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Guest ororomunroe

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Finally KJE took the initiative to visit JS's mum with the red winter coat JS bought which she returned. JS's cried while recounting her past. I think KJE told her how JS yearned badly for her. From the way she touched the red coat and cried, I think she's has accepted her son. Aww! So sad! I am crying.:cold_sweat:

I think KJE also told JS the good newd. I'm crying with joy too!:heart:

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She returns home. Her phone rings. It was YH. They talked. He is still in the office. He came to his father report about VVIP center. 


At home JS and JW decorate the Christmas tree. JS invites all to the party. 

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JE dressesr and HW calling her. They choose gifts in the store. Than JE, HW and MJ come to YH home. 

Secretary Min come for a minute for to congratulated them.

All the fun. Sing songs, play games and photographed. 


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She calls her mother and they are talking. She misses for her husband.

===Oh, what beautiful music playing. Not OST===

Everywhere quietly.

Then suddenly show how YJ was being taken in the hospital. No one else knows about it yet. 


At this moment suddenly something happened with JS mother. 

upd Mom just  asked him to come to her.


Call from the hospital to stepmother. She was told that YJ had an accident. ===He died?!?!?!?! OR NOT!?!?!===

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The Xmas party was a resounding success with samgyetang prepared by JW & JS! LOL! They played games and KJE flicked KYH's forehead with her finger when the guys lost. So cute.

Even Manager Min gave a big smile while greeting the boisterious party revellers!:blush:

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I can not understand for the reaction. Father calm, stepmother in shock, Choi in a rage.

Secretary Kim was there. He calls to YH to warn that Choi wants to get even with him. And YH gave his car to JS.

YH went on a different car followed by JS. I can not understand who is in what car rides. Cars collide. Accident. YH gets into an accident. JS is here too. Hi is does not hurt. But YH was very seriously wounded.



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OMG....  unexpected ending???? 




The writer has nothing better to write she has to write something so TRAGIC??? OMG!!!!!! 

i dont understand the car chase too.. why does uncle wants to kill himself by driving into another car?? that's just ridiculous!?!??! and young ho using his own car to block joon sung's car?? SERIOUSLY!?!?!??! what kinda writing is this now??

SUPER WEIRD.. i think people find the drama not makjang enough... so here you go!!! ARGHHHHHH


If YH goes crippled, i am so gonna hate this writer!!!! 

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Guest ireumimolla


I'm in shock right now and just thinking "SIX MORE DAYS before next episode!!!" *tears hair out

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OH GAWD!!!! I KNEW WE WERE GOING TO BE BLIND SIDED AGAIN BY WRITER-nim!!!!!  I didn't see that accident coming.... although its typical of kdrama and he will be in a coma!!!!! I thought they will be separated by the halmoni but not an accident!!!! no more UTI!!!! WHAT IF HE CAN'T GET U..... WHAT IF..... WHAT IF HE CAN'T GET IT UP ANYMORE???  on another matter, fantastic the way they crashed the cars for real!!!


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