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wow Wookie overload...major thanks to Maja, Sia3 & rrmski for the fast update as always <3

I saw he carried a small guitar at the airport, maybe it is a gift from fan? Poor boy, he looks exhausted, but at least now he has 2 weeks off before his next musical perf.

Can't wait for Happy Camp next week. Hopefully they won't edit too much Wookie's screentime.

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I'm actually taking a break at the moment since @rrmski is doing the updating, LOLLL! I see she's beginning to feel tired now, hahaha! But she's doing really well though, not to double up with us when posting goodies. ^ ^ So I am sitting back just concentrate on collecting/filling my HDD with goodies. Hehehe [嘻嘻]

@Maja and I think that small musical instrument is an ukelele. It looks a bit too small to be a violin, and it would be weird to buy a violin as gift (unless he bought it himself for someone else). I'm still scratching my head thinking if there is any traditional Chinese instrument that is/are of that shape. Technically, the ones I know are all big. Agree on Happy Camp not to edit out too much of Wookie's screen time; however, it will be difficult if they don't since he's not the centre of the show that day.

Re: seeing more of Wookie's pics in China. I think it is because of Healer that he gained more fans, and the C-fans are never stingy when it comes to sharing pictures. In contrast, his K-fans don't share as many pictures although they do share, and it can also be because it's tougher for us non-Korean to find their blogs/websites. I did come across a couple that is 'locked', so there. Before, Maja and I commented we needed more HDs, now, well... hahahaha! HDs are everywhere and more to come. Not complaining... even though my eyes hurt! :P

How's everyone's hard disk holding up though? [哈哈]

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@sia3: Oh, no! Don't to this to me....! Don't leave me alone with all the goodies!
BTW, the reason I'm not posting things that were already posted is because I'm double checking! :D But even so, I did mistakenly posted things twice in the past.
And I'm happy JCW gained popularity in China, he deserves it and I believe we soompiers are not complaining. We get so many lovely HD pics!

@amyanhn: No matter what the musical instrument is, he needed a new one after what he did to his last one. Poor guitar!


Edited by rrmski
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@sia3 haha actually i saved tons of pictures when surfing on weibo, but then i came here and i didn't remember which one i already saved or not...i feel like i duplicated lots of photos, so lazy to sort them out now T__T

And you're right, maybe it's an ukelele, but does Wookie know how to play it? lol 

I'm still kinda disappointed that he didn't have a special episode, but well at least he enjoyed filming it and made new friends, it's all good i guess.

@rrmski poor guitar but dayum he looks so hot when he's angry like that, maybe it's time for me to watch Five Fingers *__*

Edited by amyanhn
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been out of chang wook's thread for almost a week cos hectic works..surprised when soompi was in maintenance for a week..wow,i already miss this thread for a week and you telling me to wait for a week more..>:(

luckily,there's a temporary forum and that leads me to this thread..looks like most of us can't let soompi ruined our one week to drooling over our puppy..

thanks @Lyrayoo for being the the creator of this thread..really appreciate it :wub:

Edited by dlyfie87_at_gmail.com_stv
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Mannnn, I had to type your name 3 times before it would successfully tag you. I don't get why we are getting all these problems when supposedly Invision is better host than Vanilla?! We're not leaving you alone, it's just that you and @Maja were diligently posting about the same time, so I thought I'll sit back and take a break. I did have to go cook dinner and supposedly continue my E44 of EK watch. I haven't been able to do that since he stepped foot on China soil. But *Aish* - not happy that my Paeha is so depressed at the moment; he's making me depressed too!

I am thinking if it isn't a fan-gift for him, then he might have bought it as a gift to someone. Maybe the friend he sang My Song with on IG? That guy can play guitar. I think it's a good idea to have other guests on the show too, because it would be less awkward if filming did not go well. Like the SOHU interview where there were moments (e.g. interactions with the fans) that the atmosphere turned a bit 'cold' and somewhat less interesting to watch. The good thing is Wookie had a good interpreter and the lady host is interested to get to know him. I have seen a lady host hosting a press con with another Korean actor, she showed no absolute enthuasiam to meet him or speak to him etc. The atmosphere was so darn cold and boring, the media was quiet, and you can see he was trying to warm up everyone by making jokes. Best I have seen so far was when this actor went to Taiwan. *Thumbs up* I hope Wookie will go to Taiwan again, and Mickey Huang Zhijiao would be the host.

RE: collecting goodies. This is where my OCD kicks in. I put them in folders by date + event and then another folder by posters (if possible). :D I have yet to sort through the Dayrock pics though. That one is a sight for sore eyes since some events I had no idea what they were, and it goes all the way back too. But one thing I was touched was his 2009 (I think) birthday pictures with Dayrock. Back then it was such a small event, and it is no wonder he's so close & comfortable with them coz these fans have been with him since he debuted. There's trust and friendship between them, and these take years to develop, too. Aw. Wish I could be 'friend' with a celeb, but my luck of meeting one at the airport is -0.00%. Tsk. LOL!

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@sia3 i wish i had your patience to go through my picture folder. I saved them all together and didn't rename them, now i don't even know which is which T__T

Talking about about Dayrock, he will also celebrate his birthday with them this year, hopefully they will share some picture with us. Have you seen his fanmeet vids in Taiwan? There's a video showing his reaction to a fanmade MV dedicated to him. Wookie looked so touched and tried to hold back his tears T__T

I've never met any celebs at the airport either. I went to 2 k-actors' fanmeets last year, but after that i lost interest in them, reason why i wonder if i ever wanted to meet Wookie in real life lol

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I wonder what's he looking at?! ;)


Nice view! :D

RS's Claimed! :wub:

For those with hand fetish! :D


cr 兔兔養老虎

Please credit properly and do not modify or cut the logo as requested by the owner. Thank you 

Edited by Maja
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[HD] 2015.04.30 SOHU EVENT
Continuation from Maja's post... and Owner's requested: 【禁商用 禁裁切/涂抹LOGO Please DO NOT cut my logo or modify & NO commercial use 상업사용 금지, 로고크롭금지 입니다】





Yes I happened to have seen that one. He didn't actually let himself cry though. He controlled it, lol. There was a song he sang that I absolutely adore... too bad it's not in full, and too bad it's not clear enough too.

LOL, I get what you mean, I think. A little 'mystery' and 'fantasy' is needed. :)

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@sia3 @rrmski @Maja THANK YOU!!!!! :wub: I have totally lost count of how many pictures I've saved of wookie this last few days, just spamming the clicks hahah, thanks to the generosity of C-fans and also all your hardwork for sharing it! :) It's all in a mess in my folder, since I hardly have time to arrange them now, maybe after exams. But there's just too many X'D I'm not complaining at all though, considering he'll probably go into hiding and rest for a while hehe.

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@cherkell please don't be upset by the host calling him xiao chi. As an ethnic chinese, I can share that it is nothing rude and fairly acceptable for her to do that in Chinese culture. jcw also have several other nicknames (which I should not share here) in the Chinese community.

In fact it will be quite wierd for jcw to be referred to Mr jcw or jcw actor. Only political and business executives are introduced with the Mr or Miss prefix. Most Chinese celebs are usually addressed just by their names period. As a celeb, you would want to have more nicknames than none, because the more you have, it means you are more popular. I take the example of international superstar, jackie Chan, on Chinese media, nobody calls him Mr Jackie Chan, everyone calls him Jackie Chan dage meaning big brother and that's for somebody of that stature.

anyway, the souhu media has treated the Chinese fans badly, apparently during the long wait at the fan gathering for jcw to appear, they were not allowed to drink or even seat on the floor. They were out in the hot sun. now there is alot of unhappiness among the Chinese fans and I am very sad about it. am out all day, will share more later.

​Nope, it's cool.  I also found it odd that the MC would address him as "younger" when they had just met (and she's younger than him in age as well), but it's all in good taste regardless.  Xie xie! :)  (And I've heard about some of those other nicknames before... tee hee...)

What I'm more concerned about is what you mentioned above -- the SohuTV treatment of the fans before and after all the events, especially at the handprint ceremony.  I've been reading some of the posts on DC and they are not complimentary AT ALL about the Sohu management or its employees.  Who knows if this may have been his last venture into China before enlisting -- but these issues will definitely make their way back to Glorious and maybe make them think twice about working with this promotion agency in the future.

EDIT:  that's what we call a "travelling guitar" he's carrying back with him (1/4th size; short neck; almost like a ukulele in tone).  Maybe someone is dropping a gentle hint to finally get him to take guitar lessons?  Hmmm...  :P

And pssssst... stay tuned for the Glorious pics coming out soon!  *happy dance*

Edited by CherKell
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