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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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5 minutes ago, hushhh said:


Are you suggesting the main thread become the "all but CT-DS" thread?


I am suggesting the main thread become the "all but JH-DS and CT-DS" thread. :) 

My fellow shipmates and I are still hurting from the ending (grieving takes time, please bear with us), but many of us still like to come to the MT to discuss other aspects of the show. If you'd like to discuss CT-DS in the MT, then I'd like to ask for just some sensitivity. Of course, I understand respect must come from both sides, so I hope fans of both ships can be civil with each other. 

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What amuses me is while we here arguing about things the show has already answered and debating leads and second leads like it really matters or changes anything (what does it really matter who is the lead or second lead? It doesn't change the story nor does it affect the success both boys have found. If some people want to believe Taek is the lead let em. Others like to believe it's Junghwan let them. I think either message would be nice. The lead got the girl and or the typical second lead that tends not to get the girl, got the girl.) our boys are having fun in Namibia filming YOF. LMFAO. The power of the pen.

We here arguing these things like it's some serious political matters and I'm wondering how our boys are fairing in Africa (I hope Na PD is really torturing them good). I really can't wait for YOF: Namibia to air and I truly hope that by the time it does, all of this mess would have been laid to rest and we are all just spazzing about that one time my Jungbong put his name in all the secret Santa so that he would get the college musical festival records he wanted LOL. Or the one time Deok Sun hilariously taught Taek to curse and he was so adorably spot on in his last imitation of her. Or the time my Junghwan showed up to McDonald's and listened to WHAM with Deok Sun. Or the time Bora and Sunwoo got caught kissing. Or the time papa Choi was the bestest babysitter ever wearing hair bands and cutting out paper dolls. Or our ahjumma pop group that never got to be because of nerves and too much soju. Then we can all join in on precious PBG crying at some disaster he and his hyungs have found themselves in (he has to cry at least once on the show), Ryu Joon Yeol hopefully putting his travel skills to use (but not too much use or it's no fun) and out smarting Na PD. I am going to love anything Ah Jae Hyun does (please be like my Jungbong irl), and I hope GP is completely and totally lost during the whole thing (it's hilarious to have that one member that always fails).

Anyways it's good to have this place open again and I hope we all are adult or mature enough to make it so that it is left open. I enjoyed reading Hyeri's interview (man how I saw but didn't want to see some of the stuff she explained LOL). I like that she gave a diplomatic answer in the end about who she would chose. *claps* Smart girl. No need to add fuel to the fire. A mixture of both boys would be nice.

*goes back to her lurker mode*

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@MrsSoJiSub Your comments are spot on:)

The show has so many memorable clips:

Bora with the family in the car (you run over a dog!) - DS mum hitting the dad with a stone and them both trying to be polite after - JH dad and the boys when mum is gone - TK shocking everyone when he swears - TK dad being scared of a rat - DS dad being hysterical about in the tent worrying about DS mum - the music audition Mama Kim is Golden! - JH trying to make his mom feel needed - DR in general, I adore him and his dad's interaction - JB overall he is so cute - SW lil sister.

Anyway I can go on, what I love even more is the music. I kept bopping away to the soundtrack ... I love it to the max.


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5 hours ago, balladblue said:


I am suggesting the main thread become the "all but JH-DS and CT-DS" thread. :) 

My fellow shipmates and I are still hurting from the ending (grieving takes time, please bear with us), but many of us still like to come to the MT to discuss other aspects of the show. If you'd like to discuss CT-DS in the MT, then I'd like to ask for just some sensitivity. Of course, I understand respect must come from both sides, so I hope fans of both ships can be civil with each other. 

Yellow: Baladblue -- I am sorry, but I think this is unreasonable. I also think it is disrespectful of the story of writer is trying to tell. Personally I think the writer wrote an amazing coming of age story for JH and a charming heartwarming slow romance story for Taek and DS I think it diminished the writer's work to put either of those stories off limit.  

Green: Agree with you on this. The depth of your grieving is a reflection of the writer's talent to have you commit so stongly to a fictional creation that is JH. I do think that it is fair to be respectful of your grief, however sometimes the request for respect [not here] comes off as a demand that we abort our pleasure in the story structure and/or the CT-DS pairing.

Personally I think some of the off story post about the actor's preference and what their next project is is a waste of space, but what to do.

I would suggest a compromise. That poster from the shipping war post all they want in support of whatever relationship, but that they put the information under the spoiler shield and label what is being discussed. This way the CT-DS shippers can enjoy our cake and the others won't have to watch us eat it. 




I would really appreciate knowing what was removed and why is was consider sensitive. 

perhaps the mod who edited it can explain the offense so that I do not commit it again

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No wonder the thread is alive.  I'm not into this battle of shippers. And whatever idea to make an alternative ending, i wont be necessary. I have move on and focus to other things (CITT n US series) . I have said my goodbye to the neighbourhood and will rewatch the drama for many years to come. 

I will look forward for PD Na masterpiece of the boys!!! Can PBG drive? Or like Taek? Ha ha. 

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I hope people will be updating more about the family aspect of the show ?

I think I have forget all of the beautiful stories that was shown in the drama because of the love line (which is not really the main focus).

I relate most to the relation between bora with her dad (I'm also a first child).  The scene where his dad was saying goodbye to her when she goes to the dorm to prepare for that law exam (don't remember the name) made me cry really bad.

It remind me of my late father. He was also saying goodbye to me in that manner. The different was, I was going to another city by bus for my college education. He kisses my forehead (he never done that before, typical asian father not good with hugs and kisses) and that was the last time I was seeing him. He died not long after because of heart attack

Much love to you my old man. You were and still are the best man in my life :heart:

(And here I am crying again)

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I read the " Hyeri conflicted about 'Reply 1988' ending" article posted by @boranoona

45 minutes ago, boranoona said:

that article said a lot about Hyeri confusion... starting with


Hyeri didn't understand why that upset Deokseon so much

I really need to welcome Hyeri to the club of the people who don't understand why DS acted in a certain way :)
Anyway she was really good at playing DS even if she was confused like us, as an actress she did her work with great commitment from ep 1 to ep 20... so when she said



Well ... you know Deokseon's history. I didn't 'change' the course of the story per se, but I was really conflicted as to how I'd deliver that to viewers


we can all agree that she was good in doing what the writer told her to do because even if she was conflicted with it Hyeri "the actress" tried to understand it... it shows that she was  serious till the end while playing DS.
I didn't know her before R88 so when I searched who she was most/all the time she was the idol... but I think that after R88 she proved that she is a good actress too... and since I don't follow kpop much I hope to see Hyeri the actress soon

But going back to soompi article, there is this thing that Hyeri said that I think all will like


There is some regret that we couldn’t show that process a little bit more but it’s something one could understand if they think about their age.

That part about the regret it's really the reason why so many people are still calling R88 ending "the controversial ending"
I too regret that that process wasn't show, it would have been easier for everyone to understand the ending if the writer showed more about the husband love story from the beginning  instead of showing the sad love story of his friend...
I still wonder about the purpose of the interview with DS and her husband since the focus of the 1988 time line, let's just say the whole drama, was on another character ( I know this can be read as my personal idea like a shipper but since there are so many people that are still talking about this and even the actress "was baffled by the unexpected turn of events", this is what the article says not me, let's just admit that there must be a kernel of truth when I said that the focus was on JH)
In all honesty since the focus was on the guy who didn't get the girl I can't find a good title for DS and her husband interview in the 2015 time line, maybe something like:
How sad our friend first love was?
The friend that loved me?
How confused I was during my growing up?
Maybe the peculiar purpose of the interview will be a mystery that will never be solved...

It would have been more understandable to focus on JH's story if the future scenes were a dinner reunion or a friend dinner like R97 and R94...  for example in R94 we go back in time to see the story of the people at NJ's house, even the parents have an ending in the future, same think in R97 but in R88 the future time line is disconnected with the family, friendship and love... many things are left to the viewers imagination: past love, friends and family...
cheetah omma where are you in 2015?

Kim Sajang?


are you all fine?

sorry I got carried away :)

Anyway what I'm saying is that since the drama since ep 1 was so focused on the boy who is not the husband I'm really curious why the writer chose the interview of DS and the husband when in truth we never saw that boy adult version in 2015...

I read about how people voted R88 like the worst Reply serie so I understand Hyeri regret... she, like many viewers, most of all regret the way the love story was showed, but if we try to talk about other things, the writer and PD wanted this to be a drama about family and friendship, to tell the truth in the end family and friendship are big plot holes too in 2015...

with R94 and R97 we saw all friends and family in the future with R88 one can't help wondering where the whole cast is... I don't even know if they are alive :tears:

And I also understand how she wanted to explain why DS was so confused with her feelings while saying “ambivalence was to be expected from a 16-year-old”, but in the end even that confusion was not showed well... so I'll just agree with dramabeans postcard about the ending and DS character


I get really offended, first of all because I think it's the writer abusing her power because you're going to trust them but then also because it feels artificial because their are making a story not to make a story but to trick you so they can go like ahahah we got you... she ( the writer) lost my trust.


Since the postcard it's really interesting here the link to listen to the whole thing


Ok, I won't go so far to call the writer abusive, but I agree with the trust thing... the writer showed so much about the other guy that it's natural to trust what we saw... personally I won't trust her anymore too

In conclusion:

There is this video where Hyeri talks about R88 that's it's too funny to watch...

sorry I can't translate the whole thing but I like her when she answered one question that really calls for a standing ovation, more than any interview it's so good to see Hyeri talking about this



Q: in R88 which actor is closer to your ideal type?

"All are good, but Junghwan is the closest”

Good choice Hyeri

EDIT: sorry I forgot this


Good choice cheetah omma


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from lee ill hwa Interviews :

You have a lot of children in the Answer Me series - which finger hurts the most (who is your favourite)?
“There isn’t one finger that doesn’t hurt if it’s bitten, but amongst them, I have affection for Bora. At the beginning, the director said there was a reason why Bora was like that. It didn’t air in the drama, but there were hidden things that were neglected with her dad. That’s why when I think of Bora, I feel sad.”

I'm curious about the bold part. What happened between bora and her dad ???

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So i started watching this show yest.. been on marathon run..can't believe i was always putting off watching this.. its AWESOME..


No spoilers please..


But, i have so much in my head..just listing down my thoughts as such... ( Plz dont give spoilers)


1. Ep 1:  choc goes to sun woo.. hubby says he ddn't get it.. wifey says she gave it to him only... taike, rich guy, sun woo.. all three had bags that day.. so if wife really did want to give choc to him/current hubby.... and hubby is clearly not sun woo.. so that means she wanted to give the choc to taike abck then


2. Ep 2: hubby says it was the night sun woo rejected her.. we saw rich guy witnessing it.. but by ep 12. taike seems to come out around that time too much for smoke.. and then since our heroine said 1st snow is special for lovers.. both rich guy,s unwoo, and taike made note of that.. so possible while we were not shown who all witnessed bora-sun woo confession..but probably taike was also there..given his presence is so difficult to notice..


Also, with hubby clearly saying he knows all abt her.. and we saw rich guy be audience to the rejection - obvious red herring?


3. Hubby's personality: that kind of bickering only the specky farting guy and rich guy do with our heroine.. so difficult to visualize taike thr.. BUT then hubby says its taken time to adjust being informal with her brother..and back in past..only taike talks formally..

4. Photo: Dec 88 - rich guy and heroine take pic - end of ep she tells hubby- back then he must have really like me

Next episode Jan 89 - china trip - taike and heroine photo - ep end - she is asking hubby when was photo taken - he says Jan 89 and she gets happy that he rememebrs..

Now..unless there is a 3rd photo.. hubby again seems to be taike.. but then obvious red herring again?

5. With all the build up  it really feels like the rich guy should have been the husband..but now in last leg of the series they are building up taike..


Taike: pros and cons

1. They guy has always loved her.. true love..whatever

2. I won't be able to handle his heartbreak.. don't want him ODing

3. She reallly does care for him... but it feels more like motherly-sisterly affection than romantic

4. As a guy he is a catch.. smart, loyal what more can you ask for..


Rich Guy:

1. I will be hurt if he has to go through a heartbreak


If the story is really about understanding what love is.. or recognizing when we think we are in love Vs whom we actually love... taike should be the answer to all questions.. because rich guy..i am sure will move on.. ( but not fair..)



this is my first of the rep;y series..


Is R88 the best of the three? - are others worth watching? - which one you recommend - 94 or 97?

oh and i LOOOOOVE that little grl

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The father of rich guy - why is he so OTT - were koreans like that back then..or are people generally loud


The women seem to talk in different accent ? - why?


The adults story arc is also brilliant.. perfect slice of life drama..but then i also wonder how tvn will continue with this series.. from what i see..i realize that across decades, generatons, basic human interaction is all the same..


The friendships, sbibling rivalry, fighting and hiding from parents, angst of growing up, rebel, love escapades, how crushes happen and change .. lol .., how first love is not always the most important love.. school life, the cafe outings, the gossips, the role of tv, what we like don;t like wear.. fussing over food.. so many things..


Its just the same.. across ages.


( my best one is: all sibling fights.. we in our childhood used to fight (physical) as if would kill each other.. but when warned by parents.. we would always find a way to fake it and support each other in front of them..


Very difficult to spend 15 minutes without fighhting.. but dare if a 3rd person try to bully my sibling.. ah!..in for a disaster - you know the scene where heroine's bro is dating this bully gf).. lol



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@enigmatic_zephy you shouldn't be here if you don't want to be spoiled honey. Finish the drama first  :)

You should watch the 1997 one. For me it is the best of all Reply series. No loopholes, all clue were explained clearly.
No doubt on who's the husband at the end. So there is no explanation needed at all.

The drama told the story it self completely and it's only 16 ep each about 45 minutes long.

I love Shiwon the best. She is so sure of her self and so confidence. It's delighfull to watch her :D

In shiwon words "I don't need any other explanation. Just answer, do you still like me ?.
Yah !!! if you don't answer on the count of 3, I'm gonna kiss you

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