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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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2 minutes ago, cheekychipmunk_stv said:

I just want to add that the article managed to serve it's purpose.  It's getting the reaction anti-so yang that they wanted  from public. The negative comments that came up about him after they read the article.

Did you for a minute think badly about Siyang after you read the article?

I did. I went "OMG! He was like this? I'm so disappointed.  I was trying to connect the present him to the past him and it's was like 2 completely people. That article managed to colour my impression of him. Immediately all the gentleman Siyang got erased and was replaced by a repulsive sleazy Siyang in my mind. Has the article achieved it's purpose?  Definitely YES.  

From this experience , I can say that this article is just published to throw dirt on the rising popularity of Siyang and Siso couple on WGM.

People judgede him based on his actions on variety show. Do they know him in person? No. People are easily swayed by bad articles and people love to read scandals. 


my first reaction when i saw our co-berries post about "storm link" - hmm what will be the contents?

was he dating another girl outside wgm and caught by paparazzi?

i open the spoiler tag and read the link - .... "past" ??? was he a father already? hahaha

i open the article - and scroll.....read some captions about pictures... i even need to find where is he? scroll again...

i read the article and... wth i wasted my precious time. hehe...

i still have my LOYALTY for Shiyang. Yay!

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I knew this is coming very soon!  But what is past is past.   

Give him A+ rating for being so attentive to our goddess at all time! His response was really fast!




And this one...... i made last night.  (thanks for helping me to post here).   

I have been watching it over and over again myself !! :P




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2 hours ago, seesaw_love said:

I knew this is coming very soon!  But what is past is past.   

Give him A+ rating for being so attentive to our goddess at all time! His response was really fast!


Mod Edit: Do Not Quote Videos


you're really an angel to us. i'm waiting for your post.

they're so curious of our couple because ksy is too good to be true but what to do he is true that's why he is good, no he is the BEST hubby among the three now. :blush:

Edited by LavelyShai
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I'm choosing to ignore the bashing of Si Yang. If he really did say that, etc... he was very young and maybe was a ploy to gain publicity. Hard to believe compared to the fine young man he seems now. Military and maturity=he's one who takes care of SoYeon and I don't think these behaviors can be fake. Just my 2 cents......

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hi dear all beries, i sometimes put a comment here but many times just being a lurker.

i want to say i really proud of you all handle this kind of issue, you all guys being so positive and support each other. that`s maybe because we have and hold  a present si yang here, not his past, we have faith in him. this is kind of issue i believe will make our berries stronger.

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in case you not aware :

seesaw couple cameo appearance in drama "one more happy ending" will be in first EP, which is on 20 Jan !

time is Korean time 21:55.    

source DC => original source : namooactors.

We will get to see them before Sat !  :w00t::phew:

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Yeach…After I watched @seesaw_love video for siyang birthday…I posted Siyang face completely different when he was young and after the military.

His face expression was really different, He got maturity, responsibility and wise after his military. I think it is a big decision if u want to start again and becoming a better person. So I believe in person who want to change his / her self to better person. That person will becoming awesome person. They will work very hard even though the road is tough to become a better person.

sarahamida berries:heart:

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Everyone has a past and did things when they were young and immature that they regretted later on. That's what makes a person a normal human being. We are not saints, and Si Yang is just a human being like us.

So let his dark past be buried there. And maybe at some point in their (Si Yang & So Yeon) private time, they have talk about private matters in their past.

I wish them all the best to get through all difficulties and obstacles from their past, present and future. After all life is like taking a ride on a roller coaster it goes up and down sometimes in a slow motion and other times in fast motion. Enjoy the ride even if you have to scream out loud while holding tight the hands of the person who is sitting by your side riding the same roller coaster. 

I hope as adults they can pass all obstacles and can make their love and relationship stronger.

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In regards to the issue with Si Yang, in the past he did use the name Han Sun Woo, and on that variety program he was on as Han Sun Woo. His real name is also Kwak Myung Jin, so Kwak Si Yang is another stage name for him as well. Based on the timeline of when that show was broadcasted, it was before he went to the army, back when he probably starred in a couple of MVs and around the time he was a model, I don't know the exact timeline. That show was around 2008, which was before he went to the army and he was like 21 years old when participating. I also don't think he was with Starhaus, his current agency, because he mentioned that he met with a representative once he was released.


I have watched that program but after a while I just started to skip through some parts because it really was hard to watch, like it was really...obvious? And like...kind of seemed like a bad reality show? I do think that some of them were probably trainees places and attempting to get famous and that it was probably heavily scripted because they had missions to do and they went to Thailand, I believe. There was also an overall mission of the show, which was to find the real heiress to win money if the person chosen by the two women were able to guess correctly. 


It was true that he did say that he was a major player on the show and he did come off that way throughout the entire series, but I do think it might have been an act. The entire show was an act because at some moments it did seem like it was too forced and it did get too awkward at some points that I had to like turn it off because I couldn't stand to watch anymore. I don't remember the exact phrase he said so I can't say whether or not the article translated it properly.


But I do think that that was back then. He was 21, that show was like 7 years ago, almost 8, and it was before he went to the army so he was probably immature. It could have also been something that his agency at the time, not Starhaus, decided to pursue the path as a womanizer in order to get his name out there. 


It doesn't seem like he's in a carefree stage right now, though and it doesn't seem like he actually considers that as part of his career. When asked about when he debuted he never talks about the MVs or that show, instead he talks about Night Flight and everywhere talks about his late debut age. I think he's matured since then. He was very carefree during that show and it seems like he's got himself together now.


I don't want to think too much about it either because it seems like once a lot of couples start to hit popularity, especially on WGM, something will come out and try to reduce the air time. The only question I have is why now? It was discovered right around the time that they started that he was on the variety show back then, so why are people making a fuss about what he said on the show now, months after it was discovered? Wouldn't fans have gone off and watched the show and then heard everything that he said on it? That's why I don't think anything will really happen with it. The big reason being that the show was like 7-8 years ago and it seems like he has matured since then.

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Hi. Sorry you have been hit with the typical media's grab for attention. I'm glad you all are mature about it because if it wasn't a media source trying to do the negative report, it would be a troll stopping by to stir things up. It seems to happen to all couples at one time or another. But since they are both actors, they probably expect that. He may even have told her before this so she wouldn't be shocked...... ... ... Just stopping by - Fighting!

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4 hours ago, mellynarifqi said:

why i m not suprise at all ?  there is a show that exagerate things to attrack viewer in "any ways" they could, if u know what i mean. it was too gross plus that sexy women make this show unvalidable haha  do u berries really thing it worth to believe ? frankly say, it s really just a show. 

if it was really kwak si yang, it was his past. every body could become better. 

n Pann is well known knowing wth its negativity,i had experince wth this pann, so dont bother with it :lol:


Yes, but this can also leads to scandal - which he can't afford if he wants to stay at WGM. Remember, scandal is a big no-no for WGM. Especially this kinda scandal. Once you have scandal, you will be forced to quit WGM (which we don't want). Not to mention, this will be on his name as well, which is not good as he is a rising star. Yes, this happened years back so I'm hoping knetz will be mature enough to accept his past. Everyone has some sort of dark past anyway.

And as @thesuitelife547, this happened before he joined the army. And remember, he said his life was pretty much different before the army. He's got his life turning point during his army life.

Let's hope the best for Si Yang and hope that his agency can sort this out quickly and smoothly.

Si Yang, FIGHTING!!!!!!

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like what others said, past is past.. im sure siyang has learned a lot and change.. i read the comments n they are really hurtful. i have nothing to say to those mean keyboard warriors, just hope that they will get to taste some karma later.. hihihi.. to berries, lets cheer up n remembered that how much we have been blessed these past few months.. almost all of our wishes have been granted.For me, i have nothing to complain n totally grateful and thanks to Lord a lot. im so happy when im into siso couple, reading this thread and i dont think i can stop now. i think this is d best fandom that i  ever joined since ive joined many fandom be4. Berries, lets just continue to do good deeds n remember that good people will have something beautiful in return.. if we do nothing wrong, i dont think karma will chase us.. our siso couple also do nothing wrong as they r working hard for their futures.. Lord will grant them with the best gifts for their hardworks and not to forget, us who r doing our best to support them:)) Berries Fighting!! KSY & KSY Figthing!! 

PS: just finish watching soyeon in Real Men and i must say that the polite unnie is beautiful inside n outside:))  

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just come by again to show my full support for SiSo and all Berries, espc in this amazing thread!

Thanks alooooot chingus, you make my daily life so wonderful with all comments, recap, sub n update...espc to @thesuitelife & @seesaw_love

Nothing i can say, but  BELIEVE IN SISO & all of you you, Berries! lets keep sailing together! FIGHTING!!!

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photo 20160114174918123wmrq_zpsypbjp0ir.jpg

"Walk Beside Me"

I know So Yeon will ride out the storm with Si Yang; She'll be there for him because she's the sunbaenim wife.

I'm glad this happens now than later at the peak of their popularity although it was not unexpected in Korea;

They were just too sweet, angelic and genuine so it's a matter of time before the bashing comes.

Here is a fine young man who debut barely 2 years and walked away with an Excellence Award.

It didn't happen by chance because it was through his hard work and commitment;

He definitely doesn't look like when he was 21; He's allowed to have a past just like everyone.

The past is over. It's the present and future that matters.

Kwak Si Yang should be admired because he put himself back on track; some are not so lucky.

And he found the woman he loves and cherishes her and takes good care of her.

His tears and actions are not faked. His good upbringing is not faked. He thanked his parents and So Yeon's parents. He bought stuff for So Yeon's parents to be sent over. He need not have gone to that extreme in a variety show. He's so matured in all his BRIs.

For finding light in his path and striving to be a better person after a tumultous youth,

He should be rewarded with a good wife like So Yeon and good career prospects after his turnaround,

Not succumbed to vindictive bashing just because his stars are shining brightly now and anti-KSY are out to make mischief.

Is our faith in him so shaky? Have we not seen the present Si Yang for the past 4 months?

So Yeon would have seen his past. She watched his youtube singing. She would have watched that sleazy variety show for sure. And she accepted the Kwak Si Yang of today - a caring and well-mannered gentleman.

I do too. I stand by him. WGM SiSo must go on to emerge as winners and become stronger and more loving than before.    :)

Haters of Kwak Si Yang in PANN must not be allowed to kill SiSo couple. That's all I know, berries.

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