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[OFFICIAL] Song Jae Rim ❤ Kim So Eun - LTE Couple [WGM]: PART 2


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@innasalvatore when Gwi said that he has a daughter i immediately thought what if HR was his daughter?that is why HR father gave Gwi his daughter.maybe the mystery is HR was Gwi daughter and the only thing that can fight with Gwi is her daughter.do i make sense?lol

For me it's more reasonable if HR is Gwi's daughter instead YS. Gwi loves to killing and his past lover is an ambitious woman, it would be laughable if their daughter is YS. Because a daughter heritages her parent genes. HR is more fit to villain's "Daughter"

Can you imagine if HR is Gwi's daughter? She might tell him, "Kill that man for me, Daddy!"

After that she will kill Gwi then whisper, "This is for Mommy!"

Oooohhhh.. I think it's fun... 

There's no way that HR or YANG SUN is 200+ years old but they can be from GWI's lineage. It'll be crazier if he finds out that Myung Hee was his daughter and that he had Sung Yeol kill her...worst, he torched her himself. hahahah But that would be completely irrelevant to the story. 

But I don't oppose your idea. hahaha Then again, I highly doubt that the writers will allow that kind of storyline for HR considering how they've treated her character thus far. If anything, it would go down its predictable route and have it be Yang Sun who will be conflicted to kill her great, great, great grandfather. 

Why not... It could be happen since Gwi is Vampire and he's immortal. His daughter will be immortal too, or half immortal but just like what we saw in a lot of Vampires movies, half immortal and half human can be more powerful, oooohhhhhh....

So, yes... Gwi's daughter can be live for 200+years or could be more, hahahahaha..

Do you remember in episode 10 that HR's Mom becomes insane because she thought she lost her daughter? So until now we don't know much about who is exactly HR. Is she for real?

Unfortunately the scriptwriter is too stubborn and that's why the rating can't reach higher even no one can beat Lee Jun Ki totally acting in this drama. Even Yong Pal caught viewers eyes in their first episode because all people satisfy with Drama cast. For main lead act talents? No need to question, hahahahaha

Fortunately, a group faithful fans are behind this drama such as LJK fans, CM fans and KSE fans. These three people are always become the most viewing characters. I guess since I'm Honeybee I watch this drama is only for KSE. The plot is too complicated to me, hahahahaha... And, boring... I hate boring situation... 

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@innasalvatore when Gwi said that he has a daughter i immediately thought what if HR was his daughter?that is why HR father gave Gwi his daughter.maybe the mystery is HR was Gwi daughter and the only thing that can fight with Gwi is her daughter.do i make sense?lol

For me it's more reasonable if HR is Gwi's daughter instead YS. Gwi loves to killing and his past lover is an ambitious woman, it would be laughable if their daughter is YS. Because a daughter heritages her parent genes. HR is more fit to villain's "Daughter"

Can you imagine if HR is Gwi's daughter? She might tell him, "Kill that man for me, Daddy!"

After that she will kill Gwi then whisper, "This is for Mommy!"

Oooohhhh.. I think it's fun... 

There's no way that HR or YANG SUN is 200+ years old but they can be from GWI's lineage. It'll be crazier if he finds out that Myung Hee was his daughter and that he had Sung Yeol kill her...worst, he torched her himself. hahahah But that would be completely irrelevant to the story. 

But I don't oppose your idea. hahaha Then again, I highly doubt that the writers will allow that kind of storyline for HR considering how they've treated her character thus far. If anything, it would go down its predictable route and have it be Yang Sun who will be conflicted to kill her great, great, great grandfather. 

Why not... It could be happen since Gwi is Vampire and he's immortal. His daughter will be immortal too, or half immortal but just like what we saw in a lot of Vampires movies, half immortal and half human can be more powerful, oooohhhhhh....

So, yes... Gwi's daughter can be live for 200+years or could be more, hahahahaha..

Do you remember in episode 10 that HR's Mom becomes insane because she thought she lost her daughter? So until now we don't know much about who is exactly HR. Is she for real?

Unfortunately the scriptwriter is too stubborn and that's why the rating can't reach higher even no one can beat Lee Jun Ki totally acting in this drama. Even Yong Pal caught viewers eyes in their first episode because all people satisfy with Drama cast. For main lead act talents? No need to question, hahahahaha

Fortunately, a group faithful fans are behind this drama such as LJK fans, CM fans and KSE fans. These three people are always become the most viewing characters. I guess since I'm Honeybee I watch this drama is only for KSE. The plot is too complicated to me, hahahahaha... And, boring... I hate boring situation... 

Yesss..your r right..Me too..I'm still firmly standing to give my fully support to my lovely KSE in SWWTN thread..Everything because of her..I know she got less scenes , less airtimes just make me a little bit frustrated..but i'm very happy when I see her acting & her smile....:-)

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Thank you @gladcraze . I will try the dramas recommended by you. Just to fill up and go through solim less days as you said . Miss them so much . :( :(  nothing holds my interest . This thread is awesome . So grateful for all the uploads and posts . May be I should get back to reading books ......... Doubt if I can ! Probably need intervention ! Lol  :) :) 

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Good morning my dearest chingus & honeybees families !!!!!!!!! Today is Saturday..,,its Solim Day !!!!!! Hohohohho. Once a week, let me play with my Lulu will you?...kkkkk....So today we will going to do Solim recap episode 8.:D

First of all, i would like to apologize & reminding all of all you that...this will going to be a LUM SUMP post from me and it will going to be a LONGGGG...post, and i really meant it because i'am combining Part 1 & Part 2 together as a one post.

Because i'am going to be busy this week meeting, one of my dearest honeybees sister @HeeRinah from France, who come to visit me in my country.Thanks to our dear Solim, for creating a chance, for this relationship to bond:wub:.

For this week, please bare with my long post juseyo & sorry for abusing this thread with a lot of GIF,"joesonghabnida":(________________________________________________________________________________________

We're back for our Solim "Shoot For Love" second round.This times our couple put aside their affectionate for a moment and focusing on their competitiveness by giving their 100% solidly into their shooting game. The result? The score was tied 80-80.Upon hearing their scored our sly hubby wrapping his arm around her wife shoulder, and said they're always the same no matter what they did..showing backed his affectionate toward his wife. ****Poor ajusshi trying so hard to control his facial reaction...grrr****:sweatingbullets:



They then , moved for the second game, clay shooting..where ajusshi said..women are very good in this game,where out of 20, they usually scored 16.Our sassy yeoja, showed off her competitiveness again by saying she going to score maximum 20...kkkkk. Her fierce remarked making our sly hubby swoop in and putting his both palms onto her ears and said "the world doesn't always go how you want it too"In other word "dream on yeojaya"Hahhahahaha....:D

Do i need to explain her reaction during that time?....you can see it yourself...how embarrass she was.She told her hubby, there were a lot of peoples around, don't do that...trying to justify her action.But hubby was to blind with his love for her where without shame he just said...he can only saw her.....:phew: ***wifey can contain her embarrassment anymore..dropped that laughing... :D

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The clay shooting continued,the shooter ajusshi was right, for some odd reason, women thus excel in this games compare to men.So Eun won the game 4-3...earning herself a wish coupon as a prize.I like this 2 moments in a clay shooting series the most. She put an earphone onto hubby ears while hubby was smiling and closing his eyes..making me wonder why did he did that?? Did he felt or imagined something??..since ear is a very sensitive part..:phew: meolla...

The other part where he embraced her & wrapping her around him..showing how excited he was, after successful mastering the clay shooting...despite shocked with the sudden pull..she hug him back..although she was so shy showing her PDA...One of the MC still don't get it, the need for that hug....***ahhh wae ~~~dear mc?, for a couple in love...there are no reason needed. :D

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End of shooting game. Wifey, now enjoying one of her hubby hobbies...fishing. They arrived at the fishing pools.Hubby brought with him a box full of big juice worms with teeth. ..Hubby trying to make his wife scared by showing her that worms...but to his surprised wifey doesn't even scared of it instead she immersed herself hooking those worms onto fishing rod.Upon seeing his wife action, hubby can't help himself by saying "Ne sinbo hisange...aka my bride is weird,she's enjoy killing" :sweatingbullets: Kkkkk 

While waiting for their fishing rod to catch a bite.Hubby noticed a lipstick stain on his wife lips.Not like before, where he bluntly told his wife about it...this time he subtlety told his wife about it by signaling her.He than slowly bringing his head...sooo close to her in attempt to tease her...but wifey remain calmed . **In the other hand, i'm the one that felt dugun ~~ dugun ~~ kyaaa !!!****:wub:

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Well, back to the fishing pools, hubby was revealing to his wife all the thing he brought in his multi purposes bag, wifey found a small blue bag inside it. The bag that usually use in a jewelry shop.Out of curiosity she reached for the bag and try to open it but hubby immediately stopped her and said there is nothing in there. Here we had an adorable pull & push moment...:lol:

Finally he showed to her, a hand made Solim bracelet...***sigh,this namja..***He named the bracelet "The skull that eat the heart" Hahahha...by putting the skull & the heart together..it means that "until we become a skull, lets love each other"..:wub: Grrhhhh....   so romantics,wifey was so happy..and she said "gomowo oppa" brushing away a few of his hairs from his temple.:P

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During the time waiting, somehow they lost the chance to catch a fish that came near to their fishing rod, wifey was so angry.....so her dear hubby trying to calm her down, telling her to grab another fishing rod not far from her. He then naturally placed his one hand on her waist & the other hand on her arm,while her hand kept spinning the reel.Cutie Eric Nam,remarked that, how naturally he was wrapping his hand arm around her forming like a back hug, and this was only their fourth meeting...:P

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After realizing it was a ring that getting hooked,wifey with her touch + surprised+ embarrass feeling mixed together...can't stopped asking him "what's is this, what's is this?"...hahhahaha. And her husband making her embarrass situation a lot more worst by answering "it's something he prepared to catch her".*** OMG !! *** automatically  sending a shivering shock waved across the small screen..Literally killing all of them.Our Eric Nam almost disappeared from the screen. :w00t: The power of Cheesy King..:D

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For over 7 years WGM broadcasting,across 5 seasons, with over 35+ couples,only a few of them had their couple rings.Among those few only Jaerim made their couple ring himself . He can't help himself feeling a little bit uneasy seeing an emptiness on his wife fingers.***So this namja, to me is one of a kind hubby in the history of WGM itself., A man in his own class...:)

And here we had Solim first moment, wearing their couple rings.She put it on his thumb and he put on hers...**** Sigh, it will be daebak if it was a wedding ring instead of couple rings..right?.After failing to catch any fish that evening,the couple decided to leave the fishing pool, before they departed, as usual he made his wife speechless by saying "That's okay, i caught one !..You !!!":wub: *** Hahahhaa, not just her, i'm speechless too.

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Failed to catch any fish except his wife, the sly & chessy huby with his sassy wife went to a restaurant for a meal.While waiting for their meal, our couple discussed about their wedding planned and both agreed to held a simple wedding ceremony.I really like the way he grab & hold her hand while telling her "just keep it simple, our heart that's matter"  ****Kyaaa !!!,....fainted  ***:sweatingbullets:


Like a "pro player", he just need to give his wife an affirmative wink while holding to her hand , making her blushed ...:wub:



Wifey that blushed with his winked questioning his real personality. Wifey asked him did he usually like that,his behaviors making her confused. Hubby than brilliantly answered her, by giving her "multiple persons" theory inside him...**i must admitted,this guy really did read a lot, he calmly gave her an interesting explanation**** :)  

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Finally wifey making her decision, her wished was,...."hubby will dancing on their wedding ceremony !!!! " Hahahahha poor hubby got a "lightning struck" on his heart.:sweatingbullets: He said, he really hate dancing and in his BRI he said that "it will going to be a black mark in his entire history".....hahahahahah....:D ***Little that he know, the thing that he hate the most, he will doing it all over again...in his future Asian FM...:phew: And he will doing it sexily in front of hundred of his fans..LIVE...Hahhahaha...:P 

Before the day ended, he just need to tease his wife again.***aigoooo chincha, namjayaaa...stop teasing her height***:lol:

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That it, End of Solim recap episode 8....until next week my dearest chingus.....see you again  !!!!  :lol:

all gif credit solim tumblr (aivzthegreat)

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Mmmmm everytime I eat maggi or ramen , this cute reaction 'pop-up' in my mind....:-)

ba3fe8f8-def5-4de8-909b-cbc2815463e7_zps#credit to the owner

"jae rim , i know what kind of movie you are watching...kikikiki"

When fox meet bear......what do you expect...?

Me.....of coz SOLIM moments

No one can beat and copy SOLIM's style exactly...


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SoEun new pic from MayCoop CF. So pretty :wub:

credit as tagged.


does she looks like Anthena: Goddess of War? It comes to my mind when I saw the 1st picture! 


* I can't quote the picture else I will get warning from MOD! :-((((( 

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@XXXlatebloomerXXX - a lot of update from this chingu  at Soompi  forum for actor and actress for SE...more about TSWWTN! I don't know how to paste to this page....can take a look there! 

SoLim luv...

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Another article that praise her beauty! I don't mind similar article but more coverage from different sources to increase her popularity!.

This thread still better as we have 1st hand info..haa...

Solim luv♡♡♡

Kim So Eun Polis goddess;)






























chingu, is there any picture attached? I can't see any image after trying few times....pls do help to re post...gomawa....

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Hi chingu..i'm not familiar with weibo. This is my first time checking the website. Is this tab is 'following"?

If yes, i can still see soeun in the list.

H i  chingu ,  me too I am not familiar with weibo that is why I was asking...but in my computer only appears laneige and other actress. I am happy if i was wrong, thanks for answering




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