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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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19 minutes ago, burgl said:

may i ask if anyone can translate Jiwon's latest IG comment that's written in Chinese?  i'm especially appreciating her and BG Chae's support right now for the sorrowful situation Liu Wen has been put in :( 



Jiwon's post actually says this:

The last performance this semester, very happy and excited, fighting together!

The point is not as much what she said, but the language with which she posted. Truly hope that the Choi siblings are also in private contact with Liu Wen, extending their support through this very appalling, rough time.

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1 minute ago, liddi said:

Jiwon's post actually says this:

The last performance this semester, very happy and excited, fighting together!

The point is not as much what she said, but the language with which she posted. Truly hope that the Choi siblings are also in private contact with Liu Wen, extending their support through this very appalling, rough time.


thank you liddi for the translation.  i understand your point now, and yes i hope for the same too.  Jiwon and BG Chae also seem to be sensitive and brave people who support WenWon when Siwon cannot display his feelings publicly.

i feel sad for IDOL life, as i remember how proud he felt on LFIL episode 5 declaring "first time i'm announcing, she's my girlfriend"  how sad, that only on a reality show can Siwon possibly express his true emotions and not receive backlash :(

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hi everyone.  i've been a fan of liu wen for quite a while. so ever since she joined WGM with Siwon, i kinda enjoy reading this forum :). you guys have been a great supporter for wen and also won.

IMO, since liu wen has leveled up her self to a celebrity supermodel now, and due to her busy-er schedules , i kinda strongly think that liu wen urgently needs a Publicist and also a stylist, apart from her agency/nanagement. m just saying. i mean, a good publicist would know better what to say or what not to say during time like this. :(

anw, we love you liu wen... stay strong and keep your head up gal :). we all got ur back

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Keenie has just posted on Weibo, in what appears to be addressed at all the ugliness of recent days... is she voicing this out on behalf of someone? Regardless, this admonition is timely and most welcome.

茫茫人海,能夠相遇相知,是一種缘份。不管是那一種缘份,也要以禮相待,不能惡言相向。 [心][心][心]
Being able to meet and get to know one another in a sea of people, is a kind of fate. No matter what kind of fate it is, one should treat one another with courtesy, not acrimony.


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Liu Wen posted her Airbnb Wen Li video on IG... and Mr Chae commented as usual with a "Wow, scenes move so fast!"... good on him for not letting the haters get to him!


She also posted her congratulatory message to her stylist He Lei for being awarded Stylist of the Year. Am I reading too much into her message, or does it sound a little wistful when she says:

Congratulations to Brother Three Stones [He Lei's nickname], reaping blessings both in career as well as family!


Meanwhile, Vivo posted their Christmas greetings with Siwon:

Siwon Oppa asks you, have you received your Christmas presents?


cr. vivo智能手机 Weibo

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2 hours ago, moonee said:

@ieja rashid sorry I meant LW's weibo not IG. Lots of jealous and immature kids left disturbing comments on her weibo after the filming of Day day up and Elle's stage interview. 

Disgusting...as if Siwon's going to pick any one of their homely arses over a supermodel! Grow up! Now we know why that turd floated up in this thread recently...I did not know there was such a hullabaloo over on Weibo, so I guess some crap was bound to wash up on our shores sooner or later.

I read a comment addressed to Mr. BG on Liu Wen's IG...something about how LW is only trying to help SW...huh? :huh: Did I miss something?

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3 hours ago, alex_is_a_daydreamer said:

There are a lot of haters on Weibo.

One names her account as "has Liu Wen died today?"

Another one makes a fake naked porn picture.

And some other sj fans.


OMG!!!! What happen to people nowadays. I hope these kind haters didnt affect her endorsement deal.

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It's Christmas Eve night where I am..wishing our couple and everyone of us here a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe, healthy and happy! 

It doesn't look like there will be a Christmas reunion for our couple but hopefully they will be able to catch up soon...out of public eyes preferably.

Cheers :D


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Hard to imagine that the year is drawing to a close... who would have thought that 9 months would have passed by so quickly.

To my fellow WonWen shippers, 

Thank you to everyone here on this thread who have been drawn together by a common love for two of the most amazing people I've ever seen
- for your friendship, support and encouragement through the highs and lows...

Wishing you and your loved ones a very blessed and joyous Christmas and an excellent year ahead, filled with all you wish for and more.

And especially for our couple Siwon and Liu Wen,

May this Christmas bring you and your loved ones abundant love and blessings... 
and this coming New Year will usher in untold happiness and fulfillment in your personal and professional lives,
individually and as a couple.

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9 hours ago, liddi said:

Es difícil de imaginar que el año está llegando a su fin ... ¿quién iba a pensar que los 9 meses se han pasado tan rápido.

A mis compañeros de cargadores WonWen, 

Gracias a todos aquí en este hilo que han sido unidos por un amor común por dos de las personas más increíbles que he visto en mi vida
- por su amistad, apoyo y aliento a través de los altos y bajos ...

deseamos a usted ya su seres queridos una Navidad muy bendecida y feliz y un excelente año por delante, lleno de todo lo que quieras y más.

Y sobre todo para nuestra pareja Siwon y Liu Wen,

Que esta Navidad traiga usted y sus seres queridos abundante amor y bendiciones ... 
y el próximo Año Nuevo va a marcar el comienzo de la felicidad indecible y satisfacción en sus vidas personales y profesionales,
de forma individual y como pareja.

Thank you very much that beautiful words! stay strong supporting them, hugs Merry Christmas to all from Mexico.

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Christmas greetings featuring our couple:

雯疯而动 also posted last night:
平安夜用表姐@刘雯 温暖的笑,祝大家平平安安 ee8d85.pngee8d85.pngee8d85.png
Christmas eve with Cousin Liu Wen's warm smile, wishing everyone peace.


to which Liu Wen responded:
平安最重要,快乐也最重要! ee8d85.png
What is most important is peace, what is also most important is happiness!

Meanwhile, SM Town posted their Christmas wishes, featuring Siwon and Changmin:


cr. mun+won Weibo

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Dear all, Merry Christmas and happy holiday .. 

Just wanna stop by to share a fun news that Pia's (Miss Universe ) twitter account is deactivated. She's taken over miss universe twitter account now. Her IG is still on though. And I checked who she follows on IG, from 1000+ people, there is no any suju members, incld SW. 

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Dear all,

  Merry Christmas and happy holidays!!  I am guilty of only dropping a comment once in a blue moon but nevertheless, appreciate all your enthusiasm and hard work maintaining this thread.  Especially @liddi for your awesome translation skills and dedication.  Wish everyone, including our beloved couple, the best in the new year =)  

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