for me even above himself is gone.. separate by death is the one that he scared the most that's why he said without his permission she can't die... there nothing he can do except saying those line and IF the letter was send and he did't read it.. this one will make me bawling with tears...

the realization that she loves him so much that even when death is near her only wish is to see him and he can't do that will destroy him.. the scene where 4th sitting down holding that one letter crying with so much regret and guilt.. lastly the scene where So will see all the thing that he gives and write for her.. not once she forget about him and she dies remembering him.. okay i will stop here cause in BBJX i cry so much that i stop watching that scene...

So will broke in so many pieces and nothing can heal him.. when his mom left him he broke but Su heal them and make him happy again.. he taste the purest loved from Su and he give back to her... but this broken soul for me can't never be heal again cause he already taste the loved from Su and that's what he going to hold..

he will loved Su even after he dies is something that So would do in honoring one woman who changed his life and mend his soul..

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1 hour ago, ladymochi said:

  3 hours ago, whyo said:
  4 hours ago, iloveknovela said:
We share the same thought @whyo

The reason why open communication is vital in every relationship?   BECAUSE WE CAN'T READ MINDS.  Unrealistic expectation is very frustrating actually.  

We must also consider that Man and Woman are created differently and their way of thinking is different too.  Just imagine what two unique individual joined together.... it's the miracle called LOVE.  If that's gone, saving any relationship would be very difficult.  Misunderstanding each other is very common to couples no matter how much they love each other.   If they don't learn how to communicate their thoughts and feelings well, this is most likely to happen.  I used to say that when couples refuse to listen & understand each other, their love will fly out of the windows.  I just hope that our OTP, though they fight, disagree and get angry, their love for each other remains because that will serve as cord to connect/tie them once again.


This is what I regret about their relationship. From the start... they like to keep something that might hurt their spouse. When his/her secret revealed..... the aftermath will only turn into excuse. They love each other but they fight for their love by himself/ herself. 

They not share their pain... They just face it by himself/ herself. 




They could have used their LOVE to their advantage but unfortunately they are good at tearing each other apart.  Although, I am frustrated with their roller coaster relationship, I am still giving them time to grow.  It really takes time to build a solid foundation within a relationship that could withstand every storm that comes their way.  Sometimes they need to discover their strengths/limitations for the sake of the ones they love.  How far they could go before it became too much for them to handle.  They need to realize that they are stronger together than they are apart.  Strengthening one another is what they need the most.

Let me add also:

When relationships break down, the tendency is to walk away and find someone new rather than work at reconciliation.  This is what HS will possibly try to do.  Should I be in her shoes, I will redeem the time and spend it with him knowing that I am living in a borrowed time.  I'd rather endure the heartache close to him than apart from him.  This way, their parting later on (when she dies or back to the future) will leave no regrets because they've done everything they could for each other.  At least the person who be left behind will have good memories to live on and endure the loneliness of her absence also.  I speak by experience here because I've been there done it with my late hubby.  This is why I can't help but be concerned with our OTP.  I desperately want them to work with each other and not against each other.

There are some things in our lives that need to be broken: pride, self-will, stubbornness, and unhealthy habits, etc. that prevents growth.  They should learn to say SORRY and avoid pointing fingers on who is right or wrong.  Because in a relationship, there is no you and me but US.  It takes two to tango, we used to say.  But I just couldn't figure out how this OTP will resolve their issues.  Gives me headache.   I just hope writer-nim has something in store to make us a little bit happy.  Sort of a parting gift, since we will surely miss them once this drama ends. *** praying ****

BTW, I can't help but smile reading wives here who watch with their husbands and tolerate them for their addiction to this drama.    I've done it myself too, maybe worst.   I remember, I would tell him this and that (like a typical fangirl) and how I like this actor and everything about him and he would say:  Are you sure you're not in love with that guy?  Being a typical playful, I would teasingly say:  Don't worry hon, I love him but you're the one that I'm in love with!  He can't win over you!  And we just laughs!  Oh my, I suddenly missed my very best friend!  He would certainly love watching this drama with lots of opinion.  I have no one to share my craziness anymore.  Sorry, out of topic...  

Completely agree with both of you, @whyo , @iloveknovela 

highlighting beautiful written thought

open communication is vital in every relationship?  BECAUSE WE CAN'T READ MINDS.  Unrealistic expectation is very frustrating actually. They need to realize that they are stronger together than they are apart. Because in a relationship, there is no you and me but US 

And YES! Me too! I desperately want them to work with each other and not against each other.. So-Soo couple please.. Be happy..

@iloveknovela i'm sorry for your loss.. dear.. 




Thank you for the compliment @ladymochi.... and for that word of comfort.  Such a sweet gesture of you!!!! :heart:  Very well appreciated from the bottom of my heart.


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10 hours ago, Yippeuni said:

I'm planning to make a project different than @akinahana89, hers is so awesome project really thanked her for creating the project. And I want to do something more simple....Next week during the finale can we all send many IG comments on LJG instagram using the same hashtag so he will notice. 

It will be great if the hashtag is the short quote of his lines in this drama...like example my propose is "You are my person" 

Can you all give ideas on what the catchy phrase to be used in the hashtag so it will catch his attention??

Even Hae Soo screwed his life in Goryeo I plan to make him a happiest man that day...LOL

I haven't read through the thread, so I don't know if this has been mentioned, but Joon Gi is scheduled to be at his fan meet until 11:05PM the night of the finale. Chances are, he won't be on IG and won't see those comments until much later.

Ah, also... flooding Joon Gi and the rest of the cast's IG with mentions and hashtags on finale night was the original method of my project too. With the news of his fan meet, I'm not sure how, or rather when, my project will get launched on IG, but it will still be happening. If you do this project, can we please discuss date and time (maybe in a PM) so we don't end up clashing with each other and diverting attention away from both of our projects? Haha. I want him to see your project just as much as I want him to see mine, but if we end up doing the same thing at the same time, it'll get messy. lol.

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On 10/25/2016 at 1:08 PM, jadecoral said:

Wang So living alone In Goryeo sucks, I feel'ya. That's why if they do go ahead with the 21st century storyline, I hope some other 21st century guy who looks like Wang So got his soul zapped into the past while Wang So takes his place in the 21st century. LOL

LOL I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Can you imagine a male Go Ha Jin zapped into a ruthless king's body whom everyone is out to get. The poor guy wouldn't survive a day, they would immediately declare him crazy and kick him off the throne or worse. That scenario actually could make a good sageuk comedy. :lol:

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this drama is really great even its have a flaw cause if you watch the beginning till the end its really look like 10 years have passed.. the character is changing and the love between OTP is maturing slowly.. its really amazing to watch this kind of drama.. we as viewer watching them go through 10 years of their lifespan...

i just remember that Su character only spend 10 years in Goryeo and we already in the 10 years from the first episode.......... i wonder if she will dies in the end of eps 19 or in the beginning of episode 20???

but i loved if the clifhanger of ep 19 is So read the letter saying Su is dead and we got Wind OST.... the OST that must play when he read Su letter must be 'Will be back' and lastly the scene where he goes through Su belonging is 'My love'....

and please make the Taejo death scene with So.... i just want to see YH face when So said Su named not her after 26 years together and 26 years that Su dies she still loss till the end... i'm sadist and i know that...


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On 10/25/2016 at 1:10 PM, butterflysaga said:

I want to answer one of eclipses here who said that Su ACCEPTED Wook proposal. I'm sorry I forgot his/her username.. I tried to quoted before but *sigh* suddenly got crashed cuz I online via mobile.

The detail I wanna say is: Su never/NOT accepted Wook proposal YET. As far as I can remember.. They got interrupt by Lady Oh presence in those cave. So, Wook never know what Su have in mind (until now). But, when Lady Oh asking Su about her feeling she say yes, just because her naïveté beliefs that she can change everything.

Different with WS.. Su blatantly asking him to propose her. Albeit she's still playing hard to get. Pffftth.

EDIT: Ah.. thanks for liking. It's been you @Aramyas ^^. Sorry >_<

Well actually, when she asked Wook to give up seeking the throne and go away with her at the beginning of Mu's reign, that can be taken as an acceptance to his proposal.:P Sorry but she can't squeeze out of this one.

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1 hour ago, briseis said:

A Dying Flower


Wang So chose the lotus hairpin for HS because it reminded him of her, of her will to live, her innocence and perseverance to survive in his terrible world while remaining untainted by its evil. But in reality she is not a lotus, SHE IS A HUMAN brought to a world so hostile that she cannot survive in it for long, no matter how hard she tries; no matter how much she strives and fight that world will always defeat her. She DOES NOT BELONG THERE, SHE NEVER DID. This world in which even the air itself is toxic that each breath Soo takes is slowly killing her, but WANG SO IS DIFFERENT - HE WAS BORN IN THIS WORLD, IT’S HIS WORLD - the poison is literally and figuratively coursing through his veins which makes him virtually immune to it; it can hurt him, but not kill him, because it’s just another dosage that wil make him even stronger and more resililent (just like the poison incident). He is like a diamond - undestroyable and shining brightly, so hard it doesn’t even crack. Unlike her, he can strive there.  They are two star-crossed lovers coming from different worlds and his world is lethal for her. SHE TRULY IS HIS SUN, SUN THAT SHONE SO BRIGHTLY THAT IT’S BURNING OUT NOW.


Soo’s presence, her mere existence in that world is a miracle. But miracles are rare and short-lived and just like the eclipse that brought them together, even this miracle must come to an end. The fact that HS’s managed to survive in it for so long already is a miracle alone, and it’s all thanks to Lady Oh and Wang So - without them she would have died long ago - he saved her so many times in so many ways.

“I can’t go back anymore. And I can’t change the way things are now. Then, I want to live! I want to do whatever I can to survive and live. I want to live. - HS (EP01)

“I am only in my twenties. 10 years is too severe. I will live a bit longer. With him… I want to be with him a little longer. - HS (EP17)

The story is truly coming to its end, just like HS’s life in the Goryeo Era, and it’s coming full circle, as well. 10 years ago, HS wanted to survive in this Era for her own sake, to simply survive, but now she is praying to have more than 10 years with Wang So, BECAUSE SHE HAS SOMEONE TO LIFE FOR, she decides to fight once more and prolong her life because a long time ago HE BECAME HER SOLE REASON FOR LIVING.


this sentence is so true i'm bawling :( that's why their love story is very epic. Tonghua is a genius, so much respect. Plus lee joon gi and IU's chemistry is so on point that this epic love story came to life. I hope this drama gets the recognition it deserves

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just watched it in subs (i cant let it delay til tomorrow, im more curious than hurt) , and now i understand how powerful (the words used in) some scenes..

1) HS wants to hear WS propose only to tell him she cant marry him (my 1st cry).. seeing those eyes of HS from happiness turn to tears was so heartbreaking.. esp when HS wore the dress... :(

2) Jung proposing to HS in a sense - i found it somehow romantic though sure enough HS thought of WJ as little brother...

3) Words uttered by WS to his mother, esp the part where he said he'll make up stories of being them happy as son and mother was also a desperate call for love (my 2nd cry).. and the last touch of QYoo (even i think it was more of anger) WS didnt let HS touch his face showing how he loved QYoo despite of all she did..

4) Drunk scene with YH - now she need to choose when originally her motive to being Queen is to save her family and not the throne (or the entire country for that matter).. it was somehow brilliant for GJ to give that kind of response (though i have to admit i cannot take it if they're going to consummate just because..) Im liking YH being queen though-starting this episode when she told HS about dethronement plans and HS was starled coz she actually asked WS abt issues and yet he declined to tell her... it was a bitchy encounter, but that was the truth, at least YH could protect GJ in her own way but on the other hand, still powerless to GJ.

5) Now i understand the burst of anger of WS to HS (Won really is a coward, but at least he did something right on telling its all Wooky).. All the tragedy happened was because WS let WW live in consideration of HS request, and now he found out its because of her love to Wook...

6) When CR's letter told HS "whether there is value of doing something or not, only you can answer" and HS looking around the room like "does it make any sense that she's here? she cannot make any difference even if she wanted"

7) i just dont like the part where it looked like she will leave because of what happened to CR when actually its a culmination of her frustration and sadness (it should have been "i cannot breathe in the palace anymore" instead of "CR was just a person in love" because if it were her, she wont do treason, so its not a reason at all..)

this episode was nicely executed and does not feel rush unlike ep17 (the funny scenes with BA and sleeping GJ was like "zoomed" or fast forward version in international... tsk tsk...) im somehow not satisfied on the editing of ep17 on both versions and you also have to see both so that you would understand what's really happening..

Happy it went up in ratings again, hope it'll end with highest rating and no. 1 on their time slot...

ok, time to sleep (somehow my heavy heart lightened.. i must be more frustrated in the editing of ep17 rather than the story) :P

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On 10/25/2016 at 1:55 PM, liddi said:

That's what I gather, from the scene after Soo collapses due to CR's death. In both DF and C-subs, he berates the doctor for not telling him that she was so weak. Though you do have a point... perhaps the doctor did not say that she had not long to live, and it was only So who concluded she was weak. Gah. I dunno. Whatever knowledge So had about Soo's condition, it was not enough to stop him from pushing her away once he knows about her relationship with Wook. Ah well...

And I sound like a broken record, but in the original, Ruoxi kept the truth of her condition from 4th Prince as well, so it never occurred to him that she had not much longer to live, apart from the scare following her miscarriage when she pretty much gave up on life.

If the doctor valued his own life he would not have told him about Soo's heart condition. The wolf prince is scary enough let alone a wolf king who may not be able to control his temper at such bad news. 

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On 10/25/2016 at 2:06 PM, shae said:

Okay so HS conveniently forgets that ChaeRyungie is responsible for Moo's death, Eun and SunnyD's death and the death of her marriage?

Chinese version : I understand you, I can't hate you, but, why must you be so cruel?

Korean version: I don't understand you, let me find the quickest exit before you're fully aware how much I really don't understand you.

Even Cliff Notes wouldn't have left out so much for misinterpreting.

Did like the marriage sequence in the international version. This has 4th standing outside his own door (YH) and then deciding to leave. Makes more sense to me than SBS version. I was left thinking why 4th wouldn't go comfort HS if she were still awake after seeing her at prayer rocks. It couldn't be guilt for marrying since she agreed and clearly he would be showing nonconsummation by being with her instead. 

Yes, he should have gone to Soo and stayed with her, it would show her his love and promise that she is his only queen and a slap in the face for YH to satisfy us.

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2 hours ago, butterflysaga said:


Look how verklempt WangSo is.

That scenes was Evil Queen Dowager death. Can you imagine how much WangSo despair when HaeSu died? ARGH.

She’s WangSo Achilles Heel. She can bring down everything he have if she wants, even YH won’t be able to stop it.

If someone gets a hold of her, they will turn WS entire empire into a house of glass. That I know of, WS got a couple of hotheaded ministers who know exactly what she is to him and exactly what she’s worth.

WS also have a pining WW who wouldn’t mind seeing him hurt, not that he would ever hurt HS directly, but I’m just saying.

He should be never tell anyone else what she means to him. His enemies will try to use her against him any way that they can.

But this doesn't mean WS has to be less affectionate and loving to HS.

What he need to do is less Neanderthal and stop threatening people with his power when it comes down to her. Apparently he is putting a big red arrow over her to let opportunists know she’s a great mark.

On ep. 17, WS very possessive of her. He scolding her just because she is out of his sight for the first encounter with Evil Queen Dowager. She’s his biggest weakness and his enemy knows that. Look at what Hwangbo clan did to them :(

She’s already been tortured once with very little effort (tea poisoning scam). Don’t think someone else wouldn’t try in near future once she become royal concubine.

I think the main reason why HS wants to run, not just for a mere freedom but she trying to protect WS from afar. Albeit WS will thinks she is deceiving her promises. UGH.


And Chaeryung death becomes their sink-ship catapult.

Now, she got plans to escape the palace via Jung, this could be another catastrophe of WS wrath. Is she going to be the next Helen of Troy?

Come to think of it.. whenever an empire reign was collapsed HS presence is somewhat affected direct/indirectly in a way or another. She's always been there! Taejo (bedside), WangMu (damiwon bath) & WangYo (his chamber). Good Lord..

WangSo will shifts for sure.. become the relentless Gwangjong that we know as historically written.

GAH! I need my Advil now :bawling:

-yeah, i also think HS running away was also to protect WS since he will do what he have to do as king without her interfering or used by clans against him..

-the last picture,, yes,, thats my reaction on that line...

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21 minutes ago, hiluna said:

Yes, he should have gone to Soo and stayed with her, it would show her his love and promise that she is his only queen and a slap in the face for YH to satisfy us.

it might be since GJ knows WW and Won planned the troubles, if they knew she didnt slept with him (via CR, if GJ approached them) theyll might do something abt it? just a thought... she'll be a laughing stock in the palace as a Queen, so YH wouldnt tell the others about it..

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