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[Drama 2014-2015] Pinocchio, 피노키오

Go Seung Ji

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i don't remember who posted the gif of the otp fighting for the bathroom.Because it was made as gif, I just kept staring at it repeatedly, and can't help but tell myself, that we are lucky the smell from the bathroom (after dad's poop) does not travel via internet!!!!
What would life be without having gifs to watch........ :-bd

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‘Pinocchio’ Dominates In Its Time Slot

Nov. 28, 2014


[by Sora Ghim] Starring Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye, ‘Pinocchio’ is playing with the emotions of viewers with its chemistry and heated love triangle. For the first time since airing, ‘Pinocchio’ beat out its competing dramas and stole the number 1 spot for viewer percentages.

This drama is getting a lot of positive feedback for its melodramatic, comic, and suspenseful scenes. After three weeks, the drama reached a percentage of 10.4%, making it the leading drama.

What is the secret to ‘Pinocchio’s’ success? It must be the plot that is engaging, sucking the viewer into the story. In addition, the sympathetic melodrama between the forbidden chemistry between Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk captivates viewers.

After Park Shin Hye’s confession to Lee Jong Suk, fans have been rooting for the pair. As the story plays out, the two reporters become rivals as they try to sort out their emotions about the other. However, no one can deny the chemistry between them, becoming one of the main reasons for the drama’s success.

As the drama continues, how will the love lines play out? Will Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk remain as family or change their relationship into something more. Will Lee Jong Suk ever get to meet his brother?

Meanwhile, ‘Pinocchio’ airs every Wednesday and Thursday. (photo by SBS ‘Pinocchio’ capture)

Contact: news@bntnews.co.uk

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Dal-Po – I think he is going to protect he’s brother no matter what happens :) and he cannot disregard he's feeling for In-Ha :x

Jae-Myeong – I think he will try to harm Cha-Ok and if he finds out she has a daughter with Pinocchio syndrome, he will go after In-Ha and that’s when Dal-Po will not allow this to happen (because he loves her).  I hope the writer will not allow this character to harm any of the Choi’s family (Dal-Po will protect the Choi’s family) [-O< [-O<

In-Ha – I think she will find out a lot more regarding the murder cases from Chan-Soo.  She is a smart cookie in this drama and will be able to connect all the dots. I will not be surprise if she ends up confessing to Dal-Po regarding he’s identity.  Otherwise, she is going to have some crazy hiccups :)) :))

Bum-Jo – he came from a rich family and live in a very shelter life. I am still waiting to see the transition in this character from the writer  :-?

Yoo-bi – cute and busy-buddy.  I cannot wait to see how her character transition and link to the brothers :-?

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After watching many Kdramas that had irrational, one dimensional evil characters, you kind of expect them and deal with it. Quality writers provide more motivations than petty jealousy and power etc. Not so good writers make them just evil, for evil’s sake.

When you have a quality drama where every character is lovingly written, you question why this one particular character feels one dimensional…

That is what I feel about In Ha’s mother.

In IHYV, we had a very menacing villain. But he was so menacing that we really wanted him gone and in the end felt sympathetic… I feel that character is Dal Po’s brother now except we feel sympathy first instead of the menace and we probably will never feel the menace - just the dread of what’s to come..

So, why is In Ha’s mother so one dimensional? We know she chose her career over a family and knowing the writer, the fact that she had to choose does not make sense to me. Especially, I have felt this writer respects every single character she writes.

Is it possible that the mother actually did not like what she was doing and therefore consciously decided she did not want face her daughter everyday? Is it possible that mother actually thought she was doing more good than bad being so hardnosed but still knew some of it was too extreme?

It is possible in dramaland…Noble idiocracy richard simmons. I am wondering how the writer will make this mother sympathetic….

The reason this is kind of important is because the only way Dal Po can move on is to forgive her in the end.  Just exposing everyone is not the same thing as forgiving.  How do you forgive this?

I do not forgive Fox  for the crap they talk that is not even personal to me.  I have major dislike to any supposedly ‘news’ channel that is actually not news but exaggeration, misinterpretation or gross negligence to truth and facts.  

So, that is why I feel Dal Po’s rage you see.  I am hoping that In Ha’s mother has some thing that will make sense.

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Pearl Earrings Complete A Perfect ‘Reporter Look’

Nov. 28, 2014


[by Sora Ghim] Park Shin Hye’s elegance in SBS drama ‘Pinocchio’ is getting attention for her mother-daughter jewelry.

On episode five, the mother and daughter are seen getting ready to film for a promotional video for the news company. As they get their hair and makeup done, their similar jewelry is noticed as it completes their flawless reporter fashion.

Park Shin Hye wears a pair of silver and rose gold pearl earrings for a sophisticated and chic look. Jin Kyung wears the same drop design except in gold and pearl for a feminine mood. The two actress’ use the 2 way earrings for a classic and versatile style.

The earrings they wear are from Agatha Paris and are part of the ‘Ingrid’ line. Agatha Paris is currently working with ‘Pinocchio’ to provide accessories that match the concept to create various looks.

Meanwhile, ‘Pinocchio’ airs every Wednesday and Thursday. (photo by SBS ‘Pinocchio’ capture, Agatha Paris)

Contact: news@bntnews.co.uk

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I post on Tumblr and then cut and paste the same thing here.  I feel strange doing that but I have a selfish reason...More than sharing my thoughts, I want this thread to have more pages!!!  I am a fan of LJS and this drama, so, I want this thread to have lots and lots of pages.  I can't do any of the creative stuff to contribute so.... 
*bows deeply*  *I apologize for my shallow thinking*

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after watch ep 6, at first i think they exaggerate the situation..work non stop and look like zombie alive..etc. i can't help comparing it with you're all surrounded since detective like ahn chan soo who should dig the case..it kinda look the same what they are doing with the four in YASbut after read news from netizenbuzz about BAP case and remember how media like dispatch, sport seoul and others play central role to bring news for netizen.. i just feel more amaze with the writer.. this is so close with us as news readers. lolpeople do not have direct access with police. so if they curious about something they tend to depend with media to know what happening (example LBH and KHJ case, netizen really depend to media to open the case) and media has responsible to bring the the truth..i remember how scary i felt when saw shin hye pic in dispatch headline. they can put up or down other people image easilyi feel so close with drama when i think they are dispatch crews lol, but in the drama they even work in bigger company and have tv station.. i hope the case not only about murder case, it reminds me with YAS

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I thought the actor who play Jae-Myeong is quite good looking, and is he really 41 years old??

Or did i read the bio wrongly. As many, we just hope that Jae-Myeong could be saved and reunited with Dal Po

Bum Jo - needs to find out what  his story is and what kind of chebol he is . Need to make Dal Po more jealous than he is at the moment.

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Guest kerdhanato

Just watch ep 5&6. And it was perfect. As expected from IHYV team.

The characters.. ohmy I love them. All of them. Each character have their own uniqueness that we can't help but to love them.

And hey! LJS and PSH totally kill it. Both are gorgeous, amazing skills, cool. I just love Dal Po. No reason but I just love him as him. LJS are amazing. Good looks, perfect skill.

And In Ha... amazing. I still can't get over how PSH can do the head stunt so effortlessly. No one can deny that it's really cool. And she is such a beauty. I kind of melt at her sweetness and cuteness when she kiss her appa.

Ohmygod.. this is the first time I'm so impressed with both lead. I. Love. Them. Take my confession :D

And Beom Jo.. LOL he's hilarious. Maybe I'm the only one that think so, but he is weird but at the same time hilarious. And Yoo Rae.. a lively character to add the fun of the drama. Park Hye Run is amazing. She make the supporting characters room to grow. LYB definitely have potential to be a great actress in the future. Hoping for her a best career path.

Pinocchio... one of the best drama I've ever enjoy. Hope the actors and the drama itself bring a lot of awards home. They totally deserve it. Thanks for all the hardwork.

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@realistic2280, yes, the actor that plays jae-myung is very good-looking and delivers emotions pretty damn well, which makes his predicted demise just that much harder for me to watch. There is a like a small part of me, hoping that he gets away with it (if he even did it), for dalpo's sake (mine too).
 I just want to see jae-myungs attempting to adapt to the entire family of his brothers, particularly inha (soon to be sister-in-law, am i looking to ahead?)
Anyway, his age is 27, but if he was 41, damn those genes.

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Pinocchio: Episode 6by girlfriday pinocchio06-00791a.jpg
It’s an episode about rivalries every which way imaginable, between romantic rivals, TV networks, rookie teams, and the shouty sunbaes who train them. The newbies get sent into the field for the first time on their own, and as expected, it’s a jungle out there. I’m not even sure if they’re fighting each other, their bosses, or just life in general, but in any case I think they should get used to failing at things for a good long while. It’s a good thing everybody loves an underdog!
Full recap: Dramabeans

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wow, first time posting here, this drama brought me back to soompi haha
when i first heard news about this show i thought to myself "kinda boring plot...", but the first few episodes were really enjoyable and i find lee jong suk and park shin hye have great chemistry!!! they're totally cute together and i can't wait for more sweet moments between them!!! hopefully someone will open a thread in the shipper's section hihi :\">

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