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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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Guest phichul

@daloula cross finger!!! for cool/sexy concept!!! B)

@teredenz seeing the pic you shared, make me wonder why WGM never let the couple alone with installed camera! is it too dangerous? :w00t: or it will take too much work for them?? the editing team will have hard time with editing?? any jjongaholics here who work in media/broadcast may can explain this? hehe..or it cost too much? and since jonghyun already state his concern about camera, why the PD/writter/creative crew seem like not doing anything abt this issue. i mean why they dont find any solution for this matter.. (i know that its a SHOW! of course it need to be record with so many camera to capture every single action of the cast) BUT  why the creative crew/writer not change something (abt the camera, like lessen the cameramen)  to make hjh can behave more natural and maybe we can see him being more affectionate to ahyoung bcs the less of the cameramen the more hjh got confident to make 'his move' toward ahyoung LOL xD. you know the more he is aware that ppl watching him, the more angst and he is more calculate abt his action toward ahyoung.! and  WHY oh WHY MBC didnt release BTS scene like the one with GWGM??? if the BTS shows how close the couple is.., isnt that will get more viewer interrest!?? no??! 

seeing jjongah behave when they're alone and when they're with some elder (mama cast) or haerim park. really give me thought that jjongah is such respect young ppl who knows how to behave in front of elder. when (one of mama cast said why they look awkward with each other?) they kinda put distant while sit side by side in mama set! its bcs they respect their senior! compare to when they sit in the  couch n when they're leave alone in their own world! :wub: it s like they cant seperate from each other haha! :D 

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Guest daisysakura

@DerpxVIP  sorry, but can i just want to friendly ask... you follow this thread to ship jjongah or jong or yura?

just curious, and  my asking  does not mean for anything 

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Annyong chinggu~deul...been silent this whole time,because of internet connection is up and down,its hardly to open this thread,,even i forgot when is my last post :lol:.


Thank u for all the update,been backreading and its sooo many news especially gsd about their comeback,its pushed again #hiks waiting another month :blink:

Welcome to all new member #bighug. Hope u all stay here for long long time :D.

My first impression when watched them in first ep,first met jong still shy and of course ahyoungie too. But they already satisfied with each other (physically-eyes see first). And when they speak at the cafe, all i can see is jong relieved eyes because he found out that his partner is exactly what he want (more bubbly than him-the opposite). He said that he hardly get closed to someone new,especially women,he would look cold. Maybe,,maybe even when before,only women who had the courage to take one step closer first to jong because of his cold appereance then jong will move too because of the 'signal'. And ahyoungie at first,she is indeed trying hard for the sake of the show and simply because her friendly personality. The 2nd meet is honeymoon. Still look awkward for jong,but after they inside the camping car,while jong drive,ahyoungie continue to speak,tell her story,even when jong only ask simple question but ahyoungie answer is never simple :lol:. She always tell her answer in detail and like a storytelling. And there i can see jong listening well,and start to open up without he himself realize. As an introvert,he (jong) open up faster than i predict. He look comfortable with chatty ahyoungie. Next when bungge jumping,he wait patiently while ahyoung getting ready. When i know that lots of guy is not that patient,most of them will start to complain (like one of the pannelist comment,that its a waste of money or else i forgot). But jong is really caring,he only stand there,smile and waiting (awwww my heart) :wub:. Rc car incident (his smile) give me more prove that jong already liked ahyoungie,but still very very cautious. Until the night they cooked together,he said he dont like to cook but he enjoyed his cooking moment with ahyoungie. That make me have lots question in mind. He said that he had several girlfriend,even one of them is 2 long years relationship right? Is he never cooked together before with his former girlfiends? Or is his girlfriends never asked him too cooked together? Or he simply said that he dont like cooking so the girlfriends never asked? Or even when the girlfriends asked him to cooked together he just say no? Or he never enjoyed cooking with his former girlfriends like when he doin it with ahyoungie :w00t:? Because what i see,his cooking experienced with ahyoungie is like the first time for him. And the athmosphere that night is soo close for their first travelling,for jong who said it himself that he hardly getting closer especially to women xixixixixi. From the very first i can see their mutual relationship,so i didnt understand when theres news come out saying that ahyoung had one side crush. But when i found out this forum,i relieved that not only me who see them in lovely way. And even i can speak it up with all of u. 

Sooooooo.......thats it for now. Mian if my post is too long :phew::D. Back to rewatched their stint.

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Guest rinnatsume

@pinky_me because knet and media doesn't see inside love they only see those people who usually express themselves to the girl that's why they say its a pne sided crush. They dont know how to read peoples heart and personality they only see the cover not the meaning of it

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Guest rinnatsume

@pinky_me and this thread teach me how to read peoples heart and personality. before i was watching them though I like them i m always disappointed with Jong's personality and how he acts. Honestly im also one of those people who only sees them literally coz that's when the time I only knew that people express their feelings if they love and care for them but this thread I think enlighten me to jongs personality that's why I also understand now why he act that way.thanks to all members here.they understand jong the way yura understand and accept his personality. Now my perception to jong change like the way he change when he met yura.

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Mid night at my side of the world, i am in the mood to write something and warning may be its gonna be a long post ;)

If you enjoy the variety show by seeing a lovey dovey couple on screen, then you will not ship this couple. But if you feel touched only by simple actions and smile from two lovely people, then you will find Jjongah as your TOP. Then you will state yourself here as Jjongaholic. 

Who said Jjongah relationship only one side love? Who said only Yura did a hard work for WGM show? Who said Jjong didn't express himself well on the show? No one in this thread i bet.. we will state they both were the same level. Both of them really tried hard to be a nice married couple on screen but they put their heart to the show. Thats why people called them really slow in skinship.

Both of them actually could just act / it was a tv show and they got paid so just do what people want, but they didn't do it. The first thing they had rejected to didn't being an actor/actress was a mission card which asked them to call their partner with honey during honeymoon trip. They decided to choose their special name, so til now, we found Ahyoung and Jjong sound familiar for us. Logically, if you were them, you just met and held sudden wedding yesterday, could you call your partner with "honey" if you didn't involve your heart in the show. As an actor and an idol with acting skill, it was not that hard just call your partner with honey. But, as a normal person and want to be real, they rejected a mission. Moreover Jjong has shy personality with women who he just met, honey will add more awkwardness around them.

If people say one side love from Yura, they totally wrong. Lets compile the beginning episodes of them which mostly after reunion with MinYoung

- He brought meat and couple hat for Yura. If you think that kind of action after Jjongjongie RC car from Yura, you were wrong. That RC car appearance because of Yura's clumsy and she paid for that. But as Jjong felt guilty because his toy actually didn't broke, he give her that expensive meat, but couple hats? He gave Yura just because she mention it when their first night at the empty house.

- Sudden visit Jjong to Yura place while practicing.

- Jjong brought Yura to Dr. Hong restaurant  and jewellery boutique which is his close friends who know the real him.

- Another sudden visit to music core which not only surprising Yura n GsD member but also GsD fans.

- Preparing housewarming party

- Making an easel for 100th day gift in the middle his drama filming. Hey, such a busy actor and he has money to buy any gift outthere, he put an effort to make a gift by his own hand. And he brought it with plane to Jeungdo? Eventho not himself but the staff carried an easel because it was a surprise gift, actually he planned everything for the show.

- Visiting his school, his parttime job memories, meeting his Hyung, surprise bday gift and Ulsan trip.

How can people told him didn't has interest  to Yura. How can he did that all kind of thing and initiated everything first if he didn't like her. He just can follow the set of the WGM staff about where should we go for a date to get closer, where should we eat to talk, and let us improvise the conversations since no script. But, Jjong had his own way, he initiated the set and then the show running well.

Some people only hear what they talk about, only see their interaction with less skinship but they forgot, behind the setting place, Jjong was the initiator, and Yura was the catalyst so they mixed up and very well match. 

One point from me (hello, one? I had written so many rows but i said one? Kkkk). If you want to see skinship of Jjongah, you will find it in a game, a coupon, punishment or remake a drama. Thats why Jjong always says not really natural. But, if you want a natural one, not only Yura did her best for this married skinship. These are when it comes from Jjong:

- bungejumping, he carried her really natural

- drawing tattoo in yura cheek

- find a box in the dark (with Minyoung ep), he exaggerate the gosh story so Yura had to hold him tight

- Jeongdo photoshot, he suggest the concept but he broke it with his big smile. I have a cousin who was a model years ago, he told me that a common thing for them seeing a women topless change the cloth before show on the catwalk. But him, Jjong who as supermodel think that Yura's outfit (on beach) was too brave? So he cannot focus? Didn't he put his heart too much on this? We got it.

- motorcycle ep. This unrealized skinship happen when he knew Yura was scare, she must be hug him tightly from the back. If he use car, its hard to hold hand for them, but on the motorcycle, you can run 10 km/h but you got hug 100 point, lol.

- confusing holding hand for Yura on car before F4 meeting. Looked at his face, no smile, no shy, hè took Yura hand with his heart..ahhh.. the feel. 

- gymball exercising and memorable arm pillow. Everything were prepared by Jjong.

And still so many more. It will be unfinished story for us ;) 

If other couple bonding their skinship with some dating set by WGM, but Jjongah building relationship, by recall memories, meeting important people around them, or just sitting on sofa, talking, sharing and some secret skinship under the table. Lol. That all what married couple actually do, not only kissing or bed scene. So, i claimed that they are so real.

Sorry for long post honey bunny, this time i am standing on Jjong side, lol. Next time will be Ahyoungiee (if you don't mind) ;) 

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Its past midnight. I Wake up just to vote our girl n take a fast look on this thread. 

Welcome to all new shippers, kindly post n visit often ... :wub:..

@khairunni (upss my tag didn't work) i love ur long post. Keep up to give us povs n insights. Love u..

n wanna share this. This is like my heart shipper now which missing them soo much..thankyou @owndaddy ig..



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Guest teredenz

@phichul yes it would be nice if they have normal house like other couples, things would be a lot different, they will feel more like married couple, and it will not take time for them to adjust in married life. 

i like this picture too, the way He look at Her face, Jong even ask if they have to do love shot. hahaha, and the bed scene, even Yura laugh so loud   



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Guest rant567

[Sigh. I wrote a lengthy post but it's gone. soompi oh soompi..... but well, I am in the mood of making a long rant. I hope you all wont mind] 

You know what, looking back now, I think I could totally relate to their story. 

3 years ago, I was moving to a country that famous for its quiet people for my study. And I am not even exaggerating when I say they are quiet. You could be surrounded by a group of people and they could just sit with you the whole days without talking. at all. They dont do small talk or end up talking for the shake of talking (does it ring a bell? Isn't sound really like Jjong, is it? :D). There is a famous quote flying around here 'they dont talk unless you feed them alcohol'. hahahahaha. One day my campus hooked me up in a hosted family program where the local could short of 'adopt' a foreign student in the ambition of letting two strangers from two different world to collide and learn from each other. When I first having a dinner with them, no body was talking and it's even difficult to get any reaction from them. the most normal answers that you could get, after long sentences, were just a nod, an 'okay' or 'yeah' or a silent. It takes a gut to continue and do not to feel awkward. But I found out later that my host family was among the sweetest people that I knew ever exist. They did not say a lot of things, letting me to be the one who speak most of the times, but they were the one who treat me like their own daughter, remembering my birthday, and even sometimes surprised me with a lot of stuff. I feel like being adopted for real :) That's why in their community, there is a saying 'once you know us and we are closer to you, you know us for life' because really, they are treating me with nothing but love :)  

So I do understand why people think that Ahyoung was loud around Jjong and the one who made the most effort in their relationship. She did make a lot of effort, no body can deny that, and she should be given credit for that for sure. 

But here is the thing. Just like what happened to her, I could feel that people might think that I was the one who did most of the talking all the time when I was around my host family. People who saw us might even think that I sound like an annoyance for them. You couldnot help it when you were the loudest among the bunch. 

But you know what? I don't think that effort could be successful if my host family did not embrace my effort. These two ways efforts, the one that reciprocate each other are the one that make the relationship continue to grow. 

And I think this is also true for Jjongah's case and I feel that people who are not Jjongah failed to see this. If Jjong did not make any effort to reciprocate with his own acceptance, I dont think Ahyoung would be successful in breaking Jjong's wall. It could've been worse, you know. Jjong could completely ignoring her and shut all the door to his heart. So I am glad that he did not do that.  

Just like Ahyoung, Jjong was also making a lot of effort to get closer to her and he should be given credit for that too. I think knowing how his character that is almost similar with those of my host family, I think he must have it harder if not similar in making the relationship worked. We can see that through out their stints in wgm on how caring Jjong was to Ahyoung and how he got along with her playfulness. He might not be a man who are good in showing his reaction to almost everything but he sure took his own way on using his words and showing his caring actions. He remembered most of their important dates as a couple, he was the one who remembered to thank Ahyoung during his acceptance speech in mbc entertainment award, and the list goes on. If that was not the sweetest thing ever, I dont know what was. :wub: [ and recently we even got a lot of snippets on how they communicate with each other after wgm through his interviews. many people might say that he was using Ahyoung to boost his own movie but those people forgot that those mentions were only a small fragment of the entire interviews that he did. This person does not do small talk so I believe that once he said something he really meant what he said] 

So I am sure they are now in a pretty good term with each other. Whether it was just a friendship or a coupleship thing, I am not sure. I guess we all have to wait. And knowing how private both are, I think we have to wait for a long, long time (Well, unless dispatch does the magic and pull the CIA any time soon, hehehehehe).

Wow, sorry for a long rant. I miss Jjongahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! 


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There is a really old song of Girl's day (when they were five after yura and hyeri joined and jihae was still in the group) that I like and the concept is not cute not really sexy, it's more fierce and I wouldn't mind a comeback with a sexy concept with a fierce side like this one:



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