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[Drama 2016] Jang Yeong-Sil 장영실


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"I am just curious why they choose to abandon this design and settle for a palanquin carried by four men in the latter years. "

It is hard to maneuver a horse drawn carriage in a busy street cities full of passerby like those in populous China

Labour oriented palanquin bearers provide employment which will be seen cheaper than horse-power. Horses are generally only used in Military

It will be seen a grandeur if you have a palanquin that is carried by 8 bearers ( 八人轿 )

As to quote a scene from Dream of the Red Chambers that Lin Dai Yu said to Jia Baoyu

Lin Dai Yu: Nothing else really. Just to be a little more careful about things in general & not always letting yourself get carried away by your whims & fancies. But if you will...indeed keep to your promise about these 3 things that I have mentioned. I will promise never to leave you, even if they sent a bridal sedan chair (palanquin) with 8 strong bearer to carry me away

Jia Baoyu (laughs): Oh! come now.....Isn't that stretching this a little too far.....For sedan chair & the Eight bearer with a handsome husband, I will bet you will go

Lin Dai Yu (haughtily): It wouldn't have interest me the least bit,...Kind Sir...for such blessing I am not willing, even if I did go, I should take no pleasure in it

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The location photos of the group taken in Instagram is in front of Gyotaejeon ( 교태전 , 交泰殿 ) which is the Queen Private Residence Palace constructed in 1440 (22nd reign of Sejong) in Gyeongbokgung Palace

Sejong built Gyotaejeon for his Queen in consideration for his wife privacy, since government official will routinely need to visit & intrude Gangnyeongjeon. When Sejong was frail in health later in his reign, he decided to carry out his executive duties in Gangnyeongjeon ( 강녕전, 康寧殿 ) which was his Private Residence Palace instead of Sajeongjeon ( 사정전, 思政殿 ) which was the official King office


Gyotaejeon ( 교태전 , 交泰殿 )

The name is adopted from the Book of Changes ( 역경,易經) ), meaning the union of heaven & earth, peace & harmony, yin & yang, male & female, 

Also note there is a similar building of the same Chinese character "交泰殿" (Hall of Celestial and Terrestria Union) in the Forbidden palace in China but it is not Empress Chambers but houses the Imperial Seals & Ceremonial items. It also hold ceremonial celebrations.

During the Ming Dynasty, the Empress uses this hall frequently for receptions & celebration as it was just in front of her Imperial Residence & was convenient. The Empress also had certain rites & observances that were of her official duties

It also houses the Bronze Clepsydra (Water Clock), the only one that is preserve & still in good condition. Then later a big chime clock (wind up clock) in 1798 was placed


交泰殿" (Hall of Celestial and Terrestrial  Union) in the Forbidden palace in Beijing China

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Episode 24 (Final Episode)

Sejong refuse to "forsake" JYS although JYS tells Sejong that he needs to "sacrifice" him for the good of others (citizens in the benefits of the hangeul) but political pressure from his court official to do otherwise over the "malfunction" of the carriage

Court Official petition that JYS be severely punished (by hanging 교수형, 絞首刑)  & be dismissed from his officialdom & all his achievement be omitted from the records

Sejong return with his verdict & informs to his official that whatever the verdict, they will have to accept...it will not be questioned for a debate. Sejong sentence JYS to flagellation to be spank 100 times with a wooden staves (장형,杖刑) & not to have history be repeated, JYS is to be "shame parade" to Gwanghwamun to his sentence in Uigeumbu & tells that JYS records will remained in the annals. Sejong started to decrease the sentence every 20 times while the officials started to protest & they shut their trap

The fact that Sejong has verdict as such that JYS "shame parade" wearing a cangue & in chains, beaten by soldiers who deem him being slow....was to allow the people "not to forget" JYS achievement & forever engrave in the heart & minds of the people & the annals & in history for the future to remember him by

Disgruntle Official pay handsomely to the Floggers & assures that JYS will be dead at the 50th spank as at the 30th spank, he would have suffered internal bleeding & may die from the injuries

Everyone watches helplessly as the sentence been carried out & during his subconsciousness, JYS had a eureka moment that a swing weight (pendulum) could be a time keeping element . Pendulum clock was invented in 1656

JYS did recover from injuries after being inform by the physician that he had not long to live after failing to regain consciousness after his flagellation but he becomes somewhat soulless

Many years later, Cheugugi ( 측우기,測雨器 Water gauge, invented in 1441) is being use. Hangeul & Hanja notices is posted on the notice board

Narration on the death of Sejong in 1450 & his achievement in his 30 years of reign. Yi Cheon death in 1451. Meanwhile Hwang Hee & Ha Yeon had their worries over Munjong reign & the ambitious Grand Prince Suyang. Hwang Hee dies in 1452 who had serve 4 reigning Kings & being the longest service Officialdom. Ha Yeon dies in 1453

In 1456, Sejo becomes King after usurping the throne from his nephew Danjong. Jeong Inji is Prime Minister. Sejo starts to purge the literati & disgruntle official is one of them. Everyone had aged. Seokgu & Princess Sohyeon is looking after JYS welfare as Sejo came to pay JYS a visit but JYS took no heed as Sejo leaves, tell JYS to wake up for the sake of Princess Sohyeon. Yi Sun Ji return JYS notebook as JYS slightly wakes up from his slumber

That night Seokgu son set up the Ganui ( 간의 , 簡儀 armillary sphere) at Princess Sohyeon residence premises. As Princess Sohyeon align the armillary sphere with the night sky to Venus ( 금성 ,金星) JYS walks up to Princess Sohyeon as she sense JYS presence & JYS greets her as Princess Sohyeon thanked him for his return.

JYS realise that many years have pass, now that he is almost an old man (harabeoji), realising that Sejong & Yi Cheon had already departed. Princess Sohyeon related that Sejong once visit JYS with her & Yi Cheon before his death to personally render his thanks & appreciation for his service

Princess Sohyeon asked what JYS wants to do as of now he is in an advance age. JYS want to built a clock but couldn't recalled his pendulum theory. Princess Sohyeon encourage JYS to return to square one with her observe the sky with the armilliary sphere as JYS is pleased with her suggestion

Many years later, a very elderly JYS observe the solar eclipse. Then narration that Jang Yeong Sil was Joseon peak in scientific discovery


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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" Episode 24 Final



Throughout all his trials and tribulations, Yeong-sil has remained a surprisingly good sport. There's good reason for this. As bad as jail might be, Yeong-sil at least has his sketchbook, which gives him a chance to think over matters of science. That's always good for a nice matter of calm, even if this time, Yeong-sil's friends can't help him. There's just disgrace and corporal punishment, while Yeong-sil sulks and starts to hate the world.

Once more there are multiple timeskips. In this, the final episode of all places. We even manage to go over multiple kings while mostly ignoring King Sejong's death except for a brief reminder about how great the Korean alphabet is. All this detail leads me to believe that, whatever create liberties were taken with the rest of Yeong-sil's life, he really did face a sort of political inquisition and it did in fact require a complete change of the guard for Yeong-sil to regain his rightful reputation.

I think about that and end up feeling more disappointed about the overall direction of "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama". Whatever the real-life motivatin was for Yeong-sil's persecutors, I very much doubt it was all that personal. Short-sighted, overly ambitious administrators of average ability can always be trusted to sabotage an organization for dubious reasons, and I rather expect they were finally removed from power for mismanagement that went far deeper than just a mistrust of Yeong-sil's clock designs.

That's another point of disappointment. Never mind how the extent to which Yeong-sil's clocks provoked geopolitical crises was just plain absurd. As the epilogue demonstrates, Yeong-sil invented lots of objects besides clocks that no doubt had very interesting scientific and practical explanations and yet...time and again writers Lee Myeong-hee and Ma Chang-joon found ways to steer the story into the same persecution complex again and again.

Although really, presentation is the issue as much as anything else. "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" is the rare historical project that might have come off more accurate if it had been produced by one of the mainline commercial networks. Is it improbable that Yeong-sil the low-born scientist would strike up a romance with a bastard princess? Yeah, but we can't prove that it didn't happen. And besides, So-hyeon's presence in the story as written just ended up being very superfluous. If Yeong-sil's greates memories in life are doing science with his friends, we really should have got a lot more of that and a lot less uninspired scheming from the antagonists. In these ways and more, "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" has been a major disappointment.

Review by William Schwartz

Credit : http://www.hancinema.net/hancinema-s-drama-review-jang-yeong-sil--drama-episode-24-final-92808.html

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Jang Young Shi (Finale)




Osen- Naver: 'Jang Young Shil' finale, Song Il Gook leaves his soul behind, falls asleep within history

1. [+6,292, -106] Then and now, rotten politicians get rid of those with talents ㅠㅠ We shall never forget Jang Young Shil, he worked for the country and its people

2. [+4,770, -134] Why did this end so fast? Aren't sageuks nowadays either have 50 or 100 episodes????

3. [+3,509, -130] 'Jang Young Shil' has been enjoyable. Thank you cast and crew for creating a good drama

4. [+2,413, -114] Thanks for the great acting

5. [+467, -13] In the 15th century, the country brought the greatest achievements in science. I'm so proud that we had King Sejong and Jang Young Shil

6. [+452, -16] I'm a fan of sageuks and Jang Young Shil has been so good!! The only thing I didn't like were the noblemen who made a fuss when they disagreed on things... then and now, politicians are the same which is frustratingㅋㅋ

7. [+385, -17] This drama did a good job depicting Jang Young Shil's life and it let me felt once again that Joseon was really the hub of science at that period. Amazing drama

8. [+351, -17] Please make a drama about Ahn Jung Geun or Yoo Kwan Soon!!

9. [+315, -14] Such a well-made drama. The ratings were low due to various circumstances

10. [+274, -7] Sad that it ended... Science exists as we know today because of his

Credit : http://kkuljaem.blogspot.com/2016/03/spoilers-jang-young-shi-finale-page.html

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Song Il-gook's 3 colors, "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" was perfect for me



Song Il-gook is an actor. He used to like drawing as a teenager so he wanted to go to art school but things didn't work out and he ended up in Theater and Film to do stage art. Everyone knows the story of him following his mother and actress Kim Eul-dong to work and becoming an actor on Yoo Dong-geun's suggestion. He debuted in 1998 and rose to stardom with the historical drama "Jumong".

"I want to act until I'm in my grave"

The lead actor of "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" was in a café in Seoul on the 30th. He said, "I promised myself not to be in a historical drama after "Jumong" but I was in "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama". It was a good drama as we ended in the 10s".

Song Il-gook played Jang Yeong-sil in "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama". He was born in a low class but was skilled with his hands and was spotted by King Sejong.

"I asked the director why he cast me once. I didn't think I fit in this drama. He told me he thought a lot with the writer. I am a curious person who is curious enough to have 3 boxes of tools to make anything I want. When I told my family the role I was going to be in, my sister said it was just right for me".

"I learned that historical dramas are tiresome even without the swords. It took a lot of thought to make this drama and I felt bad every time I caused an NG. The drama turned out well because of everyone's hard work. I could've done better and I feel bad for that".

What's next? Song Il-gook said, "I have to continue acting. I moved to C-Jes recently and I promise to be back soon. As an actor, I am going to act until I can't".


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