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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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Another discovery in relation to the "husband hunt"

@hoaho (in the DeoksunXTaek thread) pointed out this post on DC gallery which is saying that Taek was confirmed to be husband in episode 1 already http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=reply1988&no=770435&page=1&exception_mode=recommend

I read through the comments and they're talking about 낙점 (nakjeom?). One comment explains the meaning of it: 낙점의 의미 - 낙점落點 조선시대, 이품(二品) 이상의 벼슬아치를 뽑을 때 임금이 이조(吏曹)에서 추천한 세 후보자 가운데 마땅한 사람의 이름 위에 점을 찍던 일. (You can also find that definition in Korean online dictionaries)

With my limited Korean skills I understood that in the Joseon era when the government was looking for officials (이품(二品)) the King (임금) would hand in names as recommendation and the Ministry of Personnel (이조, 吏曹) marked the ones they deemed worthy with a dot (점 means dot/point) as a sort of approval stamp. So people who were seen as worthy candidates to becoming officials in the government had a dot behind their name (I am actually not sure if it's the King who marks the worthy ones or the Ministry and this is not a word-by-word translation but you get the general idea behind it)

And now, let's take a look at the written names from episode 1, when the characters were introduced for the very first time

"Ryu Dong Ryong"


"Kim Jung Hwan"


"Sun Woo"




Taek's name is the only one followed by a dot. Going with the 낙점 definition it means that he was the only "worthy candidate" as husband. He was the chosen one from the beginning

Maybe the writers weren't lying when they said there will be no husband mystery in Reply 1988 (even though they sure were milking it :lol:)

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I am so tempted to jumped to Chapter 6 but I have to rein in myself from doing so. Attending Literature classes, I have learned to look for context clues: To draw out maximum satisfaction from a literary work, you will have to scour for hints, often reading between the lines. The same principle can be applied when watching a film or a drama. Since this writer is known for solidly written scripts, we  can surmise that each line, each scene is significant as they contribute to the narrative.

Please note that I am not here to ship. I am here to merely point out hints the writer was dropping along the way to make the conclusion logical. Certainly the drama had its flaws particularly closures---preferred ones--- as far as some or many viewers are concerned...but that's really a given because it was after all a story of people...beautiful, wonderful, flawed living people who still had to complete the wonderful tapestry of their lives.

Rewatching Episode 2

I was surprised that as early as episode 2, it had conversations that although the characters may have said without much thought of the future, the writer was already laying the groundwork for Duk Seon and Taek's fate:

Conversation between Duk Seon and Taek, the morning after Taek arrived:

Duk Seon: Hey! When did you get back?

Taek: Yesterday. Are you going to school?

Duk Seon. Yeah. Drink a lot of milk and grow big soon, my little Taek! You have to hurry and grow up so that you can marry me! (Duk Seon said this only to Taek, never to Jung Hwan and Sun Woo.)

Families were celebrating Taek's victory: Jung Hwan's father said it would be nice to have a daughter so That Taek could be his son in-law but Duk Seon's mother said “I claimed Taek first. He is going to be my son in-law.

Before coming to his celebration in Jung Hwan's house, Duk Seon told Taek to borrow comic books. Sun Woo's mother commented that Duk Seon has the nerve to make mighty Taek do that for her.

Directing himself to all the parents, Duk Seon's father said when Taek arrived: “Oh yeah, I want you all to greet him. He's our son in-law.”

For a second round of Taek's victory, the gang decided to go to the Brazilian dubokki store: Duk Seon came out holding Taek's hand.


Other significant scenes I love about the episode:

Jung Hwan coming to the defense of SunWoo when an upper classman dishonored the memory of Sun Woo's Dad: Beneath his gruff exterior, this young man has a big heart and will do anything for the sake of friendship and family as we will see in the following episodes.

Taek accompanying Duk Seon's father to drink as he was grieving over the death of his mother. What made this scene more poignant was his response to Duk Seon's Dad on how often he misses his Mom: "I miss her everyday."

But the one that topped the list was the scene of Sun Woo about to enter their house, sees his Mom and realized he has not eaten his packed dinner (?) Although eating the food, given his Mom's unsatisfactory cooking skills, was such a tremendous effort, his love for his widow Mom led him to a corner of the house to finish it as if were the most sumptuous meal he had. (What a son!)

I honestly cannot stand Bora's boorishness as far as relating to her parents and siblings is concerned, however, it was mitigated by Bora's protectiveness, care and concern toward her siblings as she took charge of bringing them to their paternal grandmother's wake. 



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On 1/23/2016 at 3:00 AM, shooastrid said:

Hi guys, I just want to invite you all shippers or neutral viewer to join Reply 1988 rewatch from Ep 1 and read/ write discussions together in Shippers paradise thread for Choi Taek x Deok Sun. Good news, @packmule3 is back, and she will share her analyses and insights there as well. We know how detailed and precise her analyses can be right? This is going to be super fun. In fact, we already have the discussion going on right now. So dontmisset! :)

Since now we know who the husband is, the journey of revisiting the series will give us different kind of experience. Many details that we have missed because of the shipping as well as different interpretations are free to share. There, you can contest, argue, ogle, or lurk, as long as we do it maturely. We are waiting for you there!!

wow.. daebak welcome back @packmule3 waiting patiently for your analyses...

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Can I ask what's all with the ruckus in analyzing the husband when the show is already over? To prove that he really is the husband from the beginning? Can I ask? By pointing it out who are you trying to convince those who are reading you're post or yourself? Isn't it already enough how the show prove it that he is the husband? or even you are not convince how the show lay all the evidence?

Guys the show already end but the husband issue still don't rest.  


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7 minutes ago, debieg said:

Can I ask what's all with the ruckus in analyzing the husband when the show is already over? To prove that he really is the husband from the beginning? Can I ask? By pointing it out who are you trying to convince those who are reading you're post or yourself? Isn't it already enough how the show prove it that he is the husband? or even you are not convince how the show lay all the evidence?

Guys the show already end but the husband issue still don't rest.  



It is just a drama, people. 

A drama. With fictional characters. With a fictional plot. (Or maybe some characters are inspired by real people...)

But that is not the point. 


The point here... the drama ended a week ago. 

The ending is set. Taek is the hubby. End game. The end.


No amount of theories or fanfics are able to change the fact that Taek is the hubby. 

Different people view things differently. And they have the right to do so.

There is no need to convince others to see your point of view. 


For TK shippers: Congrats! Good for you that your ship have sailed.

For JH shippers: It's okay. Let's move on. Spread the love. 


So I don't see the need for people to fight over this. 

Again, it is just a drama. A form of entertainment. Not an exam question that you need to analyse. 

But I got to admit, it is interesting to see a diversity of views. 


#TakeAChillPill #SpreadLoveNotHate

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I think the beautiful thing about having a Soompi  drama thread is to be able to read and share insights about the drama. and in the process, grow in our understanding and appreciation of it. 

Reply 1988 is such a rich, layered drama that's worth discussing.

I hope this intention will not be misconstrued or seen in a bad light.

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Sorry, I just had to de-lurk because the last comments just confused me. I visit this thread to see if we have any new news about the casts or the series. Or just read about the other people\s thoughts. I still can't get over this show, obviously. As far as I can see in the past couple of pages, no fights have broken out. Just great people with great varying insights collectively (and politely) spazzing about the show. While it's true the show has ended but there are some people who have just caught on with the show now and I reckon have some questions in mind or just want to find out about what other fellow fans of this show think about it. If it pains you so much that this thread is still moving because people still want to analyze it, spazz over the wonderful script, or just share their thoughts then I just suggest just refrain from visiting this thread. What are people here for anyway but to geek out over this wonderful show?

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2 hours ago, debieg said:

Can I ask what's all with the ruckus in analyzing the husband when the show is already over? To prove that he really is the husband from the beginning? Can I ask? By pointing it out who are you trying to convince those who are reading you're post or yourself? Isn't it already enough how the show prove it that he is the husband? or even you are not convince how the show lay all the evidence?

Guys the show already end but the husband issue still don't rest.  

Hey debieg glad to see you're concerned.Thing is you see we are not 'trying to prove' anyone that the husband is Taek,thing is we just love to analyze the small facts[albeit crucial],which we've overlooked while the crazy speculations were going on.So,we in our oblivious state missed how many time the writer threw red herrings/or cues at us showing that the relationship between the main couple in this drama has been always there,moving and growing.And it just brings smile to our face,every time some one from our side/or from the other side [like dc/naver ] is appearing and posting new/meaningful analyses for us.

You see we're not doing this to justify the reasons for the outer crowd..we're doing it because we love doing this.Just like how you like reading your favorite  books over and over,the eagerness/intention is same here.Thank you.

--We're even doing a rewatch for the drama every friday/saturday,just because of our love for this drama.So you're very much welcome to show your concern/worries over there on the shippers thread.

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On 1/25/2016 at 7:42 AM, debieg said:

Can I ask what's all with the ruckus in analyzing the husband when the show is already over? To prove that he really is the husband from the beginning? Can I ask? By pointing it out who are you trying to convince those who are reading you're post or yourself? Isn't it already enough how the show prove it that he is the husband? or even you are not convince how the show lay all the evidence?

Guys the show already end but the husband issue still don't rest.  


We don't have to prove anything.  It's already proven.  Part of the reason people are discussing  the husband and offering evidence is to pushback against the completely ridiculous notion that the drama was suddenly changed to a Taek end during the break.  It's also quite interesting to discuss hints that were ignored throughout the drama because a huge part of the fandom was so "sure", myself included!  Even going back to the color theory, I think people had the colors wrong the whole time. This drama is also one that is full of analysis potential because of the hidden clues, symbolism and parallel themes/scenes the writer/pd put into it.  

And while people want to push-back again detractors, it's ultimately just our love of the drama (and inability to let go) that keeps us interested and analyzing the plot.  Maybe it's just me, and you obviously disagree, but it's fun to watch or read things again once you know the ending, and discuss what was missed.  It's easier to see the writer's intentions now.  


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[NEWS] 160125 The ‘kidnapping story’ of  Ryu Jun Yeol, Ahn Jae Hong, Go Kyung Pyo for Youth Over Flowers Africa
To share, go to : http://eyesonryu.tumblr.com/post/138027356725/news-160125-the-kidnapping-story-of-ryu-jun


News article by Eyes on RYU | eyesonryu.tumblr.com
Please share with proper credits!
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Thank you!

The recent news about Reply 1988 actors, Ryu Jun Yeol, Ahn Jae Hong, Go Kyung Pyo, and Park Bogum, who are casted for upcoming season of TvN’s Youth Over Flowers in Africa, has made the people curious about how the reveal of the Africa trip happened.

It was said that Ryu Jun Yeol, Go Kyung Pyo, and Ahn Jae Hong were enjoying the last day of their Reply 1988 reward trip in Phuket and were not aware at all that they will be casted for the upcoming season. On top of that, they were ‘kidnapped’ without even given the time to prepare themselves for Africa.

The three seniors, Ra Mi Ran, Kim Sung Gyun, and Kim Sun Young, are said to have played a big role in this surprise and they lured them into this 'kidnap’ event. The three secretly met Na Young Suk PD and Director Shin Won Ho on the last day of their Phuket trip and together they prepare and set the trap. Youth Over Flowers crew and PD who just arrived in Phuket that day (January 22nd) needed an excuse to meet these three boys, so they planned a fake “take-a-family-picture” event. Director Shin Won Ho included everyone on this fake event by saying “let’s do this event as the resort has sponsored the trip” and the whole staff and crew who joined the trip also thought that this event was real.

The plan was running smoothly and after the fake event, Ra Mi Ran, Kim Sunggyun, and Kim Sun Young casually opened up a conversation about Youth Over Flowers, and they asked the three boys to express their feelings about possibly appearing on the show. And with perfect timing, Na PD makes his appearance and told them that they were casted for Youth Over Flowers.

(note: Park Bogum was in Korea that time as he has Music Bank filming, but he was 'kidnapped’ too and went to Africa alone right after his schedules)

These four actors are said to be filming Youth Over Flowers at Namibia, South West Africa for ten days and the goal for this season is to find Victoria Falls. No final date airing date yet, but they plan air this after Youth OVer Flowers Iceland.


Can't wait for this!!

And don't forget, Taxi special ep1 tomorrow~ ^^

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@debieg this is forum soompi, ppl free to share their opinion. If you dont like it, skip it. I dont see ruckus things here. Now MT move slow, even the show already the end, fans still want to adore, analysis, and posting something their love about reply1988. So whats exactly your problem here? I said once again, if you dont like it, skip it. 

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10 hours ago, debieg said:

Can I ask what's all with the ruckus in analyzing the husband when the show is already over? To prove that he really is the husband from the beginning? Can I ask? By pointing it out who are you trying to convince those who are reading you're post or yourself? Isn't it already enough how the show prove it that he is the husband? or even you are not convince how the show lay all the evidence?

Guys the show already end but the husband issue still don't rest.  




Question 31: Can I ask what's all with the ruckus in analyzing the husband when the show is already over? To prove that he really is the husband from the beginning? Can I ask? By pointing it out who are you trying to convince those who are reading you're post or yourself? Isn't it already enough how the show prove it that he is the husband? or even you are not convince how the show lay all the evidence? Guys the show already end but the husband issue still don't rest. 

Answer: The “ruckus” is in your head, my dear. Many people here enjoy dissecting the husband, the wife, the second lead male, the friends, the families, AND the script [lol. Ship the script™] because they happen to enjoy the intellectual challenge of putting puzzle pieces together and seeing how they fit into a PERFECTLY WRITTEN STORY with no bogus, alternative endings necessary. If you don’t appreciate what people are posting here, then I suggest that either you cover your eyes and ignore these posts or skip over to a thread with plenty of fanfics to satisfy your heart’s desire and to soothe that ruckus in your head. :)

Question 14: Can you explain why the scriptwriter would write the ending with JH as an officer in the Air Force and DS as a flight attendant if they weren’t meant to be together in the future? It seemed like the scriptwriter trolled us good. 

Answer:  Yes, she did, didn’t she? I tried to warn people.... ;)

I once read a comment saying DS and JH were a match because their careers involved flying planes. My gut reaction was: "NO, honey. NO!" [ala Run, Forest. Run!]  I realized then that many people did NOT get that whole one-on-one conversation with DS and her father on jobs. :)

That time, DS had been trying to reassure herself that it was okay to be different from the others. To be who she was. She felt pressured to be like the other kids on the block. But after her conversation with her dad, she learned that she and her Dad were alike in many ways. This self-discovery comforted her to pursue a job which was suited to her personality.  

You see, there are three different ways of looking at DS’ work opportunities after high school. I’m very fortunate to have followed into the “family business” so I can only imagine how daunting it must have been for DS’ character to figure out what she wanted to be for the rest of her life...at 19. 

She had no FEMALE role model other than Bora. At that time, her relationship with her older sister wasn't exactly peanut-butter-and-jelly so she couldn't approach her for advice. All the ahjummas were stay-at-home mothers, except DR's mother who was negatively portrayed as "scary" and as an absentee mother who didn’t notice that her son ran away from home.

Then, her school wasn't equipped to handle questions regarding college/career opportunities for young girls who weren't in the top quartile of the graduating class.  And DS was in 999th place. Here in the US, there are college and career services in high schools to serve as resources of  4- or 2-year colleges/universities and to advise students on what track they wish to take after HS. The college advisor isn’t the same person as homeroom teacher to ensure impartiality. 

DS didn’t have anybody to explain to her about “professions” until her father came. 

You see, some professions can be a “calling”. For instance, baduk is a calling for TK. It’s who he is. It’s inseparable from his life. It permeates his whole life and even the life of his future life partner. He doesn't need to attend high school or college because of this gift of his. This is also true for Hyung JB who found his calling in something food–related as Mi-Ok suggested to him. 

But a profession can also be a “career”. SW, JH and Bora are in the “career track”. A career implies a hierarchy or a ladder of jobs built in place so the careerist can achieve long-terms professional goals, financial stability and personal growth. For instance, SW will become an intern, resident, fellow, attending physician, and doctor. JH, too, has a rigid organizational structure in the military but he’ll thrive because he’s linear person. The driven and focused personalities of these SW, Bora and JH make them a perfect fit for the career track. 

However, DS and DR aren’t like them. They’re the ones who will settle for the "job". I think in one of the commercials shown on TV, the ad was on Salarymen. There’s something pejorative about the word  “salaryman”. It implies that a person is doing mind-numbing, repetitive work, like an automaton, just to bring home the money.

However, in DS' and DR’s case, it’s clear that two derive satisfaction from their jobs and get enough monetary compensation to become stable and independent. But they’re NOT tied to these jobs. The job is a means to an end. It isn’t the end-all and be-all of their lives. Like DS’ dad.

He has a job in the Fraud department, and he works hard all these years. But his job doesn’t define who he is.  As a matter of fact, WHO HE IS is different from what he does at work. He can work in the Fraud department all day, then be defrauded by petty street vendors on his way home. Which is ironic.

The personal happiness of DS’ father isn’t linked to the success of his job. Rather, it is connected to the happiness, health and well-being of his children. This bit of insight comforts DS greatly. She’s her father’s daughter. She may not have big aspirations like everybody else to become a trailblazer, but she can be happy with her chosen profession.

Her profession as a flight attendant matches her character and personality. Look for instance at her characteristics, she --

has situational awareness [remember how she reacted to the epileptic episode of her classmate?], 
is punctual, dedicated and conscientious [picket girl work ethics], 
is a team player [with the gang, she has no choice]
is a problem-solver [China trip], 
has excellent customer service [gets along well with the neighborhood’s ahjummas and ahjussis]
resolves conflicts [as a middle child, she’s learned]
is observant and safety conscious [nags TK about his health, jacket]
is a positive thinker [it’s not over till it’s over]
is well-groomed [she does primp in the front of the mirror, and she is pretty as TK says.]

See that? Her personality traits match perfectly those of a flight attendant. 

That’s why I found the comment that her job "fits" JH superficial and SEXIST. No. Her job was made to match HER character. The scriptwriter didn’t randomly assign a job for DS to match her up with JH’s own career path and to put her in close proximity with JH. I'm surprised people misinterpreted it that way. 

DS has a life of her own, too. :)

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Lee Il Hwa omma interview. She so beautiful. If someone can translate this. Thank you so much. =))



Done. Translate by  goonggeumhani


[250116] ‘AM1988′ Lee Ilhwa’s Sports Kyunghyang Interview

AM1988 received the most love of all the Answer Me series - how do you feel about it being over?
“At first, the realization that’s it’s over didn’t hit me. The moment I took off my wig after the last scene, I thought, “Ah, so relieving”, but when I got home, I felt a bit stunned. After filming ended, Deoksun, Bora and Noeul cried a lot. I wish that I cried then with them too.”

This series focussed more on family and the neighbourhood. Did you feel anything different while filming?
“Honestly, when it was just the Dong Il and Ilhwa couple, the burden was big. But when Miran and Sunyoung’s family came, there was no room for loneliness. The stories became more colourful too. Since there were people who were good, I thought that I’d have to work harder too.”

The mom’s chemistry was as good as the young actor’s. You even got the nickname ‘Ssangmundong’s TaeTiSeo’ - how was acting with Ra Miran and Kim Sunyoung?
“I met the both of them for the first time in this drama. When I watched Sunyoungie’s movie ‘Clash of the Familes 2′, I thought, “Omo, who is that actress?”, and when I went to the first meeting, she was there. It was great to see her, of course. Ra Miran was the same. If I gained something from AM1988, it’d be meeting these two dongsaengs.”

You had such a drastic transformation for your character, it seems like you would have had some burdens as well.
“The director put in a lot of effort to make me look ugly (laugh). He gave me the darkest and most curly of the wigs. But once I let myself go, it was comfortable. And not just getting immersed into the character - normally I’d have to go the salon to get my makeup done everyday before filming, but going barefaced and wearing a wig without even having to do my hair, it was so comfortable.”

Isn’t this the hardest Ilhwa had it in the Answer Me series?
“Honestly, at first, I couldn’t understand. I wondered if there was a need to be so tough, but while I was acting, I couldn’t help but to nag. Not being able to give Deoksun some spending money for her class trip, the husband helping the less fortunate and buying things from them everyday as they drink together - it was really frustrating (laugh).”

It’s your third time working with Sung Dong Il - how was it?
“Sung Dong Il-sshi is a first place SBS Talent Fund sunbae - I was second. Now we understand each other just by looking at each other’s eyes. He coaches me a lot while acting too. Oppa is really sentimental. If he has time, he goes on vacation with his kids, and if the place he’s filming at is nice, he wants to show his kids. Watching him from the side, he’s an actor that I have a lot to learn from.”

You have a lot of children in the Answer Me series - which finger hurts the most (who is your favourite)?
“There isn’t one finger that doesn’t hurt if it’s bitten, but amongst them, I have affection for Bora. At the beginning, the director said there was a reason why Bora was like that. It didn’t air in the drama, but there were hidden things that were neglected with her dad. That’s why when I think of Bora, I feel sad.”

As a mother of a daughter, who do you really want as a son-in-law?
“Ehm… Taek (laugh). I like how gentle and innocent he is. If it’s this kind of son-in-law, it seems like he could make my daughter live peacefully and happily. Park Bogum is really kind and pure. That’s rare to see in a youth nowadays. When I said that I wanted Bogummie as a son-in-law in real life, he said, “Really, mom?” and smiled.”

During 1988, you were Deoksun’s age - what kind of person was the 18 year old Lee Ilhwa?
“I’m the same age as the 71-er Deoksunie (laugh). I was completely different from Deoksunnie. During class, I was afraid of being a disturbance, so even if I wanted to go to the washroom, I couldn’t even raise my hand. I was a really reserved child.”

You’ve been acting for 20 years - are you still reserved?
“I ended up acting because I wanted to change my reserved personality. I’m the type that takes some time to get close to new faces. That’s why I thought that I might match daily dramas more than short mini series. During AM1997, the director called me ‘Noona’, but this time, he called me ‘Sunbae-nim’. It’s been 3 years since 2012 - I wondered how closed off must I have been for that to have happened, so I reflected. I think it’s something that I have to keep working on.”

I’m curious of how you ended up doing the Answer Me series.
“It’s a role that ended up coming to me after being passed around by the likes of Jo Hyeryun-sshi, Ra Miran-sshi and Kim Sungryung-sshi. I was greedy for an acting transformation.”

What are things you gained and lost as an actress in a series?
“I gained so much. This is a project that was a turning point in my acting life, and that brought eyes and love to Lee Ilhwa as an actress again. There doesn’t seem to be anything that I lost.”

Thank you @syer_87 for info. =)

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thanks for the article and translation (+ link). i heart lee il hwa... it's almost hard to imagine her in any other role for me now (which i know isn't necessarily a good thing because of typecasting). i did see her in a weekend drama. that's really interesting that ra mi ran was also previously offered the role. :o


lol, i just thought:

so jung hwan and deok sun both fly for a living... on the same token, taek and deok sun both travel for a living. jung hwan and deok sun could work together if he leaves the air force and goes to commercial piloting; they definitely can't work together while he's in the air force. also, their schedules might have them away from each other a lot. on the flip side, taek pretty much travels for a living... i almost feel like deok sun's schedule allows them to bridge the gap and see each other more when he's in competitions and she happens to have a flight going there (but, that's just an assumption...).

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Awesome Fan Art Round Three (this is the last one):

Love this!!! 


And this, 





Some more artwork, a la Taek:


















I'm still stuck in a  Reply '88 state of mind. ㅠㅠ. I find that the best remedy of getting over a drama is buying a gallon of ice cream and going on a dramathon. I prescribe mint chocolate chip, raspberry, mango, cookies and cream, and peanut butter chocolate ice cream to y'all, double fudge chocolate with added M&Ms if you're really that desperate :P. Research also shows that watching amazing gifs and pictures of your ship, as well as life updates of its members can bring your mood up considerably. For example:



'Nuff said.

(@einYoshiChan, I LOVE THIS GIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)



 We think alike!!!



Caption: my forever favourite (fictional) family ♥️

(Mine too XD)

dramajib:  dramajib:  Friendship goals: synchronized rage, synchronized snuggles, synchronized naps   Bonus: synchronized shrugs

Caption:  Friendship goals: synchronized rage, synchronized snuggles, synchronized naps

Bonus: synchronized shrugs




Lol, this is what should have happened!!!!!


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1 hour ago, beldaran said:


thanks for the article and translation (+ link). i heart lee il hwa... it's almost hard to imagine her in any other role for me now (which i know isn't necessarily a good thing because of typecasting). i did see her in a weekend drama. that's really interesting that ra mi ran was also previously offered the role. :o


lol, i just thought:

so jung hwan and deok sun both fly for a living... on the same token, taek and deok sun both travel for a living. jung hwan and deok sun could work together if he leaves the air force and goes to commercial piloting; they definitely can't work together while he's in the air force. also, their schedules might have them away from each other a lot. on the flip side, taek pretty much travels for a living... i almost feel like deok sun's schedule allows them to bridge the gap and see each other more when he's in competitions and she happens to have a flight going there (but, that's just an assumption...).


+100 points.

In Episode 20: Visitez Notre Dame mug, tin of Royal Dansk butter cookies [4 cookies = 180 calories] ;)


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What also caught my attention was Sun Woo's quick reply to Duk Seon's query if was pretty wearing the denim jacket: "Isn't that your sister's?"

I thought, "How would a young man know such a detail unless he liked Bora and closely observed her from afar? Note that we didn't get to know this until 2 episodes later. :-)

I've read several insightful posts about how the game "baduk" was intertwined with the drama plot and sub-plots and then I noted a line of Duk Seon's father which he directed to Taek's father: "THE ELEMENTS OF THE REAL WORLD ARE ALL PART OF BADUK (...) In some ways, Taek might know more about the real world than we adults do."

I need to read up on baduk then. :-)

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