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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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The rain reunion and dreamy love-scene (it's not just JH's imagination,- it's true, right?, pls let me know)..it;s kinda too perfect and textbook-like to me, I admit.


But seeing a half-naked JJM and his tender/passionate kissing..it's always welcome :phew::phew::phew::phew:

I don't think you need to worry.  JEH worried it was a dream too (may be the writer-nim thought we would think it's a dream!) and asks JED if it was a dream. JED gives him an answer.  Here is their conversation before he leaves to get back to work:

EH I will go and come back

ED yes

ED hurry and go

ED shakes of something off his shoulder

ED even if you are late, eat properly

ED don’t eat snacks like gimbap

ED don’t eat only sweet things, need to eat sour things too

ED go, hurry

EH I’m scared this is a dream

ED it’s not a dream, I pinched myself earlier

EH you eat properly too, chew slowly

EH you’ve been rained on so avoid cold wind

ED yes

EH I will go

EH hugs ED

EH please don’t disappear again, ok?

ED yes

EH I will go now

ED oppa, be careful driving ok?

EH ok

ED please please be careful

EH ok I will be very very careful

ED don’t answer calls while driving never never

EH ok I will never never answer calls

ED waves goodbye

EH tells her to go in

EH gets in the van

EH drives off

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I think, the father's attempt going public might backfire on him and JH. JH said, it was a mistake to use the sponsor event... so it doesn't serve JH's interests if this matter is revealed. He knows, EH's paternity could be revealed. Morever, ED has first recollected her past.

By the way, did the stepfather mistreat ED in the past?   

@bebebisous33,  I think he did ED is scare of violence and threats this probably were JH was told what to do to her if she don't do what he wants but I think life in the states wasn't all hunky dory..  



Ok someone was saying ED could have only been a week pregnant when they found out I don't think so I think ED was maybe a month going into her second.. ED and PHS first time was the night of the phone booth kiss the date night.. The 3D2N trip was a month later.. Come on didn't you see how they was looking at each other when she was testing the elders that was they first time..        

I thought EH said they went on that 2N3D trip 3 days after the phone booth kiss/first night during the 'we loved to death' conversation in the car.  May be I am recalling wrong.  May be the car accident was 3 days after the 2N3D trip :)


Okay it makes me wonder just why that evil MIL is slapping ED?  I can't wait to hear that part - perhaps ED tells her where to stick her evil self - like in the back-end of a donkey maybe?  

I have misgivings now that we know the real colors of JH.  He intentionally caused the crash thinking that if he can't have her, nobody can.  Jeez, I hope he ends up in jail for it....I really do.  How can she leave RI with him?  If it was me, I'd grab my kid and walk out the door straight to EH "Hasta la vista creep - my lawyer will be calling you!"

Being honest ED that she is always no matter what, ED probably told mother in law truth whatever the question. she doesn't love her husband?  she's leaving him?  she loves someone else?  That ED I think the only time she ever lied is for HS at the police station and the juvenile court.


@seungshin,  Yes the car accident was after the 3D2N trip.. This is when Dad seen she wasn't in her room nor JH knew where she was and I'm sure he found out that she wasn't on a trip with her friends this is why he ask did she sleep with him and said you and I are finished meaning kill them.. Also PHS said after that trip 3 days later she disappeared..


I also think ED told her evil MIL the truth that she was always in love with someone else the mom just don't know the depths of lies JH has told them and him trying to stop his mom is to keep ED from revealing that RA II isn't her G/son/.. But I think ED is kind of smart in this factor because this might make mom take her soon home and being the mom that she is to push the divorce because she don't like ED never did,,  ED may have even told her about the book and to read it this could be the reason adopted dad is trying to dispute the book a lies..      

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@seungshin,Thanks for the translation,and the revised preview

I knew it that JH is out to destroy PHS he feels that PHS destroyed his life he will destroy his if ED leaves and SR is no better EH never lead her on she's is no different then JH she wants to destroy the mans company and having him removed from the lead.. I guess her and JH didn't listen well at all because PHS said he was never interested in movies or dramas in got into it to find ED..  He will give up everything he have for her..


JH literally SMH you kidnap a person tried to kill them and then say give him back his life the life he took himself and remember I saved you and the unborn..OMG ED should file kidnapping and attempted manslaughter charges on him that should wake him up.. PHS should file kidnapping charges on him for taking a child he knew wasn't his and even transporting the child to another country  I think he still don't see the depths of his crimes and yet you threaten to try and kill again I can only imagine how he must have treated ED and RA II after the child was born until he thought of the plan to get the child close to him to turn on the father.. 


SR I knew that was the only card she could play was to take the company and it mean nothing to EH she's more then welcome to it EH is happy as long as he have ED.. With EH having a movie coming up in China SR will try and send him there or threaten to sue if he has signed a contract.. This move is to get ED and JH back out of the country away so EH can't find them.. I knew she would suggest to JH to go back to America and not come back but it's funny to realize how they plan blow up in they face and they both knows it..      

You are so right I really hope the writers do not over look JH crimes and make ED or EH seem like the criminal... JH and the whole step family are criminals who adopted a child ( they should have never been allowed to adopt) after the way the father and mother treated her.

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Guest iker

UUUUUGH CHOI JAE HO. What a frustrating character, god. I have a hard time not fantasizing about strangling him. Both SR & JH keep involving themselves in a relationship they're not part of. There is no triangle! There never was a triangle! There's only your disgusting, destructive delusion.

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okay it makes me wonder just why that evil MIL is slapping ED?  I can't wait to hear that part - perhaps ED tells her where to stick her evil self - like in the back-end of a donkey maybe?  

I have misgivings now that we know the real colors of JH.  He intentionally caused the crash thinking that if he can't have her, nobody can.  Jeez, I hope he ends up in jail for it....I really do.  How can she leave RI with him?  If it was me, I'd grab my kid and walk out the door straight to EH "Hasta la vista creep - my lawyer will be calling you!"

Being honest ED that she is always no matter what, ED probably told mother in law truth whatever the question. she doesn't love her husband?  she's leaving him?  she loves someone else?  That ED I think the only time she ever lied is for HS at the police station and the juvenile court.

So far everyone in this drama in one way or another has been abusing ED.  Her father slapping her yelling at her.  Even when they showed the scene with her and mom sitting at table eating rice cake her reaction when dad walked in totally subserivent and not wanting to displease.

Then there is evil MIL talking down to her, now slapping her.

SR telling her she's poor and that she does charity work for people like ED.

Husband, who tried to kill them both, who has always told her ( I heard it at least 2-3 times) "You made me this way (disabled) and now that her memories are back showing violent tendencies ( which makes me wonder if he wasnt violent before).

She since adoption has always suffered in silence...I feel really bad.


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Guest Teryn15

Question for my native Koreans. What's more important marriage loyalty or blood loyalty. When the Korean public finds out that JEH is dating a married woman, I know they will be outraged, buy how do you think they will react if it comes out that RI is JEH's son? Will they sympathize with JEH?

Of course if they find out RI is JEH's son, it's game over for JH.  Blood is thicker than anything I believe, not just in Korea but every where.  Korea has higher divorce rates than most western countries but no one condones extra marital affairs I don't think.  Until the smoke clears EH will go through some public humiliation and ED will be a victim of that I'm sure.  SR will make sure of it.


@seungshin,  This is why we need her to go public and tells what happen this will help her and EH and my adopted parents I don't think I wouldn't talk to anymore if mom don't come to my side she forget all about the child she adopted but I think the woman will do the right thing.. Her and her husband may fall out behind but this is her way of ridding her guilt..  

The reason I ask is because I don't understand what JH thinks he's going to accomplish by going public with ED and EH's affair ? Doesn't he realize that the truth will hurt him more the EH in the end? Korea will be outrage by the affair at first, but that's not going to stop it. All that's going to do is force ED to go public with her own story which she can prove with her son's Dna results. I know it's going to go public because it's a drama lol. But, once the real fathers steps back in the picture I can imagine a bloodline obsessed populace being anything but sympathetic to EH. JH would be better off settling things quietly because at least then he has a chance of maintaining a relationship with his son. He's so scary now, that if I were ED he would never see RI again. I would be afraid of him being kidnapped. JH isn't playing the game correctly. If he really wants to get them back he should play nice at first.  

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HB wife is just a gangster, the kick on the balls but what I found most funny about that scene is that in K-drama, we always hear some character threatening another character when they are talking richard simmons that they would rip/tear their mouth  but HB's wife was literally going to do that to HB if she wasn't stopped by HS. 

@oyeleyeolusina,  That scene was priceless, She bust in that meeting looking to see if the female was there after she kick him went he was laid out on the floor she even step on them with those high heel shoes like you won't be using this or these for a while      

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@seungshin,Thanks for the translation,and the revised preview

I knew it that JH is out to destroy PHS he feels that PHS destroyed his life he will destroy his if ED leaves and SR is no better EH never lead her on she's is no different then JH she wants to destroy the mans company and having him removed from the lead.. I guess her and JH didn't listen well at all because PHS said he was never interested in movies or dramas in got into it to find ED..  He will give up everything he have for her..


JH literally SMH you kidnap a person tried to kill them and then say give him back his life the life he took himself and remember I saved you and the unborn..OMG ED should file kidnapping and attempted manslaughter charges on him that should wake him up.. PHS should file kidnapping charges on him for taking a child he knew wasn't his and even transporting the child to another country  I think he still don't see the depths of his crimes and yet you threaten to try and kill again I can only imagine how he must have treated ED and RA II after the child was born until he thought of the plan to get the child close to him to turn on the father.. 


SR I knew that was the only card she could play was to take the company and it mean nothing to EH she's more then welcome to it EH is happy as long as he have ED.. With EH having a movie coming up in China SR will try and send him there or threaten to sue if he has signed a contract.. This move is to get ED and JH back out of the country away so EH can't find them.. I knew she would suggest to JH to go back to America and not come back but it's funny to realize how they plan blow up in they face and they both knows it..      

You are so right I really hope the writers do not over look JH crimes and make ED or EH seem like the criminal... JH and the whole step family are criminals who adopted a child ( they should have never been allowed to adopt) after the way the father and mother treated her.

@kimchee4me,  This brings up another point in this was her adoption legal.. ED told PHS after her Halmoni died she went to live with her adopted parents so something about her adoption is off way off..   


UUUUUGH CHOI JAE HO. What a frustrating character, god. I have a hard time not fantasizing about strangling him. Both SR & JH keep involving themselves in a relationship they're not part of. There is no triangle! There never was a triangle! There's only your disgusting, destructive delusion.

@deuxfille,  BINGO,  That says it all.. ED was nothing but a caregiver to JH and she has the right to quit her job..  


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Guest vvpal

JH's left foot jerked up after his "nightmare" moment while his wife is spending a lovely night with HS! Even he was surprised.  I'm certain he will walk soon.

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Anyone notice that EH has yet to say something to JH directly? In all their confrontations - JH has been spouting off nonsense every time he intercepts the calls.  Their epic showdown at the event was indirect.  It makes my heart race when I think about the coming episode when EH finally lays the law down - "You hurt this woman again and I'll kill you."

EH has not said a word directly - at first it bothered me that he seemed to be avoiding confronting JH directly - why hasn't he said anything?? why hasn't he told JH to jump off a cliff without a parachute?? why hasn't he claimed his ED???  Why is he taking it all in silently every time JH warns him off? 

Then it came to me - a light bulb moment - he couldn't because ED wasn't back.  To ED who was JE, JH was still her husband and she was still living with him and she had no intention of leaving him.  Now, ED remembered him and that gives him the right to do or say what he's been suppressing all along.  I believe now in tomorrow's episode, ED being hurt and distressed will give him the strength to do something about their situation.

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Question for my native Koreans. What's more important marriage loyalty or blood loyalty. When the Korean public finds out that JEH is dating a married woman, I know they will be outraged, buy how do you think they will react if it comes out that RI is JEH's son? Will they sympathize with JEH?

Of course if they find out RI is JEH's son, it's game over for JH.  Blood is thicker than anything I believe, not just in Korea but every where.  Korea has higher divorce rates than most western countries but no one condones extra marital affairs I don't think.  Until the smoke clears EH will go through some public humiliation and ED will be a victim of that I'm sure.  SR will make sure of it.


@seungshin,  This is why we need her to go public and tells what happen this will help her and EH and my adopted parents I don't think I wouldn't talk to anymore if mom don't come to my side she forget all about the child she adopted but I think the woman will do the right thing.. Her and her husband may fall out behind but this is her way of ridding her guilt..  

The reason I ask is because I don't understand what JH thinks he's going to accomplish by going public with ED and EH's affair ? Doesn't he realize that the truth will hurt him more the EH in the end? Korea will be outrage by the affair at first, but that's not going to stop it. All that's going to do is force ED to go public with her own story which she can prove with her son's Dna results. I know it's going to go public because it's a drama lol. But, once the real fathers steps back in the picture I can imagine a bloodline obsessed populace being anything but sympathetic to EH. JH would be better off settling things quietly because at least then he has a chance of maintaining a relationship with his son. He's so scary now, that if I were ED he would never see RI again. I would be afraid of him being kidnapped. JH isn't playing the game correctly. If he really wants to get them back he should play nice at first.  

@teryn15,  This is JH way of using someone else sword to kill he knows he can't spill the beans about he and ED marriage because the marriage would become questionable trying to throw people off track I should say but when the public find out that she wasn't married and everything else to late the damage is done.. This why I call him brilliant.. Yes but using SR to claim EH is having and affair with a married woman and this is why he won't date her is to save her face because if you remember in episode 3 they ask him about him and her and he quickly corrected that and told they was just friend and wasn't in know kind of relationship.. JH and SR is only trying to play on the public to make themselves look victimized I look for SR to start stages little stunts with pictures taken to go public because she's that desperate..  If ED ever write a book or even do a private interview with a few reporters and they block out her face will show just what kind of people JH and SR really is the privilege kids that was dump by the middle class.. 

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Ok someone was saying ED could have only been a week pregnant when they found out I don't think so I think ED was maybe a month going into her second.. ED and PHS first time was the night of the phone booth kiss the date night.. The 3D2N trip was a month later.. Come on didn't you see how they was looking at each other when she was testing the elders that was they first time..        

I thought EH said they went on that 2N3D trip 3 days after the phone booth kiss/first night during the 'we loved to death' conversation in the car.  May be I am recalling wrong.  May be the car accident was 3 days after the 2N3D trip :)


Okay it makes me wonder just why that evil MIL is slapping ED?  I can't wait to hear that part - perhaps ED tells her where to stick her evil self - like in the back-end of a donkey maybe?  

I have misgivings now that we know the real colors of JH.  He intentionally caused the crash thinking that if he can't have her, nobody can.  Jeez, I hope he ends up in jail for it....I really do.  How can she leave RI with him?  If it was me, I'd grab my kid and walk out the door straight to EH "Hasta la vista creep - my lawyer will be calling you!"

Being honest ED that she is always no matter what, ED probably told mother in law truth whatever the question. she doesn't love her husband?  she's leaving him?  she loves someone else?  That ED I think the only time she ever lied is for HS at the police station and the juvenile court.


Nope, she lied twice, when she said to EH at the park that she loved JH ;)

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Guest i.said.hi

The rain reunion and dreamy love-scene (it's not just JH's imagination,- it's true, right?, pls let me know)..it;s kinda too perfect and textbook-like to me, I admit.


But seeing a half-naked JJM and his tender/passionate kissing..it's always welcome :phew::phew::phew::phew:

I don't think you need to worry.  JEH worried it was a dream too (may be the writer-nim thought we would think it's a dream!) and asks JED if it was a dream. JED gives him an answer.  Here is their conversation before he leaves to get back to work:

EH I will go and come back

ED yes

ED hurry and go

ED shakes of something off his shoulder

ED even if you are late, eat properly

ED don’t eat snacks like gimbap

ED don’t eat only sweet things, need to eat sour things too

ED go, hurry

EH I’m scared this is a dream

ED it’s not a dream, I pinched myself earlier

EH you eat properly too, chew slowly

EH you’ve been rained on so avoid cold wind

ED yes

EH I will go

EH hugs ED

EH please don’t disappear again, ok?

ED yes

EH I will go now

ED oppa, be careful driving ok?

EH ok

ED please please be careful

EH ok I will be very very careful

ED don’t answer calls while driving never never

EH ok I will never never answer calls

ED waves goodbye

EH tells her to go in

EH gets in the van

EH drives off



No, that love scene was JH's dream. That's why he kicked himself awake while dreaming that. There was no red, satin blanket either hahah... it was all hazy and a bit tacky because that JH's dream. I believe we'll see something next episode because in the preview EH says "he will speed up" just like 20's ED asked him before they kissed at the telephone booth. That's why they got antsy in the preview as well because only a wall separated them in that house. :)


EH said that it's not a dream because everything seems so surreal, the fact that she remembers him and that they're back together 

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I think, the father's attempt going public might backfire on him and JH. JH said, it was a mistake to use the sponsor event... so it doesn't serve JH's interests if this matter is revealed. He knows, EH's paternity could be revealed. Morever, ED has first recollected her past.

By the way, did the stepfather mistreat ED in the past?   

It's interesting how every time SR and JH (evil) try to do something it turns out in favour of the good (ED and EH).  So once again I have to put faith in the dad's accusation of the book being a lie (evil) will work in favour of the good as well.

ED's father is neglectful and unloving to ED, I don't believe he's abused her in other ways.  Yes she's scared of him, in the way a child who gets reprimanded all the time without affection can become.

But I do realize people have differing views about the level of abuse by ED's father toward her.  

He just totally is convinced JH was and is the right guy for ED.  No matter what.  He's the biggest defender and protector of JH at the biggest expense of ED.

This is why the more I look at it, the more I think that is more likely that Reporter Park approaches the father than otherwise. I think it is possible Reporter Park ask step dad if it is true and step dad answers that it is a bunch of lies. The fact that he ask sd if it is all lies doesn't mean he believes it is all lies.

If the SDad approaches R Park, the first question is "why him?" and the second "who indicated him?". I can se only one person who could indicates R. Park: SR. But I can't see why she would choose him to destroy EH's image. To me, I think it most unprobably that SR will choose/indicate Reporter Park - who she nows is in friendly relationship with EH - to ternish EH image, instead a reporter who doesn't like EH. That doesn't make sense. And as most of us here, me too I trust the writer, and trust his capability to avoid mankjang even when it will be easy to do that.

My guess: Reporter Park investigations are autonomous from SR and JH machiavelism. And I think that it will be with his aid that SR's plan of destroy EH's image won't be succesfull.

I will be very surprised if Reporter Park joins hands with SR and JH, in special, because his wife is a fan of "My love ED" ;) .

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Guest i.said.hi


Ok someone was saying ED could have only been a week pregnant when they found out I don't think so I think ED was maybe a month going into her second.. ED and PHS first time was the night of the phone booth kiss the date night.. The 3D2N trip was a month later.. Come on didn't you see how they was looking at each other when she was testing the elders that was they first time..        

I thought EH said they went on that 2N3D trip 3 days after the phone booth kiss/first night during the 'we loved to death' conversation in the car.  May be I am recalling wrong.  May be the car accident was 3 days after the 2N3D trip :)




The 3day 2 night trip was a week after the phone booth kiss scene. then 4 days after that trip, ED disappeared. It's quite plausible that they found out about her pregnancy way after the car crash.





I think, the father's attempt going public might backfire on him and JH. JH said, it was a mistake to use the sponsor event... so it doesn't serve JH's interests if this matter is revealed. He knows, EH's paternity could be revealed. Morever, ED has first recollected her past.

By the way, did the stepfather mistreat ED in the past?   

It's interesting how every time SR and JH (evil) try to do something it turns out in favour of the good (ED and EH).  So once again I have to put faith in the dad's accusation of the book being a lie (evil) will work in favour of the good as well.

ED's father is neglectful and unloving to ED, I don't believe he's abused her in other ways.  Yes she's scared of him, in the way a child who gets reprimanded all the time without affection can become.

But I do realize people have differing views about the level of abuse by ED's father toward her.  

He just totally is convinced JH was and is the right guy for ED.  No matter what.  He's the biggest defender and protector of JH at the biggest expense of ED.

This is why the more I look at it, the more I think that is more likely that Reporter Park approaches the father than otherwise. I think it is possible Reporter Park ask step dad if it is true and step dad answers that it is a bunch of lies. The fact that he ask sd if it is all lies doesn't mean he believes it is all lies.

If the SDad approaches R Park, the first question is "why him?" and the second "who indicated him?". I can se only one person who could indicates R. Park: SR. But I can't see why she would choose him to destroy EH's image. To me, I think it most unprobably that SR will choose/indicate Reporter Park - who she nows is in friendly relationship with EH - to ternish EH image, instead a reporter who doesn't like EH. That doesn't make sense. And as most of us here, me too I trust the writer, and trust his capability to avoid mankjang even when it will be easy to do that.

My guess: Reporter Park investigations are autonomous from SR and JH machiavelism. And I think that it will be with his aid that SR's plan of destroy EH's image won't be succesfull.

I will be very surprised if Reporter Park joins hands with SR and JH, in special, because his wife is a fan of "My love ED" ;) .

I really hope this is true!


That reporter said that his wife enjoyed the book, so I'm hoping that he researches more in to the story rather than just believing the stepdad. Reporter sir, please use your investigation skills to uncover the truth!

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Artificial insemination .... did jh really day that *pukkkeeee* poor ED.. poor poor ED .. i cant believe she had to deal with that and all his baggage.

Step one to setting everything back to normal GET ED away from JH permanently .. she lived with him enough. She should not have to return back. hopefully episode 12 will show that.

Step two reveal paternity of Ra II


Could Ra II be anymore like EH.. they probably dont like green vegetable or slippery food lol they way they lie down.. come on do we need paternity to tell.. especially in kdramaland

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