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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Hi, everyone! I'm just dropping by to say thanks for all your nice posts. I've never really shipped celebrities in real life because I feel that I shouldn't bother with other people's relationships-- real or not. However, I just feel the need to support this ship through and through! XD

I have been an ELF for five years and Siwon has always been my bias. I find him a real role model to me. He has always exuded that drive and passion in life that I personally would want to achieve myself. Although I am not as 'hardcore' as other fans, I consider myself a fan with genuine concern for him. I have never looked up his past girlfriends or whatevers because I feel that that is not something I should do as a fan. However, I have always been concerned about him in the future-- on his career and marriage. He has lots of goals which is inspiring because a lot of people nowadays forget to dream when they get into their 30s. I find Siwon's outlook in life really refreshing because let's admit it-- he can have anything if he would simply use his wealth and power. But he isn't like that and this is why I am so proud of him. His career and how he makes it are very important things to him and this is also why I am worried that he wouldn't find a woman who can thoroughly understand this. Because of his status, I'm worried that some women can take advantage of that and even if they don't, most of them will never understand him and his dreams. I really did pray that he will find a confident woman who can stand on her own and will not feel utmost insecurity around her when she is with him. I know I am now sounding really creepy like I am his Mom but hahaha since we're all fans here, I guess you guys understand more or less what I am trying to point out, right? XD

When I heard about this show, I wasn't all excited about it. I have watched all SJ WGMs and to be honest, I am not expecting much from Siwon. I thought it would be cute but I have always felt that he has always been very careful with his actions that he probably would just 'act his way through' the show since he's a pretty good actor. I do love him in variety shows because he really cut loose but I wasn't that thrilled about a dating show because I felt that he wasn't someone who would 'take it on another level' because he deeply cares for his image and the image of his co-workers so he wouldn't do something that can probably hurt their careers. But when I found out Liu Wen was going to be in it, I was shocked. How the hell did they get a top model in this show? Anyway, as I was following the show, at the back of my mind, I was thinking maybe she is the woman Siwon would have really taken seriously off-cam. She's confident with a mindblowing career, she is a woman who knows what she wants and would most probably understand equally driven people like Siwon, and most of all, she is honest and genuine. I find the latter very important. I remember that there was a phase in Siwon's twitter life in which he was posting stuff that are likely about a heartbreak-- something about 'if trust is broken, then the relationship's over'-- or something like that. I find honesty the most important quality he needs. Liu Wen has this apparently. In the episode in which they were 'fighting', she expressed that she was confused about Siwon's real personality and that she did not know how to react properly when he acted like that. I thought that that was very raw, like even if they had a script, that was something that really came out from her. I also liked how she was reluctant to have skinship and all. I mean models also do some kind of acting in their shooting and she most likely worked with other male models holding her and such so I thought that she can also act herself through it by letting Siwon touch her. However, she refused a lot of skinship. I think that this is because she was taking the show seriously and that she wasn't thinking of it as 'work'. I personally think it would have been easier if she just let Siwon take the lead all through out by letting him do all couple-y stuff but she took effort by taking it slow and natural. To me, that is simply her being her true self.

I couldn't believe it when she went to the SS6 encore and that she met his family and SJ brothers. I thought that that was a really strong action. To be honest, I used to be a little disappointed with Siwon's family because they really don't get involved with SJ's activities. In Star Life Theatre, none of Siwon's family member was there (although well, Siwon wasn't there as well lol) in Hyuk's housewarming party. However, I understand that they are a very private family with very busy affairs of their own. I was even more surprised that Choi appa made an appearance in the show. I was thinking-- Siwon must have really, really made an effort to ask his Dad to show up because it's not their kind of thing (plus, he's infinitely busy sooo haha). I thought that effort was really amazing. Anyway, back to SS6, I was also surprised that Jiwon even took photos and bravely posted it online. She's a smart woman who loves her Oppa dearly so if it was something he did not want her to do, she wouldn't have done it. But I guess Siwon allowed her to do it. It was really interesting.

I am honestly not sure about their relationship but I really don't mind if they're real or not. But if they are, I would be really, really happy. Liu Wen would really be the perfect woman for my Oppa. Now that he's in the army, it would be difficult for any woman to wait for 2 straight years in another country. But Liu Wen did not have any relationship all her life so I thought that staying faithful would not be a problem hahaha 


Anyway, that's all I have to say. Really, thank you for all your posts. ^_^

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Thank you so much for that beautiful post @chengker... love your analysis and POV, especially coming from a long time fan of his. I find him very inspiring as well, despite only being properly introduced to him in LFIL... and with qualities that are extremely rare in this day and age when most people would be clamouring to conform, rather than stand up for their own convictions. LFIL also introduced me to Liu Wen, who is the greatest surprise, and totally the opposite of what my impressions of a supermodel would be like. Needless to say, they continue to command my respect as individuals, and captivate my heart as a couple.... and whatever happens in the future, they will always have my well wishes and support, be it individually or together.

And while I'm in spazz mode... can I just repeat what @mywebfoot pointed out to me... just take a look at his hand on her waist! :wub:

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Looks like the InTrend article with the latest H&M photos have been taken down... which pretty much confirms that these were leaked after all. These photos are still available on various platforms online though. Looking forward to seeing the official releases... 

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I am very happy seeing our couple together, however honestly I'm not so fond of the leaked H&M photos today. Let me be frank, they remind me of my arkward and overphotoshoped wedding studio photos. They are so good looking individually, and even more so together, the photo quality and results should have been much better than what I saw. Unfortunately both look rather  posey and indifferent in different photos. Maybe it is the settings and photoshoot theme that make our couple look a bit unatural. Let's hope we will see some photos of them looking more relaxed, laughing and smiling at each other, rather than just posing for the camera. 

It is however comforting seeing SW's hands on his girl and their body language showing how comfortable they are around each other. Hmm Perhaps it doesn't matter whether it is a good or a bad photo, as long as I could see them together, I'm happy enough. 

Edited by moonee
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Happy Thanksgiving! (for those who celebrate it).  

The new set of H&M photos are good, but did not live up to many fan's expectations (me included), they seem to be excessively photoshopped and lacking SW/LW's trademark, dimpled smiles and spontaneity we fully anticipate from these two.  However, their body language indicated closeness. I think there are better photos out there.  As you can imagine, this set of photos inspired another round of debate over if they are together.... just one comment, the photoshoot took place on 9/24, before SW referenced LW in his show.

I think @Shiliu_shipper cited part of what is expected to be an article in Dec. Elle China in this thread... in which Liu Wen talked about LFIL and love. I just saw a screenshot of it.  I have to say the article used a lot of real estate on the page but did not convey much,  A quick recap of what I read (part of an article)

- SW is wealthy, handsome, popular, i.e. a good catch,  But what's made many female fans proud is that LW is rich and accomplished herself, she does not need a man to buy expensive gifts for her, she can afford them herself.  On some level, they are a good match... (whatever, Mr/Ms author you are trying to say here)

- Insert the part that was brought here translated by Liddi "When the comments were shown to Liu Wen, she instead was a little overwhelmed. For starters, she humbly feels that she is just an ordinary girl, whereas there are many in the same industry who earn more than her. Secondly, she says all these are tasks arranged by the program, and hopes that everyone will not associate it with real life."  

- Liu Wen said that Siwon is a thoughtful person and looked after her on the show.

-  In real life, it remains unknown whether LW has started dating or not, whom she is dating if she is indeed involved with someone...

- LW then went on saying that wealth and exterior appearance are not that important when it comes to real love in her mind, she does not think her boyfriend can be too short, otherwise, he would feel pressure when he is with her, she concluded by saying " when it comes to love, your pre-set criteria becomes less important"   

I don't know when the interview was conducted, but I don't think it tells me more about her personal life than what we've already known (which is consistent with her personality)

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You all gotta remember that this photo shoot was done in a rush. Also siwon was a walking zombie during this time. It was right in the middle of him shooting his drama and he was sleeping 2 to 3 hours every night

Teukie updated his IG. He misses his kids a lot :(


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Sorry if this have been posted before.. but can somebody  refers me abt the translated version of this news .. thanks !! 

I don't know if there is a translated version, but it is about the "You Look Delicious" show Siwon taped, in which he was cited saying he really liked Liu Wen.  So news media made a big deal out of it.  Many fans speculate that he probably said this within certain context... it is hard to imagine he would say this to convey something romantic over a cooking show...  nonetheless, it is good news to us shippers. 

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To me, the below picture indicates closeness, LW is leaning towards SW comfortably, and SW is using his body and leg to support her.  At that same time, this photo is seriously photoshopped, with those heels, there is no way LW is still 2 inches shorter than SW.  SIwon's hand placement in other photos looks good to me too :-). 


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I'd be stunned if H&M plasters these shots (as is) on billboards; they're a huge brand, and their celebrity campaigns (like the recent one featuring David Beckham) are normally so natural-looking and professionally done. Maybe their quality standards are lower when it comes to Asia-only campaigns, but even so, I can't believe such badly airbrushed, awkwardly plastic shots would be deemed acceptable. I swear, Siwon's facial hair looks painted on...terrible. Remember their joint ELLE cover shoot? Aside from Siwon's bad haircut, they looked so relaxed, so gorgeous without a hint of artifice in those photos, and of course the accompanying videos corroborated that. Funny how their chemistry in photo shoots is more evident while they were working on LFIL - maybe that's because those high-school feelings were still on a high back then, whereas the challenges and strain of maintaining a long-distance relationship are now beginning to show.

And those translations of Liu Wen's latest comments aren't very positive at all, but that's the way it always is with these two...up and down, up and down, just like on a see-saw. We get overwhelming evidence that they're together and then little slivers of naysaying info come trickling in, making us doubtful...we've been on this merry-go-round so often that I've decided that until we get incontrovertible proof that either one is dating someone else, I'm going to continue believing that they're a couple.



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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Yes, I am surprised at how H&M is managing this campaign... almost amateuer. 

As for LW's interview, I really don't think it tells us anything.. it reminds me of how I answer questions about dating/marrying someone from a different culture... my answer has always been, which is absolutely true... culture background does not matter much, it is about the connection you have with your partner...  (does this tell you anything? not really...)

To me they were a couple and still are a couple, until there is clear evidence they are not... 


ETA: I believe LW addressed the interview questions by focusing on compatibility, i.e. wealthy, good-looking people match well with other rich, beautiful people, her point is that love is much more important than wealth and aesthetic beauty, at least that is my read on it.  Honestly, I think the author could have had a better, more insightful discussion with LW than merely asking her about her reaction to fan comments considering what an interesting and fascinating person she is.  He/she wasted a good opportunity IMO. 

Happy turkey day!

Edited by Kculturefun
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@stanncie Thank you for sharing the translation of Teuk's IG post... his worry is very evident, as is their closeness. Teuk has always been a big brother to his boys, watching over them and I am reminded of how emotional it was when the entire group expressed their feelings to Teuk in "All about Super Junior" DVD prior to his enlistment. Siwon's friends have also been posting about the harsh weather - sub zero temperatures and snow... he is definitely very much missed.

And yes, I remember the period of the H&M photoshoot with his utter lack of sleep due to the filming of She Was Pretty. To still manage to look this good in them despite his obvious exhaustion is a feat in itself. I believe he went on for a few months with just 2-3 hours sleep throughout the filming... can't even begin to know how he did it.

Will he be back home in time for Christmas? Or does it need to wait until he completes his police training, which, if I'm not wrong, will bring us to Jan 2016?

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I think the Elle interview is old judging from the line of questioning... some people believe it might have taken place in July when the "rediscovering Chinese culture" photos were shot in London.  It makes sense. 

Does anyone know if it is common to get regular updates on Korean celebrities during enlistment?  

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Finally saw the full article that was mentioned earlier, which is Bazaar China's Dec edition article on Liu Wen.

Again, I don't have any time to translate the full article for now, but here's the full translation of the segment talking about LFIL and relationships that was previously highlighted here, which should set minds at ease as to what she was referring to when she talks about not associating the tasks in the program with real life:

Reality Show
Love is:
My happiness cannot be bought

Liu Wen's name has become known by even more people, who are so captivated by her character and charms, thanks to a reality show "Let Us Fall in Love". In this program, several celebrities are paired off as couples, and every week, they would complete a mission, doing what couples would do, such as cook, give gifts to each other or prepare for their wedding.

Liu Wen was paired with Korean actor Choi Siwon. This pairing became the most well-loved couple in the show, and even considered by netizens to be the perfect looking couple. Many fans followed the show to see this fairy-tale couple who is both eye candy and has brought joy to the heart, the one they call ShiLiu couple.

Liu Wen revealed that the production team first contacted her manager in China, then her manager in New York. Her managers felt that when models reach a certain age, they would experience times of weariness, and need new excitement, so being involved in a job that is outside the industry is not a bad choice. When Liu Wen took the job, she had no idea what was required in a reality show, how much more to build up the feelings and pretend to be lovers. "To me, being in a relationship is a humongous black hole. What is even more frightening is that through the program, I discovered many black holes in my life that I never realised, such as riding a bicycle, baking a cake, choosing a gift for my boyfriend... everything is a challenge to me, which I had to learn in a very short amount of time."

Liu Wen still remembers the first time she met "boyfriend" Choi Siwon was after taking multiple flights, from New York to Beijing, then to Seoul. What's more, the camera crew was already following her in Seoul. They said, "You should condition yourself, you are both going on a date!"

Oh my God! I was about to pass out. How do I start, what do I say?

Fortunately, Liu Wen with her years of catwalk experience is armed with an advantage, which is to exhibit her charm and warmth. As such, when she and the handsome Korean star Choi Siwon met for the first time, the production team smiled as there was instant chemistry between them. And after editing and post-production work, the mesmerising intimacy was relayed to the hearts of every fan.

This pairing has succeeded!

As both of them slowly grew closer and became more and more relaxed, interesting ShiLiu couple topics were brought up.

Some passionate fans discovered that Choi Siwon came from a good family background, is wealthy and handsome, and the gifts he gave Liu Wen are very expensive. Meanwhile, Liu Wen also brought dignity to many women. Her fame and fortune attracted many netizens who previously rarely paid any attention to the world of fashion. 

In certain ways, these two are extremely compatible. Furthermore, Liu Wen became the icon for the independent, self-reliant career woman: What is the best is not needing your boyfriend to buy you gifts, as you can afford them yourself. In the eyes of those netizens who are experts in deduction, such a woman has the confidence to choose the one and the way she loves.

When we showed her these comments, Liu Wen was instead a little overwhelmed. For starters, she humbly felt that she is just an ordinary girl, and there are many who earn more than her. Secondly, all the tasks were arranged by the program, so she hoped everyone would not associate it with real life. Liu Wen admits that Choi Siwon is a very gracious gentleman, and really knows how to care for a woman.

As for her real life, it remains unknown whether Liu Wen's romantic love has begun, or if it has, with whom.

"My attitude towards love is very simple, which is to do away with all the external factors, and appreciate/admire each other from the bottom of our hearts. My ideal partner actually need not be very rich or very handsome. Of course, it would appear that he cannot be too short. Since I am very tall, he will feel very pressurized if he is too short. Whatever it is, if I really love someone, all the preconceived criteria is not necessarily important. Love cannot be measured by money, as long as you love that person, that is enough."

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