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[Daily Drama 2015/2016] Witch's Castle 마녀의 성


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@ina111  @lclarakl chingu's I also gave up Beautiful You drama but might pick it back up.

@ina111  Thanks chingu and I also love your post/comment and after reading it makes me want to watch it more and more that I'm ready to see what's ahead in this drama. You're doing a helluva job even if you don't understand Korean too well, and to the fact that I'll take what you've given me any day, because I don't know much of Korean and needs to study like the rest lol. And like you mentioned about GH being put up for adoption making me also think he maybe MR lost child (eyes rolling) :rolleyes: I just can't wait for NS to find out MR along with her din-wit daughter is nothing but users, and MR seen who killed his son JY to top it off but act like nothing never happened.

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Guest ina111

I guess HJ is starting. I was annoyed that she removed DB from the list of final candidates for that model contest, but I like that she told DB that she was the one who did it. She was far from nice to DB three years ago, and this should be a good reminder for DB to watch her back. Of course, DB is too nice, so she will probably keep trying to make peace with JH regardless.

There's some good news for DB in the next episode though. It looks like SG liked her chicken recipe sketch (was that her father's recipe?), so he will invite her to join their recipe development team. YAY!


@suchadiva42 I always say that I don't mind sharing my (mis?)interpretations, so long as people don't trust me too much. :) Hopefully more people will start watching this drama soon, and perhaps someone who actually knows Korean will be able to set us straight on things we don't understand or understand wrong.

I am enjoying this drama very much so far, but I'd be lying if I said I that wasn't worried about where the story is headed. This birth secret business is not giving me confidence. :)  Regardless, I know I'll be sticking to this for at least another month. Like you guys, I'm also drawn by the prospect of watching these three women heal, reconcile and help each other. There is such great potential in the way the story is set up.

Perhaps a bit off-topic, but the SBS morning daily that started today, "My Son-In-Law's Woman", seems to have some similarities with this story. In that one it's the wife that dies early, and the husband stays close to his m-i-l. Then he meets a new woman. And the woman has a birth secret. :)  (That's just my rough impression of the plot. I don't know for sure because I just watched one clip and read a couple of blurbs on the SBS site.) The actress playing crazy Su Jin in "Beautiful You" (Lee Si Won) is in this drama as well. (She plays the wife who dies.) I almost didn't recognize her without SJ's crazy hair and eyes! :lol:  

Today's video clips from DramaSBS channel on Youtube:

Video preview for episode 16:


episode 15 clips








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@ina111, thanks for the recaps. I was happy that SG saw the recipe and knew that it was DB's handy work because he was there when she dropped off the USB. I'm looking forward to seeing how DB, her mother in law and sister in law begin taking control of their life--although her mother in law is very stubborn.

@suchadiva42, LOL! I agree with you, @ina111 does a great job--i'm impressed. 

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@lclarakl  chingu I couldn't agree more, DB mil HD can be a stubborn azz that needs a reality check of welcoming herself to the real world. Yes we know her hubby NS has found another toy to play/be with (MR) while leaving her homeless but look at DB, Cecil, who's going through the storm of trying to do something right in their lives, especially DB after losing her husband and I'm glad she's getting an opportunity to set her goals starting out by working with the recipe development team Yay!!

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Guest ina111

(Soompi editor is driving me nuts!!)

DB is still deciding whether she wants to take that job, and she's leaning towards refusing. The main reason she's hesitating is her inability to work with fire, but there's also the fact that the two people she'd prefer to avoid work at that same company. However, since she'll be jobless in a week, she's probably not going to have much choice but to accept soon. :) 

Recent videos from DramaSBS channel on Youtube:

Episode 17 preview


Episode 16 clips



I liked DB's attitude in this scene. My rough understanding of the dialogue:


HJ: I eliminated you from going up to the final review.
DB: What?
HJ: Meeting you in this company is uncomfortable and I dislike it. I'm thinking it's the same for you. Isn't it? We have a very ill-fated relationship. Do you know how troubled we were because of the USB you carried off?
DB: That wasn't intentional. Yesterday again...(JH interrupts.)
HJ: It's fine. I don't want to concern myself with a matter that's completely finished. Please go. (Turns to leave.)
DB: Excuse me. I am not pleased to be meeting with you either. Even so, to handle work with personal feelings like this, this company seems to lack principles.
HJ: What did you say?
DB: If this is a company that can only operate on that level, I also don't want to work here. But in the future, if you are going to instruct to cancel/revoke something, do it well in advance. It would be great if you didn't waste other people's precious time. 
(DB greets HJ and leaves.)


HJ's ex is threatening to reveal some incriminating photos. (From what I understood, this is a guy she dated briefly while abroad soon after JY died. She was kind of a mess at the time and just needed someone for comfort.)  GH threatens him with legal action if he reveals the photos, and offers him compensation if he doesn't. When the guy asks GH who he is to interfere, HJ puts up a little performance claiming that GH is her fiance.


DB bought a pillow for HD to use while driving, but HD coldly refuses the present. An argument and tears follow. 

I'm surprised there were no videos of DB's meeting with SG and the dumpling argument. :)

I took a screencap instead. 


"I clearly counted out 14, and now there are only 10. Did I or did I not tell you not to touch my food?! Hyeong, are you a thief or what?" :D 

I'm really starting to like GY's wife Choon Sul. When GY was complaining about his little brother after the dumpling incident, she had the bright idea that they need something to distract EY's attention from them. I think she called this "the radar jamming tactic." :D, and it looks like she has DB in mind for this task. She and GY look very pleased in the next ep. preview after DB gives EY a men's beauty salon coupon. EY is shown wondering if this as a sign of DB's interest in him. (LOL, the most direct way to that man's heart probably is through his wallet. It's going to be interesting watching him fall for Cecil who is the complete opposite of thrifty.)

Also, a few episodes back CS made that deal with EY to allow them to stay. In case someone missed it, she convinced EY to rent them the restaurant space with her own hard-earned money which she'd been keeping secret from her husband. So GY thinks that his brother did them a favor because he doesn't know about this deposit. I guess CS wants to make a better man out of her husband, and she knows that he'd either waste the money or wouldn't work as hard if he knew that they had a bit of a safety net. Smart lady.

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http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x3kao0d ep 16

@ina111 : thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much 

but what about the wedding shoes of DB , is it still with GH ?? and GH recognize her as the  bride ??:huh:

GH is in a very big misunderstanding with HJ .................... without knowing , oh especially after today's episode and SG ...................

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Guest ina111

I apologize for double-posting. A few instagram photos:


The Baek brothers


The cast catching an episode of their own drama while taking a break from shooting :) 


Looks like a flashback scene with MR and her children



The crew shooting outside in the winter cold. Temperature: -8C or 18F. I'm feeling chilled just looking at them!



Shooting of a scene with HJ and DB, probably in the MC Group kitchens


and a couple of lighter moments between takes :D 




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5 hours ago, krgirl87 said:

http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x3kao0d ep 16

@ina111 : thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much 

but what about the wedding shoes of DB , is it still with GH ?? and GH recognize her as the  bride ??:huh:

GH is in a very big misunderstanding with HJ .................... without knowing , oh especially after today's episode and SG ...................


@ina111, I agree with @krgirl87, Thank you bunches for the recap and the tidbits of information. So extremely helpful!

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@ina111  Thanks chingu and deeply appreciate your brief recap.

Oh my is EY under DB spill as well of falling for her lol, but I simply can't wait to see EY/Cecil around each other's orbit as we know Cecil has the mouth that'll make you run like hell :D I'm excited and looking for the next episode.

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So it appears that SS, DB's sister in law, is pretending to be her? Is she trying to take the job for herself or is she doing this to help DB? I'm not so impressed with the sister in law because she's always taking from others. Not in a mean hateful way, but a me first, greedy way.

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Guest ina111

@krgirl87 :) I don't know what happened with the shoes, but chances are GH still has them. I can't wait for him to realize his misunderstandings about DB. (He was such a judgy jerk to her when they met in the lounge bar. A far as I'm concerned, at that point he retroactively earned that shoe beating from few episodes prior.) I also can't wait for him to find out that DB was the bride. I'm guessing that won't happen any time soon. 

Speaking of misunderstandings, I am also looking forward to that scene from the preview where NS looks at a bill of some sort (MR's credit card statement?) that amounts to over $15k. I think he'll get to find out about his new wife and daughter's shopping habits. (Meanwhile, they can't even cook a proper breakfast for this man. :lol:

Episode 18 preview (all videos are from DramaSBS channel on Youtube)

Not that many things happened in today's episode. If I had to summarize it in a few sentences, 
- Leo got diagnosed with a chronic illness. 
- HD seems to be softening a bit towards DB.
- MR is making nice with SG's mother-in-law and it seems like she's doing this for NS's benefit too. NS's company has had some problems lately, and getting into business with MC Group would probably help him a lot. (NS runs a food import/trading company.)
-Because DB was about to refuse the job at MC group, Cecil submitted DB's documents in her stead. @lclarakl I think she's not trying to take DB's job, but it is definitely in her interest to keep DB employed and making money. :)  I wonder if she will get in trouble for impersonating DB.


I expected some kind of a confrontation after that cliffhanger from the last episode, but nothing happened. At the end of last episode, DB gave MR back the money, and MR sneered at that, saying that DB must not have tasted the bitterness of life, that HD is in no position to be choosy, given that she's even living in someone else's house. DB replied that this house was her MIL's in the first place, that she brought her here, that she will support her MIL even if she has to sell her organs. (you tell her, DB!) HD remembered those words later that night, muttering to herself "who told her to sell her organs." :)   I'm so glad to see that HD is starting to be kinder to DB.


Videos clips from episode 17




Cecil drinks and laments their misfortune. A few details: Cecil blames HD for not holding on to NS. HD asks her why she herself divorced after running off to Italy with that man. Cecil says that she wouldn't have done that if HD hadn't been so hard on her, she didn't run off because of the man but because of her. HD tells Cecil to stop using her as an excuse, why does she blame her every day, has she ever comforted her mother as a daughter, she only takes her money. Cecil gets mad and tells HD not to give her any money if it's like that, that it should be fine if she makes her own, whether by selling smiles or drinks.



SG's brother in law YS is upset that his family shows no interest in his life. Apparently he won some prize for directing his latest drama (netizen award of some sort, I think), but nobody in his family know about this. They haven't even taken the time to watch his drama. :D 


Leo has a chronic illness, and it could get worse at any time. :( I think the doctor said that it's acute thrombocytopenia (blood platelet deficiency), and regretfully, there is no full recovery. When they women asked the doctor what can be done, he told them they'll do drug therapy and observe, but if the condition deteriorates, they might do surgery. (I think he said spleen removal, not sure.) He also said that if it worsens, it could end up in the worst-case scenario. Leo could be all fine, and then suddenly be in danger. It's as if he'll be walking on thin ice for the rest of his life. (It seems unrealistic to me that a doctor could come up with such a conclusive diagnosis in a matter of hours, but this is drama. :) )



HD seems regretful about DB living with hardship while giving them money for living expenses. DB tells her that she's not once thought of it as hardship, If JY were alive, they could do so much for HD. She apologizes for not listening to HD and marrying JY. If she could turn back the time, she would definitely not marry him. HD reminds her that no matter how much she says those things now, there is no use. 



Cecil pretends to be DB and takes DB's documents to MC group so that DB can get the job. ( I think they said to bring ID, seal and copy of a bankbook.)

HJ is starting to show more interest in in GH. She brought coffee to his office today, and after a bit of business talk I couldn't understand (I think it was about the amateur candidate for the recipe development team), she asked him why he didn't do anything when she called him fiance and held his arm. He replied that it was because he thought that that would be a solution. HJ: "Really, that's all it is?" GH: "Do I need a different reason?" HJ: "No, no need. Contact me when you're done reviewing the documents." :D I don't know if I'm imagining, but she seemed disappointed with his nonchalance. 

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Guest ina111

You guys are more than welcome. I'll probably have much less time two weeks from now because a couple of new dramas I want to watch are starting then. 
If there are bits of dialogue that you guys are confused about, I can look at those parts again when the C-subs come out (weekend). I can't read Chinese, but I can translate a sentence here and there. I have a really hard time making out what some of the characters are saying (e.g. SG, GO), let alone translating, so having subs of any kind is helpful. 

I think the only major thing that happened in this episode was that DB decided to be brave and accept the job. She also got her friend hired as a part of the team, which was a great idea. She'll need someone to help her and watch her back around HJ. 

I thought that we'd start seeing HD be kinder to DB, but I was wrong. I was so sad for DB when Cecil and Leo were eating chicken and she used work as an excuse to leave early because she didn't want HD to be uncomfortable. That scene when HD paid DB back for Leo's hospital fees and even the chicken he and Cecil ate made me sad too. When DB told HD that there's no need to do that kind of calculation among family, HD asked her who her family is, whether DB is mistaken that they're family because they live under one roof. :( Harsh. HD said that she'll somehow settle things for her family, living expenses and cost of Leo's medicine too, so DB need not concern hersef with it. She finished by saying that she doesn't want to be indebted to DB any more.

I guess it makes sense that it would take a while for HD to start showing kindness to DB. Even if her feelings toward DB change, HD is a proud woman, and it will not be easy for her to take back her words or accept help from DB. 

Preview for episode 19 (all videos are from DramaSBS channel on Youtube)

YAY, SG and HD meet! It looks like NS is still suspicious of MR. When he found that big credit card bill today, she lied that she didn't spend that money herself, but that she has been lending her card to her VIP customers. She scolded him for doubting her when she's doing all that for his benefit. LOL! To be fair though, it does seem like she's trying to help NS through her VIP connections. Today she brought up NS's business troubles with GO (SG's mother-in-law), and GO offered to help.


Videos for episode 18:

(Again, please keep in mind that I'm not qualified to translate anything. If you notice mistakes, please tell us.)



DB and friend are handing out flyers for the MC group chicken restaurant. The friend asks DB how come she hasn't lost her strength, given that she got dismissed from a job, couldn't enter this restaurant's company but is out here handing out flyers as a part-timer, and on top of that has dependants/freeloaders. DB corrects her friend that they're not dependents but her family. She says that she was living alone and then got a family, why would she lose strength. 

GH comes out of the restaurant, sees DB and pretends he doesn't know her. DB goes after him and apologizes. He asks what for, and she says she apologizes once more if they had difficulties because of her. He tells her it's not something for her to apologize for, she didn't steal the USB, she didn't intentionally switch the USBs either - why apologize. If someone is in the wrong, it's him for believing someone who shouldn't be trusted, one shouldn't make promises with someone who can discard a promise like an unpaired shoe. He proposes not argue about the rights and wrongs of that any more, but to decide the following: that in the future even if by chance they bump into each other on the street, they'll pretend that they don't know each other. DB says what, and he elaborates that unpleasant things occur when he encounters her, if it's that kind of an ill-fate, shouldn't they avoid each other.
DB is a little flustered, starts to say that she even came to the company... GH eyes the flyers in her hands and interrupts "You have many jobs, and also many faces." (Probably alluding to his previous misunderstanding that she's a night club hostess seeking 'sponsors'.) "You must be very busy. Then, since you're busy, please go ahead with your work." He turns to leave.

DB then asks him to return her USB because it has her video CV. She's uncomfrotable about this video with her face in it wondering around just anywhere. He tells her he understood, that he'll contact her if he finds it. 

There's no video for the phone conversation that happened later in the episode, but I thought I could summarize that here too. 
DB sent GH a text saying she was wondering when he'll return her USB. GH calls her and tells her he cannot remember where the USB is. He might be able to find it later, but he doesn't have it now. DB calls him out on having raised such a fuss to return his thing, and now he lost someone else's. Even though she deliberately went to his company to return it, she was told she was irresponsible. She asks him if he's perhaps doing this to mess with her. He asks if she's saying that he's using that scrap of a dummy/retarded video to joke around. (I don't know if this is a good translation of what he said, but DB was not happy with his choice of words. :) ) He tells to send her account number and he'll reimburse for the cost of the same USB. She rejects the offer, saying she doesn't want to associate with a person like him again. She instructs him to live responsibly and hangs up. 


Cecil calls on YS to ask him to give her a chance, any kind of role will do. YS tells Cecil that he thinks she doesn't have even an ounce of aptitude for acting. Therefore, she should take that passion and look for something else. He said he's saying that because he truly feels sorry for Cecil. (Ouch!  It doesn't look like Cecil will be giving up any time soon though. :) )



EY encounters Cecil brooding on the rooftop terrace. She asks him to borrow his boxing gloves to relieve some stress. He ends up giving her a bit of boxing instruction and letting her practice punching. He encourages her to punch harder, telling her to imagine the target to be the face of the person she hates. Cecil starts imagining YS and gets fired up, a little too much apparently because she ends up punching EY in the face and giving him a bloody nose. (Hehe, these two are off to a good start.)


SB has decided to take the job at MC Group. SG and HJ are shocked when they go to meet with the new menu development team employees and see that DB is one of them. :o DB is shocked too. I guess she never dreamed that those two of all people would be her new bosses. 


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@ina111  Thanks and I deeply appreciate it chingu 4 the recap translation as well as the video in which it isn't easy as it looks.

I agree as well thinking HD has softened up on DB but I was totally wrong, and it's going to take some more time for HD to actually give in when DB will need a shoulder to cry on.

Oh I had to lmao with EY/Cecil as those two has got me glued to them and their interacting, it's gets very interesting when they see one another, and have words in which we all know they'll be at each others throat :D

Lastly" SG/HD finally meet and I also can't wait to see their interacting on how they'll end up together.

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1 hour ago, suchadiva42 said:

@ina111  Thanks and I deeply appreciate it chingu 4 the recap translation as well as the video in which it isn't easy as it looks.

I agree as well thinking HD has softened up on DB but I was totally wrong, and it's going to take some more time for HD to actually give in when DB will need a shoulder to cry on.

Oh I had to lmao with EY/Cecil as those two has got me glued to them and their interacting, it's gets very interesting when they see one another, and have words in which we all know they'll be at each others throat :D

Lastly" SG/HD finally meet and I also can't wait to see their interacting on how they'll end up together.


@suchadiva42, it goes to show that sometimes you have to have translations....:lol: I was thinking the mother in law was softening up, but she's just speaking harshly with a soft voice. They have pretty much taken over DB's small apartment and she still treats her bad.  Well I have to say that I'm happy that we're now going to get into the meat of the drama. It's going to be interesting when a new romance starts for DB. It also looks like one may start with her mother in law.

Thank you @ina111. I appreciate you offering to help us out if we need it later. I hope you enjoy the new dramas--I'm waiting for some new ones to start too.  I hate that a lot of long dramas are not subbed.


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@lclarakl  I'am also glad how this drama is clicking in at the right time showing those who'll end up together, but I can't wait to see GH reaction when he finds out that DB isn't a hostess. 

Well I think since SG got in a cab and seen HD, he's going to want to take a cab more often only if HD will be the driver as we've seen a little smile on his face already :P

I'm glad NS found his credit card report and seen how abusive his mistress and daughter taking advantage of him and his money, in which I really want to see when NS world starts to crumble leaving him penniless due to the way he treated his ex wife HD.

I'm also waiting on upcoming dramas in which I dropped a couple of daily dramas already as it seems like too many for me to keep up, and to a fact that some of these lead females also makes me not want to continue watching for them being so weak and naive ughh!! but will keep watching this one for now.

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Guest ina111

@lclarakl, @suchadiva42 I hope that our new dramas will be fun and interesting to watch. I have some extra time before mine start, so I'm catching up with the good shows I missed in the last year. (There are so many.) I'm also excited about the Japanese drama winter season starting, even though I still haven't figured out what I'm going to watch this quarter. 

I think that you guys are right, HD seems to be softening up, but it's really hard to tell. Is she more subdued and tolerant of HD because her feelings are changing, or because she feels indebted to DB. Is she saying mean things because she hates DB, or because it hurts her pride to depend on a girl she'd been treating so harshly all this while. It's probably a bit of both. And anyway, sweet and gentle is not HD's style. ;)  She will keep grumbling and scolding even as her heart is thawing, perhaps even more so then, because she doesn't want herself to change toward DB but can't help it. :) 

I'm also looking forward to see how SG-HD relationship develops. My favorite part of this episode was their reunion. I loved that he recognized her hand-hair gesture, that they were both pleased to see each other again (he seemed giddy, even), and I loved that they remembered each other's nicknames. These were mentioned in the character descriptions, Ho Deok's is "hoddeok" a type of filled pancake, and Sang Guk's is "kukppong" (국뽕), and I have no clue what that is. (The full word doesn't show up in dictionaries and it wasn't translated in the C-subs.) 

Right before they parted, HD asked him what kind of work he does, and he seemed a bit embarrassed and replied vaguely that he sells stuff. I guess he did that because he's a modest guy who doesn't want to brag that he's a major executive, and perhaps he also didn't want to make HD feel self-conscious about the wealth gap between the two of them. (HD being a taxi driver and owner of the most modest cellphone in all of South Korea. :D

Preview for episode 20: 
(Video credits: DramaSBS channel on Youtube)



Videos from episode 19, with some of my ramblings



Ep 19 continues right where ep 18 left off. SG interrupts the awkward face-off and introduces DB as that person he mentioned the last time, the one who developed that recipe. SG tells GH he seems to not remember her face, but she's the person who found the USB. (SG still thinks that HG was the one who had the accidental USB exchange with DB. If he finds out later, he might think that GH was covering for HJ because he likes her.) SG says that they have great expectations of the amateur development team, and that after 3 month probation period they will decide whether to hire them as full employees based on their results.


GH calls DB for a private talk in his office. He asks her what she's up to, if this is a premeditated move to mess with him. DB denies that it was premeditated, she just sketched a recipe and the chairman saw it. Anyway, she knew that he worked in this company, but the company is very big, and she didn't think they would encounter each other. She asks him to believe her. He asks how he can believe that. DB tells him that he is probably really surprised, but she is surprised too.  Would she have thought that the worst scenario would happen? Rather she wishes this to be a dream. 
GH asks her how her recipe ended up in the chairman's hands. She tells him that as he wasn't answering her phone at the time,  she brought in the USB, and the chairman saw her recipe by chance... They are interrupted by GH's secretary. GH tells her they'll talk again. 
HJ doesn't waste any time. After asking her father to reconsider DB's hiring, she directly confronts DB. She first tells DB that she has a tallent for surprising people, that because she couldn't get throught the model contest, she changed course and issued a challenge with a recipe. She asks DB if this is something like competition out of pride. DB tells her that she didn't submit the recipe with an intention of entering the company, but it happened this way in the end. HJ asks her if she then intends to work as a probationary employee with her(HJ) as a boss, and reminds DB that she said with her own mouth that she is uncomfortable and dislikes being around HJ. 
Before DB has time to respond, HJ interrupts and gets to her main point.
HJ: "Please leave. I'm asking you to get lost from my sight. Will you get out on your own, or shall I send you off."
DB: "I know that you are uncomfortable, but I came in because my recipe got recognition and I don't want to miss that precious opportunity. This is a serious/desperate opportunity for me. Wouldn't it be possible for you to leave out the personal feelings and just treat me as a subordinate, please, I'm asking you like this."
HJ: "So you're saying that you intend to hold out? I understand. Then please give enduring a try. To see how far you get."
It looks like both the female employee on the team (Na Soon Shim) and HJ will be making HD's life at work difficult. Later in the episode HJ singles out DB and assigns her to organize the food storage by the end of the day. She tells everyone to submit a recipe proposal tomorrow and that they will have their first evaluation in a week. Even SG thought this was too soon for the new team, but HJ used the excuse that they need something in a month. I guess that the representative from a Chinese company who met with GH a few episodes back said that he will give them a chance for a do-over presentation in a month's time, so they are trying to come up with a good menu by then. 
HD suggests to Cecil to get a job at the restaurant opening downstairs, and Cecil is completely unwilling. She tells her mother not to even bring up her giving up on auditions. (Um, Cecil dear, here's a crazy idea - you can have a job AND do auditions.)
HD just sighs in resignation (poor woman), and tells Cecil that when she gathers a bit more money, they should move away from Seoul. Cecil stutters in surprise. DB explains that she looked into dormitories, but it's not an option because of Leo. Cecil asks her if she's serious, tells her to go to the countryside alone, what if Leo suddenly gets sick there. HD assures her that they have hospitals in the provinces too, that she she cannot live here and watch her ask and accept things from DB. Later Cecil complains to DB about this and blames her. 
DB and GH run into each other in the elevator. DB tells him that she's been discourteous to him in the past, and asks if it would be possible for him to erase those memories. She will completely get rid of the ones from her own head too. He asks her if it's true that she personally made the recipe she submitted to the chairman. She tells him of course, he's not by any chance suspicious about that. He tells her he doesn't trust her, that he is unable to trust her. 
After they get out of the elevator, DB stops him again and tells him that she knows she has been discourteous many times, broken many promises and that her credibility is lost, but she asks him to please trust her just once. It's true that she made the recipe herself, and she will work hard so as to not disappoint them. He tells her not to do it in words, but to prove it. If it turns out she can't prove it, and has again played some tricks in front of the chairman, she'll come to know bitter regret. 
HD returns home late, and DB says she's worried that HD is working both days and nights and not sleeping. HD dismisses her concern by telling DB that she'll deal with her own affairs. She also tells DB there's no need to force herself to work at that company. HD replies that she wasn't forced into that job by Cecil, that she is doing it because she wants to, that Cecil was right in saying that she can't live being afraid and avoiding things. She wants to try to overcome this. She also tells HD to please stop talking about moving to a dormitory or to the countryside, and if HD doesn't, she herself will pack up and move out to a dormitory instead, and wouldn't HD be uncomfortable if she forced DB out. HD is a taken aback a little by those words and asks DB if she's blackmailing her, but DB just wishes her good night and walks away. (Well handled, DB. :) )



Love these two. I wish I could understand their bickering better. 
GY and the missus stop by to invite DB to the opening of their restaurant. Wanting to provoke some sympathy toward EY (still playing Cupid), they also tell her that he had a nosebleed yesterday and that he is not feeling well. Cecil feels somewhat responsible for this, so she goes to see EY, bringing him yogurt (she even remembered to bring straws :) ) to speed up his recovery. She finds him breathy and sweaty from exercise, and she mistakes that for a sign that he is unwell and lacking strength. EY tries to convince her that he is not a weakling, but Cecil is not buying it. (Not sure why, the man looks fit and healthy.) 


Earlier in the episode GH overheard DB talking to her friend in the hallway. He heard DB asking her friend whether she can do well, and her friend saying that they should work hand in glove so that DB's secret doesn't leak out. DB said that she'd be in trouble without her friend, that the friend should stick to her closely. The friend said she got it and tells DB not to worry. 

GH was already suspicious of DB, and this just confirmed to him that there's something funny going on with DB. So at the end of the episode he calls DB to the kitchen alone and asks her to make her mushroom sauce. Since it's the recipe she made she knows the procedure, right? :) 


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@ina111  Thanks chingu in so many words for the translation summary as I give credit where it's due and can go on and on reading it :D

Now what GH is thinking after he overheard DB conversation of a secret she's keeping is the sauce but it's about the accident of her parents death as she was trying to cook. 

I can't wait for GH to really trust DB in which we know all those times when she was intended to meet GH something always came up. but I also know down the road in this drama, GH will come to terms of knowing DB from inside out and that right there I can't wait to see.

I knew HJ was getting smart with DB and so was that other chic (Na Soon Shim) and now I feels though DB will definitely have to watch her back at all times.

Lastly" I'm loving this drama that already has me being ready for Monday to come and at least it gives us 5 days a week to see our soon OTP couple GH/DB ;)

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