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[OFFICIAL] Song Jae Rim ❤ Kim So Eun ☾ The LTE Couple ☽ WGM: PART 1

Guest Tinkiebell

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Guys, I need help, am I the only one who can't have a day without rewatching over and over any part of a SoLim episode? ... Sometimes I think I've turned crazy, even if my husband also thinks they're funny together, but, yeah, maybe watching them before sleeping or whenever I have little bit of time is a bit...  :((
(Truth is, I don't care, I'm a happy person haha :D )
Edit: and I just wanna add that the person who has this ID, @angggg_jagiya, made me laugh with his/ her name ;;)

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happychu said: Guys, I need help, am I the only one who can't have a day without rewatching over and over any part of a SoLim episode? ... Sometimes I think I've turned crazy, even if my husband also thinks they're funny together, but, yeah, maybe watching them before sleeping or whenever I have little bit of time is a bit...  :((
(Truth is, I don't care, I'm a happy person haha :D )

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Guys, I need help, am I the only one who can't have a day without rewatching over and over any part of a SoLim episode? ... Sometimes I think I've turned crazy, even if my husband also thinks they're funny together, but, yeah, maybe watching them before sleeping or whenever I have little bit of time is a bit... 



(Truth is, I don't care, I'm a happy person haha :D )

Edit: and I just wanna add that the person who has this ID, @angggg_jagiya, made me laugh with his/ her name ;;)

Me too

i rewatching solim ep s very day

Whatching solim eps like drugs

love drugs happy drugs

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Doing a re-watching marathon right now, btw, does any1 know the erotic movie that they watched together ? I'm curious about it



someone in this thread already posted, but I forget who (mianhae.. :wink: ), he/she said it's "love and the other drugs". My favorite movie too btw, so i watch it over and over again..

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Guest amour12

I loved Jae lim's answer in Sina interview" Are you going to go on public when you are with someone?"
If I fall in love, I will naturally come out to the public. I would like to be in love fairly and confidently. I think it is a good manor to the person I love too.
So If they really date, we will def find out?

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Guest sanrr10

Dear SoLim shippers (all of you silent lurkers and actively crazy)

¡Feliz Navidad! (Merry Christmas it's only 6:57am of the 24th in my country) Thank you all for being a part of this thread that always makes me smile (just like our SoLim couple) You guys are THE BEST! I hope you all have a very enjoyable holiday season with the people (or pets if you have them) you love the most!
May the cheese keep on spreading!

@happychu Don't worry, I've been re-watching every episode 'cause I leave on a trip on Friday and I'll be missing 3 episodes from our couple so I'm in emergency mode :(  Don't worry you're not crazy, and even if you are, you'll find a fellow SoLim shipper if you get sent to the nuthouse (at least we won't go down alone hehehehehehe)

You guys MUST update this thread to keep me alive while I'm on my trip and unable to watch the live stream (even though I don't understand a word in Korean)

Here's a PINK heart to all of you (and you know what pink means if not, SEE HERE ):

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Guest ilikemangoss

NoteBook711 said: Sina InterviewQ: Did you come up with those cheesy comments yourself or do you normally read dating books?JL: I don't really read books about dating. I read books like, why do girls cross their legs, body language and psychology books, but I don't read dating or dating advice, (these sort of) books. Also, I don't like self-improvement books with similar content. I like books related to acting, performance, movies and photography. I prefer books about philosophy and anthologies. The words I said are... just conversation, face-to-face conversation between people. I listen to their words, mix it with my own knowledge and the comments come up naturally.
Thank you @blacklilie for the preview! :) Hahaha he was so serious in the Sina interview and sounded so knowledgeable, but look at this preview! This guy is extremely weird, well in a good way. Hahaha!

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Guest aesthetic51

NoteBook711 said: Snippet from JL's Sina InterviewJL: I usually describe my ideal type as someone who I can communicate well with, someone with reverse charm and someone who understands loneliness. Actually, an ideal type exists in everyone's mind. An ideal type is like a dream you can't chase, so I think there's a need to communicate more often to understand each other. The ideal types I have chosen so far are more on the inside than the appearance. If you ask if SE is my ideal type, she may be or she may not be.
Love his answer, especially the 'she may be or she may not be'. It would have sounded very scripted if he said she is his ideal type, but he answered it wittily. He's right, there's rarely anyone as perfect as your ideal type in this world, hence his 'may not be'. 
PS: Merry Christmas SoLim shippers from around the world!

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Love & Other Drugs (2010) starring Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhall.

Here is a link describing (in words only) what the 19+ content of the film is as part of a guide to allow parents to decide whether to let their kids see the movie. I'm surprised this is the movie SJR brought to watch with a woman he doesn't know well - do you think he did it to gauge his bride's reaction to the scenes, or at the behest of the WGM PD? Find it hard to believe the latter.


I found a quotes from this movie that reminds me of jaerim. but I don't know how to post a picture here. is there someone who can tell me how? I opened the web via smart phone.

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The preview of wgm has me rolling on the floor. This namja is so bold and odd. Personally, I really like that he doesn't mind cameras or others watching him and it's amazing that Soeun doesn't get embarrassed either. Even if she does, she's really cool about it. She just lets him goof off wherever he pleases.

Then you look at Jaerim's interview answers and I think with his goofy personality, you wouldn't expect such solid, unique and creative answers. Jaerim is probably the only man in Kpop who gives answers that I can never predict beforehand. His answers are always well thought out, detailed and he doesn't particularly admit or deny anything. He has the right to keep some things to himself and I respect him for doing so.

If Jaerim ever taught a psychology or philosophy class, I'd take it. There's so much to learn from him.

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Guest Retta_ring

euumm hii.. the first time post something in here.. forgive me for being silent reader from page 500 (if i don't wrong) hehe
:-h. well, i just want to confess that Solim is the first couple in wgm catching my interest, no, but also my heart. i have watched the the famous couples such Yongseo, Khuntoria, Taeun, Kwanghee with the member of secret (i forget her name) but believe me i only watched the early episodes (maybe eps5) and then i don't know I just stopped right  there, they cannot pulled my interest in for watch them any longer.  Actually for the first time I saw Solim first selca, I thought ‘ahh why Kim Soeun have to be paired with this not really goodlooking man, she deserves a handsome and good man. I won’t watch it, I don’t care’.. and then my life continued not caring anything about wgm.

Until I intentionally found  their  pictorials for allure magazine, and I just WOW! They were so damn hot, it’s the first time for me to see a couple in wgm have posed in that positions and their chemistry, their aura for me was so passionately, yet so real. I surprised when I saw Jaerim in that pictorials, I was so damn wrong, (can I take back my words before? hehe) He totally has goodlooking, and look at his body he is totally the ideal man!. Then I started to watch the eps 9, and then 10 and then back to the first and BAMM, I am totally falling in love with this couple. Sometimes I don’t believe I have reached here, I don’t believe I have all the episodes of Solim, and I don’t believe I wait for Saturday comes only to watch their next eps, since I used not interest  in wgm.  I never feel this before, the chemistry, the compatible, the honesty, but now I find in them. I ADMITTED NOW I REALLY HAVE OTP! I LOVE SOLIM!  

About the dating, well of course who has been here is praying for them to be a real couple. But for me the time is just not right, yet.  I agree for your opinions about the possibility they are serious to continue gaining their activities in the entertainment world after they have noticed they are being loved by a lot of  people who watches wgm,  I think it’s too fast for them to continue in the real world and don’t forget the risk if they caught dating, surely it will make solim fans happy but it will called scandal in kpop world and everyone know how danger the scandal in kpop. There is more time, I want them to continue this wgm program until---haa I don’t know  when,  maybe until they really want to get a real marriage. However, I do believe they have their own communication outside filming, they have given the clues! And I love the way Jaerim answered some questions about them in the interview, he is such consider person, without hurting soeun and our hearts his answers just came out honestly for me. Anyway , you also love the triplets? Me too! Me too! I love them so much.

Awww they’re cute, they appreciated the flower buckets has sent to them, this really make the fans feel excited and warm to see they accepted the gifts and even took the picture.  Me, even didn’t involve giving the gifts, is excited too.  Now, I hope everyone in here won’t get tired to support our solim, because maybe, just maybe God hearing our wish and grant it (dating and  get married real in future, soon).

Last, I am sorry for explaining a unimportant thing in here, it just I can’t help but to burst out my otp feeling.  Thank you for anyone who has given attention to read this, and I know I know  my English is suck but I hope you all understand because I talked about solim only.

Thank you

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For now, let's just enjoy the show though if I tell myself, I'm only taking it at face value, I'd be lying. I admit that I'm in really deep. I've never rewatched the same episode for any show more than 2 times but with Solim, watching every episode 30, 40, 50 times with different subs is the norm. Thanks to others on this thread who do the same, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Nobody besides us shippers will understand the effect of Solim on our hearts and lives.

Anyhow, back to the topic at hand: let's just enjoy the show. My ideology is that go ahead and put your heart into it, ship Solim like crazy while they do wgm because they haven't given us any reason not to. Let's live in the moment and fall into the beautiful bliss they created for viewers. I think if their popularity together stays after wgm, they'd be asked to do other projects together so I have strong hope that wgm won't be the only project they'll work on together.

In the future, I will say that I will most likely bury Solim in my heart somewhere because years from now, who knows how my mentality will be and if I will still be into shipping and Kpop. Like a lot of the ships I have loved in the past, I usually just bury them in my heart, not expecting anything from them anymore, because when they do have a moment, I'm ecstatic. And it'll probably be the same for me with Solim.

Right now, my feels for them are high and my delusions are high so obviously, I want them to have the perfect love story that would be followed by marriage and children. However a year or so from now, my delusions and feels will probably start to become "normal" again and I think as long as I get proper closure with them, I'll be able to close this chapter of shipping, wishing them both the best without any expectations that I'll get more from them. If I do get more from them, I'll be estatic but my feels will probably never be this high as they are now.

For all of us shippers here, let me tell you that it may look like life won't go on without a dose of Solim every week but it does. You are probably at your highest shipping peak rn so not seeing them together later is hurtful and hard to imagine but when wgm comes to an end, it'll take a few days and it'll be over. As long as Solim don't contradict themselves in the future about wgm and about each other, I think a lot of us will close this chapter happily. Closing the chapter doesn't mean you won't ship them anymore but it means that you'll move on, hoping for the best. Upon seeing them in the news again together, you're shipper heart will fly to cloud nine for a few days but then you'll be back on solid ground and continue your life as you were before and every time, your heart will be more accepting about Solim and the reality they live in.

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Guest adniRose

he reads psychology!! dammitttt so awesome..! and he even read about self improvement.. i just lost words in describing how amazing this guy is..i always has a thing for a guy who loves to read book.. i dunno, it's just super attractive..:Psince he's pretty knowledgeable in body language, is it safe to say he's being bold with Soeun just because he could see a signal that she's cool with it, or she's also attracted to him, or something like that...knowing how gentleman Jaerim is, i dont think he will do anything if he knows she's uncomfortable with it.. ok, seems like someone gonna get a free copy of Sure Jan 2015, and someone else gonna get free copy of Ceci Jan 2015..embarrassed4-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129

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The move he made on the Galata Bridge:) So funny but if he hit the man behind, with his richard simmons, he was most likely to be beaten. I don't like this image of Turkey in foreign shows.Fez is not a common accessory to wear in Turkey but still people believe that people wear those. 

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I also want to say one more thing. In the future, God-willing, I hope they work out but in the case that they don't, then don't feel like just because the end result wasn't what you wanted, you wasted your time shipping them.

That's not the case at all and that's why the term "living in the moment" exists. You made memories, beautiful ones, with everyone else. This shipping experience is like no other and through it, you met beautiful shippers who have the same love and dedication as you for Solim. You got a weekly high every Saturday and spazzing, crying, laughing, smiling, melting in cheese, all made your Saturdays enjoyable.

Finally, you learnt to love two amazing people, individually and as a couple. You accepted their flaws and learnt from their good qualities. You matured and shipped and saw life and love from a different viewpoint which may have been insightful and helpful for you in your own life. I think just for the fact alone that they were honest, sincere and true to themselves, they were worth shipping, whatever the end result may be.

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Guest PeachMaRi

SJR is a man of character. He maybe different from others but he exceeds my expectations, he is sweet and caring guy but most of all he believes in himself he is not afraid to show his true self! Solim couple fighting!!!

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