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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Here's the link to Episode 10's preview (via the official JTBC website). I will warn you, it is RAW, as it is Korean and has no English subtitles: http://home.jtbc.joins.com/Preview/PreviewView.aspx?epis_id=EP10024302

Currently translating the written preview now. Will take a few minutes!

@andochanee_stv Thank you chingu. :) 

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I actually love these hallucinations of Eun Ho. Even if they are just that. Cos at least we get to see uri OTP together, while they are in effect, apart. Dream on Eun Ho. Go on and dream it. Then pursue your dream. Live your dream! It's yours! MAKE IT REAL! 




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Yeah but i hope it's not just a dream chingu! This script has to give us hope and happy ending. EH and ED was apart for too much time! This is the moment to come back together and fight for their love and their future!^^

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Rough Re-cap of MLED EP 9 (Long)


Rough Re-cap of EP 9 


[replay of the scene from last episode]


By the phone booth

SR’s boy is taking photos of ED and EH 

ED lets go of his hand

EH:  it was here where we kissed first time, there used to be a telephone booth here, if they knew this is where JEH kissed JED for the first time it would not have been removed 

EH:  you seduced me by saying I can speed up, I was really innocent, my heart went crazy just holding your hands

EH: I think ED planned it all ..


ED no she did not ..

EH your memory is coming back, I told you she said she could

ED she could then

EH what about now

ED what are you talking about I’m married etc.

EH does it make you feel better to say that

ED you don’t understand, ED is strange to me still, do you know

EH are you angry?

ED no, you think I am JEH?

EH are you saying i’m small minded?

ED bothered by that?


At the restaurant

EH this is where we ate, I will do what we did to bring back the memory

ED I will eat whole bowl of rice

EH I know (then he cools the soup) and pushes them to ED

EH Have some

ED how about you?

EH filming drama, need to keep my stomach empty

EH puts a ring on her finger, do you know what ring this is? 

EH I suffered so much trying to find it and then you disappeared

ED you really found the ring, I thought you were lying listening to (the audio)

EH Please eat it will get cold

ED eats

EH eat slowly, ED used get upset stomach easily

ED gets text from DG, plse send EH to the set, 

ED it’s DG, you need to go, how do you work like that

EH we need to go you said

ED but it’s wasteful (to not finish the food) we are already late

EH watches ED eat


SR looking at their photos and sighs


HA in her house

HA receives photos of ED & EH from SR


ED’s house

JH is washing his face (smiling crying)

JH comes into the living room, lights out

JH gets a call

HA what are you doing tomorrow is sat why don’t we all go on a picnic?


Outside ED’s house

JA (on the phone with HA) sees EH dropping ED off

HA what are you doing

JA you think we could do that (go on a picnic)

HA is something going on?


EH is touching her hair off her face by his car


JH JE is with another man, I feel like going crazy, but I can’t hate her

EH and ED walking toward the him and the apartment

EH You will be a good model (?)

ED you should go home  now

EH you go in first

ED bye

EH walks away

JH is crying


ED’s house

ED in the bathroom

ED looking at the ring, her breathing gets loud


SR’s house

SR slaps the secretary (very wimpy)

SR do you like me? why do you do this

Boy you should drop him he doesn’t love you

Boy I don’t like you changing because of him

Boy I will get bad for you, don’t look at what I will do

SR you must think me as a woman

boy: i’m sorry

SR don’t, I sleep with you, I do not like you. I won’t see you for a while, I will only work.  On your way


ED’s bedroom

JH no work tomorrow right? let s go on a picnic with Dr. Park

ED ok let’s, let’s not think of anything and enjoy ourselves

ED turns over and say I’m excited 


EH’s house

DG hyung

DG hyung, (your) changing the location from JaeJu to Namhae is acausing  a huge commotion, we need to wait and see how it all shakes out

DG did you see the writer?

EH yah

DG be careful, if there is one photo, it’s the end

EH there is no filming today?


EH’s balcony

EH nice weather, picnic would be awesome, eat kimbap and run around

DG you are not a child

DG where are you going?

EH don’t look for me


ED’s house


ED in the bathroom, she’s in a state


Outside ED’s house


ED be careful Ra il

EH is watching them in his car

EH calls her

ED answers the phone and JH looks at her

EH it’s me, let’s meet, filming delayed

ED I need to go somewhere with family

EH go with me, today I need to be with you

ED I will call you a little later

Driver:  all ready

ED: yes ok

EH: watches her get in the van


At the park


ED: be careful Ra il

RI: Mom it’s great here, Dad, let’s go

JH be careful

RI hurry daddy

EH looking from a far

JH: are you happy?

EH calls ED

ED hello

EH I want to see you, I’m at the parking lot, I will be waiting

JH hurry Eun Dong.

ED I will be a minute, I need to go somewhere

JH JE-a, then says nothing

JH Ra Il


EH’s car in parking lot

EH gets out .  They both look at each other across from the street

EH runs over to her

EH grabs her hand, she stops him and stares

EH drags her across


Back At the park

HA hi

JH good weather

HA where is JE

JH had somewher to go, will be here soon

HA should we go


JH: If I walk again the first thing I want to do is to walk bare feet all day i

HA you will walk for sure

JH if  I can walk will JE come back? If she does..

HA at my husband’ funeral, the only person who came was my brother, we are very close

HA He’s in an ‘all in’ love, I need to cheer for him but not easy

JH why

HA he is being selfish, not caring about hurting others

JH One gets like that when you are in love.  I understand your brothers love.

JH:  JE is not coming back huh?


At Eun Ho’s Villa:

EH I had a lot I wanted to do with ED

EH to run around holding hands, go on dates and travel but I got too famous.  I bought this villa so we can play.

EH because of her I matured, became an actor and bought this villa

EH my life is all Eun Dong

EH I waited 10 years.  Waiting is not hard.  The problem is after waiting and waiting if you don’t come back to me as JED.

EH: I will just see you as SJE

EH just your present person and me, let’s start as you and I as of now.

ED how do you know I know that I am JED

EH when you accepted my money so easily

EH how did you know you were JED?

ED heart, my heart trembles,, when I see you

ED but JEH I want to stop meeting you and talking to you.  Even if we had no relationships you are enough to shake me so we can’t. I’m a wife and mother

EH Your husband, do you love him?

ED yes

ED This is end of us, don’t contact me or see me

EH yah!  You are always like this.  You shouldn’t have appeared in the first place.  You play with me.  You shook me and then disappeared

ED I’m sorry

EH then live well enough for me to forget

EH you left for that pitiful life.  You rip my heart into pieces of a rang and you don’t want to meet

ED what do you want?  You want us to date in hiding?  There is no way for us to do.

EH You have to feel the pain I feel.  You need to have a hard time like me

until you die from the pain.  You need to see me…


ED calls a cab

EH is on the bench devastated

The villa caretaker comes around


Back at the park

ED Ra il

HA you are here

ED says hi to Mina

JH you are here

ED told you I’d come

ED you’ve been good RA? You want some fruit?  Do you want some Mina


At Eun Dong’s parents’ house

Mom: Have you no feeling for daughter.  Only feel sorry for JH?

If he hasn’t given up I want to think about this again

Dad: not please

Mom: He’s put up $1M to find her.  He’s waited for JE even though he is such a success

Dad: so what

mom he could be her ‘real’ partner.  Please read even just first 10 pages of the book and you will know.


At Eun Ho’s company

DG gets a text and shows to HB

EH come to “pig skin’ restaurant, I am getting drunk

HB & DG go off


ED’s home

ED RI, open the door please


ED you are here

JH hello

MS your hair’s long I’m sorry it took so long

JH I feel bad obligating you

MS Kore is the best in the world

JH why

MS We have proper 4 seasons

JH yes

MS maemi (an innocent that makes sounds) for example 

JH they sound pretty good in the US

MS I never heard, do you want to go back to US

JH No I am happy now I like it here


At the ‘GGoptaeggi (pig skin)’ restaurant


HB now what, ajumma, please give us more food and drink

HB we are here aren’t you going to say hi

HB we are friends, I made you what you are as you know

EH swears back in response

HB you make me happy when you swear like that

EH yah I am so lonely, I am going crazy from loneliness, so lonely I can’t even describe it.

HB not just you, 

DG everyone is lonely

EH should I just marry SR and have kids, she’s an heiress, give up everything and play around

HB you finally think clear now that you are drunk

EH I’m so lonely.  I’m really lonely

HB I’m married but still lonely, no first love to think about when you marry the first love, if you’d married ED you’d be lonely like me, it’s hell

EH probably we would have fought like crazy

EH still I want to live like that with her even if it’s hell, I wanted to live like that.  My life is gaetteok (dog rice cakee - a mess). Why it’s like that?  How do you not recognize me? How does she have another man’s baby? My love is not over still.  She should have finished with me before she disappeared.  But why is she still so pretty?


Outside of Eun Dong’s apartment

RA you are close to aunt Mi Soon

JH you need to make friends like that’ what success means 

RA like in the book

RA throws the ball

JH catches with two hands

RA you caught it with two hands!!!!


Inside Eun Dong’s apartment

MS do you remember doing (this and that) in the US

ED If we could go back to that time

MS I don’t know if I’ve done the right thing

ED why?
MS the autobiography.  I read it.  

ED unni

MS I know, I’ve heard. I know everything.

ED unni, what should I do now? 

I am going crazy because I like him so much, really crazy.  My heart rips when I think of him.  Every day is so difficult.  When he s next to me, he comes into heart without knocking.  He just barges in and the feeling is so good.

MS what do you do, what should you do now. What should you two do?


At Eun Dong’s parents:


mom calls Jung Eun

Mom : JE-ah can you come home tomorrow?


At EH’s house:

EH I can have one more

HB and DG: what smell

Mrs T: 

HB and DG: how far do you go with hyung, do you take his clothes or just food and things…

MT: i do not do body.  I don’t treat drunks like person.

DG but when he wakes up you will plse give him soup

MT of course when he is a person.  You two look half human too. Should try to recover quickly


SR’s office

SR comes in

Sec:  I decided to take…

SR: learn work from there

SR do you know JH?

Sec he is

SR thinking of supporting his team


SR will call the press and advertise and will continue sponsoring

SR do you know what JEH is up to?


EH’s bedroom

EH wakes up with headache, walks into living room and falls asleep,

runs to the wash room to throw up


ED’s mom’s house

mom: hi, come in, let’s go up

mom takes her to her old room

a box on the floor

Mom:   open it, it should all be there. I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing

ED looks at the box

Mom leaves

ED sits in front of the box

ED opens

ED startles

ED sees the giraffe pin



ED when I think of you my heart hurts

EH nice hair pin

EH in 20s nice hair pin

ED sees shoes

ED thank you for shoes, will wear until I’m 20

HS are you going to be a kid forever

HS how do I find you if I need to

ED hugs the shoes to her chest

ED finds the book of poem

and the photos

ED sees the poem YiYeon


HS reading the poem

EH recording the poem

ED reciting the poem


JE reads ED’s diary

I have a new wish from finding mom, I’m so embarrassed but my wish is to marry hyun soo oppa.  I need to grow fast, when will I be old enough. My heart jumps when I see him and my face burns. Does he feel the same?


Flashback:  EH if you don’t come back

I want to see you as SJE


ED wails


At EH’s home


EH is eating hot soup for hangover

EH how did I get home?

EH how did my toe nails get so long?

EH is clipping his nails at the table 

EH I can’t remember coming home

EH remembers ED giving her heck for clipping nails at the table.

ED you really used up…..

ED  this is yours toothbrush don’t use mine…

ED I told you not to stretch this…

ED is cooking, if you make me make you hangover soup one more time in the middle of night

EH is getting teary thinking about ED


EH is back in bed

EH gets a text


HA can you come to the hospital tomorrow

EH is disappointed it’s not ED


ED’s apartment


ED is seeing JH off

JH go back in the house

ED ok bye


At the hospital

HA: you look good in a suit

HA you are meeting a sponsor ?

JH I thought i should, it’s so sudden

HA that’s great we need to have a party


In EH’s van

DG hyung we are here, you have one hour

EH walks into the hospital, pushes elevator button and runs smack into JH right in front of him (wow)

EH and JH stare down at each other

JH moves his eyes first

JH wheels straight into EH

EH moves aside

EH stares at him at the back

JH pauses


Preview for EP 10


JH: that woman

ED: how did you get so good

EH: Can you guess where we are at?

SR: it’s over between them 

EH: Let’s go all the way

SR: I won’t give up

EH: I am for fair play I will not wait

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Episode 10 preview


he asked her to guess where is he . = >  i think i will guess because of...that red lighthouse ..should be at namhae i think ^^~....

but dang!  i think i see the husband trying to stand up infront of her --;;; ...


thanks ^^ 



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Yeah but i hope it's not just a dream chingu! This script has to give us hope and happy ending. EH and ED was apart for too much time! This is the moment to come back together and fight for their love and their future!^^

Haha....I know chingu. But the key word is LIVE THE DREAM :) Knowing EH as we do, he will fight for his dream girl and live his dream,  and make it real, eventually. 

ED and EH....fighting!

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Guest lorac

Yikes EH is kinda scary when he's jealous!!  If looks could kill.  I honestly can't believe that I've only seen him in Fashion 70s which truthfully I didn't really care for his character in this one.  I preferred the other male lead.

If you want to see JJM looking his best in every scene you need to watch Queen of the Game. The story is not too bad either. I work these next two days and am thinking that's good because I won't have a lot of time thinking about this week's episodes while I wait for Viki subs.

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@jadecloud Thank you for the recaps!!!


Honestly EH is currently living in a dream land.  How can he expect ED/JE to just drop everything just because he found her and knows she's ED?  I don't blame ED for wanting to cut things off.  She doesn't even have her full memories yet.  

First off thanks everyone for all your help today


@honeywell,  I knew SR will enlist JH in her plans with the intent she doing something to help the needy while trying to rid EH from ED see made a big big mistake she will make and enemy out of him what ever friendship they had she will because it to fizzle you can't force a man to be with you so my thinking she will do something with those pictures or her boy toy will do and she going make it seems marry her and she saves his career.. The funny part about all of it is after the press conference it seems that ED gets her memories back JH didn't even tell her what was going on and looks like he just took her there  



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OMG the preview to ep 10...Eun Dong finally acknowledges Eun Ho as Hyeon Soo oppa....tmrw will be good! Exciting!

I LOVE IT! Love the pace! Again, writernim, PDnim are not disappointing....not dragging the development.

Tmrw alr we are getting OTP back together....trying to work it out....So exciting!

Now I can't wait for the subbed ep. I need to know what their convo is about. What Eun Dong said to Eun Ho in the park. And all of it.....wow so good!


@jadecloud,  The scene where they was sitting on the bench ED told EH she can't do this anymore and that she was a mom and said not to contact her again something alone the lines of that .. My heart truly hurt for Eh in this episode to have the woman you loved all these years tell you something like that because she don't remember you.. 


OMG there was so much packed into EP 9:

I could not catch everything in the Preview but this is what I did catch:

Preview for EP 10


JH: that woman

ED: how did you get so good

EH: Can you guess where we are at?

SR: it’s over between them 

EH: Let’s go all the way

SR: I won’t give up

EH: I am for fair play I will not wait


  @seungshinl,  Thanks for this much of the preview


Now this what scares me about SR this makes me think she will do something to ED or her son because she obsessed enough to do this.. She was already out of line approaching the girl when she had no idea what's going on who go out and buy a stranger kid clothes out of the blue and then call her a charity case.. 

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Guest namibi

I'm honestly bulldozing over Episode 10's written preview translation now; knowing not a single drop of Korean besides the few odd words picked up over the years by overhearing members of the Korean community in my school has led me to excessive usage of online KOR-ENG dictionaries and basically translating the whole darn passage into Japanese, so that I can translate it into English...  -.-


I wonder if there's an unwritten rule? Am I allowed to say "Fighting!" to myself or not?

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[EP 10 preview video deleted]


Revised Preview for EP 10


JH: SJE, she is my wife

SR: Please don't shake that man

EH: That man, can he sleep with woman?

ED: since when did you get so much better (his movement)?

EH: Guess where we are at?

JH: Where are you?

SR: JEH and SJE their crazy fate/connection is finally over.

JH:  I can trust (you/it) right?

EH: Let’s take it to the end, until we die.

JH:  You will go to that event with me right?

SR: I told you I will not give up.

EH: If that’s your intension, you are making a mistake.

EH: I am for fair play I will not wait again.

ED gets up, JH grabs her wrist, EH tries to go to her

ED: Hyun Soo oppa!  Oppa !

EH: Eun Dong-ah.

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@jadecloud Thank you for the recaps!!!

Honestly EH is currently living in a dream land.  How can he expect ED/JE to just drop everything just because he found her and knows she's ED?  I don't blame ED for wanting to cut things off.  She doesn't even have her full memories yet.  

First off thanks everyone for all your help today

@honeywell,  I knew SR will enlist JH in her plans with the intent she doing something to help the needy while trying to rid EH from ED see made a big big mistake she will make and enemy out of him what ever friendship they had she will because it to fizzle you can't force a man to be with you so my thinking she will do something with those pictures or her boy toy will do and she going make it seems marry her and she saves his career.. The funny part about all of it is after the press conference it seems that ED gets her memories back JH didn't even tell her what was going on and looks like he just took her there  

Hidden Content

OMG the preview to ep 10...Eun Dong finally acknowledges Eun Ho as Hyeon Soo oppa....tmrw will be good! Exciting!

I LOVE IT! Love the pace! Again, writernim, PDnim are not disappointing....not dragging the development.

Tmrw alr we are getting OTP back together....trying to work it out....So exciting!

Now I can't wait for the subbed ep. I need to know what their convo is about. What Eun Dong said to Eun Ho in the park. And all of it.....wow so good!

@jadecloud,  The scene where they was sitting on the bench ED told EH she can't do this anymore and that she was a mom and said not to contact her again something alone the lines of that .. My heart truly hurt for Eh in this episode to have the woman you loved all these years tell you something like that because she don't remember you.. 

OMG there was so much packed into EP 9:

I could not catch everything in the Preview but this is what I did catch:

Preview for EP 10


JH: that woman

ED: how did you get so good

EH: Can you guess where we are at?

SR: it’s over between them 

EH: Let’s go all the way

SR: I won’t give up

EH: I am for fair play I will not wait

  @seungshinl,  Thanks for this much of the preview

Now this what scares me about SR this makes me think she will do something to ED or her son because she obsessed enough to do this.. She was already out of line approaching the girl when she had no idea what's going on who go out and buy a stranger kid clothes out of the blue and then call her a charity case.. 

Revised Preview for EP 10


JH: SJE, she is my wife

HA: Please don't shake that man

EH: That man, can he sleep with woman?

ED: since when did you get so much better (his movement)?

EH: Guess where we are at?

JH: Where are you?

SR: JEH and SJE their crazy fate/connection is finally over.

JH:  I can trust (you/it) right?

EH: Let’s take it to the end, until we die.

JH:  You will go to that event with me right?

SR: I told you I will not give up.

EH: If that’s your intension, you are making a mistake.

EH: I am for fair play I will not wait again.

ED gets up, JH grabs her wrist, EH tries to go to her

ED: Hyun Soo oppa!  Oppa !

EH: Eun Dong-ah.

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[EP 10 preview video deleted]


Revised Preview for EP 10


JH: SJE, she is my wife

SR: Please don't shake that man

EH: That man, can he sleep with woman?

ED: since when did you get so much better (his movement)?

EH: Guess where we are at?

JH: Where are you?

SR: JEH and SJE their crazy fate/connection is finally over.

JH:  I can trust (you/it) right?

EH: Let’s take it to the end, until we die.

JH:  You will go to that event with me right?

SR: I told you I will not give up.

EH: If that’s your intension, you are making a mistake.

EH: I am for fair play I will not wait again.

ED gets up, JH grabs her wrist, EH tries to go to her

ED: Hyun Soo oppa!  Oppa !

EH: Eun Dong-ah.

Srsly I am laughing

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