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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Since everyone is posting their stories, I would like to share mine as well. :D :D
I never thought I'd be this attached to a kdrama ever. 3 months before, I've read casting news about this show in Dramabeans. Back then, I couldn't care less. I was not a fan of anyone who was casted in this show, though I did watch some of PMY's dramas. :)>- :)>-I remember being bored because Tomorrow Cantabile was done. It was the only kdrama that I've watched that time, and even though it was great, it didn't really grabbed my heart the way Healer did for 3 months. :-? :-\"
I didn't have anything to do and so I clicked Healer on dramabay, you know, just to waste time. And oh boy, I didn't know it was a long slippery slope I'm getting into. Even though many of its viewers thought that the first episode was boring, I did not feel the same way. I was hooked by it right at the very first episode. I liked the vibe it gave off, like your watching something cool and you wish you were as badass as Healer. 
I can never forget the train scene where JH was stuck underneath one of the SS goons, and the way he said that that job is not worth the paycheck. I was literally going "oh richard simmons, move away fast" and laughing at the same time. I think that's when I fell in love with healer. I loved how giddy I feel whenever I see our OTP. I feel so excited whenever I see those two in my screen. I especially love the OTP scenes on the first half of the show because they were freaking adorkable. I love love love the scene where JH hid under YS bed and then she started singing and dancing, and taking her pants off. HAHA!! :)) =)) =)) Who could've forget that? That's the first time I saw Healer awestricken. But on the side note, I love that their relationship is realistic and honest. It's the "you ask, I'll answer" kind of relationship that you mostly don't see in kdramas. There's the fundamental trust between them. They both know what they want so they never thought of going down to Noble Idiocy Village. :x :\">
Aside from the OTP, who doesn't love Moon Ho? I think Moon Ho is one of the greatest character that I've seen in the kdrama world. He's character is very layered and I don't think he's just the second lead or whatever. I think of him as equal to JH and YS, because without him, nothing would have happen in this story. I love his broadcasts because you can clearly see how one person can make a change by using your own capabilities. \m/ \m/
Ahjumma! Saranghae! You're the coolest person I've ever known. Sometimes I pretend I'm hacker too because I wanna be as cool as you. And I hope you get your happy ending too, preferably with Det. Yoon? Because you two would look so cute together!! HAHA. 
But what I love about healer is that it has been my greatest distraction. I had a major family problem while it was airing and that's why I'm so grateful to Healer because it made me forget about my problems for a while. I know it's cheesy to say, but this show, in some way really healed me. 
Kudos! =D> =D> =D> =D>
And to all healerites out here, I salute you!  ^:)^ ^:)^ :-* \m/ \m/ B-)

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@aroma83‌, can I say that I love you? Thank you so much for your spot translations! I've been revelling in them... JH's interview.. So awesome. But the awesomest was that last one, the one on their mini date. When she talks about his 'it's-okay-now' hand... OMG it seriously gave me goose bumps! It's so utterly romantic, and yet it's not just romantic. Because we know what that kind of security means to CYS. And it makes so much sense that it's JH's hand that makes her feel this way. It's been that way since they were kids. Ahhhhh...... Love it love it love it!

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JH and YS's date:

JH: Miss, do u have time?
YS: I told u not to say things like that.
JH: Should we go for a drive at night?
YS: To where?
JH: Anyplace u want.
YS's narration: When i hold his hand, i always get the feeling that everything is going to be alright. That feeling starts at my hand, enters my whole body and then i relax. It's amazing really! A one of the kind in the world it's-okay-now hand.

JH's interview continues: Question, what are my likes? High places, first snow, small hands, pretty lips and her hair....what are my dislikes? Everything that makes us unable to be together..

YS's narration: What i like...his voice, his big hands, his smiling eyes..

Thank you very much for your trasnlations throughout the drama.

Can I say this is why I love SJN's writing, she makes me see their emotions without even watching the scene itself.

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Guest princesscinderella

aroma83 said:JH's interview continues: Question, what are my likes? High places, first snow, small hands, pretty lips and her hair....what are my dislikes? Everything that makes us unable to be together..
YS's narration: What i like...his voice, his big hands, his smiling eyes..

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aroma83 said: JH and YS's date:
JH: Miss, do u have time?YS: I told u not to say things like that.JH: Should we go for a drive at night?YS: To where?JH: Anyplace u want.YS's narration: When i hold his hand, i always get the feeling that everything is going to be alright. That feeling starts at my hand, enters my whole body and then i relax. It's amazing really! A one of the kind in the world it's-okay-now hand.
JH's interview continues: Question, what are my likes? High places, first snow, small hands, pretty lips and her hair....what are my dislikes? Everything that makes us unable to be together..
YS's narration: What i like...his voice, his big hands, his smiling eyes..

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The Blu-ray has been sold out! As it is a limited edition, there will be no more. But we still have plenty of DVD's! If you want to enjoy watching Healer again with deleted scenes, more BTS than the official website, and other special features, place your pre-order now to secure yourself a copy!
YesAsia ships globally except to Canada and the US, while Innolife ships globally, but UK is listed as "Kingdom." Instructions on how to order from Innolife with screenshots can be found here. The DVD's are playable in regions 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and the Blu-rays are playable everywhere. 

YesAsia DVD pre-order pageInnolife DVD pre-order page

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I like k-drama since about 10 years ago so I have watched a lot of k-dramas and movies.After watched all Healer episodes, I have concluded that it's the most favorite drama for me.Healer is really an amazing drama. =D> Every episodes got me amazed and impressed! I cannot explain the details since I'm not really good in pointing out whats in my mind through writing.. Many Healer fans here has pointed out many healer awesome details that I also agreed, for example regarding uri perfect Healer Couple, characters in Healer, and some scenes.Among all dramas I ever watched, only Healer got me this crazy and excited in every episodes. Healer really never disappointing.I did many things that I never did for all other dramas I ever watched. Only because of Healer I did these things for the first time:> Watching live streaming of Healer> Signing up in Soompi
> Joining forum to catch on every updates regarding Healer> Reading comments in Healer forum everyday> Watching so many fan-made MV of Healer OTP and downloading itI really appreciate everyone involved in this Healer production! This is really a great work! Thank you so much for bringing excitement every weeks (or even everyday! ^^). I enjoyed it a lot. Watching it once or twice is not enough of me, especially the OTP scenes.  :PHealer is so special and remarkable because everything of Healer is well-thought-out and well-done. Therefore for me Healer won't be forgotten.And one more thing: talk about the ending.. only some of my expectations happened in ep 20, but it's okay, I like the ending since it's happy ending and quite satisfying. ^^

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