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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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@Sarah Maurice-Laplanche

I think HS may have a stunned look on his face at realizing who HW cares about. He thought it was that friend of hers after seeing them in suspicious situations. (LOL, of course we know HW was trying to get away from that touchy woman, but it did not look that way to others.) Now he sees why his brother was so frantic after leaving the police station, why or rather who had him end up in a cell protecting them. I wonder what HB said to HW at the police station?

His thought might be dismayed because he knows that HB has it in for JI she has already ruined that woman's marriage and caused a divorce. She is a divorcee with a child in the hospital, not from a rich family and has just come into the company to his wife causing problems for her.   Not too mention he may not have wanted any woman at the moment for HW because he has plans that he needs HW's assistance with and he could think a woman will be a problem  or distraction to what he is trying to do as he tries to get his brother in that company, which so far has not worked at all for him as HW does not want to have any parts of what HS has been cooking up or that company, but it is going to change if HB still continues to mess with JI.

I am curious why has HS been helping JI a bit. He knows HB does not like her and is doing things to sabatoge the poor woman after what she has done to her marriage and HB's kid has done to the woman's daughter and now about the housekeeper running out the house after hearing them only to be killed moments later (he does know the HK was JI's mother right?). I am sure he can not understand why HB has such a hate on for JI but I bet he has noticed that TJ's mother likes the woman and that is also what is driving HB to be this way to someone that has done nothing to her. For now he has helped her with the pretense that it is the right thing to do playing the understanding husband when we all know underneath that facade is a man who is calculative and pissed off.

My guess is although he may not understand it or like it but he will use the fact that HW likes JI to his advantage to convince him it is in his best interest to come and work in that company. If nothing else but to dangle the carrot that JI will need people to look after her as others are making things hard for her. HW is not stupid I am sure he can see that JMY is a pest and HB must be doing things without being told. Look at her design issue that they tried to say she stole (still can't believe that HB thought she could recreate JI's design from the picture and claim it. So glad she got caught!) or the fact she poured a bucked of water on the woman! Where was the CCTV on that someone should have thought to report it to HS or TJ to have the tapes pulled to see HB going into the bathroom with that bucket!  It will be just what is needed to get HW inside that company where he wanted him after all other attempts to get him in have failed.

It may even have HW inadvertantly working with him on whatever plan he has going on until HW finds out what HS is really up to. I can see HS trying to pull a fast one on HW and not telling him too much details but HW will find out about what his brother is really trying to do.

I hope like you that even though HS does not understand it he will also see the type of person that JI is. She is a warm, caring , honest, sweet person (which for some reason writers always translate into door mat!) who is having it hard time due to one persons selfish, obsessive , jealousy and ego and thoughts of entitlement. (Still trying to figure out why HB thought she had the right to mess around with JI's hubby and cause his divorce.  It is like she wants to snatch all of JI's things, her husband, marriage and her talent. But she fails to realize all she is doing is building this woman up.

If there is a birth secret to JI and TJ's mother I can see HS finding out about it and really kicking up helping JI out for no other reason it will benefit whatever plan he has going. I wonder if we will have a point where HB will some how succeed in getting JI kicked out of the company only for JI to succeed else where with help from others? That seems to be a theme with MBC's drama's (I honestly wish it does not go down that way but I do not have too much hope.)

HB wants her completely gone from her sight so she is not reminded of what she did to her, what her daughter has done and away from TJ's mother who likes her and recognizes her talent. Not too mention no matter what she does JI gets back up and hold her head high and people actually like her.

Why does JMY think he can talk to a. HB's brother in law the way he has an grab him in the collar on a woman he cheated and divorced. b. talk to and act that way to a directors brother? I bet it is because of what HB has been filling his head up with thinking that HS does not know or can't or won't do anything because he is weak or that she can handle HS (how really wrong she will be on that score) . HB has JMY thinking she has all this power in that company, but if her half brother and (Mother) find out what she has been doing or did to JI she would be kicked out. JMY should have also thought about what the big boss would say or do if he found out he is an adulterer with his half sister but he is so stupid. She has no power and really is only living on borrowed time and the grace of that woman taking her in and putting her on the registry (still hoping she turns out not to be that man's child and her mother lied to say she had an affair with him and he never touched her. I would want to think they did a DNA test when she showed up but then again this is Kdrama and they could have over looked that bit of common sense.)  I would love for HW to come into that company and be JMY's manager it would be perfect for him to take over that team as HB is reassigned by TJ and I dare him to go run his mouth to him. That would shut him up quick especially if he is shown HB can't save him , protect him or favor him anymore in that company (not that she really ever did.) or the fact that his true ability will be shown as poor. HW pretty much knows his philandering sin. That alone and being a richard simmons to his wife and thinking he can say anything to anyone concerning her well he knows he is an idiot to let a gem like JI go. Wait until he finds out about the child finding out about the affair before she was hurt and that he killed JI's mother.

I really do wish they would let JI and HW get married and fight together. I know it is wishful thinking.

Am I the only one that wishes the twit that lied and ran off would get fired!!!! Stupid girl!

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Ultimately jym is going to learn really fast that hb has no power and that thus far her husband has been slow but his looks are more calulating abd tolerating hb for the moment.
Yes hb will succeed in getting ji kicked out of the company, but they might pull an ice adonius and make her the company rep for the business they need in essence giving ji more power than hb.

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I would really like it if JI is made a director or something over HB per TJ. It would serve her right for her brother to know she is doing things to this woman and to find out what she has been up to causing that woman's divorce and demotes the witch. If that does not happen I can see JI getting fired or kicked out over something that HB has cooked up that JMY helped with.

But I see TJ, his mother and HS and HW helping her do something else that will become recognized.

It is a shame that as long as JMY was married to his wife he really did not know who she was. He never paid her much attention just took her love and hard work for granted. He and his family used her as a cook, housekeeper and drudge working hard. He is going to be even more surprised at how well she does now that she is no long with him (should be a lesson he was holding her back like a anchor around her neck)  and that no matter what hardships she endures ( at the hands of HB and him) she will continue on until she is on top and he is falling down.

Every time I see JMY I want to smash his face in for daring to look at JI after killing her mother and making her an orphan and for daring to say anything to anyone else in relationship to her. I wished TJ could have seen him running his mouth to HW.  Would have loved it!!

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Well....in all honesty....jym did love his wife until he fell into temptation and was enjoying the kicks of it until she started to force jym to divorce the wife. For ji as long as jym returned the love and he did everything would have been fine. I am glad that jym is not like the jerk from everything kimchi. Think the writers have wisened up just a smiggin or two.
 Ji would have returned to jym, but the fact the he knows hb daughter is the one who hurt his own daughter and did nothing about it sealed their relationship period. What's funny is he hasn't realized that when ji daughter recovers that will be the end of hb daughter. Hb of course knows this and wishes she would remain in this state, but as we know she will wake up and hb will attempt to either silence her or send her away. I see the typical scene where the evil dil tries to kill the mil but they manage to get there ahead of them and move them in time.  
Though im happy jym will die in the end because he killed someone, but what is revolting for me now with him is his attendance to the funerial of the person he killed. But yes jym did love his wife up to the point where hb offered him the world then by his own greed he sealed his fate. So did hb when her daughter attacked and shoved ji daughter down the stairs and her karma comes in the name of hs. 
Now by hb own hands she has entangled everyone together in this drama which i find ironic that the more hb tries the more people she brings in and the better ji becomes! I hope ji is the missing child or something i want it to be something that makes hb snap like a cracker!

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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already but just in case no one has, MBC has episodes 1 thru 18 of this drama subbed. I couldn't find it on their YTChannel but I usually watch this show on ondemandkorean in my little corner of the world.

I like this drama and usually I just lurk silently here and read  everyone else comments which I really do appreciate and enjoy.

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blumoon said: I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already but just in case no one has, MBC has episodes 1 thru 18 of this drama subbed. I couldn't find it on their YTChannel but I usually watch this show on ondemandkorean in my little corner of the world.

I like this drama and usually I just lurk silently here and read  everyone else comments which I really do appreciate and enjoy.

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blumoon said: I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already but just in case no one has, MBC has episodes 1 thru 18 of this drama subbed. I couldn't find it on their YTChannel but I usually watch this show on ondemandkorean in my little corner of the world.

I like this drama and usually I just lurk silently here and read  everyone else comments which I really do appreciate and enjoy.

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Sometimes that happens and when it does to me I just refresh the page and when the screen comes up I click the CC button that turns it on and off. Then the subtitles appear. I hope that helps and makes it work for you.

@NewDramaAddict and Any others it doesn't work for, all I can say is that I'm so, so, so, sorry I feel your frustration and if it makes you feel any better, for the longest time until recently, after the crack down started on individuals accessing non-legal streaming sights (I honestly did  not know that they weren't legal) and those sights being taken down ,this was the only way I could watch K-dramas. This sight didn't have any of its shows translated then and I can't understand no more than a few Korean words. I was absolutely miserable.

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blumoon said: @joyblack4
Sometimes that happens and when it does to me I just refresh the page and when the screen comes up I click the CC button that turns it on and off. Then the subtitles appear. I hope that helps and makes it work for you.

@NewDramaAddict and Any others it doesn't work for, all I can say is that I'm so, so, so, sorry I feel your frustration and if it makes you feel any better, for the longest time until recently, after the crack down started on individuals accessing non-legal streaming sights (I honestly did  not know that they weren't legal) and those sights being taken down ,this was the only way I could watch K-dramas. This sight didn't have any of its shows translated then and I can't understand no more than a few Korean words. I was absolutely miserable.

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I think we all going to skip ep31 nobody is saying anything about,I watch it, is so confusing,I may not like HB but she not the only that want JI to stop the relationship with JT mother,I don't like where that relationship is heading,JI is not JT sister,JI is just a little girl that JT mother taught how to paint, that is all,please dear writer focus on the intrigue relationship JI/HW  also with the company.

how is it that JI as old as he is, he has no prior relationship with any woman?why is he still single ?please writer do something with him,so that know where this drama is heading to,I don't want HW to suffer for no reason. 

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my dear is just too frustrating watching Korean drama sometime,@ suchadiva42 I wish you are JI in this drama I will have problem enjoying it,I just hope JI stop hanging out with JT mother for now,or I will aid HB to stop it,let JT mother look for other woman for her son,JI/HW belong together please,don't spoil this drama by putting JI/JT together. dear writer there is no charisma between them,it will just turn the viewers off from watching this drama.

@joyblack4" I hear every word your saying and i also know that HW/JI belongs together, but JI needs to take hear head out of her behind by start being a Leader instead of a Follower.. and for this Writer, I think we might have to slap him/her back into reality so this drama can be on the right track ;)

Edit: I don't know what happened to my smily faces looking like that, it's really bugging the hell out of me.

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