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[OFFICIAL] Darling Couple (Lee Jong Suk ♡ Park Shin Hye)


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thank you for your awesome posts,, i appreciated all your hard works
indeed youre an amazing darling couple shipper.
your posts make me realized how much i love our darling couple, and i'm missing them so badly TT
especially sukiie..i' am missing him like crazy, till to the point i cant breathe..lol

abour Paeksang awards..lets hope the very best for shinhye and sukii.
in my eyes and my heart, and i'm bias hehehe..sukii deserved for best acting awards. in year 2014,he's doing great actings not only as dalpo's character , but in doctor stranger, he's so amazing as well...i've got goosebump everytime i watched his actings in DS...he's daebak in DS.


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Guest nyahh

@cloe aww you're so sweet. This is my happy place that's why I'm trying to lighten up the mood here, cz I'm sure everyone also just gets happy whenever they're seeing these two (together or not) .:))
ACTUALLY I MISS THEM TOO. :(( Hahaha! It's so hard to just look at old pictures just to satisfy my need for seeing them. But, oh well, they deserve some time alone. And we'll support them either way, right? haha! :D
I really wish they win too (popularity award's already okay with me). I haven't seen JS's other dramas aside from Pinocchio (but I will, when I have the time, or when my heart's ready to see him with another girl lol) but I think he deserves a spot too. Oh well, you know what? Let's just create our own awards show. =)) I'll shower them with awards that they can't even fit those awards in their cars. =)) 
What matters is that they're acting is super effective for us, and they capture our interest, and they won't stop just bc they didn't get the awards/recognition from those awards show. They should just listen to their fans, not their haters. Cause if JS's looking for a compliment on his acting, I can already shower him with them. (cause these awards are given by people right? and taste is subjective, so what if for them his acting is not effective? what about us that finds his acting effective? we're not represented! lol)  :)) :D :x

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@Nyahh,  Yeah I just got back from dinner, and its still Sunday here.  Monday blues for some. 
 @Cloe, don't worry sweetie Dalpo will appear on Thursday.  He is still enjoying his vacation (I'm still on over drive, cause its Sunday still) on the beautiful Island of Hawaii..Puing Puing   >:)
As for Baeksang, in my heart they are the best for me!  Like buzzlight year said, "to infinity.....and beyond...

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I am not going to start a debate here too cz it ll be like i m talking to myself 

 i ll just say few things that i didn't want to say here.. i won't mention names 
first of all i talked about wellmade and not the Paeksang itself..actually "most" the nominees in Paeksang deserve more than just a nomination they all deserve awards  ...
 i said wellmade sucks and not the paeksang sucks (big difference) 
2nd-  even small agencies can have lot of influence in the industry and strong PR team that promote well the star (s) they have ( just look at 1 of the young actresses that u all probably know, her  agency which is a very small agency infact only consist of her , made her win a popularity award last year and she s far from popular all what she gets is bashing when her name is mentioned.... she always lands on leading roles she even debuted wz a leading role and she lacks talent and all what it takes to be a star ... but yet she s there despite everything ... even knetizen wonder who s backing her up
and it's not a secret that  Most of the awards can be affected by money,  influence or other stuff... we all saw lot of actors/actresses/dramas etc..  winning awards they don't deserve .... and it's obvious that they don't deserve
even in the paeksang now there are few names that don't deserve nomination ... 
 what hitoritabi or amyshk or other said , they said it for a reason , it's not just a baseless talk.... they aren't  living far away and following from a distance  the awards happening in korea and claiming they know better  ... 
no, they live in the area , following these stuff for a lot more than "5 years" now  they know the language and aware of lot of what happening behind the scenes not just from reading what other people write but   from insiders and people working in the industry.
and lot of stuff can't be said here ... so i ll stop.. not tallking abt this again 
And Jong Suk Deserved the Grimae bcz of his  acting in both DS & pinocchio  not  bcz there was no competition ... seriously??!!! hhh  so  please let us not go to that area 


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Cr: hyorim0106's IG

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if you have time, you should watch his previous dramas. and if your heart not ready enough to see him with another girl, maybe first you can try DS. he didnt have many interactions and skinships with his leading lady especially off screen. except of course his kissing scenes in DS..and to be honest i've got nosebleeds everytime i saw that scene..hahaha..lol
you must have a strong heart if you watch IHYV..it's another great drama from sukki.. he had great chemistry with LBY, full of lovey dovey otp's scenes. not to mentions about how close and comfortable they were and many skinships between him and LBY in the bts
if you ask me nothing can beat our darling couple interactions and skinships on screen and off screen yet..our darling couple is the best..like suki said shinhye is his best partner so far.

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Guest nyahh

Having a background in marketing and business.. all I'm saying is YOU DO NOT DO SOMETHING THAT WILL NOT PROFIT YOU (whether it be monetary or not). Example: Giving to charities? PR, it will help your customers think you're doing something good so they will support your "cause" by patronizing your goods/services. Sponsoring events? It can help you in strengthening your relationships with your business partners. And really, there's so much going in the background (everything is manipulated and doesn't happen just because it's the right thing to happen) that what you're seeing doesn't always mean that it's what you're supposed to be getting. Besides.. event hosted by a PRIVATE company? I will say nothing more. :)>- No need to comment on this. This are my personal views. :D
- - -@cloe thank you. My friend's been bugging me on watching IHYV too. =)) I just can't do it, not yet. =)) Thanks for your advice. I'll try watching DS if I have time. Haha! I guess I really just need to strengthen my heart when it comes to this things.. after all, what I'm looking for is JS's acting. :)) :x

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@ Gosh, its hot in here...let's all take a deep breath and lets breath in the good O2 and breath out the bad Co2.  Sorry I don't know how to use the hide button, but Thanks Rania, I hear you.  I'm on board..Give me a hug.. :D 
Back to darling couple...What ever will be will be the futres not ours to see, que sera sera. =))
p/s going out for a walk with honey to get some good O2.  see ya later aligator

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Guest kiyeujay

Haha, chill out all guys. It's society, it's happen in all fields in our life, I experienced some terrible social injustices, so the best way to cover it is that I  think in different possitive ways. Actually, I feel Wellmade is really cool when they didnt play politics games of Baeksang :D You know, when u get more politics bias, it means u have to pay a extremely expensive price. Maybe, i'm to optimistic and an eccentric , :)) :))
--- It's time to switch on delulu mode.I hear LBY celebrated  party fpr her baby, I see some pics to look for  Lee-ssi =)) BUt where are u , JS?? Why didn't you visit your noona's party?? You wanna die, dont u?? =)) =)) IF not, U must have more important st to do =))


Cre: LBY thread.
=)) =)) 

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Guest aydenJ

@nyahh this is shipper thread if i'm not mistaken..not pinocchio thread. So why are we so modest calling the darling dalpo inha? i love js & i am fond of psh just the way they are; For their flairs and flaws. I adore their wonderful relationship and synergy...reel @ real it does not matter to me. Win @ lose any awards is still not a big deal for me because i know they had given their best effort..i just want to love them for everything they had done & will be done in the future.

kehadapan sesiapa yang membaca ini, kuharap kau ada sebab untuk senyum hari ini.

A photo posted by Yasin Sulaiman | Malaysia (@yasinsulaiman) on Apr 26, 2015 at 6:52pm PDT


Praying uri darling more success in the future. Don't they look perfectly gorgeous together?


Keep calm missing darling

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LJS finally appears!

Check his latest IG updates

그대들. 잘 지내는가. 나는 그저.. 숨 쉬고 있네. 껄껄.. 그래서 나 보고싶다고??

Cr IG jongsuk0206

그대들. 잘 지내는가. 나는 그저.. 숨 쉬고 있네. 껄껄.. 그래서 나 보고싶다고??

A photo posted by 이종석 (@jongsuk0206) on Apr 26, 2015 at 9:06pm PDT

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