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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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While we are on the subject of pigs... ALLStan posted an explanation about what Winnie the Pooh and Piglet has to do with Siwon, which I translated below from her Weibo write-up here. If this is the case... then his "I Miss You Pig Time" suddenly takes on a whole new meaning, doesn't it? :rolleyes:

Choi Siwon's latest Instagram translations - 13 Dec PS: Do you know the meaning behind Winnie the Pooh?
2015-12-13 18:14 ALLStan

Choi Siwon's latest Instagram translations - 13 Dec

The above image is translated as follows: #siwon#始源#Lord Siwon#Choi Siwon#Piglet that Siwon sent over#Do not worry, my master actor #I won't style someone new hehe#Quickly get discharged from the army#Will wait for you


The above image is translated as follows: #siwon#Choi Siwon#It is said you came in first in military training hehe#Truly Choi Siwon#So handsome#Must wear winter clothes okay#Can't not wear it#Do your best and smoothly complete the remaining 1 week of training

The following relates the origins of Winnie the Pooh...

Although Choi Siwon has had many nicknames since his debut, 十块钱 "$10", 票哥 "Brother bank note", 炊事员 chuī shì yuán "cook" in China; Masi, Ma Siwon in Korea, however there is a nickname all his close friends know, which is "원이"="Wonnie". In Korean language, people have the habit of adding an 이 "ie" at the end of the name to make it a nickname. Similar to Chinese, where some would reiterate the last word of the name to make it a nickname (e.g. Ju Gua = Gua Gua). In the same vein, the pronunciation of Wonnie is almost the same as Winnie the Pooh's "Winnie" in Korean pronunciation. This is why he has the nickname of Wonnie, and uses the cartoon image of Winnie the Pooh to represent himself.

The nickname "Winnie the Pooh" is known to his childhood friends, who then refer to him as Wonnie on SNS. His ex also knew, so in the past she was photographed by overseas fans holding a Winnie the Pooh doll. (Here, I do not intend to deliberately not mention his ex, since he was very upfront with Liu Wen previously, saying that he had been in a relationship before, talking about the difficulties of being forced to hide it. We all have our past, regardless of whether it is in relationships or other aspects, which shape the person we are today. There is no entanglement with the past, nor will there be a cover-up of what was past)


Avid fans may perhaps remember that after filming the [reality] show, Siwon posted in Korean on IG [translator's note: he posted on Apr 6], which he also posted on Weibo, also translated to Chinese, but the Chinese translation was really bad... it is not known whether his Taiwanese friend translated for him, or he typed it himself in the home of someone who can speak Chinese... to get the most accurate understanding of what he was trying to say, I will translate his Korean post for everyone.
Korean: 오랜만이다. 예전친구는 어디론가 사라졌는데. 새로운친구와 함께 다시 나타났네. 반갑다.
Translation: It's been a while since we last met. No idea where old friends have disappeared to. (Now) I am appearing once more with a new friend. Very happy to see you.

(Please take note that what I am saying next is not delusional, but from the understanding of the basics of reading Korean by someone who has learnt Korean for 8 years... His words are addressed to Winnie the Pooh, which is to himself. He is Winnie the Pooh, the old friend is his ex, while the new friend is Piglet, who is also your Older Cousin.)

Let us travel together into the abyss of the [ShiLiu] fandom... 

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29 minutes ago, ieja rashid said:

Btw @liddi what 'Allstan' stands for?


That's the Weibo username of the person who wrote the article.

And I cannot take credit for finding this out... noticed Weibo fans mentioning it in the comments of his New Year's greeting... so I simply followed the trail :D 

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18 minutes ago, liddi said:


That's the Weibo username of the person who wrote the article.

And I cannot take credit for finding this out... noticed Weibo fans mentioning it in the comments of his New Year's greeting... so I simply followed the trail :D 

Only you not being lost on that trail. Thank you so much Liddi

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Wait a minute, so Liu Wen is the piglet? Aww if that's the case, but I have my doubts about whether Allstan is indeed not delusional. :P I think we've been starved of substantive good news for so long that we're starting to enter a gray area where even unlikely connections are welcome. :lol:

And if that "I miss you pig time" message is meant for Liu Wen, one has to wonder why Siwon chooses to convey it via social media rather than privately. If he wants the world to know that it is meant for Liu Wen (hence the message being public and not private), then he's more or less announcing that they are still together despite evidence to the contrary. Interesting...

I also find it amusing that Siwon congratulated the new Miss Universe and is now following her - I think it's safe to say he wouldn't have done those things if he didn't know that she once fantasized about being Mrs. Choi. You've got to be pretty self-absorbed to follow someone on IG and congratulate them simply because that person is a big fan of yours, but then so many of these much adulated celebs do exhibit an inordinately high degree of self-absorption, don't they?

Whatever, Miss Colombia is so much prettier and I'd prefer it had she stayed Miss Universe...:P


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I think he's just being nice to congratulate Pia and then followed her. I mean Lee Teuk, the leader already congratulated her and told her that he knows she likes Siwon, it's gonna be super weird if he didn't at least do the same. Although I don't think Pia is still his super fans though. Her tweet was from 2009! She didn't even follow him before, instead she followed Justin Bieber. Lol.

And in the video during Miss Universe show, she said that she has a boyfriend but her mom didn't know about it. Interestingly, she was actually very "close" to the President of the Philippines who is a bachelor. 

Regarding that Pig .. i know he's trying to say I miss you big time, but PiG ? The first thing that came out to my mind was that Elle video. And my delusional mind said that someone might send that picture to him, the PIG. Lol. I know I know .. I desperately need help. Lol

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Some people sending liuwen's naked pic to SW on weibo. This people just beyond evil I think. I dont get why they really wanna destroy LW's life. Plus i think someone already sent him that naked pics before right ? When WIL still aired ... 

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It's far better to be confidently beautiful with a HEART. Pia may not be as beautiful as Miss Columbia but she's shown and proven time and time again why she WON the crown esp how she handled her self in this situation: 


 Pia and Liu Wen are both beautiful people but they are more than what meet the eye.

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17 hours ago, liddi said:

(Please take note that what I am saying next is not delusional, but from the understanding of the basics of reading Korean by someone who has learnt Korean for 8 years... His words are addressed to Winnie the Pooh, which is to himself. He is Winnie the Pooh, the old friend is his ex, while the new friend is Piglet, who is also your Older Cousin.)

Let us travel together into the abyss of the [ShiLiu] fandom... 

@liddi when i read this para, it reminds me of Tom Hank when he resolve the riddle in Da Vinci Code

i know it silly but forgive me :P

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Vidal Sassoon's recent Weibo post features the BTS of Liu Wen's collaboration with them (including her in the driver's seat!) - love the video, showing her strong, sassy, vibrant and very much in control :wub:

她是各大秀场红毯上最耀眼的东方骄傲,她是在镜头里总会露出可爱酒窝的时尚icon。她摩登,她自由,她是不断突破界限的颠覆者。她是模特@刘雯。这一季,沙宣邀请@刘雯 担任灵感大使。当刘雯遇上沙宣灵感无限的剪刀,颠覆经典,迸发出最锋利的时尚火花。精彩花絮抢先看
She is the most dazzling pride of the Orient on the red carpet, she is the fashion icon who would always reveal her adorable dimples in front of the lens. She is modern, she is free, she is the revolutionary who constantly pushes the boundaries. She is model Liu Wen. This season, Sassoon invites Liu Wen to be our Inspiration Ambassador. When Liu Wen meets Sassoon's limitless creatively inspired scissors, classic is overturned (sorry - badly translated!), bursting out the sharpest of fashion sparks. Have a first glimpse of the brilliant behind the scenes footage


cr. @沙宣VidalSassoon Weibo

Liu Wen's response to the video:

2015年马上要过去了。2016年和@沙宣VidalSassoon #发现新的你#吧!很荣幸成为沙宣这一季的灵感大使,有机会我们一起尝试不同的角色 ee9098.pngee8c9d.pngee8c9f.pngee8ca7.pngee8c9e.pngee80bc.pngee849d.png
2015 will soon be over. 2016 with @沙宣VidalSassoon #DiscoverTheNewYou#! Am very honoured to be Sassoon's inspiration ambassador this season. If there is an opportunity, let us try out different roles together.


Siwon's version of the Super Junior Seasons Greetings 2016:




cr. jayla1064, reupload by SIWONstorm-Tumblr, via mun+won Weibo

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It is interesting how LW and SW are handling their celeb fans differently. D10 has been consistently made his admiration towards LW known, lately I'd say it is a bit beyond admiration, by tagging her on weibo all the time... to my best knowledge, she has not followed him back either on IG or weibo.  I do think @allnaturalcrunchtime is right, SW probably would not have noticed Pia if she had not become Miss Universe and has a raised profile. Although I think it is normal to follow Pia back on IG, his action does indicate a bit of male ego, to me that is. It is normal amongst guys unfortunately. 

Why does he show a photo of himself with Adrien Brody when he extended his congratulations and invitation to Pia, kind of odd, no?  I. Some posters said it might cause some jealousy in a certain someone?  If that is a concern, then I would question the compatibility between them... they both have met and will meet many more beautiful people in their lives, it is quite possible some of the them become fans...they will need to overcome the jealous thing fast... it gets very burdensome and tiring really fast.  that said, I don't think LW is the jealous type... She did show a sense of insecurity early in the LFIL show, but I think it was more due to excessive caution of dating for the first time in one's life, not paranoia. 

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It is clearly an ego thing despite what his fans might say; I've always sensed that he's got a big one (hah!) and that's why I've never quite warmed to him. If Miss Philippines hadn't become Miss Universe and was never gaga over Siwon, would he have made that overture and followed her on IG? Nope. As for the gigantic male ego being a normal thing...look at someone like Hugh Jackman, who has worldwide fame that Siwon could only dream of and yet is the soul of humility without a trace of ego in every off-screen setting I've seen him in. Liu Wen is the same way...trust me, tons of the top models have their heads so far up their arses that it's no wonder they talk the way they do, but Liu Wen strikes me as someone who is authentically humble and who really doesn't think she's anything that special. On the other hand, Siwon has a very high opinion of himself and makes it patently obvious - he may think all that slobbering from those female nitwits entitles him to feel that way, but it's celebs like Hugh Jackman who separate the merely nice guys from the truly nice ones.

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1 hour ago, allnaturalcrunchtime_stv said:

It is clearly an ego thing despite what his fans might say; I've always sensed that he's got a big one (hah!) and that's why I've never quite warmed to him. If Miss Philippines hadn't become Miss Universe and was never gaga over Siwon, would he have made that overture and followed her on IG? Nope. 

I thought im the only one who think like this. Thank you @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv . You can read my mind..hehe :) . My english not as good as you, so its pretty hard for me to express my feeling/thought in subtle way.

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I also thought it odd that he started following Pia but then, I saw her fans post the IG timeline and apparently, Pia followed Siwon first and later Siwon followed back.  Am I the only one who thinks that he was trying to be polite in returning the follow b/c she is, after all, Miss Universe?  I would think him more egotistical or perhaps rude if Miss Universe started following him and he just ignored it....  btw, as for his congratulatory comment to Pia, it's interesting that Keenie his HK manager forwarded it on her weibo with the caption "supershow yeah!!" As if to place more emphasis on publicizing SJ's show and trying to downplay the personal invite to the show (so that people don't get the wrong idea and start a new rumors?).

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Mun + won post pics from n407 website I think. There is 1 pic of him looking at his phone. The caption is very interesting. 

he is trying to send an sms

Trying with slanted, send with super bold letters. Jiwon.. you are trying to emphasize those 2 words right ? Especially the send one. :phew:

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As for the following of fans, this is not the first time Siwon has followed his fans... from what I know, he followed many of them in the past - most of whom are no celebrities to begin with, until that fateful time when he did a wholesale cleanup on twitter several months back which led to so much backlash. Also, I honestly cannot see how it can be considered egoistical to post a congratulatory message for Pia's achievement in winning Miss Universe, especially since she was revealed to have been both an ELF and Siwonest. If anything, I see his gesture as one of support and encouragement, considering all the controversy that surrounded the crowning, not to mention the ugly behaviour of her fellow contestants in deliberately snubbing and sidelining her due to no fault of her own, despite her graciousness first in accepting her first runner up position, then her crown. For me, all the ugliness from "fan"doms in recent days do not negate nor reduce my respect for both Siwon or Liu Wen, not has it given me cause to be critical of their every post or action. I merely hope that they weather this raging storm and come out stronger at the end of it, individually and together.

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