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Lookee what I found!  Another Poll:  https://www.kpoparazzi.com/poll/vote/3/#_=_KPOParazzi



Right now Actor Ji is in second place; much like the other poll the lead is way way way ahead, but given who it is, I can understand what is motivating his fans.  This poll seems relatively simple and straightforward.  No special hoops to jump through.  Just go and vote. You've got until the end of December.   I don't know how important it is in the grand scheme of things, but anything positive like this is something he can look forward to hearing about.


UPDATE UPDATE:  When I went to vote today, the site says it is experiencing functionality problems and the end date for  voting is now November 30, NOT the end of December.  Actor Ji is still in second place as of this typing.  

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I didn't notice it the first time around, but in addition to that poll above: https://www.kpoparazzi.com/poll/vote/3/#_=_ for the best actor of 2017 



there is also a section for voting for the best DRAMA of 2016 and in second place is The K2!   The voting for BEST DRAMA 2016 ends December 16, 2017.   Go to Home and look for the "Best Drama" icon.  


Initially I didn't believe the voting was really unlimited, but I was home sick today, and with a splitting headache,  and was incapable of doing any constructive work.  So I played around with this voting business......and it is really true.  You can vote until your fingers fall off.  I became one of those rabid fans that I have been hating on.  votevotevotevote......vote often....until your fingers fall off.  He deserves first place, first class, all the way.

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On ‎10‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 10:21 AM, cherkell said:

[Interview] 20090415 10Asia – Ji Chang Wook│My name is..

Yes, way back on October 25 @cherkell gave us a translation of an early magazine article on Actor Ji. There  are marvelous pictures of that new and very interesting face.....a little like the face we see today, but different and more closed than open.  More on that comparison later.  At the time I had wanted to do a GIF but got sidetracked, so I am doing it now.  Since JCW is so animated in real life (or, at least, on the screen) here is a GIF of that early face.  Please enjoy.


credit as tagged: www.10asia.co.kr

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Today I was reading another blog devoted to Ji Chang Wook; the author said that a drama on Viki - Manhole - had a lead character who seemed to be awfully similar to Actor Ji.  Well, of course, I need to check this out.  Therefore, the name of the blog and the blogger are being withheld at this point until the information can be processed and judged accordingly, and if it is found that the comparison is not valid, well, I want to spare that blogger any embarrassment. 


I have gone on a rant before about how Ji Chang Wook is not under any circumstance ORDINARY!  Even if he says he is ordinary.  If he says it too many times he and I are going to have a chat.  So, comparisons to other people/actors are judged fair game also.  I happen to think JCW is sui generis ( Latin for, among other things:  Creative arts, for artistic works that go beyond conventional genre boundaries).  The Latin phrase is much more authoritative than saying that he is unique.  He is like no other.  So, I am going to check out the comparison.  I'll get back to you.


In the meantime, here is another "moving picture"  from earlier times to keep your interest alive.  Love that smile at the finish.........



credit as tagged Kstyle Magazine


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Here is an update on that KPoparazzi.com poll above:  Actor Ji is in second place for Best Actor of 2017.  The "actor" in the lead position is so far ahead Wook will never catch up.  The third place actor, the one nipping at Wook's heels, is an Eel. :grimace:  There are but a hundred thousand votes separating them, so more Wook people are needed to keep the lead.  We have until the end of November.  Get your friends, relatives, neighbors, enemies, local village idiots, whomever, to go to the site and vote again, and again......That seems to be what the other people are doing, judging by the comments.  When you just vote and don't comment, your identity is protected.


Which leads me to an observation which may not be politically correct, but it is noted without malice, and more than a little confusion.  The majority of names of the commenters seem to be Latino/Hispanic, location may or may not be given.  There is a smattering of easily-identifiable Asian names, mostly Chinese (location kindly given);  there are almost NO easily-identifiable English names like Joan, or Mary, or Linda Mae.  And I don't think there is one Korean name.....now why is that?  Of course, as I mentioned, if you just vote and don't comment then there is no way to know where you are from, so my observation may only be worth 2 cents, but where are the DayRock fans when you really need them?  Hint....hint!


Here is the picture and vote as of now:


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This is the picture of the vote at the Kpoparazzi.com site for BEST KDRAMA OF 2016.  This vote puts The K2 in second place,  just a mere 34,000  32,935  31,817 29,933(as of Friday morning) votes behind the current 1st place choice.  This difference can be easily overcome by the end of voting on December 16.  So follow the voting instructions above, but add the troll under the bridge, your rotten little brother (pay him if you have to), and even an intelligent dog, cat, or chicken to the voting list.  Just vote, don't comment and no one will know.


Interestingly enough, the KDrama in third place is the Eel's drama (see Best Actor above) , but it is way, way behind in the voting tally.  His fans love him, but not the drama, apparently.


Bring this one home for Wook!!!!


P. S.  I just got a tip from another voter on the site that Wook's first leave from the army will be in 4 days!  

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It's 9:30 AM Sunday morning where I am.  I just want to let you know about the KPOParazzi voting.  As of right now Actor Ji is within 20730 votes of being in first place for BEST DRAMA of 2016 ~ The K2!!! .  Voters have cut the lead down from 34,000.  With whatever little time you may have to spare, go and vote.  Even if it is one vote......we've got until December 16 to cinch this one.


UPDATE 1:00 PM.........The K2 drama is now within 14,200 votes of FIRST PLACE for BEST DRAMA of 2016.  

UPDATE  5:30 PM........The K2 drama is now within 12 800 votes of FIRST PLACE for BEST DRAMA of 2016!!! 



As far as BEST ACTOR goes, Ji Chang Wook supporters are staving off any upset by Eels (we won't make 1st place here) for a strong second place; JCW is ahead of Eel Boy by 130,00 votes.  But don't get too complacent.  Again, any time you have to spare, go vote.  We have until the end of November for this award.  

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On 11/16/2017 at 4:07 AM, MyStars said:

Which leads me to an observation which may not be politically correct, but it is noted without malice, and more than a little confusion.  The majority of names of the commenters seem to be Latino/Hispanic, location may or may not be given.  There is a smattering of easily-identifiable Asian names, mostly Chinese (location kindly given);  there are almost NO easily-identifiable English names like Joan, or Mary, or Linda Mae.  And I don't think there is one Korean name.....now why is that?  Of course, as I mentioned, if you just vote and don't comment then there is no way to know where you are from, so my observation may only be worth 2 cents, but where are the DayRock fans when you really need them?  Hint....hint!

Sorry for the snip edit. ^^


No offense, but honestly, Dayrock (and Korean fans in general) are not concerned about random polls such as these because they don't mean a hill of beans to Wook's stature.  Therefore, they stay far away from voting in these things unless they have an important entertainment outcome such as (for instance) the Blue Dragon Awards, the Baeksangs, the Asia Artist Awards that just ended, and any of the Popularity Award polls put up by the Big 3 Networks (KBS/SBS/MBC).  Awards that are just one-offs put up by various fandoms are never picked up as newsworthy by the Korean portals and basically do nothing to increase Wook's popularity standing, so the Korean fans stay away in droves and concentrate on the important polls instead.

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33 minutes ago, cherkell said:

Sorry for the snip edit. ^^


No offense, but honestly, Dayrock (and Korean fans in general) are not concerned about random polls such as these because they don't mean a hill of beans to Wook's stature.  Therefore, they stay far away from voting in these things unless they have an important entertainment outcome such as (for instance) the Blue Dragon Awards, the Baeksangs, the Asia Artist Awards that just ended, and any of the Popularity Award polls put up by the Big 3 Networks (KBS/SBS/MBC).  Awards that are just one-offs put up by various fandoms are never picked up as newsworthy by the Korean portals and basically do nothing to increase Wook's popularity standing, so the Korean fans stay away in droves and concentrate on the important polls instead.

Well, us Hoi Polloi (everyday people) are havin' a bang up time voting and talking trash, so there is that.  And I used to hate these things with a passion.  Your explanation clears up a lot of questions.  I forget how single-minded the SK folks and government are when promoting internationally all things Korean. 


So, so, very glad you are back.  I was concerned and was going to send up an S.O.S. (International Morse Code Distress Signal)  Cue ABBA.  


P.S.  Is Soldier Boy really getting military leave in the next day or two?  



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1 hour ago, MyStars said:

P.S.  Is Soldier Boy really getting military leave in the next day or two?  


We'll have to wait and see.  The Korean Military has changed their family leave policies and procedures over the past few years, so nothing has been set in stone.  If the Cretin to the North gets his panties in a wad over getting a hangnail in the next few days, then all leaves will be postponed or cancelled.

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Update on the KPOParazzi

voting for Best Actor and Best KDrama of 2016:  Actor Ji still in second place for best actor with approximately 5 days to go.  The voting is holding off a challenge from Eel Boy.  The lead is about 140,000 votes.


For best KDrama, Actor Ji and The K2 are ahead in the voting for First Place!!  The voters helped overcome a 30,000 vote deficit to be ahead now by about 25,000 votes.  But there are still about 20 voting days to go......no time to relax.  What fabulous and devoted fans.  They are in it to WIN IT!


I have been able now to read up to page 519, almost to the present day.  JCW's pace was fast and furious for the last 2 years.....a breakneck sprint to the finish.  Very exciting.  I especially loved all the fan meetings and the accompanying photographs of the halls filled to the rafters with fans.  The meeting halls looked they might hold a million people, but I know it was just a trick of the wide angle photographic lenses.  However, those photos did give me a thought for a meme.  Please enjoy.



Spelling and grammar errors are deliberate!

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Hoo Boy!! The last votes have been counted for Ji Chang Wook as BEST ACTOR in the KPOParazzi Poll.  No, he didn't win the vote as Best Actor.  But what is so fabulous that his fans gave him a little over ONE MILLION VOTES to put him in second place.....Ji Chang Wook as an "also ran."  Go figure.  Two million votes secured the first place winner, who shall remain nameless in these pages.  One million votes for Actor Ji is nothing to sneeze at or to take lightly, especially when all the voting came from him being way, way behind, and at one time in third place.


Also note that he didn't receive one million separate and distinct votes; fans could vote more than once, and were so fired up that some made it a personal crusade to give their time and attention to getting this man what he so rightly deserves.....fan recognition and public recognition.  They adore him.


Out of all the "one off" polls I've seen over the years, this was the most fun.  The voting was real-time, and there was voter interaction in real time, with the ability to post pictures and voting slogans.  If it had been real-life and personal, there mighta been fistfights even.


The race for BEST KDRAMA of 2016 continues until December 16.  The K2 is in First Place.

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Most of the early dramas he has been in wouldn't have been watchable if he were not in them.  But I have found this phenomenon in other dramas besides his.  Some talent, like his, cannot be matched completely by the rest of the cast.  It is as if "the lead actor" (in this case JCW) was acting in one play with one script, while every other cast member had a different script and different director.  Bizarre.  I see, too, that his high energy level and devotion to his craft is consistent.  He has never, ever just "phoned in" a performance.  With him, it is all or nothing, which is a miracle given some of the screwy, oddball plots, subplots, subplots with their own subplots.  Makjang personified.  Or, as in Western-USA-vernacular.....the plots have "jumped the shark."  Don't ask.  Makjang says it all.



Hi there!


I think Wookie is probably the most talented actor of his generation but even talent like his needs a good script, great chemistry and a good supporting cast e.g. Empress Ki. I watched most of his dramas pre and post EK and he's an amazing actor who has a different face in each drama and he's even dedicated to train physically for his role and look the part unlike so many other actors. 


I was really bummed that Suspicious Partner didn't garner the same kind of success like EK or WBDS rating -wise but it was too long and the plot was confusing. However, his performance shone thru :wub:



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Hi to you, too @soso2094!  Yes, every drama can be improved by a cast that is matched talent for talent, and with a coherent script.  But Actor Ji shines even when the script and cast can't match him.  So I watch to see him in action, not so much as for the drama itself.  In Empress Ki I think he invented a whole new genre of character creation.  His Emperor was genius and if it were transferred to any other country or culture, I think it would have been an Oscar-winning performance, no questions asked.  In fact, there wasn't enough of him in EK.


You said:

"I watched most of his dramas pre and post EK and he's an amazing actor who has a different face in each drama and he's even dedicated to train physically for his role and look the part unlike so many other actors."


Truly, this is a man who loves his craft, and has worked hard to develop the talent to make his craft really sing.  It is so good to see kind of devotion these days when actors in the West, and the East,  are  so blasé about their success, and adjust their "acting" to match whatever the current fad is.   His ability, and objective reasoning for choosing his scripts says so much about how he values what he thinks is right and good. He seems to be a person with great work integrity, if not life integrity.   I don't think the world (OK, South Korean, China, Japan and other Asian countries) is really ready for him.  Perhaps that is why Suspicious Partner didn't, as you say, "garner the same kind of success like EK or WBDS rating -wise but it was too long and the plot was confusing. However, his performance shone thru :wub:"   Like the other two ~ Healer and The K2, I found Suspicious Partner very sophisticated.  I didn't know it wasn't the same kind of success as EK or WBDS:o.    Sometimes  most of the time, the public is just so fickle:angry:.

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On 11/30/2017 at 6:55 PM, soso2094 said:


Hi there!


I think Wookie is probably the most talented actor of his generation but even talent like his needs a good script, great chemistry and a good supporting cast e.g. Empress Ki. I watched most of his dramas pre and post EK and he's an amazing actor who has a different face in each drama and he's even dedicated to train physically for his role and look the part unlike so many other actors. 


I was really bummed that Suspicious Partner didn't garner the same kind of success like EK or WBDS rating -wise but it was too long and the plot was confusing. However, his performance shone thru :wub:



Though SP was not as successful as the the dramas you mentioned it was not a failure either. Those dramas were great success but nowadays many actors that are considered more famous can not easily get the rating and honestly speaking ratings dont alway show the quality. Healer though not a big success brought him on the map specially among international fans like me. It is really appreciated. I believe his ratings are underrated. For exampla K2 was a good success for the channel. you can compare with other ratings too. It reached 6 which is great for TVN channel. even SP was a moderate success just compare it to some other biggies like while you were sleeping it was even a little better than that. Wookie did SP cause he wanted to show a new side of him. I have read in many sites that he is good just for action and blah blah blah. but he has proved himself in comedy melo action and practically different genres . I really wished he would get an awards for his movie fabricated city in which he was totally awesome.

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