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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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@hushhh Ha ha ha, that last comment made me laugh a lot!

Okay, this is funny because I actually had the exact same complaints about DS and TK. No matter how much TK was liking DS, it did not show that it was romantic love over platonic love. His actions could be interpretated as a friend asking for the help of a friend. I am thinking of that episode where he keeps asking for things and DS gets annoyed. We, the viewers, know that he does that to the people he loves because we have just been told so by his father. But DS does not know that and she gets annoyed... I used a few other examples to question whether DS could read Taek's signs...

For me, JH's signs were a bit more readable, especially because they were clearer actions. And also because we had more of them. We could also see DS's gorwing confusion so I felt it was almost there!! But we'll never know...

But seeing your post and with the new preview... I think JH and TK might have given DS too much credit... No?

Ha ha ha ha... Doesn't it seem like it is the same dilemma for both men?!

@mojobobo True, but aren't we all a bit more dense when it comes to our own love lives?...

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17 minutes ago, kaqueski said:

I read an article on nate or somewhere where the knetizen complains about the structure of the husband hunt lovelines, and I agree with them. Think about it, they will reveal the one who DS's in love with in the very end (including epic confession scene or epic realization scene) and then probably a time skip and then wedding
That means we won't be able to see all the lovelydovey dates between DS and whoever it is (be it JH or Taek). 

Basically, WE WON'T SEE MUCH OF THEIR DATING PROGRESS! And all the hidden feelings and interactions beforehand are all the moments we have. Unlike SunBora and even Miok/JB, we can at least seeing them having dates, kissing, being official couple. 
Which brings me the urge to summarize all the mutual moments DS has had with either TK or JH under spoiler tag (it only counts when it's only two of them instead of with the whole squad).
Feel free to add because I may miss some other important scenes:

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1. The alley scene
2. Several bus scenes
3. The leg cramp scene (DS goes meow)
4. The umbrella waiting scenes 
5. The night walk scene
6. The Mcdonald scene
7. The glove gift
8. The MBC concert scene -> picture taken
9. The "Don't go blind date" scene
10. The concert 'date' where DS pretend to sprain her ankle
11. The JH's birthday gift 
12. The wrestling scene for that erotic novel scene
13. The making joke with kim appa to make JH laugh scene
14. The 'bed' scene
15. The "you have rice on your cheek" scene x2 
16. The confession scene 

1. The snowy call scene
2. The movie date in which Taek falls asleep on DS shoulder
3. Mannitol midnight scene and the pink smitten gift.
4. The pick up Taek scene when the gang go to see movie together.
5. The China trip -> picture taken
6. The beach 'date'
7. The trophy gift 
8. The saving banana for DS scene 
9. The "you don't know all about me" scene where Taek reveal to DS that he likes someone 
10. The falling asleep on DS shoulder scene x2 
11. The bring food and make sure Taek eat scene (where Taek keeps nagging her for stuffs because he likes her)
12. The taking care of DS indigestion scene
13. The cancel date scene 
14. The bridal carry scene
15. The "dreamy"kiss scene 
16. The timing concert 


I also feel like there's lack of skinship in this reply 1988 compare to the other reply franchise.. I wonder if it's because in the 88-90s it was more conservatives and skinship/PDA is considered odd/bad? So far the couple kiss when they're official together, no stolen kiss like other dramas yet (except Tk/DS kiss I cannot be sure if it were dreaming or real. I guess we will figure out soon.) 


I don't think they're showing the skinship scenes through the lenses of 88-89 notion of chastity or decency. The SW-BR kiss was quite hot, intense and not to mention long and deep. Perhaps even deeper than some of the kisses Oppa-NJ shared. It's just that the husband hunt and the hesitation on the part of both boys has been stretched out for such a long time that we have made no real progress on the main loveline which is why the lack of skinship/kisses. Also doesn't help that both boys are not as straightforward as SW and BR.

EDIT - Choosing not to comment on the Tk-DS dream (real?) kiss lest it offend anyone.

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Just now, mojobobo said:


Hmmm I think DS may not be the best and studying but I would be cautious to say that she is the least smart? After all intelligence is not limited to being book smart and DS has shown herself to be capable of handling various situations and being attentive to people's emotions. This is all the more so since (and I generalise here) she is a middle child and from my own experience most middle children tend to be observes who wish to keep the peace :) Alas everyone has a different love language if not the world would be peaceful. 


Less than 2 days to the new episode!!! Who's excited?!?!?! :w00t:






Intelligence  is not limited to an ability to navigate through your school work.

BR compared DS IQ to Taek and there was a 30 or 40 points difference, i don't remember exactly. However at that time people were convinced Taek couldn't tie his shoes.  That is clearly one way of showing that IQ is a limited was of evaluating a broader idea of intellingence as being able to live effectively in the world are two different things.  

Yet certainly when it comes to DS's romantic relationships she hasn't shown any particular insight.



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5 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

@hushhh Ha ha ha, that last comment made me laugh a lot!

Okay, this is funny because I actually had the exact same complaints about DS and TK. No matter how much TK was liking DS, it did not show that it was romantic love over platonic love. His actions could be interpretated as a friend asking for the help of a friend. I am thinking of that episode where he keeps asking for things and DS gets annoyed. We, the viewers, know that he does that to the people he loves because we have just been told so by his father. But DS does not know that and she gets annoyed... I used a few other examples to question whether DS could read Taek's signs...

For me, JH's signs were a bit more readable, especially because they were clearer actions. And also because we had more of them. We could also see DS's gorwing confusion so I felt it was almost there!! But we'll never know...

But seeing your post and with the new preview... I think JH and TK might have given DS too much credit... No?

Ha ha ha ha... Doesn't it seem like it is the same dilemma for both men?!

@mojobobo True, but aren't we all a bit more dense when it comes to our own love lives?...


As we say to a toddler having a melt down, it is best to "use your words."


Here is one difference I think I see.

Taek never hides the fact that he wants DS company. He accepts her presence when she is there and proactively asks her to spend time with him, either at the movies or eating pizza.

YOu might say JH asked DS to the concert also, but he didn't really, he made it seems as if it was something he was doing and he wouldn't mind if she tag along even if the other guys weren't there. 

It was DS who asked him directly to go to the concert with her.


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23 minutes ago, kaqueski said:

I read an article on nate or somewhere where the knetizen complains about the structure of the husband hunt lovelines, and I agree with them. Think about it, they will reveal the one who DS's in love with in the very end (including epic confession scene or epic realization scene) and then probably a time skip and then wedding
That means we won't be able to see all the lovelydovey dates between DS and whoever it is (be it JH or Taek). 

Basically, WE WON'T SEE MUCH OF THEIR DATING PROGRESS! And all the hidden feelings and interactions beforehand are all the moments we have. Unlike SunBora and even Miok/JB, we can at least seeing them having dates, kissing, being official couple. 
Which brings me the urge to summarize all the mutual moments DS has had with either TK or JH under spoiler tag (it only counts when it's only two of them instead of with the whole squad).
Feel free to add because I may miss some other important scenes:

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1. The alley scene
2. Several bus scenes
3. The leg cramp scene (DS goes meow)
4. The umbrella waiting scenes 
5. The night walk scene
6. The Mcdonald scene
7. The glove gift
8. The MBC concert scene -> picture taken
9. The "Don't go blind date" scene
10. The concert 'date' where DS pretend to sprain her ankle
11. The JH's birthday gift 
12. The wrestling scene for that erotic novel scene
13. The making joke with kim appa to make JH laugh scene
14. The 'bed' scene
15. The "you have rice on your cheek" scene x2 
16. The confession scene 

1. The snowy call scene
2. The movie date in which Taek falls asleep on DS shoulder
3. Mannitol midnight scene and the pink smitten gift.
4. The pick up Taek scene when the gang go to see movie together.
5. The China trip -> picture taken
6. The beach 'date'
7. The trophy gift 
8. The saving banana for DS scene 
9. The "you don't know all about me" scene where Taek reveal to DS that he likes someone 
10. The falling asleep on DS shoulder scene x2 
11. The bring food and make sure Taek eat scene (where Taek keeps nagging her for stuffs because he likes her)
12. The taking care of DS indigestion scene
13. The cancel date scene 
14. The bridal carry scene
15. The "dreamy"kiss scene 
16. The timing concert 


I also feel like there's lack of skinship in this reply 1988 compare to the other reply franchise.. I wonder if it's because in the 88-90s it was more conservatives and skinship/PDA is considered odd/bad? So far the couple kiss when they're official together, no stolen kiss like other dramas yet (except Tk/DS kiss I cannot be sure if it were dreaming or real. I guess we will figure out soon.) 

The embarrassing underwear wrapped in a towel scene for JH-DS.

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6 minutes ago, carolinedl said:


@mojobobo True, but aren't we all a bit more dense when it comes to our own love lives?...


Only because we may think it too good to be true and doubt ourselves hahahahh!!!!!


2 minutes ago, hushhh said:
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Intelligence  is not limited to an ability to navigate through your school work.

BR compared DS IQ to Taek and there was a 30 or 40 points difference, i don't remember exactly. However at that time people were convinced Taek couldn't tie his shoes.  That is clearly one way of showing that IQ is a limited was of evaluating a broader idea of intellingence as being able to live effectively in the world are two different things.  

Yet certainly when it comes to DS's romantic relationships she hasn't shown any particular insight.




Hehehe at the time when she was asked to use her head she didn't really had suspicions but I would venture to say that as the series progress she was more explicit in her feelings though similar to Tk and JH, she didn't cross the line which is why we are still hunting up till now (at least I am) -_-'' 


And speaking of funny scenes, how could we forget the one where DS fought with Noeul's gf??? 




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Funniest scene for me would be the Beanpole Parody by Mi Ran and Sunggyun

IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING I CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO FINISH IT (i tend to skip it even after 4-5 rewatches of the whole ep18 already)


Mi Ran with her curly hair.. 

Sunggyun with his mustache..

It was just so funny and perfect and kjasldkjaslkdj hahahahaha I wanna see some BTS of this clip XD

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@hushhh Yes but the concert is a tricky exemple. JH had planned to ask her to go, he had even bought two tickets, but then Taek confessed and it went all sour for JH...

It is true that before that, he was indirect. But I actually think, no I beleive, he would have made his move if it was not for Taek... It was building up to that point. No?

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24 minutes ago, kaqueski said:

I read an article on nate or somewhere where the knetizen complains about the structure of the husband hunt lovelines, and I agree with them. Think about it, they will reveal the one who DS's in love with in the very end (including epic confession scene or epic realization scene) and then probably a time skip and then wedding
That means we won't be able to see all the lovelydovey dates between DS and whoever it is (be it JH or Taek). 

Basically, WE WON'T SEE MUCH OF THEIR DATING PROGRESS! And all the hidden feelings and interactions beforehand are all the moments we have. Unlike SunBora and even Miok/JB, we can at least seeing them having dates, kissing, being official couple. 


This is seriously the main reason why I don't like the husband hunt. Once the husband hunt sets off the writers are basically forced to keep the mytsery open until the end because if they reveal the husband, let's say, 3 epsidoes before the finale, the opposing "shipping team" might stop watching, causing a loss in viewership and interest.

I hope they're going to compensate Deoksun's and her future-hubby's lack of lovey-doveyness with lots and lots of kissing and skinship a la Reply 1997 in the last episode. They owe us at least that much for all the pain they've put us through. 

I also can't wait to see the children of the future Ssangmundong gang. Basically, I just want lots and lots of cuteness for the last episode (and more kissing) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


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Can't post gifs but I think some of the funniest scenes also involve Jung Bong oppa. Him getting caught by Chun Doo Hwan's guards at the Buddhist temple and thrown out was surely priceless. Then him carefully peeling open a can of SPAM after his 10-day vegetarian diet and making a gross sandwich all made me laugh. Actually the whole 'momless bender' sequence focusing on the Kim family in ep 5 was hilarious.

Another memorable and funny scene was that neighborhood meeting in ep 7 when all the moms and dads are shown to be engrossed in deep thought at Sun Woo's place and the serious issue is revealed to be a possible lack of consensus on what Christmas gift to choose for their children and especially the reveal of Jin Joo's loss of faith in Santa. 

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40 minutes ago, monsterlife said:

I respectfully disagree. Episode 1 TK is way different to episode 18 TK. 


Mianhaeyo...I said he stayed the same is that because they didn't show much of how his character developed because they focused more on showing him in baduk. So, Mianhaeyo, I will edit my post.

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So after 18 episodes, the husband is split between JH and TK 50-50 LOL.  Having said that, I've been lurking in both shippers' threads and considered both sides story and so I can see how/why either JH or TK could be husband.  If you ignore all the prop clues, 2015 interview scenes, music lyrics/song choices, and even a lot of the narration, I think you can be pretty objective about who it will be.  In my opinion (could be wrong so take it with a grain of salt) the way the story has progressed and the characters have developed suggest that TK will probably be the husband.  

Although in reply1994 there was plenty of trolling, most of that was through props and the 2013 scenes.  I think Najung was pretty clear with her feelings by the last few episodes, and I think DS is too.  The main points of her story are that she had crush on SW and JH after her friends' suggested it to her.  She gets angry with both, although seemingly more so with JH.  She has trouble with her own goals, dreams, and wishes in life and after talking with Dongryong and her father, she seems to have major changes in both her perspective in life, becoming more mature.  Finally, she shows signs of attraction to TK who she always thought of as just a friend.  However, she decides to pursue potential dreams and a self-sufficient future without the influence of others.  After the time skip to 1994 though, it seems that she still harbors feelings for TK, especially after watching the restaurant/confession scene.  Although the writer has trolled us in the past, it was never really through the characters decisions or actions which were usually the clearest, most objective evidence.  If you have someone who is completely oblivious to the rest of the show watch that scene, they will think that DS is waiting for someone else (TK).  I think that the writer has been very good about withholding key information from the viewers, so it seems to be 50-50, and we could find ample evidence for either ship, but focusing on the characters' development and the overall story progression, Taek seems to be the forerunner....for now hehehe. 

JH is my favorite character btw and I love watching his angst in ep18, because it hurts so much but it's a good kind of hurt, because we've all been there, seeing someone we like harbor feelings for someone else.  That is why JH, I think, is the most realistic character in this show, just b/c of how anti-hero he is.  I know others have suggested that he is the classic kdrama male lead, but I think not.  He is so much more complex and interesting than that and deserves a satisfying ending (it doesn't have to super happy or fairy-tale like though).

also ep 19 preview is just too ambiguous for me to analyze lol...I'm just gonna wait and see what happens in the actual episode.

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Talking about funniest scenes my fav one was with dad Sung when he was crying bcz he thought that IL Hwa is sick. First I cried coz i was really touched bcz of his concern for her but when he kept going with  hysterically crying i cracked up. I could not find a video of this scene , what a pity.

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just another point i'd like to make about subjective interpretations (which are totally fine by the way, i'm not dissing anyone here).

An example would be how JH-DS shippers could argue that DS follows JH with her dream of becoming a flight attendant, since he became a fighter pilot, so both could be closer in the air.  TK-DS shippers could argue that DS follows TK, because he's always traveling, so she'd also like to travel to different countries like China and Japan and be close to him.  

Basically, this is all speculation and guessing based on what-if's.  The writer has withheld certain information from us, and there's no way for us to get in DS's head and figure out what her motivations are with the little information we have.  From the info we have received, including DS character development and her actions/behavior/decisions, we can make a few objective predictions about what she feels or will do later.  Just a point I wanted to make...I don't think the writer is necessarily trolling and being wishy-washy about her decisions.  Instead, for the sake of tv ratings and fandoms, the producers are making sure that certain facts will not be revealed until the very end.  Thus, what's feeding the shipping craze are the unknown and ambiguous information and not the known facts and what happened in the episodes, which I think lays down the foundation for the ending.

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2 hours ago, kaqueski said:

I read an article on nate or somewhere where the knetizen complains about the structure of the husband hunt lovelines, and I agree with them. Think about it, they will reveal the one who DS's in love with in the very end (including epic confession scene or epic realization scene) and then probably a time skip and then wedding
That means we won't be able to see all the lovelydovey dates between DS and whoever it is (be it JH or Taek

well. what important for the production team isn't the dating progress or the lovey-dovey scene. They're just thinking about how can they get the highest rating and break the current record. So, instead of revealing the husband earlier and lost the supporters of either team, they decided to drag it till the end and torture us along the way. They cannot help playing 'S&M' game with the viewers....

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The funny moment for me all involve with papa kim..haha..the scene when all the olders has a meeting and he say something that make mama cheetah angry..papa sung ask him to give Apology..but mama cheetah still mad, so he give her Bpology..or Cpology or Dpology..hahahaa...soo hillarious..

And when they disscuss about Jinjoo snowman, he give the most idiot suggestion to not wakeup Jinjoo drom 24Dec until 26Dec, so no more Christmast for Jinjoo..hahaaa..i love all the annoying face make by other olders..

Kim Sajang the best comec relief!!!!!

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Here I am again. Yearning for the next episode, I lurked in DC again hahaha....^^;;;;

I found something very interesting tho. O_____O


Shin PD gives out spoilers himself.


JH's mom's number is 94. Her song for the contest is called Wonderful Confession. And what did we get to see in in episode 18, in year 1994? JH's wonderful confession!!! (I mean even unbiased, his confession was pretty damn beautiful.)


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Just wanted to ask for people that live in Korea, how popular is this show? Viewership wise I know its big but how big? I know when Boys Over Flowers came out it set a lot of trends apparently. 

I've already marked it as one of my favourite Kdramas, cant get enough of it  :)

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10 minutes ago, kpopjunkie said:

Just wanted to ask for people that live in Korea, how popular is this show? Viewership wise I know its big but how big? I know when Boys Over Flowers came out it set a lot of trends apparently. 

I've already marked it as one of my favourite Kdramas, cant get enough of it  :)

I don't live in Korea but for example on this video clip that shows Junghwan's dad and Deoksun doing the "Aigoo President Sung/Kim" there are a lot of Korean comments saying that everyone in their school/their friends are imitating that lol (the video almost has 1 million views as well). On Kkuljaem there's also an article where Korean netizens compiled trendy phrases of 2015 and lots of them are from Reply 1988.

I'm not sure if Reply 1988 is setting many trends but the drama and its entire cast are definitely a super hot topic on Korean news sites and the cast is getting lots of commercial deals

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