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Just now, MrsSoJiSub said:

I adore Bora. I like her fiesty nature that always talks back and doesn't allow her upper class men & women run all over her. She's a nice foil to Seol like Inho is to Jung. But I do wish they would get into her loss of her mother and that had effected her and also GIVE EUNTAEK A CHANCE ALREADY!!!!

I agree but i think that she will only give him a chance if she sees him interested in another girl! It would be funny to see her jealous ;)

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23 minutes ago, Anabela Sampaio said:

I agree but i think that she will only give him a chance if she sees him interested in another girl! It would be funny to see her jealous ;)


Have we got some new info about the new character that is arriving? I'm talking about that picture with ET...


Is it Mona? If it is really her, Bora will have Madame Jealousy knocking at her door... 


@MrsSoJiSub I love Bora too, she's so fierce protecting her friends maybe not the right way all the time but her intentions are good and she has her heart in the right place!

@Raquel Pombo welcome to this thread, dear!!!

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Just checked and ANELECTRICTWIST, he/she just updated the CitT BGM and OST playlist. For those who have spotify, click the link above for the updated CitT BGM and OST, also save the playlist!


@bebebisous33 Can you teach me how to attach a spotify playlist here, the one that shows the album cover and there's a play icon? I've seen you've posted the same playlist before. Thanks in advance! :blush:

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1 minute ago, pinkpopink said:


ooooooooooo! :astonished: Now I can finally thank you for continuously updating the playlist! Hihi... You're the best! :heart:

Hehe you're welcome!~ There are actually quite a few nice songs that sadly can't be found on spotify (D:) but can still be found on youtube... Should I do a post on some of the songs that I like (those that can't be found on spotify?) Anyone interested? 

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I actually went back and watched episode 10 over again and I have to say, even the second time around--I don't care for Seol and InHo's "friendship".  In this episode I think she takes more of an interest in InHo than she's ever taken in Jung.  When she saw InHo on the streets, she tried to hide her face so he wouldn't know she got into a fight. I didn't care for that scene or her allowing herself to be pulled along behind InHo.  I have a feeling that if Jung had been in the same space as them, Seol wouldn't be grabbing InHo's hand or trying to touch his face. 

I'm looking forward to episode 11 and a part of me is not.  There are a lot of scenes between Seol and InHo that I know I'm not going to like because I feel she's not being fair to Jung. Yes, I'm looking forward to the scene where Jung and Seol run towards each other and later, I hope, end up with the bed scene. HOWEVER, I have a concern that the scene of Seol calling  InHo "Oppa" may come after Jung and Seol's reunion. I hope  not. I would perfect to cut it out altogether, but since I can't, I just hope the writer give Jung more quality with the woman who is supposed to be his girlfriend but seems more like InHo's.

I can't believe I'm more upset about this episode today after re-watching than I was the first time I saw it.

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OMOOOOOO!!! (insert baek in ha's voice)

I personally regretted watching eps 9 and 10 because that will mean that I'll have to wait for 2 more weeks :vicx:

However, I am planning on re-watching episodes 1-10 and give myself a analysis for the past episodes. HAHA 

So far my favorite soundtrack came from OST Part 1 which is "What we gonna do by Cosmos Hippie" im sooooo loving that song since its release and I can't wait to hear more OSTs from Cosmos Hippie. Anyways,


Happy Chinese New Year Everyone!

(It's woohyun's birthday too! /inspirit feels/)

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5 hours ago, coffeeboy said:

@qwenli Me again xD regrading the translations of the teaser, at 0:19  (Love, career, marriage, health all 30,000 one time) isn't it 30 000won per person ?

And concerning the "0:06 -> implies an fatal attraction." I think the literal translation "it's sweet but comparable to a fatal attraction." would work better.

Waiting for your inputs 

Hi yes a sweet and fatal attraction is better.

I translated from the chinese subs, which says 一次, one time. I think they meant consultation for each topic. Since you mentioned, I went to look carefully at the brochure and it says 1 인, it have not seen this term before, but it is not common to use this as one person, but it could be. Its up to you to decide. :)

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2 hours ago, Anabela Sampaio said:

And why now! The timing is to awkward? Is it because we've started a thread for PHJ and KGE? LOL! I'm delisuonal i know

I dont think so. its just that the bts vids belongs to TVN, so anything anybody do to them, they can complain and demand Youtube to take it down.

Suggest posting any subbed vids to daily motion without tagging CITT or the cast. then it will be quite safe. @coffeeboy please note.

@stargazer187 Jaewoo and inha looks cute together. lol


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16 minutes ago, mgicc said:

Hehe you're welcome!~ There are actually quite a few nice songs that sadly can't be found on spotify (D:) but can still be found on youtube... Should I do a post on some of the songs that I like (those that can't be found on spotify?) Anyone interested? 


Just post away, many would definitely appreciate that! hahaha. CitT also wont be airing next week so this is another thing we could do, LISTEN to CitT's BGM and OSTs! Haha :blush:

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8 hours ago, drynase said:

Does the writer want me to wait 16 episodes to get Euntaek and Bora kiss? How could she be revealing Mona in episode 13? Its so cruel for me getting a hug or something like lips to lips meeting finale for this kind patience.


Yes Bora needs to treat ET better and actually him as her boyfriend, instead of calling him the minion here and there. In the hospital, ET has already hugged Bora and hold her hands and judging by her reaction, it may not be the first time.

Yep we need a kiss between Bora and ET too.:D

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Throwing a random question out there.

A question about culture, more or less.

When YJ asked Seol out to have a meal (multiple times), I gather it is the norm for the sunbae to ask a hoobae to have a meal together but is it usually just two people or a group?

Seol already scoffs at the possibility that YJ might be interested in her and thinks it is some plot against her when he keeps asking her out. Even Bora and ET did not believe that Seol and YJ could be dating. Was it partly because of the miscommunication between YJ and Seol? 


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41 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

I actually went back and watched episode 10 over again and I have to say, even the second time around--I don't care for Seol and InHo's "friendship".  In this episode I think she takes more of an interest in InHo than she's ever taken in Jung.  When she saw InHo on the streets, she tried to hide her face so he wouldn't know she got into a fight. I didn't care for that scene or her allowing herself to be pulled along behind InHo.  I have a feeling that if Jung had been in the same space as them, Seol wouldn't be grabbing InHo's hand or trying to touch his face. 

I'm looking forward to episode 11 and a part of me is not.  There are a lot of scenes between Seol and InHo that I know I'm not going to like because I feel she's not being fair to Jung. Yes, I'm looking forward to the scene where Jung and Seol run towards each other and later, I hope, end up with the bed scene. HOWEVER, I have a concern that the scene of Seol calling  InHo "Oppa" may come after Jung and Seol's reunion. I hope  not. I would perfect to cut it out altogether, but since I can't, I just hope the writer give Jung more quality with the woman who is supposed to be his girlfriend but seems more like InHo's.

I can't believe I'm more upset about this episode today after re-watching than I was the first time I saw it.

 I supposed I enjoyed Ep 10 when I did not think about Seol and In Ho 'together' but rather as two friends who are out and trying to have fun because one friend was feeling down. Ep 10 cemented my belief that Seol sees him nothing more as a friend. There is just no awareness from Seol that In Ho is a potential romance. It is funny to see from a point of view that the guy is hyper-aware of the girl and the girl remains blissfully unaware that she has an effect on him. I love how flustered he was during the piano and she's like 'are you sick?'

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Yoo Jung is a Capricorn (I'm not making this up LOL. It's in the webtoon. s2 chapter 50, thak you themysticaldaydream on tumblr for the remeinder) and he fits it to a mother-f-ing T. Seriously go read on Capricorns and it just scream Yoo Jung LOL

"Capricons are very self contained and have many faces they preset to the world...they may seem indifferent but this is them concealing themselves from the world. Capricorns make it difficult to get close emotionally because once they let someon in, they do not want to let them go and emotional connection makes them feel vulnerable yet satisfied at the same time. Capricons are extremely patient and will wait a long time for something they want..they will plan their steps carefully to others...Capriicons like being in control of their surrounds...they tend to see life in black and white definitive's only" in love "Capricorn man is very physical and passionate, but not emotional (on the outside). Deep inside he yearns for love but this takes a long time to become reality, he is very reluctant to place trust in another person. Underneath his secretive mysterious nature is a romantic streak with a strong sensual side [they better have some sex LOL. they are in freaking college. Seol girl, teach, learn, and explore LOL] this side is completely hidden and once unlocked, you'll be amazed at the transformation the man has undergone [lots of sex, it said they have stamina and lots of it! LOL. Okay LOL I'll stop now incase some are underage for this kind of talk]. Patience and trust is the key with a Capricorn man, he has so much to offer the right woman who will wait for him"

Funny enough when we find out Jung's sign he's on the phone with Inha I believe and she reads his horoscope that said he would meet his soul mate that day. And low and behold that was the day he met Seol at the bar department meeting or he saw her having that private phone conversation which lead to him giving up his scholarship for her. Soonnki (webtoon writer) is a freaking genius who really thought these things out. I am curious of the other characters birthdays and signs. I need someone to be a Sagittarius like me. I think it might be Inho or Bora because I find my personality like theirs. Whatever Inho is Inha is too (are they still twins in the drama like in the webtoon and are they older than Jung? LOL I know, but in the webtoon Inha and Inho are older than Jung and Inha is the noon to Inho by 3 minutes or something). What sign is Seol...

ETA: I think Seol may be a Virgo, Taurus, or Pisces.

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15 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

 I supposed I enjoyed Ep 10 when I did not think about Seol and In Ho 'together' but rather as two friends who are out and trying to have fun because one friend was feeling down. Ep 10 cemented my belief that Seol sees him nothing more as a friend. There is just no awareness from Seol that In Ho is a potential romance. It is funny to see from a point of view that the guy is hyper-aware of the girl and the girl remains blissfully unaware that she has an effect on him. I love how flustered he was during the piano and she's like 'are you sick?'


I think I saw it with those eyes the first time around. The second time around I just couldn't help but compare how Seol treats In Ho compared to how she treats her boyfriend, Jung. I don't think I've ever seen her excited for Jung--enough to forget herself and grab his hand or reach out to touch his face (or I  can't remember any of those scenes).  Jung has to beg repeatedly for dinner and she refuse, but easily does so with In Ho and even play in the rain with him. She gives In Ho leeway that she doesn't give to Jung. When she's with In Ho it seems that she's comfortable and let her guard down--let him talk her into doing what he wants to do. With Jung it seems her guard is up and he always have to give way to what she wants. 

Even crazy stalker asked if she liked In Ho--women in relationships do not hang around another man like she does with In Ho. Even in friendship, there's behavior lines you don't cross. The writer is saying that Seol is oblivious to the fact that In Ho likes her, but the writer has her a little too blind when it comes to her own actions compared to how she jumps to conclusions about Jung and InHa.

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Guys - am I missing something?  I want to like this show since its gotten great reviews, but I just can not for the life of me fall for Jung x Seol.  I have not read the webtoon so I can only judge the drama and so far, I'm sorry, but Jung seems like a manipulative snob who thinks he's morally superior and will 'punish' anyone who falls short of his standards.  I still don't understand why he's suddenly in love with Seol when he really did harass her and make her life miserable the year before.  Please - someone explain Jung and explain why Seol would want to be with him.  I just can't get it.  

Too, is it me, or is there a lack of chemistry with the OPT?  Maybe my standards are JHxDS skewed, but I don't see it.  Help!

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4 minutes ago, b020 said:

Guys - am I missing something?  I want to like this show since its gotten great reviews, but I just can not for the life of me fall for Jung x Seol.  I have not read the webtoon so I can only judge the drama and so far, I'm sorry, but Jung seems like a manipulative snob who thinks he's morally superior and will 'punish' anyone who falls short of his standards.  I still don't understand why he's suddenly in love with Seol when he really did harass her and make her life miserable the year before.  Please - someone explain Jung and explain why Seol would want to be with him.  I just can't get it.  

Too, is it me, or is there a lack of chemistry with the OPT?  Maybe my standards are JHxDS skewed, but I don't see it.  Help!


I don't get that idea of Jung by any stretch of the imagination. He's wealthy, but doesn't flaunt it.  He's manipulative in some regards. When he wanted to help Seol with her college tuition, he gave up his scholarship. When the guy didn't want to work with him, Jung threaten to expose his misdeeds. When Min Soo went crazy extreme in trying to copy Seol's life which was causing Seol to be mistreated and misunderstood, he gave MS information when she was pulling her report together that he knew Seol would have in her report. Stop presented first and then came MS with her report---although MS didn't do it intentional this time, it did highlight that she was copying Seol's life overall.

I don't see him as a snob, but someone who hides behind a facade; a person who has always been surround by people who wanted something from him.  Jung is very considerate as well. He's not quick to throw a person under the bus.

I find it hard that a woman wouldn't want to be with Jung. I love that he tries to help Seol behind the scene and doesn't toot his own horn. I ask myself what does Jung want with Seol especially the way she keeps misunderstanding him. Who can question the heart.  I know I like the two of them as the OTP.

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13 hours ago, kismetfate said:

It's so tiring to read some comments that stated Jung has mental disease blah blah blah. I know he is fictional character, but even fictional character doesn't deserve to be bullied with those "labelling" I'm psychologist to be and I've been studying psychology for 6 years now, and in the process to get my post graduate degree. So I know what I''m gonna talking about.

People who have mental disease tend to can't get along well with their environment (their peers, their school, work, even their family member) and let's say that he is bipolar (because I've read some comments like this,Jung bipolar bcs he has different personalities). Bipolar? Really? No, he is not bipolar. Bipolar related with not having emotions under control, like a ticking bomb. Sometime they could calm as water, but if something trigger their consciousness they will black out and go ape richard simmons. That is bipolar. And psychopat or sociopat? He is far from those. Psychopat or sociopat most likely doesn't have significant others. Why? Because they only think about theirself. For their sake. For their benefit. They dont care what people must go through or suffer or for the worst case die, as long as they get benefit or they in the upper position. That's why psychopat  or sociopat have one significance trait, that is narcisistic. Jung never does harm to people if those people don't do harm at first. And Jung likes to help. Such as the guy with the glasses who gets bullied by SC. Yes, Jung helped him with his own way, manipulative and smooth. Jung just simply be the man he knows will be survive in this cruel world (for him, this world is cruel bcs there are so many people with bad intentions). He takes something with the mindset "It is what it is" That's why he often ignore people's feelings, bcs it makes everything easier. That's why Jung finally met Seul, with her he will learn a lot about life and everything.

And that also explain why Jung is cold with InHo even just walked by when he saw Inho in pain. I think something happened and made him to think "better I dont care with him anymore"

Oh my God thank you so much for putting everything I thought in such a nice and professional way. I am just so fed up with people always having something negative to say about Jung where all they say about Inho is how cute and kind and stuff. Okay I understand that Inho is an easy character to love and Jung isn't but can people give a break already? Just let the poor guy live. I now stop reading a comment immediately when I see ''what's wrong with Jung? why is he so manipulative? he creeps me out" I understand that one can have some suspicion about him in the BEGINNING ( I also had ) but how can you not see who he is after all these episodes? I mean of course we can't know him fully, but we know that he is just a good guy with some issues and depth. Everyone is free to ship whatever couple they want but saying those negative things over and over again is just not right.

Lol I don't know why I am being so aggressive but I just really love him and I hope people would at least try not to judge and understand him.

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