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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Thank you so much! The interview allows us to understand more of their thoughts and feelings... truly insightful and has me smiling happily like an idiot. Looking forward to reading your translations for more details that I might have missed, since my Chinese is just passable at the best of times. Now I really hope that this interview and the impressions given to the writer happens after the apparent meltdown we saw in Ep5 preview. If it is, I am truly truly a happy shipper.

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Guest bibidep

Ready for the new Episode hahah.  This Episode happen on the 21st of April.  The interview happen after the photoshoot because most of the answered with the scenes they already done shooting. 

Here is the clear picture of Siwon at HongKong airport to go home.  You can see the Tiffany bracelet very clear.  The one you see in the picture when he left Seoul to HongKong he took in the car with the open sunroof he put his hand up to the sky...that one he still wait for the good news from Liu Wen.  The night he stay in HongKong was the time he got the news from her, because of that the next day he can't focus in the Steve Madden event that's why he sent the message to said he was not feel comfortable on the event.   He must be so excited can't sleep well hahah.


Credit to MunWon


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Guest bibidep

Oh no may be the reporters approached or call him for his private life, Siwon just tweeted this message with the picture.  """"NEED SOME SPACE AND TIME""""  


Credit to Siwon twitter

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Guest TA380

I'm back...

In the article, it also mentioned " According to reliable sources, they met up privately. As to where they go and what they do, when they answer this question, Liu wen was just smiling."

Siwon won't believe that Liu Wen did not date before/in love before, he even went to check with the staff there to ensure that she really had no bf before.After he confirmed that, he stuck out his tongue and said "So that is true! My responsibility is even greater."

Show time now.

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Here is a very rough, poor translation of the ELLE interview... left out details here and there, but the main gist should be there. Please be forewarned that my Chinese is just passable, so apologies in advance for any mistakes! Note that the article is written from the point of view of the ELLE journalist. @TA380 please feel free to correct and add on :)


Walking into the ELLE set, his eyes lit up. Holding her hand, he praised all her posters, then smiled widely when they stopped at the poster of her posing with a horse. He told her that he loved this poster best because one of his Korean nicknames is "horse". He then had his manager take a snapshot of him posing and kissing her lips on the poster, which in turn had her blushing and playing with her hair, and looking at him with tenderness in her eyes.

When we jokingly told him that we would give him the poster, he immediately had his assistant provide his SK address, stating that he would display it in the most important place in his home. This had her blushing even more until her ears turned red, and the atmosphere during the photoshoot became one that was intimate and sweet, which in turn infected all the crew there as well.

The Good Girl's first Kiss

[snipped description of their backgrounds]

The first time they met, they were feeling awkward due to language barrier and sitting together so closely for the first time. She snuck glances at his smile and his eyes, but dared not look directly into his eyes.

[snipped descriptions of their interactions in the program]

During their first photoshoot, they had to hold hands. She did what she normally does with male models - stand far apart until the crew yelled "1, 2, 3". At 3, she grabbed his hand, which made him annoyed and amused, saying "You're a girl. How could you hold hands like this?" It was only then that she realised there is a technique to holding hands: the guy holds the girl's hand and puts it within his grasp. From there, she felt that he was a particularly attentive person.

During the kiss in Ep4, she never told him that that was the first time she dared to look closely at his face, and noticed how clean shaven he was, and how his hair was no longer parted in the middle. Then she was reminded of how his supportive fans left messages on her Weibo, asking her to change his image... not to let him grow a beard, nor part his hair down the middle. On Apr 11, she had her very first kiss, while he fell for a pair of monolid clear, beautiful eyes.

Deepset Male Phobia

She spoke about having a phobia for men, especially unmarried men. If she knew the guy was married or gay, she would relax and be able to be sporting and friendly. However, if the guy was unmarried, she would be visibly nervous. This may have to do with her upbringing, being an only daughter, her parents wanting to give her the best, and she wanting to be the best for them. After school, her mother would enroll her in different classes such as dancing, piano, calligraphy, and though she laughed that in the end she mastered nothing, it kept her extremely occupied and busy. She did not lack for suitors - there was someone who courted her for 3 years, sending her flowers, riding on a motorbike waiting to send her home and sending her love letters. However, she never once sat on his bike, and all the love letters were returned to sender.

She said that she was a late bloomer. On the one hand, her father forbade her to date, so she didn't. In addition, she had no interest in romance, preferring to hang out with her female buddies and go home on time. 

When she became a model at the age of 17, she was always kept busy. In the past, she would always say that she was romancing her career, but in the past year or so, she realised she could no longer do that. "A woman has different needs at different ages. In the past, I was very much like a man - doing everything myself, not depending on anyone, doing what I want to do, going where I want to go. In private, I would usually wear jeans and sports shoes, but slowly, I also want to change, to be more feminine."

She began expanding to different areas, and her participation to "Let's Fall In Love" was to enable her to experience something new, a personal challenge. Her manager is also concerned about her future, and hoped that she would, through the program, experience what it is like to be in love. "Modelling is still the career I love the most, but I wish to know what else I can do apart from that. I realised there were many things I did not know - play guitar, dance, ride a bike - but I never had the time. Now I wish to give myself the opportunities to discover and experience new challenges."

Soaring love in April

LW and CSW probably never thought that in less than a month, their situation and relationship would gradually change. Onscreen, they are the sweet and powerhouse pretend lovers. Offscreen, the lovers from different countries would message each other, and according to reliable sources, they have privately gone on dates before. When asked where they went and what they did, she only gave a sweet smile.

She is no longer the girl who kept covering her face in embarrassment. During the photoshoot, she was wearing a bareback dress while his shirt was unbuttoned, but she took the skinship in stride. When asked why her male phobia was no longer evident, she pretended to run away, but the entire atmosphere was a sweet one.

When he first heard that she had never been in love before, he was as surprised and sceptical as the rest of us. After privately confirming with the staff that she really never had a boyfriend, he stuck his tongue out, saying "Then it's true? My sense of responsibility is now even heavier."

He likes her cheerfulness and candour, then rapidly realised she gets nervous easily, and is afraid of getting hurt. He tried to alleviate her nerves by expressing his romantic feelings in a half joking, half serious manner, hoping that she would enjoy it without feeling pressurised. Offscreen, they are continuously learning more about each other. She said, "My work is fast paced, but my feelings take especially long to grow, since I treasure it, really want to properly cultivate it so that it will last. I do not want a romance which has seen all it needs to see within a short period of time. What next? 'I like you' is a very simple statement, but to reach there takes a long time."

At first he was not used to it, but he slowly got used to her pace, and gives her enough time and preparation. The viewers are invested in their romance. His fans left messages on her Weibo, saying "You must let him give you presents! Oppa is very rich!" She calmly responded "Unni too does not lack for money." She does not need material gifts, but the well-meaning jokes and sincere well-wishes really warmed her heart. To her, a lavish, romantic restaurant may not necessarily compare to a picnic in the park, and what attracts her is only the man himself, not the fancy trappings.

She said that her ideal boyfriend would be a little older, a little more mature, and humourous so that "This way we won't be bored together." Being willing to listen to each other is very important. She always believes that an ideal relationship is where both parties are equal, with both willing to give of themselves, and not being given more because she is a woman. "If I meet the right person, I am willing to change for him, such as not to be so busy, because if both parties are equally busy, the time spent together will be really short. I always felt that love means him showing up at the earliest moment when you need him the most. Likewise, when he needs you, you should be there at the first instance."

She never expressed these words to him. However, when we asked him his expectations from this relationship, he sincerely said, "I don't know where this relationship will lead to, but I know, we have met. In future, as long as she needs my help, I will be by her side at the very first instance."

This is the most perfect commitment a man can give. And she appears to use actions to declare her hopes - she continues to wear the bracelet he gave her. During his movie premiere, she accepted his invitation and graced the red carpet hand in hand. When reporters asked which actress he wished to work with, he seriously answered "I already have a girlfriend."

When asked what tomorrow will bring, she smiled sweetly and said that it is too early to say, but she expressed her wish, "Hope that we will have even more [days like] April."

April 2015 is filled with new experiences and possibilities. When she touched her face, he complimented her, saying her skin has become even better. She daringly and saucily replied, "Of course. Isn't it said that a woman in love is the most beautiful?"

Edited by liddi
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Guest bibidep

Is there any streaming links?

I post the link either in the top page or last page.  I can't post the link now because I'm on the iPad.

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Guest bibidep

Hahah he watch the interview first, then go to the studio to learn how to dance.  Liu Wen so shy and just practice the few times then go home.  The next day he came to the room where she had the make up and ask her why she didn't text him back.

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Guest bibidep

Oh my they talk it out and Liu Wen declared she took this show serious not just for the show.   And Siwon admitted to her that he did have girlfriend before.  After the talk Liu Wen initial a hug with Siwon and they go to the photoshoot place.  Next week is the scene of his movie premiere and press conference.   Hahah Siwon said everybody out so they can kiss hahah.  

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I am officially over the moon. Footage from the photoshoot... sizzling sizzling chemistry - he wants her hand to go deeper inside his shirt :lol: And so much spazzworthy moments after that! I can go to bed happy now... :D

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