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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Finally got to watch the Finale with subs. I am reeling with happiness right now. I do not think I have any thoughts on the finale other than my favourite Jeong Hu-Yeong Sin kiss scene, scratch that, rather, my favourite kdrama kiss scene ever! But I will try to write my thoughts. :))
I will start with Jeong Hu and Yeong Sin monologues. Their words just hit so hard, straight to the heart. The way they described and like telepathically talked with one another was so beautiful. Like how Jeong Hu knows that Yeong Sin by nature is a cheerful person, and how he does not want her to forget that and how Yeong Sin knows that when Jeong Hu is afraid, he withdraws himself from the world, and she tries to reach out to him in those times. I was a mess, plus, the OST is not helping me get myself together, I was really moved in Jeong Hu's monologue in the middle of the episode, when Ji Chang Wook's song started to play. That song really matches well with Jeong Hu scenes for/with Yeong Sin! I also love how Yeong Sin describes that Jeong Hu's hand is like her happy pill, and that it gives her comfort and relief more than anything can in the world. I mean, it is like one of every girl's dreams, to have someone who can be your comfort and relief. 
I love that Appa Chae got to see Jeong Hu showing his mad fighting skills, oh yeah! I especially love the part where Jeong Hu was explaining to Appa Chae, and he could not find the right words and Yeong Sin just cuts him off and did the explaining, and Jeong Hu just says, "she's right", "what she said.", like Yeong Sin was the boss. :))  I saw in that scene how they have really become partners, who got each other's backs. And Ajussi speaking to Jeong Hu in the most formal way possible! I was laughing like crazy! Of course, the almost kiss was comedy! 
Ahhh, kicka$$ Dae Yeong! I laughed when I saw Moon Ho's face so relieved to see DY beating the crap out of the guy who took Moon Ho's photos, it was like he was happy seeing and meeting people in Jeong Hu's life who took care of him or watched his back. Like he was thankful. :) 
Yeong Sin really got to me when she said she can leave everything and run away with Jeong Hu. That really was big of her, it may seem idiotic or irrational to some, but I think that makes Yeong Sin so relatable. She is not the first person in this world to lose all rationality to be with and fight for the love of their life. In a time where romance is almost dead, and cynicism is pervading, Yeong Sin showed me how powerful love is, that you can do just about anything for them. Yeong Sin was already brave to begin with, but her love for Jeong Hu made her even braver. 
I was a complete mess with the mother-daughter scene in this episode. It was so refreshing that it was done in the most subtle of ways, no loud crying and endless hugging, and there weren't even words, and we just get it, we felt it. 
And Moon Shik's demise. This character is so pitiful. I could not have ask for a better punishment for Moon Shik, but at the same time I really do pity him, because I once saw him as a victim, too. But it is also satisfying to see a character get punished for not being able to make the right decisions when they matter most, and not being able to see past the fear of losing the trust of someone he loves in order to own up to his evils and fight for what is right. Moon Shik just got stuck, and never actually grew into a real person. 
Jeong Hu calling Moon Ho samchun. That was beautiful in all the right ways. I was smiling ear to ear, just like Moon Ho was. For Jeong Hu to call him that was an advise to him that he only needs to trust Jeong Hu, and things are only going to get better from now on. It was Jeong Hu's way of assuring Moon Ho. 
When Jeong Hu was shot, I already had the feeling that he will not die, but the plan as it was unravelled to us was awesome and funny at the same time. This drama trolled us people! :)
When I watched live and RAW, I felt like I wanted something more from the ending. At first I would have liked to see what happened to some of the characters, for instance, did Someday Chief's wife got her chicken restaurant back? :)) More OTP moments. But when I watched it subbed, and finally understood everything, I think that ending was just perfect for me. I never wanted anything else. My favourite scene in the finale was this:

It was so fitting how everything was so bright and warm much like how Yeong Sin and Jeong Hu are probably feeling at this moment. How they made the scene so light and bright and warm, like the sun was also happy for them so it shines even more brightly upon them. Her loving gaze on him. His gaze on her. The smiles on their faces. No one can deny the love that these two shares. I loved how Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young acted this scene in the most natural way, nothing looking rehearsed or anything. Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young became Jeong Hu and Yeong Sin. I think it is going to be hard for me to watch them with different actors in the future. :)) The scene was made all the more meaningful when Yeong Sin started to narrate things that she likes in this life, and all them consisted of Jeong Hu. Everything made sense now. They are two persons who were destined to be together, and now, have found each other, and are doing things that they love and want. As a viewer, that left me really satisfied, because I cared for these characters so much, and now I get to see their happy ending. It was perfect for me. 
Please forgive me for the long post, it's the finale!  :)

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Guest IguanaSoap

Yoo Ji-tae hits the peak in "Healer"


Actor Yoo Ji-tae made a speech about the end of the drama "Healer".

Namu Actors posted a video of Yoo Ji-tae's final take and interview on their official YouTube channel. Yoo Ji-tae chose the scene of him and Jeong-hoo (Ji Chang-wook) at the car wash, reminiscing about the past as the best scene ever. He said, "This scene represents the character of Kim Moon-ho who connects the past and the present very well. The emotion is also just appropriately controlled".

Yoo Ji-tae added, "It was an honor to work with Song Ji-na the writer and meeting loveable friends. I wish the drama lasts in my mind forever".

Yoo Ji-tae took on the role of star reporter Kim Moon-ho. He was positively reviewed for his performance and successful comeback.

"Healer" ended successfully and coming up next is "Blood" starring Ahn Jae-hyeon, Koo Hye-seon and Ji Jin-hee.


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azzurri said:
I had one pet peeve with this scene.. .in that
the little tricksy scamp (love the term!) put the blood pack in his right jacket pocket instead of his left! So I guess we just have to assume he put a blood pack in both jacket pockets, but exploded the one on the left! LOL Just a minor peeve, doesn't spoil the end AT ALL for me. Love him anyway. Hehehe.

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Someone asked about favorite scenes. Truly I have so many favorites, it's hard to say... but, this one is probably in the top three. It charmed me down to my socks... JCW, with his expressive eyes and crook of an eyebrow, charmed me down to my socks and I dare say I have never been the same again.

This scene. When Park Bong Soo suddenly became Seo Jung Hoo for about 5 seconds, and asked CYS to choose him instead of someone who wasn't ever going to come. Ahhhh love this scene. 

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Reading the comments on Netizen Buzz is quite... perplexing. It's not the k-netizens who are doubting Healer's international success, but some international folks instead. I just don't see the point of attacking a drama so relentlessly. I mean, can't we all just love what we love? We're not fighting over popularity in here, geez. 

Hahaha ikr !!! *ignoring em* ....Its like a trend now a days ... Wanna praise your bias ?? Then just go and bash another person hard ....

Its so irritating seeing them measuring the popularity of a drama by some figures and not measuring the awesomeness of it by all the feels and emotions ...

If you tell me healer is DAEBAK but not popular ... I will be happy with that only.....

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I woke up this morning very sad. I didn't have the powers to get out of bed, I felt like it's pointless. Then I realized that I haven't wrote my thoughts about the last episode properly. I must write down my thoughts, express my feelings regarding the final so I can have full closure.

Let me start by saying that I loved the narration parts by YS and JH. I couldn't contain my feelings during those scenes. Many times I felt like my heart will burst from wanting to see them together. It was so purely done, so innocent. And it gave me a feeling of completeness towards our couple. They never said to each other "I love you" and it was unnecessary. In fact, I never needed them to say it. Their actions and their words proved how much they love each other. It even went so far as YS offering to run away with him. She loves him so deeply and wants to be with him so much that she's willing to give up on her dreams and family. Could there be any greater sacrifice than this to show her love? Of course, JH loves her just as much so he will never be able to accept this offer. He even mentioned to himself "What kind of a man would turn his girl into a fugitive?"

I'm so happy that these two great people have found each other. The idea the writer had in mind, that allowed them to be together, was clever and awesome. In the final scenes we found out that they're spending so much time together, both in their career and in personal lives. They are never going to part again, not even for one second, just like they always wanted. I can't think of a better love story for Healer I think that love is so powerful and strong, making it one of the best love stories I've ever seen (which also have a perfect HEA).

Now to the events in the last episode. It had some flaws and holes as well as small things that were left open. We didn't fully know what happened to all characters like MS, his secretary and elder. We didn't find out if ahjumma started working as Healer hacker like before or if MH is still the president of Someday news. We didn't get to see fully family time, something like a dinner where they all gathered together, just in order to know what are they doing now. Now, there's something that is bothering me, I will be happy if someone can explain it to me. The SS guys and their operators were arrested, PBS/Healer is dead but didn't they know that JH is Healer? Therefore, didn't they know that Healer is still alive? This fact is leaving me with deep thinking. Well, it's just weird.

Anyway, I was happy that many things were answered too. Daddy found the real identity of PBS, we saw that MS has gone completely crazy (it was one of the best scenes in episode 20), we saw that Myung Hee discovered that YS is her daughter. We didn't see her reaction to that, only the aftermath of the discovery which by itself was very emotional. It really managed to touch my heart strings. I'm happy to see that Moon Ho had a second chance to love and that he's starting again with his ex. She was willing to give him the opportunity. They were my second OTP in this drama.

There are so many things that make me consider this drama as one of the best. Spellbinding soundtrack, amazing directing, great camera work, well written story
and consistent characters that developed well. There were no more deaths, no major misunderstandings, no break ups, no fillers, no time skip... I cannot forget the little details that were put in the drama as well as fantastic dialogues. I really want to thank the writer and director for all that. Until the very end it managed to stay above the usual K-dramas chronological events, which is utterly perfect. As a whole this drama can be considered as a real masterpiece. It had light humor, it was romantic, interesting, exciting, thrilling all the way and most of all, it was a sweet addiction. I really plan to watch all the episodes from the beginning.

Now, lastly I want to talk about Ji Chang Wook, Park Min Young and Yoo Ji Tae. They had the most amazing imaginable, strong chemistry I could have asked for. They were well suited for their roles, portraying them wonderfully. Body language and face expressions were perfect. The center of attention was naturally Ji Chang Wook, but they all made this drama so very successful. I can't wait to see them is the future, hopefully we will get to see them acting  together again. They really captured my heart in this drama like none of their previous works. PMY, I dare say that I'm having a girl crash. She's so great in this drama, very natural acting. Yoo Ji Tae charmed me with his charismatic smile. And Ji Chang Wook... wow! Swept me of my feet. What can I add about him that wasn't said before? I will just say this... I became a fan for life. Can't wait for his next projects.

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I don’t care about other dramas rating.. I don’t care if anyone trying to out do us and say their fav drama is bigger than Healer .. who cares man?? I know my taste .. I trust my taste .. I watched what you watched .. so yeah … Healer is THE BEST … :D  
I just don’t get some ppl.. China is big .. so is the world …… lets JCW/PMY share the market … not like your idol will lose out fans?  
Aiyah ….  Some people …
I watched the so call “Famous Drama” – I don’t want to name it .. hehehe..  what I can say it started out great .. it was awesome .. until it reach middle of the series … the leads’ chemistry suddenly faded … it’s either they lost their charm as the story start to focus more on the conflict .. or the romance not engaging enough .. could be the leads not convincing enough .. I didn’t see the chemistry (sometime the lead look like she/he is acting – not natural at all).. And for a 20 episodes drama it’s easy to loose it’s appeal… it lost it charm especially the romance plot once it reach the middle stage .. or once it past the “confession” stage … it get draggy … the romance plot is just some filler …  nothing to look forward to. 
Well … for Healer .. it got better and better … and when JH/CYS passed the ‘confession’ stage … OH… ME…. GAH … their relationship .. their chemistry became much more explosive .. every stares .. every gazes was filled with love .. I felt it … it leave me breathless … wanting more .. 
I love the skinship in Healer … it didn’t leave me cringing ..  like some drama they tried to make it too close and it left a bad taste … 
The skinships were well choreograph ..  combine with both PMY and JCW great acting skill (or may be they were not acting … hihi hiihi .. wishful thinking) … the result is mind blowing … And I think we are lucky that PMY is the actress … (I can name a few dramas that cast great actors but a so-so actress and the result was such a disappointment ) .. 
One thing for sure … JCW made an impact in the industry … regardless of the rating .. he made an impact … look at his insta … just checkout the internet .. you will see he is the most searched actor now … and internet doesn’t lie … 
So yeah … make way please for JCW … 
It’s .. JCW era …. 
The most hottest hunk alive

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Guest Cinderella1

dk_sadia said:

Reading the comments on Netizen Buzz is quite... perplexing. It's not the k-netizens who are doubting Healer's international success, but some international folks instead. I just don't see the point of attacking a drama so relentlessly. I mean, can't we all just love what we love? We're not fighting over popularity in here, geez. 

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Guest IguanaSoap

[Ratings: Tues, 02.10.15] ′Healer′ Ends at Third But With Much Praise

[Ratings: Tues, 02.10.15] ′Healer′ Ends at Third But With Much Praise

KBS′ Healer completed its run on February 10.

While the drama placed last among its competitors, the drama was still praised for its tight and intricately written plotline that addressed social issues as well as the strong performance of its cast members.

Healer went through a roller coaster ride when it came to ratings, having placed first, second and third during its run. It faced strong competitors such as MBC′s Pride and Prejudice, Shine or Go Crazy, SBS′ Punch and Secret Door.

Following Healer will be Blood, starring Ahn Jae Hyeon, Ku Hye Sun, and Ji Jin Hee.

Meanwhile, the gap between Punch and Shine and Go Crazy decreased on Tuesday night with only 0.9 percent separating them.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 - Dramas

1. SBS Punch 12.7→11.9
2. MBC Shine or Go Crazy 9.3→11.0
3. KBS Healer 7.9→9.0


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I woke up this morning very sad. I didn't have the powers to get out of bed, I felt like it's pointless. Then I realized that I haven't wrote my thoughts about the last episode properly. I must write down my thoughts, express my feelings regarding the final so I can have full closure.

Let me start by saying that I loved the narration parts by YS and JH. I couldn't contain my feelings during those scenes. Many times I felt like my heart will burst from wanting to see them together. It was so purely done, so innocent. And it gave me a feeling of completeness towards our couple. They never said to each other "I love you" and it was unnecessary. In fact, I never needed them to say it. Their actions and their words proved how much they love each other. It even went so far as YS offering to run away with him. She loves him so deeply and wants to be with him so much that she's willing to give up on her dreams and family. Could there be any greater sacrifice than this to show her love? Of course, JH loves her just as much so he will never be able to accept this offer. He even mentioned to himself "What kind of a man would turn his girl into a fugitive?"

I'm so happy that these two great people have found each other. The idea the writer had in mind, that allowed them to be together, was clever and awesome. In the final scenes we found out that they're spending so much time together, both in their career and in personal lives. They are never going to part again, not even for one second, just like they always wanted. I can't think of a better love story for Healer I think that love is so powerful and strong, making it one of the best love stories I've ever seen (which also have a perfect HEA).

Now to the events in the last episode. It had some flaws and holes as well as small things that were left open. We didn't fully know what happened to all characters like MS, his secretary and elder. We didn't find out if ahjumma started working as Healer hacker as before or if MH is still the president of Someday news. We didn't get to see fully family time, something like a dinner where they all gathered together, knowing what are they doing now. Now, there's something that bothering me, I will be happy if someone can explain it to me. The SS guys and their operators were arrested, PBS/Healer is dead but didn't they know that JH is Healer? Therefore, didn't they know that Healer is still alive? This fact is leaving me with deep thinking. Well, it's just weird.

Anyway, I was happy that many things were answered too. Daddy found the real identity of PBS, we saw that MS has gone completely crazy (it was one of the best scenes in episode 20), we saw that Myung Hee discovered that YS is her daughter. We didn't see her reaction to that, only the aftermath of the discovery which by itself was very emotional. It really managed to touch my heart strings. I'm happy to see that Moon Ho had a second chance to love and that he's starting again with his ex. She was willing to give him the opportunity. They were my second OTP in this drama.

There are so many things that make me consider this drama as one of the best. Spellbinding soundtrack, amazing directing, great camera work, well written story

and consistent characters that developed well. There were no more deaths, no major misunderstandings, no break ups, no fillers, no time skip... I cannot forget the little details that were put in the drama as well as fantastic dialogues. I really want to thank the writer and director for all that. Until the very end it managed to stay above the usual K-dramas

chronological events, which is utterly perfect. As a whole this drama can be considered as a real masterpiece. It had light humor, it was romantic, interesting, exciting, thrilling all the way and most of all, it was a sweet addiction. I really plan to watch all the episodes from the beginning.

Now, lastly I want to talk about Ji Chang Wook, Park Min Young and Yoo Ji Tae. They had the most amazing imaginable, strong chemistry I could have asked for. They were well suited for their roles, portraying them wonderfully. Body language and face expressions were perfect. The center of attention of naturally Ji Chang Wook, but they all made this drama so very successful. I can't wait to see them is the future, hopefully we will get to see them acting  together again. They really captured my heart in this drama like none of their previous works. PMY, I dare say that I'm having a girl crash of her. She's so great in this drama, very natural acting. Yoo Ji Tae charmed me with his charismatic smile. And Ji Chang Wook... wow! Swept me of my feet. What can I add about him that wasn't said before? I will just say this... I became a fan for life. Can't wait for his next projects.

@rrmski you express very well all our feelings, Healer fans, no matter if Koreans or International!

I become a fan for life for all the actors and writer!

It is my first time I know all the names regarding this show!

One more time Thank you Healer Team!!!

Thank you very much all the Fans of HEALER!

We love you Team Healer!

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he is in front of a mirror when he put the blood pack in his left pocket... that's why it looks like he put it in his right. there's no error in that scene

Exactly, it is the it was no error! And we have to know that the lens (when filming or taking pic is turns the imagines)

Fan art #Healer #jichangwook #parkminyoung #yoojitae

A photo posted by @bruxro on Feb 10, 2015 at 2:07am PST

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twin-twin said:
azzurri said:
I had one pet peeve with this scene.. .in that
the little tricksy scamp (love the term!) put the blood pack in his right jacket pocket instead of his left! So I guess we just have to assume he put a blood pack in both jacket pockets, but exploded the one on the left! LOL Just a minor peeve, doesn't spoil the end AT ALL for me. Love him anyway. Hehehe.

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Guest Leylalinn

@najmizah‌ .....yea i read that 9n knetizen. Uuurrggg so scary. Some of them hate it. And always compare jcw with lmh. Jongsuk. Ksh. Jcw only following(or duplicate)lmh??? Im totally not agree. Jcw is just begin to popular. Lmh jongsuk jo insng...is like senior in gaining popular.

Even lmh ..jo insung jongsuk ksh...is handsome also.and their drama was good. But im more hooked with jcw. Yeaa bcoz i just like jcw. Face body voice and he ia shy person. I totally in love.

And one person coment is scary...she said jcw short and...LMH . Aargghhh so angry. I just want to punch her face into dirtyplace.

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Guest najmizah

Bambiina said: I don’t care about other dramas rating.. I don’t care if anyone trying to out do us and say their fav drama is bigger than Healer .. who cares man?? I know my taste .. I trust my taste .. I watched what you watched .. so yeah … Healer is THE BEST … :D  
I just don’t get some ppl.. China is big .. so is the world …… lets JCW/PMY share the market … not like your idol will lose out fans?  
Aiyah ….  Some people …
I watched the so call “Famous Drama” – I don’t want to name it .. hehehe..  what I can say it started out great .. it was awesome .. until it reach middle of the series … the leads’ chemistry suddenly faded … it’s either they lost their charm as the story start to focus more on the conflict .. or the romance not engaging enough .. could be the leads not convincing enough .. I didn’t see the chemistry (sometime the lead look like she/he is acting – not natural at all).. And for a 20 episodes drama it’s easy to loose it’s appeal… it lost it charm especially the romance plot once it reach the middle stage .. or once it past the “confession” stage … it get draggy … the romance plot is just some filler …  nothing to look forward to. 
Well … for Healer .. it got better and better … and when JH/CYS passed the ‘confession’ stage … OH… ME…. GAH … their relationship .. their chemistry became much more explosive .. every stares .. every gazes was filled with love .. I felt it … it leave me breathless … wanting more .. 
I love the skinship in Healer … it didn’t leave me cringing ..  like some drama they tried to make it too close and it left a bad taste … 
The skinships were well choreograph ..  combine with both PMY and JCW great acting skill (or may be they were not acting … hihi hiihi .. wishful thinking) … the result is mind blowing … And I think we are lucky that PMY is the actress … (I can name a few dramas that cast great actors but a so-so actress and the result was such a disappointment ) .. 
One thing for sure … JCW made an impact in the industry … regardless of the rating .. he made an impact … look at his insta … just checkout the internet .. you will see he is the most searched actor now … and internet doesn’t lie … 
So yeah … make way please for JCW … 
It’s .. JCW era …. 
The most hottest hunk alive

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Noxn said: Reading the comments on Netizen Buzz is quite... perplexing. It's not the k-netizens who are doubting Healer's international success, but some international folks instead. I just don't see the point of attacking a drama so relentlessly. I mean, can't we all just love what we love? We're not fighting over popularity in here, geez. 

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Guest Cinderella1

To be honest , the writer was not generous with us , we've been on our nerves for the last couple of weeks and what do we get in the final episode ?? few romantic seconds with our OTP :( that's it ??
and the last scene on the rooftop was shot from afar , not close enough to remember those lovely moments =((


i needed my "after 10 years" moments , so bad
i wanted to see Jun Ho enjoying his life as a normal human-being with his wife , doing normal stuff , cooking , playing with his kids , inviting his friends to dinner : Ahumma married to the detective :D with her twin sons (computer geniuses) , KMH married with his girlfriendand a child , his mother and in-laws
having a dinner party , happy together (like their parents in the photo )
wow , this would have been awesome


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