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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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Hhahaha.. Sorry for making a mess in the morning about article Berries, Google translate tricked me, lol.


Wanna share something,  just share what I found. I put So Yeon name on naver, but found some articles about Si Yang co actor interview and her comment about SiSo in wgm. 




And this picture 


Seems it says she felt envy and lil jealous when she saw SiSo in WGM or something like that. But my point is not her feelings, she was asked by reporters and she should answer it. Nothing wrong. And no offence for her fans. I respect her.


Do you find the similarity? ;););)

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36 minutes ago, khairunni said:

Hhahaha.. Sorry for making a mess in the morning about article Berries, Google translate tricked me, lol.


Wanna share something,  just share what I found. I put So Yeon name on naver, but found some articles about Si Yang co actor interview and her comment about SiSo in wgm. 

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And this picture 


Seems it says she felt envy and lil jealous when she saw SiSo in WGM or something like that. But my point is not her feelings, she was asked by reporters and she should answer it. Nothing wrong. And no offence for her fans. I respect her.


Do you find the similarity? ;););)

Maigaaatt..that blouse!!!! :astonished: was it all coincidental???

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@khairunni hahaha.. Yes similar dress. In fact, she also wore another similar dress with Soyeon before. Sharing this from IG, credit to ernani, 


In the interview, Choi Yoon Young, said that among all of her other co-star. Siyang is the best. She watch the episode when Soyeon got jealous to Siyang for his kiss scene, and said that she was also jealous to Soyeon. Hahaha..

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23 minutes ago, KalyanaV said:

hahaha.. Yes similar dress. In fact, she also wore another similar dress with Soyeon before. Sharing this from IG, credit to ernani, 


It is the same dress. And they have another outfit in common, that grey sarafan. Similar taste in clothes. :D


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What's wrong with Soompi. I can't edit my previous post..no matter how many times I tried.. I have to write a new post again. 

I forgot to add my comment regarding Siyang's newsade interview. I am so proud of him, when he said his plan is to buy a house for his parents within this year, and his dream is to become a good daddy. I am also proud to know that he has set his career plan for 2016, which is to become a lead in a new drama, and to have his name in a movie. He proves himself as someone who thinks ahead and plan his life in detail and diligently. He has quality to be a good family man later on, a loving husband and dad. I am confident he will be able to achieve his '2016 bucket list'. Hopefully he will also include Soyeon in his life plan, cause I admit I am a Siso shipper and of course I wish to see my Siso ship to sail happily in the end :) 

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5 hours ago, KalyanaV said:

Soyeon is in China town today for shooting poster and teaser of newcdrama Happy Home'. I can't wait to watch her drama soon. She cut her hair, still pretty though :) 





My SoYeon is very very beautiful and at he same time so cute. Thanks for photos.

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@KalyanaV Me too agreed, i found Siyang is a responsible man, although alot of people knows him through wgm, but he still show efforts to work hard. Some actors/singers don't even bothered to work hard even though they have luck ! I felt he will dote his future wife from the way he treat Soyeon & buying a house for his parent.

A Bit upset after saw Siyang co star wear same clothes with Soyeon & her interview too. But, i don't think our Soyeon mind it , so just let her go:lol:

I looking forward tomorrow photo release & Soyeon drama:) One of the actor, cant remember his name, will be a doctor in this drama was quite handsome. I watch before his drama, he is charming...Oooo


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FINALLY.....Page 1 to page 331.....finish reading all pages after i found this.

Instead of commenting on siso couple, kim so yeon or kwak si yang, i think i should write what i feel about most of you here.

You Ladies are amazing (i am assuming most are)....from the start where the term blueberry couple came out, to using Berries to term yourself.  

To the saga of no subbers and having internal translation, recap, tv recording, etc etc...(glad that is resolved timely by VIU, that saga forced me to look for Chinese translation)

To that old show that SY were in like ages ago, this forum handled it so professionally. and even the latest interview basing from "Antis" and "Fans"


It is also amazing that I found out that the 2 Funny Micky Mouse doll that soyeon had in the contract renewal \ wedding episode were actually from someone here.

and there is a vid...and the "Thank you, I like you" .......wow and a few more that i may have missed......


Personally, i do not understand fan culture. If you are supportive of a celebrity, shouldn't there be support for that individual in whatever is done? where their happiness is place in the top and foremost? They are adults capable of thought and reasoning.  And does bashing others really help the person you are supporting?


Most here seems to have provided a shining example of what a fandom should be doing.  it is very refreshing.

I have never look for external items except what WGM couples shown in the show except for siso.  Glad that the look outside of the program brought me here.

Thank you all for that additional things that let siso couple shines more.  



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ok. now enough about the forum.

just wondering, for the last episode (306), when soyeon called siyang to throw him offtrack.

she is trying to make him believe that she just woke and preparing to go get herself ready for the night shoot. So there are no camera, no staff, nothing.

"That MUCH ageyo in that "personal" call??"


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just curious, this were mentioned before by some.

but what made you watch \ follow siso?

for me, i watch WGM as a whole, full episodes, usually do not know any of the couples prior to WGM.

So when O2 ended, next is siso.

but what caught me is Kim So Yeon alone in the house waiting (i do not know her before)  

She is so funny....that got me more interested.

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8 minutes ago, LeeK said:

FINALLY.....Page 1 to page 331.....finish reading all pages after i found this

wow.... you read all that pages....daebak.... :w00t:


9 minutes ago, LeeK said:

ok. now enough about the forum.

just wondering, for the last episode (306), when soyeon called siyang to throw him offtrack.

she is trying to make him believe that she just woke and preparing to go get herself ready for the night shoot. So there are no camera, no staff, nothing.

"That MUCH ageyo in that "personal" call??"


i think that much 'ageyo' in their call showed that how their relationship is something that special (well maybe it's just my delulu....:wub:) but I remember So Yeon had said back while in variety show Happy Together that she used that kind of ageyo while in phone with her boyfriend

here is the link of that show :


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@LeeKAt First, i started watch wgm was Lee Tuek & Kang sora & after that Jaerim couple. After they left, i lose interest in wgm until i met our Siso Couple..who i find them quite matching character & one things, i like about Siso, they bring in their true characters in wgm & most importantly, polite to everyone with no proud air :)

Me 2 became addicted & always looking forward Saturday, some Anti say Soyeon say Every Saturday is a 'Black Saturday'. But to me, i felt she is happy & Siyang is like her body guard who she find him secure. Both are sincerely trust to each other that y they are quite close & keep contact often ..

Like most of the berries here, i wish their relationship can go further up as Soyeon is in the marriage age, as a women, really hope she can find a responsible husband who can lead her happily forever:)


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12 hours ago, LeeK said:

ok. now enough about the forum.

just wondering, for the last episode (306), when soyeon called siyang to throw him offtrack.

she is trying to make him believe that she just woke and preparing to go get herself ready for the night shoot. So there are no camera, no staff, nothing.

"That MUCH ageyo in that "personal" call??"



Dear @LeeK 

I know Soyeon from her drama on 2010 MY Princess Prosecutor. Then I watched IRIS….and really admire her for acting skill...

But I don't know about soyeon at all….but I admit She really berry one of Korean actress with good acting skill.

Me too for same reason watched soyeon preview ep1 ….and really berry interested. How flustured she was. But So cute….even from women eyes.

Soyeon naturally has ageyo….maybe because she is the maknae from her family….But I personally can see her ageyo every time she with Siyang. 

Trough WGM I got to know Siyang….starting watch his drama start fem OMG and Personally I like his responsible manner of  this manjjittnam young man. I think he also has talent to be a A list good actor. Yes I pray for him. and His personality really match well with soyeon personality.

And Time goes by…they become comfortable with each other…their eyes gaze….chongmal really berry daebak. I like WGM couple with their gaze toward each other genuine and full of sincerity. as a shipper I wish the best for soyeon and siyang, Love, career and healthy and happiness. But like soyeon said I just want to enjoy their moment now as long as they are as couple. Because we don't know behind the scene.

For next episode I want see siso in their Honeymoon Ep…and want see how bold soyeon could be,

bianne soyeonah  your bold action too for this ahjuma really berry cute.

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12 hours ago, LeeK said:

just curious, this were mentioned before by some.

but what made you watch \ follow siso?

..firstly, welcome aboard!! and thank you for your kind words.. hehehe.. in behalf of all berries in this thread.. even the silent berries, kamsamida~~!!.. Wow!! You did some homework, reading from page 1.. im sure you had a smile on your lips while reading all those past posts.. because this blueberry tree is one happy, hilarious, funny, kind and most loving tree you'll ever know.. im very proud of you berries.. 

..on to your question.. what made me watch and support Siso?? Honestly, it's Soyeon's eomma.. hahaha.. weird, right??..  i first watched the 4th episode wherein they celebrate thanks giving and they sent picture to Soyeon's mom.. i laugh at her mom's reply because it's so motherly like (can relate, since im a mom too..).. been a viewer of WGM for a long time, but i never saw a mOm as supporttive as SoYeon's.. sure, some parents, even relatives do appear in some couples stint.. but not like Mrs. Kim.. she is the third wheel in this couples "relationship" .. a supportive, loving third wheel.. from first episode until now, it's like she's showing us mother how to be a good mother in law in future.. since marriage doesnt only involve husband and wife.. but also having good relationships with the in-laws can help marriage have a good foundation.. I love Mrs. Kim so much~~!! 


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53 minutes ago, LeeK said:

but what made you watch \ follow siso?

I started to become curious of them when they sat face to face (episode 1 - before contract signing) and Siyang showed his video proposal for Soyeon - that he had a choice NOT to, right? but then he proudly gave it and proposed to her it's because he was captured by her beauty for the first sight.

i started to ship them and hoping for their own forever with this: 


Siyang's RULE #1 to his wife is : i hope you don't lie. 


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