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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Guest duisburger

I have one question to all BOICEs and Burning Souls in the forum. I am quite interested to know your opinion regarding JY's non-response (in sns)  to 100th day gift by fans. perhaps those who follows his career from the beginning would know better. btw, I am not related to the gift effort but just want to know JY better.   


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Yes, the editing stunk on this episode. As for translations,  I watched it raw with no sound, w/o subs, w/o subs and with the translations supplied here, with B.E.S.T. subs (thank you - they are the best and make the most sense) and with subs on KSHOWONLINE.  I don't know where KSHOWONLINE gets their translations (maybe from Chinese first? I don't know) but there was some major differences between KSHOWONLINE and B.E.S.T.  I can only make an attempt at what I think they are talking about by what I've seen and read.

I know y'all don't like me talking about the previous/other SIL, but really, she is part of CNBlue's history and was their leader's partner on WGM for quite awhile.  CNBlue is still close with her and the other SNSD SILs, as witnessed by their frequent friendly interactions at concerts and music shows.  If it hadn't of been for Yongseo, I wouldn't know CNBlue and I probably wouldn't be here!  So I am going to mention her when it fits in with what is happening with Jongyeon. 

The conversation about the 'other' SIL - I'm pretty sure JH is referring to the previous SIL and not girlfriends.  I think both JH & SY misinterpreted what JS was implying and thought he meant girlfriends.  That's why JH went "What are you saying" to JS and SY got suspicious.  JS, being JS, sees this and starts to tease JH about having guilt about this question.  So this is JS just stirring the pot, trying to see if he can get JH upset and, maybe, see if SY gets jealous.  By her 'death stare' you can see JS's mission here is successful!  

When MH gets his coffee and says "this is different" he is replying to JS's reference to the previous SIL because when they met her they brought the gifts, but now they are getting gifts from SY.  this act is now different than with the previous SIL.

The 'hand over JH's mouth" question by SY to JS (since he brought it up) about other SILs is, again a misinterpretation of what JS was referring to. 

And every girlfriend I've ever had right up to my wife has wanted to know what my dating history was.  They want to know -

- How many girlfriends and how long they lasted, if I ever dated more than one girl at a time and why we broke up.

- If I still carry any feelings for any of the girlfriends from my past.  How and why we broke up has a lot to do with this.

Why?  They want to know if the guy they are going to invest their time and heart in has a history of jumping from girl to girl or if he has a problem with commitment or just gets bored and moves on.   Also, they don't want (or need to watch out for) competition.

And I agree with many of you, I think JS is handling it the right way.  He diffuses the situation - because what happened in the past doesn't matter.  He has only her in his heart, no one else.  Why should she worry herself about the past, just concentrate on us here and now! 

I believe SY asks JS about girlfriends.  I think there is confusion here about the difference between girlfriends and the previous SIL.  When JH tries to explain this, SY cutely covers his mouth and looks to JS for an answer.   And then we get the finger conversation.  Maybe JS was stirring the pot again by counting on his fingers (number of girlfriends) we won't know, because it was cut and edited so poorly.

Flower bouquet by MH and pictures by JS.  I think they are referring to the wedding photo shoot.  MH offers to make the bouquet and JS wants to shoot the pictures.  That's why SY refers to a "contract' of making the wedding arrangements.   JH mumbles something about the location of the wedding photo shoot which I didn't understand and neither did JS.   Are they already talking about/planning the wedding photo shoot?

This is the way I interpreted these poorly edited and confusingly translated parts of their conversations.  And, I admit, I could be dead wrong! just throwing this out there for your consideration!                 

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Guest mail182

hmmm i really think that sister-in-law thing is about seohyun and yonghwa past WGM, since both jungshin in the early part "its unfamiliar to meet SIL" and minhyuk said " ahh its different from that time" , then WGM edited the part when they answered about SIL, i think there somthing bad happened between seohyun - yonghwa, bad memories maybe... yonghwa doesnt even want to join that filming *rumors say he was not in oversea

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Guest greenwriter

I have one question to all BOICEs and Burning Souls in the forum. I am quite interested to know your opinion regarding JY's non-response (in sns)  to 100th day gift by fans. perhaps those who follows his career from the beginning would know better. btw, I am not related to the gift effort but just want to know JY better.   


In my opinion, JH's IG account was made by him for Burning Souls (his fans). And, in my opinion again, being in the business for a long time has taught him a lot and he very well knows what his WGM-related actions might cause. Though he might not personally care, but I believe he cares for SY and what his WGM-related IG actions might do to her and her career. I believe JH is playing safe to protect SY. 

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Guest Hickk

I have one question to all BOICEs and Burning Souls in the forum. I am quite interested to know your opinion regarding JY's non-response (in sns)  to 100th day gift by fans. perhaps those who follows his career from the beginning would know better. btw, I am not related to the gift effort but just want to know JY better.   


For me, I think it's a matter of 'out of sight, out of mind', meaning the thinking is - as long as he doesn't directly post anything related to SY, the fans won't get mad and possibly hate on SY. Just like he posts on IG when filming WGM, but never posts a couple selfie with SY.

(I hope you don't relate this non-response to his feelings for SY and whatnot)

CNBLUE does get a lot of gifts from fans, for birthdays, when they visit other countries, food support for concerts, music shows, etc etc and Yonghwa even gets the same food support vans for his solo dramas, but AFAIK they have never posted thank yous on SNS. So, in a way, JH thanking fans for his drama support by posting on IG is a first.


(using Yonghwa's WGM past as an example)

after his WGM ended, he was still pretty open about his closeness with Seohyun, but this brought a lot of hate from fans of both parties, so you can see where the caution JH is displaying comes from.

Even now, while he can openly talk about his closeness with his other former "sister-in-laws" [for instance this year on Sunny's radio show they talked about meeting up with some members], Seohyun is like a black hole and never gets a mention, lol. Although anyone with half a mind can tell that their relationship couldn't have soured because otherwise he wouldn't be hanging out with her other members.

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I have one question to all BOICEs and Burning Souls in the forum. I am quite interested to know your opinion regarding JY's non-response (in sns)  to 100th day gift by fans. perhaps those who follows his career from the beginning would know better. btw, I am not related to the gift effort but just want to know JY better.   

i agree with what everyone has said so far, jonghyun is just being careful with what he posts on social media.

since this is the 2nd time already that a cnblue member has participated in wgm, he already knows of the consequences that follow. like, until up to now, seohyun is bashed by wgm haters for whatever reason they can pull up and i believe that the cnblue members very much aware of it. for example, jonghyun followed seohyun on IG, but unfollowed on the same day when people started questioning and spamming him about the action. 

i would think that this "non-response" is jonghyun's way of protecting seungyeon. it's actually a big step already that he is following her on any social media.  

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Guest duisburger

I have one question to all BOICEs and Burning Souls in the forum. I am quite interested to know your opinion regarding JY's non-response (in sns)  to 100th day gift by fans. perhaps those who follows his career from the beginning would know better. btw, I am not related to the gift effort but just want to know JY better.   


For me, I think it's a matter of 'out of sight, out of mind', meaning the thinking is - as long as he doesn't directly post anything related to SY, the fans won't get mad and possibly hate on SY. Just like he posts on IG when filming WGM, but never posts a couple selfie with SY.

(I hope you don't relate this non-response to his feelings for SY and whatnot)

CNBLUE does get a lot of gifts from fans, for birthdays, when they visit other countries, food support for concerts, music shows, etc etc and Yonghwa even gets the same food support vans for his solo dramas, but AFAIK they have never posted thank yous on SNS. So, in a way, JH thanking fans for his drama support by posting on IG is a first.


(using Yonghwa's WGM past as an example)

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your reference to couple selfie with regards to the 100th day gift is spot on... Didn't cross my mind earlier. It does make everything clear. Thanks for info.

don't worry, i board this ship from the 1st episode. hahaha. Can't wait for this saturday and the preview of next week's episode (being greedy here). I think this week's episode will give just a snippet of FIL meeting and birthday celebration.

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Guest Gooeygoogley

First, gazillion thanks to the B.E.S.T. for the BEST subs there is :)

Nothing compares <3 <3 <3

Ok. So I probably would get a lot (?) of hate for posting this, but first I want to say that I love this couple so much, to a fault actually.

School year has just ended for us (I'm a 2ndyear postgrad student) and I have been bumming it old school: tv, computer, fridge, rinse + repeat. Since I have tons of time on my hands, I've been catching up on tv series, korean variety shows and kdramas. I've always enjoyed watching wgm eversince a college friend recommended it to me some 5 years ago? Yeah. But never had I liked and somehow obsessed over a couple as much as I am now. I mean, I have every site about or re: this couple bookmarked on every device I have. I would rewatch all their episodes almost every day, and everytime I would still gush like a teenager. Needless to say, this coulple has been taking over my small school break (and I'm 100% up for it) that I decided to catch a break and just rewatch american tv series (Dexter, Breaking Bad, and Game of Thrones). The last 5episodes of GoT I wasn't very impressed because somehow all the negativity and cynicism got me predicting what exactly was going to happen, and boy did all my predictions really happen. ALL. Whoa so I can crack George R. R. Martin's mind? Highly HIGHLY doubtful. Hahaha. After watching GoT's season finale, I had to get rid of the bad mojo and get back to my sweet couple. As i was REwatching the episodes on reverse (ep13-ep1, I'm weird like that), I can't help but revert back to being cynical and negative and just pure rotten evil person T.T, not about them being sincere though, because I can feel down to the smallest whatever part of my body is that this couple is sincere with what they show each other.

1. I believe that wgm staff 'help' them, but I only have one instance to take note of that, and that is from the latest episode. While the boys were all gloriously singing ang JH was being all cool and sweet and smiling at SY. I can feel the intensity and sincerity between the two of them, looking at each other all loveydovey and stuff, but for some reason I felt like they were receiving cues and being directed? Idk. Please don't hate me for this, that was just an observation on my part. Anyway. But I got over that real quickly because as what I have mentioned, it MAY be likely that they received cues from the wgm staff to (let's say) look at each other, but hey, the stare-ship that they shared, I think that one's hard to fake.

2. The hugs were friendly. They were short and sweet but borderline friendly. Nothing against it though, because again, sincerity can be felt and they truly have become close and comfortable. At least we can all expect them to be friends no matter what. I've been following the show for so long, and only a handful of couples become frinds even after the show. (Sooo looking forward to BUSAN hugs though, because seeing the preview got me like 'Now we talkin')

3. On episode 3, JH made SY listen to his unfinished composition which is dedicated omona to her. But then after rewatching the episode for the nth time, my cynical self just isn't so thrilled about the possibility of the song being finished at all. Back to my early statements, I said that I have become good at predicting what was going to happen on tv shows, of course this (uri couple) is a whole new different thing, but still I can speak out some theories too though, right? I THINK that if he finishes the song, then everything will be done. I just have that feeling. And since CNBLUE is getting ready for their comeback, I can't help but feel that the end is drawing closer and closer. I mean, they are both so busy right now that they can't even meet up anymore, what more if SY begins shooting for her drama and the CNBLUE boys get down to recording their songs? I just. Haaay. It's just that I feel JH's composition will make it as a track to the CNBLUE's upcoming album/minialbum/whatever it is. I soooo hope I'm wrong. Huhuhuhuhu

Haaaay T.T as I am typing this, I am hating myself for even thinking such things. Maybe because I really want them to meet up already? It has been too long since their last date and every day I get 1000x more cynical. Please please please fellow beautiful brownies, please help me inject some positivity in my love cells. I just, huhuhu. Am I thinking all these so that if worse comes to worst I would be able to accept everything right away? Hay. I really hope that those who had time and patience to read this can get where I am coming from.

I nomu nomu nomu love uri BE/02 couple.

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First, gazillion thanks to the B.E.S.T. for the BEST subs there is :)

Nothing compares <3 <3 <3

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I'm on mobile so it's hard to use hidden content. Regarding your concern, here's my thought.

1. I blame bad editing for what you feel about singing scene is direct, as i mention before WgM is a show, so they choose and edit every scene to fit w/ the story the way they want viewer seen it. In this meeting BIL scene, i believe we only seen less than 1/3 interaction between them, that cause a lot of different interpertation about what really happen there. So what you feel is normal.

2. about the hug, in many asian country hugging opposite sex its not common, you only hugging w/ your loved one. Not to mention in SK, skinship is big thing, even in kdrama, hugging only done by the main character once or twice. If you see how they hug, there is no room between their body, so for me as asian, it is not a friendly hug. Even me n my brother rarely hug like that.

3. JH dedicated song for SY, maybe we can hear it in his solo album or maybe not. For fans, they rather don't know whos inspiring the song they liked, so they can fantasy about that. Thats why YS release banmall song in YT, not as part as their album. And yes, WGM sometimes can be very cruel, you saw a couple doing wedding photoshoot and then 2 eps later they finish filming, other couple had wedding ceremony and then 2 eps later they ended the marriage. But dont bother yourself w/ the ending, just enjoy the process. Like SY said in her interview, right now she's not thinking about how's it end, she just enjoy it.

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Watching this episode for the 1,000,000,000 time -

Major nosebleed part - JS is talking about their eyes.  JH+SY heads are an inch apart, she has her hand up between their heads, lightly touching JH cheeks, it's like she doesn't want him to get too close and ruin her concentration because she is listening to JS making a point about their eyes.  JS asks if they are contact lenses, JH says, "NO, I fall for her right there....." :sweatingbullets:

The look in JH's eyes is soft but deadly serious, SY is now looking at his face and eyes and can see that straight-forward, honest expression on his face.  I'm dying......!!!!1!    JS loses his smile, both JS and MH are speechless.  They both realize their hyung is a goner...he's deeply in love. :wub:

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Just my two cents regarding this not seeing each other for a long time thing. I have no doubt that they are texting and calling each other with what is happening to one another. It would be an added bonus if there are additional sweets words after every call or txt coz that would mean they really are "something". I also love the fact that JH is wearing his Seung Yeon's husband bracelet in his recent Japan activity. That is like reminding us that, hey people, I am still very much into this husband thing. 

But regarding the filming...I am hoping that after the baseball game they have at least film once on their house. Maybe we do not have bts pics because they spend their entire day cooking and maybe guitar lessons? Isn't it common for WGM couples for them to have at least an episode or two or maybe more that they spent their entire time in their house? They really does not have to go out in the public. They can enjoy being lovey dovey in their love nest. For this,  I hope my instinct is true. Don't you guys agree with me?


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DID HE SAY BABY??? When he saw SY during her surprise visit I think @burningwithlove  brought this up first please correct me if I am wrong.  Thank you...

I believe He says Baby too!!!  :wub: If you go back to the episode when they were in Japan visiting the monk and JH picked the wrong prayer wooden tile it sounds like the same word  Baby!!!  I heard it the first time but thought maybe I was hearing things but then I heard it again!  But l agree let us wait to hear it from someone who knows!  I just spent an hour checking out the different hand holding techniques and what they mean.  I enjoyed reading about it and felt like a Ninja on mission!:ph34r:  For some reason I don't seem to be rewatching this episode as much as I have the ones in the past.  I feel as though WGM sliced & chopped a little to much in places I felt it didn't allow the episode to flow.  I also felt it completely left us hanging in some spots.  My hope is next week is a lot better but until then I will seek out new missions... LOL:lol:  I found this interesting!!!


Fingers Intertwined

If your fingers are intertwined, you are feeling emotionally and physically connected as a couple. In this case, your fingers should be interlocked. If you are feeling completely in sync, you are likely to choose this hand-holding style.

Body language experts claim that this hand-holding style is more common at the end of a date than at the beginning. After a romantic evening or gesture, it is quite likely that your fingers will be intertwined to demonstrate your closer connection.

If you notice that your fingers are consistently intertwined, it may be a sign That this relationship is going to go the distance.

credit to Kelly Hamilton 

  What was really hard to believe was there are 10 types of hand holding techniques the idea of Kissing Hands was considered to be among the most romantic & intimate. Said to be done mostly in small intimate places. :unsure:  I guess a car could be considered small!  All of a sudden I was thinking about that scarey closet :huh::vicx: I also thought gee, he did that pretty early on!!!:w00t:   Now she is doing it too!!! :w00t: They are only in episode 13 and they have used up all the techniques!  Not to mention with JH's Judo Skills he even skipped a few LOL! :lol::rolleyes:  Always doing his best, he even made a few up!! :w00t:The Pretzel Arm hold in the jeep at the zoo!  Or the SY Egg Roll Wrap hand hold we saw in front of his brothers!:wub::blink:

 I decided not to even look up hand rubbing ( From the Ferris Wheel )  I don't even want to go there!!:o:wacko:

To much Fairy Dust......:crazy:


I stand corrected he didn't say Baby he said Talking..  I'm starting to write Fanfiction and didn't even know it LOL.....

Thing about this hand holding deal is that, just like with formal vs banmal, JH in the beginning and in personal interviews has always been one to claim his own personal space and talk about not being "tied down" and wanting to "run free" because he is a free spirit, and that he is very specific about how he talks and with whom that person is to him.  So, he starts off telling her he's just gonna call her SY for a while, but, that didn't really happen, did it? He said he doesn't like couple items, but now he wants to keep doing them and goes the extra mile over them.  He said he doesn't get jealous and doesn't like someone getting jealous of him, but that didn't last did it?  ...and the hands, he said he doesn't hold hands intertwined... that this is something he doesn't enjoy doing with his g/f even... correct me if I'm wrong, I think he used some excuse that there is some superstition that if you do that your relationship will end soon, which is a ridiculous idea by itself [I took it as him giving himself an out because he hasn't ever really enjoyed the cuddly type physical affection, some guys are like that] because, as you point out, it really is a very intimate gesture in hand holding. Maybe it was all a front.  But, yep, these two natural physically want to touch and feel the presence of each other and if it's for show, that's a really good show they're putting on.

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Those my favs xD 



That's a nice itemized list of gifs that show the physical progression of this couple.  From the pulling away, to the hesitation, to the avoidance, to full body hugs, and full kisses on the hands initiated by both SY and JH to each other.  ...it's so nice that it feels so real... 

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overall, the editing script for the meetup seems to be favoring the jealousy angle which you can see by how much they cut the scenes to fit it. like, honestly, you can still see the few milliseconds of dead air then it moves on to the next unrelated topic. lol 

This is my take on this episode as well.  I said before, even about the issue of JH bringing other SILs vs YH bring their other SIL, it really felt like the entirety of this editing was trying to create the meme that both SY & MH are jealous "g/fs", and playing up the MH/JH bromance angle. JS played the creator or mediator in each scene depending on how the flow went.  The whole way WGM went about creating this meme was 100% completely awkward. Sad thing is, there's probably tons of really good interactions that would be way more appealing to the fans left on the editor's "cutting room floor".  WGM's idea of what we as variety show fans want from the couples is a bit old and tired.  They need to throw away the formulaic playbook and take each couple on a case by case basis and come up with some new memes.

Don't get me wrong...  they've got a really good caption writing team... but they're captioning the episode as PDnim had decided to "cut" it.  Heck, I'd suggest letting the captioning team do the editing as well! ;)

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Guest rainmoon

in case anyone was interested, Part 1 of CNBlue's White Spring concert in Japan is up on YouTube (cr. cnblue.cl)  ... and yes the couple bracelet is visible .. ;) you guys will have to watch to catch it .... ^_^^_^


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