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[Drama 2015] The Return of Hwang Geum Bok 돌아온 황금복

Ldy Gmerm

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@ina111 thanks for the trans..

I think what you said is quite plausible.. RH has seen Kim Gyeong Su now and I am sure she will find a way to find out more about him and will more then likely find out that MY had a relationship with him and possibly do an DNA test to find out that MH is not TJ's son. It would be her ultimate blackmail against MY. Her trump card so to speak to get MY to do what she wants.

I think the real kicker is going to be when someone finds out that GB is TJ's daughter. YR of course will not want that news out.. if she finds out MH is not TJ's son she will want to protect that as well especially if she is trying to marry in. She would not want him gone and GB in his place that is for sure.

RH meddling in MY's past is going to bring things to the forefront.

I believe as well that Kim Gyeong Su is the one that saved ES 9 yeas ago (but then I always thought he may have..) it would seem that we may all be right and he could be the one that has her living in that flat and has been looking out for her. It would not surprise me if in the last 9 yeas he did fall for her. She is the type of woman he could fall for.. I doubt it last because when her memory comes back she will remember TJ and especially her daughter who she will want more than anything. If she finds out his connection to MY she will know he is prolly the father of MH too if that is the secret she figured out before she was hurt.

No way would she be with him even if she is fond of him or grateful for his help. It is going to be a fun ride though because the wicked trio (RH, MY and YR) will do everything to get rid of GB and for RH to make MY pay for how things have turned out even though she is not really doing this for ES or GB.

MH's words and actions to his mother is only going to make things worse for GB. MY will not stop and will enlist YR to help her again and again until something really bad happens.. MY has that type if character to not listen to anyone because she feels she is right and will not see history is repeating itself only her son is in TJ's role this time going through what MY put TJ through until she has lost everything and her secrets exposed.

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Guest avidswpfan


Thanks so much for explanation. Afraid GB going to go missing next with RH planning to get rid of her to get favors for herself. Hopefully this not going to happen but anything could happen since we are not even half way in the show.....



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I love it...MH threw the truth right back at his own mother! RH is going to toss GB under the bus even though her conscience is starting to bother her but when it comes to her own daughter she's willing to destroy GB for it. I'm glad the ex saved ES which means for the last 9 years she was able to become somewhat successful. I'm wondering how and when GB is supposed to leave and return?

SMH at IW....again dude...you don't get the girl by being possessive.

I do think MH actions will turn against GB, but then MH will come to her rescue again. I'm looking forward to it when everything comes out to see the reaction to TJ mother and MY face when it is revealed who GB really is.

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OMG! I have been following this drama even though I don't understand Korean, so Thank You to all the people who are on this thread that clarifies things for me.  I am fascinated by GB and these evil women who actually did what they did to ES! I am glad that things are building up to when ES and GB might be reunited again!  I just want to slap that smirk off YR's face, she's so evil! How can the evil trio even call themselves human beings???

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I love it...MH threw the truth right back at his own mother! RH is going to toss GB under the bus even though her conscience is starting to bother her but when it comes to her own daughter she's willing to destroy GB for it. I'm glad the ex saved ES which means for the last 9 years she was able to become somewhat successful. I'm wondering how and when GB is supposed to leave and return?

SMH at IW....again dude...you don't get the girl by being possessive.

I do think MH actions will turn against GB, but then MH will come to her rescue again. I'm looking forward to it when everything comes out to see the reaction to TJ mother and MY face when it is revealed who GB really is.

When the wicked witches find out who GB  is, I can't help but think that while MY will be shocked and almost stroke out, it will also be a plus for her. If no one else knows about MH's paternity at that point, MY will be more than happy that at least GB can't be with him since they are siblings(which we know isn't the case). If this scenario happens, then maybe MY won't know the connection YH has to RH by then so she will be more than happy to push her candidate for DIL to the forefront.

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I have no doubt that while MY will be shocked to hear that ES and TJ have a daughter together and more scared than ever that TJ finds out and wants to know his daughter she will be even happier at the news that GB is TJ's kid because she can use that on MH to let GB go.. For her as long as no one else knows at the moment that MH is not TJ's son she is home free to finally break up that relationship.  I also want her to not know of the connection of RH and YR until after she has forces a marriage (i see her doing it to hurt GB ) perhaps if YR gets pregnant or pretends to be by MH. If she does end up  pregnant then I hope it is IW's child lol.. history truly repeating itself.

In these types they let the bad people go full tilt in their nasty plans only for all the secrets to come out. MY has YR as a DIL and she is the daughter or RH who she knows hates her and has been blackmailing her. TJ finds out that GB is his daughter at that some have tried to hide it. MH finds out TJ is not his father and will be horrified at what his mother did to trap TJ because he will realize his mother lied and did it to get TJ. He will be happy not to be related to GB but sad that now he does not know who is father is. MY is found out to have been harassing ES and caused her accident 9 years ago causing her to have memory loss and be hurt separating her from her child. I still think that RH and YR will bring the secrets out in anger or trying to save themselves. 


TJ's mother is one of those snobby old women who thought their son was too good for the love he had so long ago. She did everything to break them up and in turn ended up with a crazy viper for a DIL who she hates and a grandson that she is doing the same thing too thinking he is way too good and wants the poor girl gone. When she finds out that GB is in fact her grand daughter by ES the woman she ran off and that MY never had a child by TJ and that MH is someone else be assured we will see her have a stroke. She will be so angry at MY for what she did when she gave MY the chance to do it in her nasty attitude and behavior to ES.  She will shut down and not even want to see MH I bet once the truth comes out.. forgetting that they have raised that boy for 28 years to her blood is everything I bet and him not being of her blood will just have her wanting to kick everyone out.

I am hoping we get to see ES and GB handle that old woman with caution because she had no qualms in treating them like trash.. elder or not.. but we all know that ES and GB will be nice and throw the old woman a bone because that is in their nature.

She may or may not apologize but then what will that do.. her son lost years with the woman he loved living a lonely existence with a crazy person who committed the ultimate lie and tried to kill people (and did kill the driver of that taxi right ?) the mother of her grandchild and her grandchild lived a hard life and had to endure while she ran around with the vipers looking down on her grand daughter.

The words she said and the things she did will take her to her futon and put the headache cloth on her head.. I expect to see a magic drip in this old ladies future unless she learns the truth of everything before then and ends up stroking out and dying not able to tell TJ the truth.

I really hate these types of characters because they feel they are justified in treating people they do not like or have been poisoned against like trash only to find out that the person they mistreated is related and then they want to cry and beat on their chest at how they treated the person.. (the rule of that is treat people how you want to be treated and never treat someone badly who could turn out to be related.. !! ) if they had never thought to say and do the things they did and left the person alone they would not be going through so much now at how they acted.. NO sympathy because she did not have to think of or treat ES or GB that way.

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@Ldy Gmerm

The old lady is to blame for this entire mess. By not allowing her son to marry the woman he loved, she allowed a viper in the form of MY into their family along with a son who isn't one of theirs. GB and ES suffered all their lives and ended up meeting unsavory characters who brought even more pain and hardship to them.  Not only that, she has denied herself a relationship with GB who is her flesh and blood and is unknowingly doing the same thing she did to TJ to her own grandchild. It just makes me wonder how she can be so happy when her son is living in hell everyday. He is always so visibly sad whenever he's in the house and all this woman can think of is defending MY at every turn and working to deny MH any happiness. Halmoni will have to live with the guilt that she destroyed her own family. 

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I really like this drama as the female lead is not a doormat and boy oh boy she fights back!  I hope that the writer wont change his/her mind and do a turnaround towards the 2nd half of this drama like some drama I've watched.

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Finally, GB and IW broke up. Even though I feel bad for IW, it's understandable... While GB is struggling with many problems and pains, IW just puts more pressure on her. While MH always helps GB with his best, IW just tries to stop her b/c of his non-sense worry. IW ah, you should know that the main issue GB is focusing on now is her mom taking a revenge on YR and RH, not love. It's understandable if GB falls for MH as he's always be in her side, encourages, helps and protects her from YR and his evil mom.

The things make me worried about IW now is his character has no role to play now, so I'm scared that the writer may make him become bad prosecutor (as he's investigating TS Group now) to win GB's heart again... And he may even in team with YR to get GB out of TS Group. I hope that if GB ends up with MH (99% except if they're half siblings), he may happily end up alone or with someone good (not YR like the poster... I cried when seeing that poster! Too bad for him if things gonna be like that).

It's sure that MY's ex (GS) saved ES. They looks so close (like husband and wife in the way they talked in the phone). She even waits for him in the front door of TS Group. It's sure that ES lost her memory, it's bad for her but understable. TJ saw ES in this ep but couldn't catch her

YR is not as smart as I thought... GB is working in TS Group now, but YR just makes her evil plan to get rid of GB in places where GB can see and hear (in toilet or emergency exit where cleaners come frequently). So stupid girl... GB now knows your true face, if you want to succeed, be more secret.

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Video from Episode 39:


Episode opens with RH dreaming of the accident sleep in the car and she wakes up only to be jerked forward by the driver at a cross walk. She fusses at him and manages to look out the window just as Kim Gyeong Su gets out of a car near her. He turns and looks at her then turns back again to look as she is staring at him.. She may have realized who he was as her car pulls off and he watches her as she passes by him.

ES is looking at the shoe and puts it on and seems to feel something although we can see she is a bit distressed but her memory is gone. She gets a call from Kim Gyeong Su and he tells her something and she asks something.

RH is at home getting a drink of water and thinks about who she saw working something out. MJ comes in shaking a rag in her face (so RH has got MJ working for her as her housekeeper huh to impress TJ's mother I bet.. MJ must be doing it to find out something about YR and RH. I hope she is being paid well..) as she tells her something and RH fusses and MJ smiles at her laughing at her and RH fusses some more and MJ is still smiling (messing with RH) saying something.

TJ's mother and MY are still fussing over the shoes that MH sent to GB and she sent back and TJ's sister comes in to say something and MY yells out at her and she stops and TJ's  mother says something and they tell the aunt to call MH (so why could MY not call her son) and she tells him something and MY snatches the phone as MH tells her he is busy at the moment and hangs up on her and the SIL looks at the sister saying something and MY replies.

MH is in with TJ, GB, the assistant (MY's spy) and YR and he puts the sample piece of material on the table and MH say something. TJ asks something and YR goes to answer but GB cuts over her answering and gives them a detail answer on it and the assistant goes to run his mouth but TJ stops him and tells GB to continue on and YR says look her and starts but GB continues and MH asks something and GB replies and MH says something to YR and she says huh and GB replies and the assistant says something else to GB.

GB is walking down the hall and YR runs after her and grabs her arm jerking her around saying something and GB replies back and YR says something and GB replies back and YR says something and GB replies back smiling at her and YR says so and something and GB fires back at her and tells her she knows that YR may have been the one wo pushed the bucket over in the store room over the material and YR's face falls and she says something and GB fires back at her again making her just look at her. (yes, YR did you really think GB would not know it was you who did it to try to get her in trouble.)

MY has called RH out to fuss about the shoes her son bought for GB and shows her the note. (Really these women are upset over shoes that he bought and she sent back??!! So I guess it is the point he bought them for her in the first place and what she said in the note. smh) RH reads the note and says something and is about to go when MY calls her back and goes on about GB and RH says something and MY replies back and RH sits back saying something to her.

YR is in her office thinking about what GB said about her being the one who did it and she looks worried. Someone brings in a report for her and she looks at it with her eyes wide.

Next we see YR is in with MH and TJ and she gets fussed at about something and MH says something and YR looks like she is so pissed.

YR goes to her office and tells the girl to do something but then thinks again and changes it.. (here we go again.. what a foolish and stupid girl.)

RH has gone home with the shoes maybe and sits down talking about the situation to herself and MJ calls out to her scaring her lol and then she notices the bag but RH removes it (wish she had let her see them so she can asks what is she doing with the shoes of GB's) and MJ sits down and puts down her list of things for either working for RH or her demands and Rh says something and MJ replies back  and thinks and adds something else to it and RH throws it at her and they argue with her phone ringing from YR. YR leaves a message for her mother to hurry and call her back.

The other team member comes out upset and says something and YR goes into her plan to try and get GB fired and the woman looks at her as she gets close to her and we see GB is in the bathroom at the end stall and can hear YR's plot to get her fired perhaps.

MJ comes home to fuss at her brother and the kid for a min (does this kid not go to school. )  He gets a call from TJ's sister maybe and they talk for a min and he hangs up on her.. and she is amazed he did it fussing.

Two women come in looking for MJ's brother and TJ's sister says she can help them but they want him and leave. LOL ( I guess she will be pulling him back to work there.. )

IW is in his office and a man comes in and throws papers on the desk fussing and IW stands up and says something and the man replies back and goes to leave and IW says something back to him and the man just looks at him.. (If IW is investigating TS group he is going to wish he had not when it comes out that TJ is GB's bio dad.. smh) I don't think there is anything to find bad with the company from TJ and MH but the rest well I can't say as there could be plenty of dirty dealings that neither of them know about.. (I wonder if YR is apart of some.) .

GB is cleaning glass and is startled by MH looking in at her lol (so cute) (MH do not let your mother catch you around her..) MH says something to her and GB replies and goes to follow MH and we see YR hanging around the corner and calls MY prolly to tell her something. 

MH says something to GB and GB hands him a bag with his shirt in it and says something and goes to leave and MH reaches out to touch her arm to pause her and say something to him about his mother and GB replies back about his mother to him and MH says something else to to her about his mother and GB is asking him about it and MH says something else to her and GB looks at him. and we see YR around the corner again recording the convo and upset at what she heard.

YR has gone to MY to playback the convo she heard and MY says something and YR acts like what to do and MY says something to her and YR says huh and MY tells her something else and YR says ahh yes and MY tells her something about GB smiling and YR makes a comment and MY replies (yeah stupid YR has done this and is making it so that it is MY's idea..)  (what upsets me is it is always the poor girls fault for hanging on to the rich guy and vice versa they never see that a. the rich guy may be the one to keep the relationship up and b. if they had just left things alone and let them be friends there would be no problems. Their constant interference and harassing the girl is what gets them in trouble.) GB has said time and time again that it is not like that with her and MH that they are friends and he has helped her out.. (of course there is something there but GB was not going to act on it. due to being with IW and not feeling she is on his level..MY and YR are the ones that are blowing things up.. ) .

YR is with her person and is trying to get her to agree to something on the paper and the woman is reluctant and GB comes in and the woman is startled and yells out and YR yells at GB about coming in and GB replies and YR looks at her watch.

GB Comes home and is talking to MJ on the phone with RH is yelling outside for her and she opens the gate and RH comes in and grabs her wrist to drag her inside.

RH is telling her something and GB says Ahjumma and RH is trying again to get her to stop seeing MH maybe or working at the company and GB says something and RH takes her hand trying to convince her and IW comes in and yells out what is she doing and RH gets up and says something and IW replies back and RH says something to him and IW fires back at her about Kim Tae so and she gives him a wide eyed look.. (RH did you really think IW believed your lies. )

GB and IW are out drinking at a food stall and IW is having a pity party as he continues to knock them back and GB calls out his name to stop him from having another drink and of course IW wants to go into thinks between them or her not choosing him maybe and GB does not really want to talk about this and she says something and IW says something else to her and GB replies back to him about Ahjumma and IW says something else and GB asks him something and IW replies back and GB looks at him then away and she says so lets completely end it maybe and IW slowly looks at her and he asks her something and GB says something back and IW asks her something and GB cuts over telling him its time perhaps to let go and IW says something and GB replies upset as well  (IW you idiot you just forced her to end it completely with you due to your actions..) and she gets up and walks away leaving him sitting at the table about to cry and he knocks back another drink.

MH is in his room and his mother comes into his room to say something to him and MH replies back and she starts in on him and MH fires back and MY goes on again and MH fires back at her again and MY says something else and MH fires back and MY says something about his liking her and runs her mouth some more about his listening to his mother and MH says something and MY continues on and TJ comes in and lets her have it about how she has been treating GB and MY calls out Yoebo and gives him a look and TJ says something else to her and she just looks at him. as he seems to be making her go and apologize to GB for her behavior.

The Next morning the bell rings at the gate and MJ goes to answer it to find MY at it baring gifts and she wants to know what she is doing there and MY just looks at her.

MY is on the phone about finding Kim Tae Seo and we see him playing poker and then RH and some thugs bust in and beat up the other guys at the table and grab KTS and he wants to know who is it and she takes off her shades and he is surprised.

Later KTS wants to know what it is about and RH takes out and envelope of money and throws it at him and he turns to look at her and she tells him what she wants from him.

TJ is thinking about KTS said to him and he gets on the elevator and is still thinking when Kim Gyeong Su gets on with him and accidentally drops his phone. TJ bends down to pick it up as it rings and he answers it and TJ just looks ahead.

TJ gets off and Kim Gyeong Su looks at his back (Yes, He knows who TJ is I bet.. ).

TJ comes off the elevator and says something to his men and then gets a call. He notices ES at the door and goes running out after her but she manages to get in a car and pull off as GB is wondering what is going on as she sees him.


ES is in the car with someone and she looks over with a voice in the background giving a half smile maybe. MJ's brother and TJ's sister are out screaming  running around (are they looking for his kid again.. does this kid not go to school or have a keeper?) TJ is in with security trying to get a view of the doors and fusses at them about getting the CCTV footage. YR is in the stair well plotting on doing something with someone to do something to GB and she puts her hand over the persons mouth when she hears something but GB steps back above them and comes out to look again to hear and record it. GB plays the recording for YR who looks a bit scared. (wonder what she will do to try and get it.)  RH is in the parking garage and is attacked maybe by a man and runs into Kim Gyeong Su who saves her as the man brushes past him he and the man get into a fight and he hits the guy and RH is looking at him as he walks away and turns back to look at her .


Video credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

My Thoughts:

A few bad things in this episode.. a. IW pushing again and ending up making GB completely say lets let go basically. He brought this on him self for not thinking about the things she is going through and only thinking of himself. b. IW talking to RH again about KTS come on why did you say something to her? She is now going to shut his mouth up and IW will not have anything to use against her and her lies (his own fault).

For some reason I see Kim Gyeong Su as someone who maybe trying to get revenge. IS it against TJ because he feels he took MY (when it was MY that went after him) or is it he is trying to get ES back home to the people who love her? It should be interesting to see. Once thing is for certain he knows who TJ is and why is he at TS group?

Now the last part of the preview looks staged to me is KGS trying to get next to RH for some reason or is she doing this.. was this a real attack on her.

And the last thing is GB is foolish in the preview to even play that recording for YR letting her know she has it.. what good does it do and it will only make YR hurt her to get it.. she should have just kept it and let YR do what she is plotting and pull out the recording. smh..the good guys always make the worst mistakes..

I am concerned now that due to IW being upset and angry over the break up he will do something foolish to get evidence.. hurting himself later. oh well..

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i'm just thinking that...GB slapped MH after the confession was made....and even after that,i really salute MH because he didn't angry and give up on her..he made his mind clear when he said to IW whether GB accept/rejecting his feeling,he still going to help her. As i see, the writer made MH play to be the one who supporting and understanding GB..MH is more deeply involved with GB personal issue and this initiative made is not for seducing GB but sincerity towards her..and i can see in the future he will get hit the most (with the truth)..and eventually giving up liking GB..and i just hope that GB will make move on downed MH...but i think i need to prepare my heart..not less that 3/4 to go..now,i just enjoying MH looked at her with that admiring look..

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This drama is the return of GB one can only guess she disappear it's not likely she will leave on her on so kidnap will come into play where will she end up I have no clue but I think it will be MY and YR that will be behind her abduction especially once MY learns who daughter she is off you go just like your mom she'll need GB dead so that way MH will never find out her connection to this mess but I seriously don't see that happening her son will learn just how vile mom and Halmoni is.. These two should be to ashamed to show they face to husband father and son


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I saw a poster in http://www.koreandrama.org/the-return-of-hwang-geum-bok/ and it appears that GB's otp is MH, is the pic wrong? I am w8ting for this pair's story.

Btw, just realized that shin da eun and jun noh min played lovers in family honor. Now, they' re father- daughter:D


The Return of Hwang Geum Bok1The Return of Hwang Geum Bok2The Return of Hwang Geum Bok3The Return of Hwang Geum Bok4

The Return of Hwang Geum Bok5The Return of Hwang Geum Bok6The Return of Hwang Geum Bok7The Return of Hwang Geum Bok8

The Return of Hwang Geum Bok9The Return of Hwang Geum Bok10

No picture of Halmoni do MY plan to get rid of her

I'm wondering will MY Ex ask for a deal with TJ he

will return ES if he returns MY.. Just a thought He may

be the one that knows GB is TJ daughter.. I think he's

the one that will put a stop to all MY plans considering

she already tried to kill once and trying to kill again

he would tell her how will she face her son or have him

being look at as the son of a killer for her on personal greed..

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Morning Everyone,

Well we was right he did save her and he approach RH on purpose and she's going to fall hard for him she will loose what little that she got from him he's going to mess her and MY over good and they both deserve it.. He's going to use RH to enter into that company MY think she's the owner of..


GB still being stupid she tape YR and the mktg rep but she let YR smash up her phone she would be buying me another one, YR is so jealous of GB until it's not funny and IW so stupid for continuing to listen to her why is he going after MH as if he didn't know he liked her a long time a go this isn't anything new IW deserves what's happening to him him and GB is broke up anyway I like what MH told IW that he would find ES for GB..       

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I have not watched the episode yet or looked at any episode articles.. but if what you are saying above about IW still listening to YR is going on then yes, he is a fool.  YR is doing this to get those back that did not want her and to screw over GB.. IF she is still talking to IW then her agenda is to smash that relationship up beyond repair (which IW is working on for her), get IW so fired up over a man who claimed he liked GB (MH) (and just because MH says he does does not mean that anything has to happen)  that he goes gunning for him and that company (and ends up ruining his career), and makes GB finally look at IW and not want to have anything more to do with him after he turns out to be so consumed with jealousy and anger at what he thinks MH has stolen from him that he turns ugly to her in personality and crazed and can't be made to see reason.IW is ultimately the one that killed his own relationship no one else did it.. It is just a shame that as smart as he is he does not see what YR is doing. He always saw through her I bet but yet he lets her twist him around to ruin his life and relationship perhaps on a personal vendetta. All because he is hurt and jealous that GB did not chose him and do what he wanted to rush and do either sleep together or get married in haste to appease his insecurities and make him feel like she loved and belonged to him. His selfishness in trying to push her into being tied to him is what pushed her away from him and made her feel she had taken up enough of his life with her troubles.

From this point on IW is going to steadily be consumed with his anger, jealousy and hatred of MH and YR fanned it and he won't see that he is making a mistake and hurting himself until maybe he is either hurt, caught up on corruption charges and disbarred and kicked out of the prosecution service or embarrassed when nothing can be found.

IW would have prolly finally saw this if YR would stay away or he would ignore her.. but the things she is saying is prolly working on his already over loaded sense of pride and jealousy and securities so he is being blinded to his part in how things turned out.. I can even see him blaming GB and thinking she was stringing him along the whole time all because he let himself be brained washed by what YR said. (NEVER EVER would her mouth be a prayer book on ANYTHING!!!) and she would never have the experience to tell him about relationships let alone his own when he knew she liked him.. smh

YR is not going to give up either she will play the innocent party and get GB some how involved by saying he is/was her boyfriend and get her blamed for why IW is going after that company when GB has no knowledge of it. She will say its because she is working there or something crazy.. I can even see her planting fake evidence that later will embarrass IW. It will serve a couple of purposes.. to hurt IW the way he hurt her when he did not want her. (smh at that crazy mess) Get back at MH for him not wanting her and try to make GB the reason the company is under investigation if it goes that far. And lastly hurt GB who she feels is ruining her life and taking all the good men and infringing on what she considers her place since she stole to work hard to get there.

As for the recording we knew that YR would do something to break the phone or get it.. Its just who things work when the Good guys do something smart only to do something stupid in showing or playing the recording and not keeping a backup.. They think threats of exposure will stop the bad person and all it does is causes them to go further to not be caught at doing something bad..

***The recap will be a bit later since I have to watch the episode and post up a couple of more recaps for two more dailies as well.. I will get it up as soon as possible.



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The Return of Hwang Gweum Bok

Scene and video Recap Episode 40


Opening Scene ES getting into her car at TS Group with TJ running out after her calling her name but the car pulls off and she never hears him. We see TJ running down the driveway after the car but it manages to leave with him breathing hard.

TJ comes in and makes a call to Security that he wants the CCTV video pulled in a hurry. He stumbles and GB grabs his arm to stabilize him and asks if he is ok and TJ pauses and tells her he is and walks off to the security office.

GB tells MH about his father and he goes running off.

GB walks off and YR stops her to make a comment to her about something and GB replies back and YR says what..

MJ is letting MY have it and kicks the gifts she bought fussing and MY runs her mouth and MY replies back to her and we see them both sitting and talking and MJ says something and MY replies back and MJ replies and MY says something else and MJ fires back about GB and MY says something and MJ replies back yelling at her and MY asks something and MJ gets out the card and shows her that her son works for the prosecutor service and MY makes a comment and MJ tells her something and MY replies back and MJ tells her something and MY looks at the card and then at MJ.

IW is in his office and can’t seem to work as he flashes back to what GB said to him when she told him lets end it for good perhaps and he sighs and there is a knock at the door as his uncle comes in smiling with lunch for him.

The Uncle says something to him and IW responds. The uncle then asks IW something about GB and IW looks up at him and asks something and the uncle replies something about GB and IW asks something else and the uncle is telling him something about GB and IW sighs thinking.

MJ is at home thinking about GB as well and talking to herself and her niece comes in to say something and MJ says she is thinking and the little girl shows her GB’s ring and tells her it is GB’s and MJ wants to know where she found it and the girl says in GB’s room maybe (so why were you in her things kid) and MJ says something and starts thinking.

GB is cleaning in the stair well and looks at her finger where her ring use to be and she hears YR talking to the other woman on the team wanting to know what was going on and the woman tells her something about CCTV and YR says something else and the woman replies and YR puts her hand over her mouth and shuts her up looking around as GB is watching and listening above them and YR tells her something else.

TJ is watching the CCTV video and says something and is fussing at his minion who says something and TJ fusses some more wanting him to do something as MY comes in to say something and asks something and TJ tells the man to go out and do what he wanted and MY runs her mouth at TJ saying something and TJ stands up and fires back and MY runs her mouth some more and MH comes in to say something to her and MY yells at TJ and storms out.

ES is having a MRI or Cat scan and she seems to be having problems and next we see her on a gurney with oxygen and they rushing her somewhere.

MY comes in and makes a call to someone and her MIL comes in to say something and MY hangs up hastily and replies back and her MIL says something else and MY asks her something.

YR comes into MH’s office smiling until she sees GB’s face there and she wonders what it is about and MH says something and YR asks something and MH says something else pointing at the hand phone and GB says something and YR looks a bit worried and MH wants to play the audio and GB stops her asking her if there is anything she needs to say or something and YR says no and GB says are you sure and tells MH to go ahead and YR stops him saying something and GB looks at her.

GB and YR are in the stairwell and YR says something and GB replies back about the CCTV and what she heard as she cuts over YR. YR says something else and GB replies and YR gets her phone on the ground and smashes it with her heel and GB grabs it and says something and YR replies and GB says it either was her mother’s phone or it had her mother’s pictures on it and YR looks scared for a min but she runs off leaving GB on the floor looking at the phone.

We see someone leaving somewhere.

RH is talking to YR at the office and YR says she has taken care of GB maybe and RH asks her something.

MJ is at RH’s cooking and RH comes in throwing something on the table startling her and MJ fusses and RH replies and MJ says something else and RH fusses back running her mouth.

RH gets a call about her car and she fusses and goes running out.

RH comes running out to see the bumper on her car is scratched up and she fusses at Kim Gyeong Su standing there and he turns around and she is stuck stupid by him and he apologizes and hands her his card as she is frozen and he says something else to her and RH thinks about where she saw him before (at the corner as he turned to look at her) as he walks off and she calls out to him and says something and he replies back and RH says something else to him and he replies back and then we see a man come running by to snatch her hand back and Kim Gyeong Su grabs her as she is pushed as the purse snatcher runs off and he goes after him and manages to hit him a few times and the guy drops the bag and RH is enthralled.. as he brings her bag back to her.

RH goes in and sits and looks at his car thinking to herself.. LMAO (oh yeah she will fall for him.. wait until she finds out he singled her out on purpose and was once MY’s lover and the father of her son..) This is going to be so good. It is perfect for her she falls in love with him only to find out he does not really want her and never really loved her.

ES comes back from the hospital thinking about what the doctor told her (oh no, is she sick other than the memory loss? Please do not die.)  and she seems a bit down as she looks at the sweat suit she bought in the bag on the floor and she picks it up and goes back out to return it or exchange it perhaps.

ES comes out of the shop and sees the Uncles bad kid outside alone playing in the grass and they smile and talk to one another and Es asks her about wanting to come to her house to visit and they kid says yes and they walk off down the street hand and hand and TJ’s sister sees them wondering from a distance.

ES and the kid go to her place and ES goes to get a snack and the nosy kid looks around and opens the box with the things from ES from 9 years ago and pulls out her pink shoe and says to herself it is just like GB’s surprised.

ES comes in with the tray of fruit and the kid holds up the shoe saying something to her about it and tells her that it is just like GB’s and ES says oh really and the kid says yes.

Mean while. TJ’s sister has called the Uncle to tell him about his kid (why did she not just go after them idiot.) and he comes rushing into the store upset about a woman taking his kid and asks what does she look like and she tries to describe her to him and he fusses at her and goes running out calling for the kids name as she races out after him.

The kid has had her snack and falls asleep with food hanging out her mouth and ES watches her and takes the food out her mouth and Picks her up to carry her on her back and ES seems to have a flash back of doing the same with GB and singing years ago and she sings the same song and cries saying something about Eomma is sorry as she sheds a few tears.

The Uncle and TJ’s sister are out calling for the kid (really they are two idiots) and he sits on the ground crying like an idiot and TJ’s sister says sorry and the kid comes up with Kimbap and asks what is going on and they want to know where she was and the kid calmly says She was with Ahjumma and her father is like what and grabs and hugs her as TJ’s sister fusses too.

GB is crying over her broken phone with a picture of her mother and her and MH walks by and sees her and walks over to sees what is going on and GB cries a bit and takes her phone and looks at it and GB snatches it back and MH takes the garbage from her and they are struggling for it as YR and the woman watch them (lol they are to cute.) the woman says something and YR makes a call to IW I think and wants to meet something looking mad.

MH and GB go to the dumpster and GB is trying to stop him from carrying the garbage and he says something to her about touching his hand and then he takes her hand and asks her why she is not wearing her couple ring or where is it and GB takes her hand back and they struggle again for the garbage and it breaks and eggs and trash fly in MH’s face and he fusses lol..

MJ , the uncle and the kid are enjoying the Kimbap that ES sent back with her (now really you were worried earlier about a strange woman taking your kid but you eat the food she sent?) The uncle says something and MJ replies and the kid tells them something and MJ asks something and then starts thinking.

MH is in his office in a housekeeping shirt (lol) as he looks at it and thinks about what GB was saying about her mother (will he buy her another phone?) and he looks down at the shirt as GB runs in with his clean shirt and he says something and GB says something pushing the shirt at him and MH says something else and GB replies and MH says something about the house keeping shirt he has on and GB stops him saying something and MH says something else and GB replies stopping him and MH smiles saying something to her and GB is like huh and MH says something smiling at her and GB is flustered and MH says something else and GB looks away. LOL.

MH has got chicken and holds  piece up for her but she does not want any and looks at the time and MH says something about she can go and GB says ok and goes to stand and MH asks about her hand phone and GB asks why and MH tells her something else as GB looks at him.

YR has gone to IW ‘s office and he wants to know what she wants and YR starts in about GB fanning stupid jealousy and IW says something and YR replies and IW says what and YR tells him something about GB with someone else and IW starts to fuss and YR shows him the picture of when MH kissed GB outside the house and IW shuts up and YR says something else to him. IW goes running off to the company yet again looking mad.

GB has gone to sleep as MH changes his shirt and MH  looks at her phone to see the broken screen and looks at the picture of her and her mother and says something as he hold it.(I see a new phone in her future and her brought to tears when her pictures of her mother are on there as well..  She will not know what to say. )

IW is coming upstairs in the elevator making a fist angry ( Again he walks in and gets past the badge gates to get upstairs? Security is really lax) .

GB is about to fall on the floor and MH helps her and IW comes in looking at them like they have done something wrong and IW comes over to hit MH and GB stops him trying to tell him to go out and IW tells her to move and MH then tells her to move and IW says something else and GB Slowly leaves and MH says something to IW and IW replies and MH replies back to him and IW grabs him saying something and IW says something else and MH says he will  help with finding GB’s mother and we see GB outside listening as MH says again about helping her find her mother.

ES is in bed and having a dream about the accident and we see she was thrown clear before the car blew up and she is mumbling to herself and then she is calling out in her sleep with her hands up and the guy comes in to wake her saying she is ok maybe or asking and ES wakes up.

The End


GB is working and MH grabs her arm and she looks over at him with his voice in the background. IW has grabbed GB’s arm and then lets her wrist go with his voice in the background perhaps. IW is sitting alone wallowing as he drinks with voices in the background. IW is pouring another glass of SoJu. IW is yelling out at someone (GB perhaps?) . Kim Gyeong Su opens the door of the car for ES and she looks at him. RH is happy dressed up is she meeting with KGS? ES is sitting alone in her room with her head down is she having pain or a flashback? RH is meeting with someone smiling widely saying something. RH looks like she has saw a ghost and we see ES standing there in what she wore 9 years ago in the head lights.


**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

My thoughts:

YR should have not stepped on that phone.. she knew she really screwed up when GB told her her mothers pictures were on there.. this woman does things that will end up with GB coming after her eventually. Oh well I expect we have a bit more of YR thwarting GB and GB catching on to what YR is doing but she may not be able to stop it or get out of it. .  Yep, stupid fell for it IW has really shown to be not as smart as you thought.. .. I guess he is really an idiot to not trust in GB even if they are not together and to not think she has her own mind.. also they are broken up so if a man kisses her it is none of his business anymore even if it happened right before she gave back the ring. He saw YR outside their house spying and when did she have time to take a picture of them kissing? . He should not have even listened to YR. This is all about GB not kissing him and yet another man got a kiss from her. Jealousy! ES's memories are just below the surface it seems and are trying to come back.. IT was really a setup I think that Kim Gyeong Su is meeting RH. HE wants something or plans to use her he must know who she is..

Lot's of video for today's episode.. YEAH!!!

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Agreed, ES memories are returning and quite fast...even by kdrama standards! LOL

Yeah IW has dug himself into a whole....I'm telling you he is coming across like a husband in one of our favorite revenge dramas...you know at first they are loving and the next are possessive and then abusive! IW no longer trusts GB even though he has known her 9 years and yet still listening to YR who he knows is out to destroy GB.

You can also see MH getting GB a new phone and recovering her mom's photos for her.

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KGS definitely knows who RH is and only wants to destroy her. I think he fell in love with ES after saving her and wants to destroy those who harmed her. RH surely fells for him quickly lol!! I can't wait until she sees ES and then realizes who KGS is but it beats me how she could have forgotten his face so easily. It should be hilarious watching her almost stroke out from the shock.

I'm not sure what GB was thinking when she told YR about the recording but she should have been a lot smarter. She could have made copies or even not told her what she had. YR is becoming desperate and GB should have known that the phone would be destroyed. I wonder what it will take for GB to realize that YR isn't the so called friend she used to know. YR neither has a conscience nor cares about hurting GB. At this point, GB should be revealing any evidence she has of YR's wrongdoings as the latter isn't afraid to set her up in order to get rid of her.

Words can't express how stupid IW is for listening to YR. He should be asking YR why she is so interested in his affairs and that of MH. YR  is obviously after something and he should be asking what she wants and not what GB is up to or not. He had no business running into MH's office like that and GB needs to remind him that they are no longer a couple. If she decided to move on with another man, then he should respect her decision and move on. 


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