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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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I beg to differ @seinhi

It's true, we have this place in Soompi, some of us also spazz on twitter and private accounts on IG. The thing is that sadly, some people, the antis, like to post mean comments whenever a pic of Min Young (even alone) appears. I know this very well, I'm a fan of Min Young for 4 years so I have to deal with the antis since her last relationship. And I'm really fed up with these people, saying "she's not good for him", "she got surgery" and so on. Min Young has always been bashed and I promised myself I would always show her that she's loved. 

Why would we stay silent when antis are bashing? Why would we let them do this without doing anything? I'm so fed up with this! Min Young deserves love, from her fans, from the man she loves (if she has one *wink*) We are fans, we are Changminers. When a good thing happens to our ship, the normal thing to do is to be happy and jump with joy. Maybe you like to be a silent changminer (I don't even know if you are one, most of your posts in the thread gave me the impression you wanted us to stop the spazzing..) but I'm a very loud one. All the things the CSI-team found out these days made us crazy, we're getting more and more evidences these two can be an item :wub: Spazzing with all of you guys, here on Soompi or twitter, is the most delightful experience I ever had as a shipper. 

As Reem said, I think Youngie's friend knew very well what would happen if she posted that pic of her with Wookie. We are happy and we are expressing our joy, no harm in this. I prefer Min Young to see positive comments on her friend's IG than bashful ones from haters. So I won't stay silent. Silence is giving space to haters. Changminers are people full of love and respect for their ship. And I want both Min Young and Wookie to see that we are ready for the big news if they want to reveal it :P If we stay silent, they wouldn't be able to know ;) 

Changminers are really wonderful fans, why would we hide ourselves? If they attack Youngie's circle of friends, well the changminers will be there to protect them and show what it is to truly love a ship ^^

Never let the bashers be stronger. They take strength in our silence. 

*Loud and proud Changminer* 

(sorry for this long post) <3 

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I agree with @fyeahjcw and @mellinadear we can't just stay silent, at the same time we won't stoop low to haters degree, even if we counter attack we do it with class, and I love nothing more than to show my love to our lovely and strong couple

@seinhi I disagree on what you said about here (The post it self does not have any fishy thing to attract attention from media and haters) and about Changmiers spazzing will attract haters, posting this IG while being a friend of PMY will definitely attract the eyes of both haters and supporters. And we all know why she unfollowed her friends on IG and twitter (certain someone joining IG at that time, and people demanding that she follows him) and on Weibo recently, I don't want to talk much about this though

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@seinhi lol now I get you.

Oh well,if in any way changmin friends get attacked, we ll be there to defend them(I will anyway). They know the repercussions of posting a pic with or without intentions,so they should be ready for any comment(whether good or bad). They should think beforehand of what their posts can mean to fans(I believe some do but still post anyway).

As fans,we cant stop friends from posting, neither can they stop fans or antis from commenting either(that's why there's a privacy setting to avoid things like this ). But the major ish is respecting them and getting respect in return.

My last post on this issue,don't wanna derail the thread. :)

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@fyeahjcw THIS!!! "Changminers are really wonderful fans, why would we hide ourselves? If they attack Youngie's circle of friends, well the changminers will be there to protect them and show what it is to truly love a ship ^^"

Wholly agree - we have been nothing short of loving, wonderful and respectful. We are not into attacking others, but other ships, fearing for their sinking Titantic kept on attacking us. Still we kept our peace. We have been protecting our couple, and a number of us spazz underground. Trust me, if we spazz publicly this thread will be at 1000 pages. 

However, if the friend is indeed MY's close friend, and knowing what MY has gone through previously, the publishing of that selfie with Wookie in my view is a DELIBERATE and not thoughtless move. So what does it mean? Is the couple willing to brave it all and go public? If they do, we will support them and we will spazz publicly too. :D

Big cheers, Changminers! 

Edited by tehlimau
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@tehlimau all i can see z_one said :belive in truth lol

I enjoy this moment ;)

z_one has posted her selca with mr.x  long ago so i think she can calculate what she has done.

supposed this is testing the water. Besides protection, it is important to support them. As fyeah said haters always find the way to attack others.

PS. It seems the selca is taken since 2 weeks ago cause her shirt is same with this pic (she is fashionable so i think she'll not recycle her outfit):


2 weeks ago means my has been in china and the critical period of zzup. 

Edited by dandelionjd
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I talked about this once. Too much attention to a relationship is not good. It's bring them pressure. Yeah for s.o, depend on their attitude, the effects is not much, because they don't mind. (ex:Yeon Jung-hoon...In his drama press conference, he accepted freely questions about Han ga-in).  But i think for MY it's quite sensitive.

At Glory Jane's press conference, she firmly rejected any questions relate to her relationship with L** (at this time their relationship is still ok, s.o still spotted their datings), even make a clear statement before any questions from reporter come out. 

Now i think it become even more sensitive for MY. Before i even think MY will never date a celebrity again. And especially when it's come to her friends.

 Are it even worse to a relationship still not go public?

One example of bad affects of puplic's attention to celebrity's relationship: SHK once confessed her past relationship break up because of too much attention form puplic.

Of course, not everyone will be the same. But from my research about celebrity'cp yeah all because of my obsession to CM. The cp does not care about attention to their relationship also the cp does not mind to show their affection in public. Ex: Ki Tae Young-Kim yoojin. (This cp is model aka dream cp for every other ship OTL): In their cooperation drama Creating destiny, in bts pic they always stay close to each other, Eugene even show up to KTY's birthday party with his fan, after drama end KTY came to support some Eugene's personal promotion

And i think it's not the case for our cp. From the lack of their pics in wrap-up party. One came late, one leave earlier.

Hope there are not any problem to CM's relationship because fan's hype.

Edited by seinhi
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Hello....Hello.....​Hello @All ChangMin Shippers!  Healerites!  

Just wanted to update myself without going online but when I read the comments and the 'feeling of scaredness' and the theory about why Minyoung sshi unfollowed her friends... I just had to add my own pov. 

Well,  I may agree with the 'protective instinct' of Minyounggie. Ok.  However, if her own friend is the one who will post anything related to them,  I'd take it that it was her friend's decision.  Now, if they are bashed, I don't think they would just delete it.  I trust their judgement before they even posted it. 

That post about "belif' ...  she knows ChangMin's supporters are here.  Simple as that. (We send our messages and insights to them thru this thread and believe me,  and strong got feeling, it reaches them both)

I won't say anything more... just this.  Let's continue to support ChangMin, stand strong, protect them in every way we can and that is BELIEVING IN THEM TO THE MAX.  It's being slowly manifested.... I can sense the protection of their circle of friends for them and that's what we must also do. 

ChangMin shippers, the release of the Bluray/DVD is soonnnnn.... and Wookie's bday :)  and soon, his enlistment... I really wonder .....

Happy sailing for us @All coz who knows,  one day we open our eyes in the morning with the sun shining so brightly ...




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Guest adniRose

with few happy-spazz-worthy news we got lately, what a pleasant present for this thread nearing 400 pages.. 

hope this thread will keep going strong, on and on.. we love both of them together, separately, and will support them, no matter what!


ok, this is just my 2 cents regarding this friend IG issue;:)

she seems to have few celebs friends which mean she knows better about the surrounding of celebrity's life.. so i don't think she will post that pic if it can bring trouble to both Wookie and Youngie, especially Youngie since unfortunately female celebs always get the receiving ends.. 

with Healer and this OTP getting such explosive response, she knows better fans will definitely notice it when she post a selca with Wookie while she is Min Young's (best)friend.. so imho, both Wookie and Min Young are OK with it.. this friend might even testing the water to see fans reaction.. heck, who knows it's ChangMin who testing the water here, lol..:P while i'm agree with too much attention is not good for our couple, but with many celebs couple going public nowadays, and many fans seems becoming more open minded, who knows getting too much attention probably not that bad idea.. but yeah, i'm hoping only the best for these two, and respecting every decision they take!  well, like i said, just my 2 cents.. 

happy spazzing everyone.. spread the ChangMin love!!fall-in-love-raccoon-emoticon.gif?130277

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Guest springpebble

And we can only speculate on what's the real reason of PMY of her unfollowing spree:sweatingbullets: we  don't truly know the reason...but what about this speculation;) JCW upon seeing all the tags in PMY's IG post of the Mr. X since he just recently signed up on IG, got annoyed and jealous, hence, PMY thought  better to unfollow everyone because some comments are becomingly irritating and its making her BF act like Park Bong So and So Jeung Ho:P so, to just keep the peace and pamper her BF, PMY decided to unfollow everyone rather than JCW alone. Add to that, her BFF Sica symphatized with them;) well, that's my delulu:wub:

Can anyone conduct CSI on the place where JCW said action! I have a hunch that there is another connection there:vicx:

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So busy in RL and this thread suddenly move so fast and then BOOM... wow...so much clue #dancingcrazy

@seinhi I do really understand you. I ever ship a couple, hard. And when they start going public i'm so happy, but after they breakup I realize how hard to going public. So,there's side of my self hope that when our OTP decide going public r when they announced their marriage. But, just like @​Reemkanabta ,@adniRose @​luvspartace and @all we just need to believe there's must be a reason behind. So, at least she know exactly what she do. If she dun want people know it, why she make #healer #JCW hastag?.

Nb. I do always feel we have a really amazing connection with our OTP, almost after @​Tehlimau or @Reemmake ff bout changmin  we have a huge hint.after reem rated ff b4 minyongi fly to china, uri minyongi really late come to airport, just like ff, and now, after @Tehlimau amazing ff we've huge hint. So, keep on making ff gals. Hehehe

 ooT.... @Soompi i know u'r really triying hard to make a better place for us but please, just give an option to go back to old version. Imiss old  soompi like crazy


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Once our beautiful ChangMin will be the most beautiful, loved, caring parents of their sweet beautiful children, and the Chinese are already ChangMiners how it can be beautiful,genuine, happy family(photo below),and now all of us because of these photos also have the opportunity to present it, I love These photos of our ChangMin (they lined Chinese ChangMiners it is today) ChangMin deserve to be the happiest, and without doubt it is the long-awaited happiness are welcome love floating in the air between the two love birds, I believe ChangMin willing to admit publicly their feelings of each other lately, they are very open and obvious allusions to give it, and why I think that the output of the DVD Healer constantly transferred from one new moon to another period, makes it clear that what is important is preparing the news before the release DVD, I think that's why DVD is not possible to release earlier with each passing day more and more I feel that the reason for detention release Healer DVD, namely that must soon be revealed publicly the fact that the JCW and PMY have a real Couple, in my opinion it is absolutely clear !
In the meantime, enjoy the photos of our JCW and PMY in the form of parents, they're so adorable and happy to keep these beautiful children in their arms, because these children are flowers of life, even those photos with the children so decorate our JCW and PMY, warm at heart, even from these photos, Each photo of our JCW and PMY is infinite love and pride of our charming ChangMin Couple!

Beautiful Chingus:) ignore the haters (when they suddenly have), I read a few days ago by our wise Chinese ChangMiners Chingus, it turns out it's even haters of our best allies:D, as their bad expressions and compared other ship with  our ChangMin, they only get stronger provide important foundation for all us ChangMiners see that our most beautiful couple ChangMin is real couple:wub:, and all of our feelings about our birds love right from the beginning, haters always feel real truth, and they know who is right about everything, so the only way to They are attacks on others!
And I think that can help in everything love,and kindness in life, and our sincere, and pure love, and care for ChangMin only, what is truly important at the moment,and always, always power love is able to create the most amazing beautiful things, and the power of negativity only destroys all on the way, so that, as I write all ChangMiners precisely those shippers that the power  love is greater than anything else, for us simply do not exist, nothing but happy, kind world ChangMin, where everything really well, where there is a special feeling every day and ChangMiners shippers from around the world really created this world the most beautiful and the correct way!
Important always choose love,and love is our ChangMin and only this is most important!



Cr:Weibo/belongs to the owner/found on baidu ChangMin Couple Honey CP 初夏 甜蜜 随


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Guest aspram

We already tried that @seinhi spazzing underground, but as I said earlier, it already went viral, and I'm also holding my breath to not have any counter effects from haters, lets pray for that, but some haters can be really aggressive and ugly (pointing at you silent haters lurking here), I hope Z_One798 knows what might come her way, and I think she does

​i also think she does knows and understands what might come her way, she even post a picture with Mr. X in her early feed, and she not delete it although we know the relationship is over. And i think her relationship with Minyoung is strong enough, so Minyoung maybe did not even bother about it. 

And for @fyeahjcw i couldn't agree more, Minyoung deserves some love, and i want to show it to her. I'm also fed up about those who happily badmouthing her in someone else's post, talking non-sense and hate her for some illogical reasons, they do need a high five, in their face..and with a chair!!

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 z_one798 removed the tagged (JCW's name) in that post but still keep the pic through. She really do not want more attention.

Hopefully it does not push her to delete the pic.

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Guest pariG

@Reyko i was actually waiting for your reply over whole issue.....hahahaha....cool like always.. :) 

chill chingusss  this girl JW- pmy friend looks sensible & smart person to me, she knew what she did ...#CHILLAXXXXX  changminer chingus 

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enjoy changmin love & spazzing moments... we are heading for 400 hits on changmin thread....lets party guys we got 2 good news in 2 days ..lets spazz & make our thread rocking :wub::D:w00t:


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Guest springpebble

Oh by the way, did you notice the intravenous stand at the back of the IG post? Probably the photo is located in a clinic, a pet clinic maybe:rolleyes:

oh another speculation, yes, why now z_one798? Why post the photo now and follow it up with a message on a face cream about a truth:P is it to negate some innuendos from a Ms. K again making some rumor mill of a rendevou which causes some alarms:o who else can deny such rumors but someone who knows the real score?:angry: oh well my delulu is in rampage:sweatingbullets:

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@seinhi yeah, I guess i need to agree wit u at this point.i just see her insta and This is not attention she's hoping for. Just spazzing at our place. It will irritate her and the bad thing is they will be more carefull, and we will hard to find a clue. 


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Guest pariG

its 400 


congratulations my lovely changminers for reaching a new height on this thread...ITS 400 GUYS.....WAOOOOOO





everyone should dance like crazy :P

dont mind if its like this :P



#changminlove #destiny couple # rocking changminers #classic style :P #love s in the air 



some are still spaziing with new info,,#ONE NIGHT IN BUSAN & NOW WOOKIE PIC SO they are partying  at a special place & send pic with msg...dont disappoint them guys lets party hard  :P 




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