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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Oh, if only I could see them on billboards too! :wub: If there's nothing going on between them as they'd have us believe, I find it interesting that they don't mind the public further associating them as a couple with this campaign which they know is bound to happen coming off of LFIL. Hmm...I guess the lure of the paychecks must've been too high? :lol: 

And I wish I could be happier about the finished product, but I still can't. Even in that big close-up, Siwon looks especially...waxy...somehow...and look at that second shot of him in the vermillion top! His mien is so masklike and the pose is just...ugh! The overall effect is a tad amateurish; they look so much more natural and more of what I'm used to from H&M in the BTS shots.

The accompanying article from Today isn't particularly hopeful for shippers, but I guess at this point that's what we should expect. It appears that the theory I floated many moons ago about the CNY campaign being their big coming out party as a couple is complete crap, unfortunately. :P


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More BTS photos from Marie Claire Taiwan


Sweetness overloaded. Love how comfortable and loving they are around each other....yesterday was legs...today is all about hands ;)


Credit siwonliuwen IG & Marie Claire TW. 

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Just friends, eh? What's with the intertwining fingers? I doubt they were directed to do that, just like they can't have been asked to do the same on LFIL when we caught them engaging in some naughty fingers action before breaking away when greeting the lady at the hanbok place.

And Siwon, "We are the most suitable candidates to spread love and joy!"? Did he really say that? If he did, um, just WHY are you guys the most suitable candidates, dear Mr. Choi?! :P :lol:


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I know, right, I came to a somewhat unsettling realization that we can't take what the magazines say seriously, even reputable ones. Lifestyle (not sure about its credibility) said SW declined to discuss military service and romance, while Marie Claire TW quoted him as saying "we are the most suitable candidates (as models) to spread love and joy".  I think as with anything else, reporters write with their own personal bias, some more than others.  In addition, celebs also tweak their answers depending which reporters they talk to.  Siwon has talked about romance and love multiple times after the H&M shoot. 

In addition, remember, H&M photoshoot was done back in September right after SW's single claim.  Many things have happened since, we had SW showing LW's magazine covers on his show She Was Pretty.  Most recently, LW was unwilling to clarify her relationship on Day Day Up and Elle Awards, and media had a hay day in spinning what she said.  A richard simmons storm and huge amount of backlashes followed, probably resulting in the Ms. Ren's declaration of her single status. In China, Day Day up will be aired on 1/8 and You look Delicious on 1/9, I am sure we will get timely updates from Mun+Won to see the context of those "provocative" words they uttered.  

At the end of the day, what we see only constitutes a very small part of their relationship, a good example is that LW/SW seemed to have had a lot more fun in the BTS photos of H&M shoot than what the initially published photos had indicated. With both of them declaring single, there is not a whole lot for us shippers to go by to confirm a relationship.  However, a lot of people, including most of us on this thread, choose to rely on those hard-to-fake moments both on and off the show to conclude for ourselves that they are an item.  Time will tell and best wishes to our couple.

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I've been looking at the H&M BTS photos again and again and like everyone here I couldn't get enough of them and I prefer them to the official ones as they certainly look more natural and beautiful. My only complaint is Mr Choi, why you always had to put one hand in your pants' pocket in every single photo? Your pose would have been a lot more natural and nicer if you had used that spare hand to hold on to the beautiful lady next to you!! :P

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Does anyone get nervous for Day Day Up episode tonight ? I just dont want to remind the haters about that Chui Shi Yuan scene that we love. After all that chaos, the last thing I want is it starts all over again. Liu Wen fighting !

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Day Day Up was aired and Liu Wen portion is available on Mun+Won, nothing new and I think we have seen the essence of it before. 

However, to me today's biggest update came from Liu Wen's Manager, Ms Ren, and the conversation she had with her husband. 

我从事幕后工作已经15年了,陪你走过这十年,无论是在阳光下的海边暴晒拍摄,还是在马背上拍摄险些掉下来,还是一天工作20个小时。只要镜头一对准你,立马敬业的开工。是你一直用实际行动激励我,别人看到的是你的幸运,却不知在幕后辛苦的付出。没有一个人随随便便会成功!你一直是  我学习的榜样

A rough translation: I have been working behind the scenes for the past 15 years and accompanied you for 10 years.  Whether it is shooting under the high sun by the seaside, almost falling from horseback, or 20-hour work days, you start working with absolute professionalism as soon as the camera is turned on.  Your actions have been inspiring to me. Other people only see how lucky you are, but they don't know all the hardship you have been through. No one can succeed willy-nilly, You have been my role model.

The conversations Ms Ren had with her husband on weibo clearly indicated they were once again impressed and inspired by LW today. Ms. Ren said she was moved to tears and alluded that she was not as composed and lost her cool today. 

Feels to me like something unexpected (very likely negative and quite possibly work-related) happened, but the way how LW handled it was just inspiring. 


LW on the other hand had the below weibo update, without Ms Ren's update, you would have thought she had a good day. 

拥抱蓝天大海,#天天向上#  Embrace the blue sky and great big sea, #day day up#

She remains composed and positive.  How can people not love her?   On SW news, the Audi director, a friend of SW's, went to visit him today ( I will omit the IG photo), it only means there are opportunities for people to visit SW, he is not isolated from his family and friends, 




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Video footage from 天天向上 on 8th Jan:

Liu Wen's catwalk... there is no doubt who has control over the stage there:

Singing in a group:

When the question was raised, after which everyone's answers revolved around cooking or Siwon (Ouyang Nana said, "Let's ask Siwon oppa to treat us to a meal"):

And.... her IG update... definitely still maintaining the upbeat tone, which belied what her manager and husband discussed:




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That stunning body and those long legs!!! LW definitely looks more feminine and sexier these days!

And morning kisses in the morning and bikinis to end the day...our girl is definitely in an exceptionally happy mood today! We are lucky and someone is even luckier  ;)

womdering what Mr BG is going to comment on the bikini photo today :)



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44 minutes ago, moonee said:

That stunning body and those long legs!!! LW definitely looks more feminine and sexier these days!

And morning kisses in the morning and bikinis to end the day...our girl is definitely in an exceptionally happy mood today! We are lucky and someone is even luckier  ;)

womdering what Mr BG is going to comment on the bikini photo today :)



Lol I keep refreshing her comments section for BG's comment. Maybe he's with SW today since he has some concert with Donghae.

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Saw in WIL weibo .. seems they have new couples already. Or are they just candidates ? One of them is Yu Yan Peng. And they pair Liu Hao Ran and Ouyang Nana. Aren't they too young for this ?

I wish Jackson Got7 is there, it must be epic to have him.

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48 minutes ago, ieja rashid said:

Just saw Mr.BG comment in LW's latest IG post but its in chinese. Why everybody thank to him for his support?? #clueless :blink:

I know, it's embarrassing. Here he is trying to be low-key in posting comments, and you got a bunch of silly females poking and prodding him and drawing attention to the fact. These twittering birds all wrapped up in their ShiLiu love (and all waiting for their own Siwon to come along, I expect) are just too much sometimes.

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bgchae's response to Liu Wen's nose-bleed inducing photo is 漂亮, which means "beautiful" in Chinese.



Her latest IG post this morning... something calm and soothing to offset the scorching heat of yesterday's post? :P 


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30 minutes ago, jusrub said:

The most hillarious one, 1 comment saying ( before he commenting ) "what do you think Bgchae, we are waiting for your comment "

Are you serious ? Lol

Ikr. For me its too much.aigooo!!! When i read all those comment it makes me even more embarass. They put LW in pityful situation. :(

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