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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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As a die hard romantic, its often hard for me to stop and think that this is a show and we see only parts of it...honestly if I had my way I'd live in my little daydream that these two were falling for each for real. :) Ok, that's what I do think. Allow this noona/unnie her flight of fancy. ;) I'm only now just easing back into Soompi forums...bit nervous coz I know we all have different opinions. But that's a good thing. We can cheer each other up when we miss our ship and sometimes we can provide each other with a reality check too. But I hope we all get along while doing so...

There's always room for opinions-its makes things interesting. But as @kshani_stv mentioned it is a shipper thread and this sort of discussion is part and parcel of the fun for us. I think everyone can enjoy the ship in their own little way. So may I respectfully ask that we offer that courtesy to one another, my fellow shippers. :)

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Guest ohhotdeym

Seriously why is this issue a big deal? Why are people so worked up over this? Just as we said before, we shouldn't encourage negativity here. We can express our thoughts here. Logical or delusional.. We can agree and disagree with some posts here. But please treat every person's post with RESPECT. We can debate about our thoughts about this couple but please if you're upset over it shouldn't we express it respectfully? Well that's all :D SPREAD LOVE LOVE LOVE.. hehe :wub:

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Actualy I dont wanna to give a comment here, but in the end i did...

for @mjang just ignored it, dont read the comment (skip it)

I'm also a man, my POV maybe different with all of u here...

Like the bracelet thing, I think JH will be more Happy if SY give him a popo than bracelet :)

And also from the shooting scene, I know JH is resist himself to not see SY xxx part (When he back hug her) but he failed, if u see his eyes when to :D

His Skinship is diferent also, like when they are in the gondola, he is not only grab her hand but also caress her hand with his tomb, that will give different sensation than just holding hand.

For Couple thing, i think us guys dont like to wear it often... maybe some times of for some occasions...

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okay, i think we all need to take a step back and breathe a bit. 

@mjang while i agree with you that it would be better for everyone to not over analyze things, things like this will eventually happen if there's nothing much to discuss or spazz on. i also get how it can get quite frustrating, but if we're going to ship jongyeon for a long time, these things are bound to happen over and over again. patience is the most trying thing with a shipper, especially if we're following the path of the real blossoming from the reel. let's just be more understanding, okay? :) 

anyway, i think it's also good that we're sorting things like this earlier on. we should all remember: even if we have our head in the clouds, our feet should still be firmly on the ground. just better if we try to educate and understand each other so there will be less misunderstandings.

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Actualy I dont wanna to give a comment here, but in the end i did...

for @mjang just ignored it, dont read the comment (skip it)

I'm also a man, my POV maybe different with all of u here...

Like the bracelet thing, I think JH will be more Happy if SY give him a popo than bracelet :)

And also from the shooting scene, I know JH is resist himself to not see SY xxx part (When he back hug her) but he failed, if u see his eyes when to :D

His Skinship is diferent also, like when they are in the gondola, he is not only grab her hand but also caress her hand with his tomb, that will give different sensation than just holding hand.

For Couple thing, i think us guys dont like to wear it often... maybe some times of for some occasions...

​Its great to have a man's opinion on this! Its like a fantastic insight. Thank you, @Heaven69 I think it makes sense that guys aren't into the couple-y things. I see some friends with husbands/boyfriends who think that way...and those that go along with it. For instance my dad is the type to not go along with anything. He doesn't wear his wedding ring, but he and my mum have been married for over 3 decades. It all depends, I guess. Given that JH is considered very much an alpha male (pre WGM it was hard to get him to do anything remotely aegyo-ish) I think he's slowly doing some of these things around SY and its lovely.

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As a die hard romantic, its often hard for me to stop and think that this is a show and we see only parts of it...honestly if I had my way I'd live in my little daydream that these two were falling for each for real. :) Ok, that's what I do think. Allow this noona/unnie her flight of fancy. ;) I'm only now just easing back into Soompi forums...bit nervous coz I know we all have different opinions. But that's a good thing. We can cheer each other up when we miss our ship and sometimes we can provide each other with a reality check too. But I hope we all get along while doing so...

There's always room for opinions-its makes things interesting. But as @kshani_stv mentioned it is a shipper thread and this sort of discussion is part and parcel of the fun for us. I think everyone can enjoy the ship in their own little way. So may I respectfully ask that we offer that courtesy to one another, my fellow shippers. :)

​I apologize for being rude and being annoyed at some of the posts here. I respect a lot of people here who tirelessly putting their effort giving the best to the fans and the thread. It's not easy to have this kind of teamwork especially we're living in different part of the world with different time zones... In fact, the team has put up blogs/tumblers/videos/ translations to make the navigation a lot easier for anybody who seek information about the couple.... we even spazz together, argue together, and even getting mad for the things we have no control whatsoever... so I think and I hope at least we know when things get overboard and spazzing becomes irritating... and you know when enough is enough.. it may not hurt JH or SY but hurt the fans in here just because no one wants to lose in an argument.

Enough said, once again I do apologize for spoiling your mood. ok peace out

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If you are reading a post that you don't like, scroll down. This board is filling up so fast- if you keep going, you will find something that is more to your liking.

Or better yet, people on the board love photos and compilations and unaired footage so if you find something like that, you will generate lots of comments that will take over for any of the discussions you aren't interested in.



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I just want to add that I personally believe the couple items get overrated at times... Of course it is nice to show that you belong to each other. I just think, what matters the most in the end are actions that prove your love towards each other. In fact I know a few married couples who don't even wear their wedding rings because of their field of work (for example when their profession is within handcraft). That doesn't mean they love each other less though. I won't judge them even if I am planning to wear my ring once I get married.

JH never said that he was a great fan of couple items either, but because of SY he was slowly warming up to the idea. Also we don't know what fanservices they have to give and what their agencies advise them to do considering their image/career.

We shouldn't over analyse things when we don't have all of the important facts to make a correct conclusion. Let's just watch them with good feelings together and hope everything will work out alright for them.

Also as long as we are respectful towards each other we can become a strong and exemplary fandom, in which we'll be able to share all of our worries/thoughts peacefully and bolster JongYeon up against haters if they ever decide to openly date. I believe this would be the best way to support them!

JongYeon hwaiting!:)

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Guest Hickk

Hahaha *sigh*  Why do some of you guys like to dwell on negative thoughts?

Haven't you learnt your lesson from the first round of IG "Saga" overanalyzing?


Here, say it with me:

- Jongyeon's IG 'interactions' does not equal their relationship status

- What you see on their IG is only a SMALL window into their everyday life. You are only getting a small picture, so in no way should you use that info to extrapolate on what is happening with them.

-And certainly, as mjang said, wearing/ not wearing couple items/accessories is not an indicator of relationship status, and it's especially worse when you use that small IG "telescope" to peek into their lives and see whether they're using those accessories.

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Guest Hickk

If you are reading a post that you don't like, scroll down. This board is filling up so fast- if you keep going, you will find something that is more to your liking.

Or better yet, people on the board love photos and compilations and unaired footage so if you find something like that, you will generate lots of comments that will take over for any of the discussions you aren't interested in.



​I do that too (scroll down posts I'm not interested in), but the past pages are so full of them that this current discussion can't help but get into my head...   :(

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As far as couple things go, I'm married and I always wear my wedding ring.  And, for our last anniversary my wife bought a couple bracelet that I wear all the time.  She wanted us to have something on both hands to show we are covered by our love from both sides. If I take them off (working in the yard or doing something that could damage or tarnish them) my wife always finds them and reminds me to put them back on.  I always check to see if she is wearing her ring and bracelet, too.   I don't mind, neither does she.  It's not so much as marking territory as it is knowing whenever we are apart we are wearing something that shows our love and makes us think of each other.  It's a symbol of our commitment to each other.  when I don't have them on, my hand or wrist feels empty, like something is missing, but so does my heart.......    

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Guest hihi_hehe

lol love quarrel, based on some assumptions here, they have a love quarrel but my question is when did it take place?  The latest filming is 2 weeks ago right? or last week? the baseball game.  they looked too happy to have a love quarrel.  


Off screen?  Get it straight, they may have each other's phone number but there is this HIGH POSSIBILITY that they dont even contact each other outside the show

When I say we are lucky to see them following each other on IG and liking pics, i mean it's really lucky and once in awhile, a wgm couple does it. 

if they ever do a mildang, dont worry they are gonna deal with it on the show lol

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I think we are missing JH and SY too much that cause everyone spazz even the littlest things, If only they broadcast latest episode of them on last Saturday, we may now are discussing about them on their last episode with no end.

On a bright side, I can see everyone of us love our couple endlessly, everyone has the right to speaks, speak whatever you think you're right, this thread are made for us to UNITE, DIVERSE and LOVE. spread the love guys ! 

If only we brownies are in a one hall, i would bake you guys sweetest brownies to endure the pain while waiting our sweet couple on upcoming Saturday :wub::wub:



<<<<<<<<< 5 DAYS LEFT >>>>>>>>>>>


cc : B.E.S.T,

I am very happy collecting their cut scene in each wgm episodes with HD quality video and high quality english subs ! but one more left which is ep.272. Any news? hihi it's okay I could wait ! Thank you so much for subbing the rest episode ! DAE to the BAK !!

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Guest alexandria0306_stv

Hai...i'm new here...actually i 'd already lurked here till soompi hiatus...n remember to search again just recently.

This couple is interesting to watch for me..as a not fan of WGM thing

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Guest mase207

Ooookay everyone, let's relax for a second shall we?

I was unable to follow the thread yesterday and today... it seems like we're all collectively still in a relatively gloomy mood because of the cancellation of this week's episode.

I remember making this point a while back, but I feel like it's necessary for me to reiterate it again: this is the problem with the couple items and the IG interactions. When it starts becoming a recurring pattern, we start to have expectations. When these expectations aren't met for extraneous factors that we aren't able to know about, then we start to panic. This happened last month, when people were wondering why on earth JH wasn't liking SY's posts anymore... and then, lo and behold, he went and liked her post a few days later. I think for many couples, there is a period of time when couple items are a marker of your commitment towards one another. But after a while, the point of it starts to become obsolete. After being together for a while, you are fully aware of your dedication to one another and no longer need material objects to indicate that. This could very well be happening to our couple right now... please remember that their zoo date happened a while back, and we still haven't even seen it yet... they've been together for a while now. If all it takes for you guys to fraek out is for them to stop showing off their couple items and stop liking every (emphasis on "every", because they still do like each other's posts) single post, then I think you should have more faith in our couple. We know and see their interactions, their sincerity, and their affections for one another. As a fandom, trusting in these two is what we should be prioritizing over anything, no? So let's cheer up people!

Also, on that note, they could very well be quarreling or noticing that these couple items are attracting too much attention. But isn't that part of the excitement of their relationship? Let's have faith in them that if they are actually having a couple quarrel, that they will navigate through the situation and come out as a stronger couple. If it's for other factors, then we just won't ever figure out. That's the boundary between us, the viewers, and them, the couple. There could honestly be hundreds of possible reasons for the disappearance of certain couple items... but really, I think we might be reading into it just a bit too much at this point. Let's not fight amongst ourselves... at the end of the day, we're all in the same ship and we're all part of the same family. Just be supportive of one another! That's what really counts.

Now, on a more positive note... I've been rewatching the first few eps of our couple and there were certain moments that really moved me upon revisiting. Just go back and watch the first meetings of other couples over the past year. Then compare it to JongYeon. Something about their first meeting felt different, didn't it? It made me realize that when they edited the show, they purposely made their first encounter a big deal because they saw something truly special when they were looking over the footage. When they set their eyes on each other, it just felt right. It was like a feeling of relief that swept through me... like wow, these two are just meant to be together. It just wouldn't be right if they weren't paired together. It was that feeling of an instant connection, an instant interest in one another, an instant attraction that made them so unique from what I've seen before. Their approach to the show, and to one another just made them stand out and truly piqued my interest from the moment I saw them.

But what really stuck out to me about their first meeting was during JH's guitar performance. There was just this gaze... I mean, that gaze...


It's these moments that really show us just how meant to be this couple really is. To me, I think this is what really won SY over... not the fact that he is manly or handsome, but because he put all of his sincerity into a song for her, where the lyrics seemingly described their situation so accurately and vividly. Two complete strangers that weren't on course for collision, brought together by TV show. I think both of them realized from the first episode that they really wanted to be with one another, but at different points. It's that gaze that makes me think that she really was swooned by this performance, not because he is a damn good musician, but because he really did put his heart into it. The lyrics truly fit their situation. In my opinion, it was this moment in particular that I believe SY realized, "he has to be the one." And gee, am I happy that she came to that realization. They couldn't have been more suitable for one another.

So, brownies... let's remember what our feelings were like when these two first met, because I'm sure I'm definitely not the only one who felt this way from their first episode. These two are a truly special couple, and I don't think we should let these minor things like IG interactions and couple items get in the way of our support for them. Let's go back to our roots, and figure out what we truly value about our BEC couple. The IG saga doesn't define them, it's their genuine affections for one another. The phone case doesn't define them, it's the fact that they are treating each other as an actual couple off the show rather than just on it. It's the deep gazes, the natural, subtle skinship, the inability to hold back their happiness when they see each other... THOSE are the things we should be focusing on! So let's all collectively cheer up and stop sulking about the small things for now, okay?

Also, wanna give a shoutout to shu noona (@chagushu) for the jaw-droppingly beautiful captions... :o like seriously... I only do translations, so it's really amazing to see how it all comes together. And thanks to the rest of the B.E.S.T. team for the hard work! I'm so glad I'm a part of the team.

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