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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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I actually am sad for Moon-shik's fate (not just because I'm lusting after his younger version), because he has to live with his "literal" ghosts haunting him. I feel sorry for him and wish that he could go back in time and make everything right. Just because he got caught to Elder doesn't mean that he's the villian. This drama taught me that you are your own worst enemy. If you hate yourself for who'd you become, you'll always be the villian. Kim Moon-shik-ah, I hope you get better and be a good person. Somebody whom Moon-ho can call his brother again.

I fully expected Moon-ho to get back together again with Min-jae. Moon-ho was such an experience for me. I'll be looking forward to his projects. I loved his grumpy face when Jung-hoo called him "Sajang-nim (Director)" and the bright smile when Jung-hoo called him "Samchoon (Uncle)" for the first time. He is such a kid sometimes. I'm so going to miss his saturi and sizzling stares...

Our otp.. I have no words... I'm not ready to let go...

Here's my list of people I really love:

1. Jung-hoo/ Healer/ Park Bong Soo

2. Young-shin/ Ji-an

3. Moon-ho

4. Ahjumma

5. Daddy Chae

6. Seo Jung-seok

7. Ahjusshi

8. Myung-hee

9. Dae-young

10. Moon-shik

11. Teacher and all friends

12. Min-jae

13. Detective Yoon

14. Sang-soo

15. Rest of the cast except- Elder and Sec. Oh.

Who's yours?

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Are we sure it's SJN's detailed script?? We know Puppy loves to direct his own scenes.. =)) =))  

/:) don't you dare to question his professionalism :P

I've always thought he isn't a puppy but a tiger grawrrrrrrrr. Haughty puppy :\">

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I figured I wanted to write something by tonight since its just over the finale...

I started Healer purely because of JCW. I liked him back then, but not yet the crazy level... But I just wanted to watch for him, and I rmb I was feeling unsure abt PMY at first and the reporter plot. But never was I so so wrong. It took a bit of warm up for me. But by ep 4-ep 6, I was completely HOOKED and obsessed and I just know this is going to end up to be one of those dramas I will fall head over heels for, chase weekly like crazy. I rarely livestream dramas, only if I'm completely crazy over it. So I did, started livestreaming since ep 8. JCW totally captured my heart from the start. His portrayal was so on point and keeps on getting better and better. He is the character himself. And im so glad to be leaving this drama w him as rly a new ultimate fav. Park min young, she prove me SO SO WRONG. Her role as Chae Youngshin was beyond awesome. Tbh, I like CYS character just a teeny weeny bit more than JH. While th character was well written, it was PMY who brought out the essence of the charac so well. I LOVED HER. :) Yoo Ji Tae, needless to say is stellar. Whenever he appears, he just capture your attn and he is so good. I love his portrayal of KMH!!!! The 3!!! Not to mention manymany side characs, ahjumma, daddy chae, myunghee, moonshik, ahjussi, teacher(!!), the 5 young friends, sec oh, daeyong etc!!! They were all so good!

The directing and writing of the drama was also perfectly done. What a rare gem in kdrama land, where everything is just outright honest and no makjang. Esp w the otp, they are so so solid. No misunderstandings or noble idoicy, just strongly in love, the faith the trust... Somehow also illustrates some sort of realism:)

And I started the drama the same time it air, althg regretably I only joined in this forum from ep 11. By then I was so crazy I just needed to join in. (I'm not someone who forums often). I'm rly glad and happy I joined in. Meeting you all so many awesome Healerites, rly one of the best choice Ive ever make!! You guys are so fun and funny (:P), so good to spazz with, making all the wait these weeks rly ggreat. So thank you everyone!!! Even thg I always asked myself why didnt I joined in earlier. And drg ep 11-14 I was still thinking theres still quite some weeks to spazz w everyone but wow, time flies and we're already at the end of the drama :( to everyone! Thank u!!! And the ororganizers of all the projs too:)

Sorry this gotten so long XD off to watch ep 20 raw again!

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actually i don't know what i should type here because i thought i should wrote it prettily.from the very start of drama, i have been awe with JCW's actions. even tho i've been following JCW's drama, but he gave me strong impression this time.but what's make me really like Healer, is because how the story and the characters are connected.so.. with an extremely big smile on me, i say...
Healer is my favorite k-drama ever that i'd never get sick even i kept rewatching it again and again.
every single episode, there's always mixed feeling on it.sad, angst, happy, funny, and even gave us a heart attack for the very last episode.everything is just perfect. Seo Jeong Hoo, Chae Yeong Shin, Kim Moon Ho, Ahjumma, even the story of five friends from year 1992 are amazing.not triangle love or sacrifice between main characters.because they are all deserved to have a happy ending!i love how Kim Moon Ho finally let his first love go, and move on.but because lack of time, some parts are just passed, but still not ruined the main story.
maybe it's the end of drama, but it's not the end of our love."WE CAN START AT THE END OF TIME, AND DO IT ALL AGAIN"
tumblr_njkechGflQ1qhh4wao1_500.pngSee you guys on JCW / PMY / YJT next project *cries*

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raasyndrome said: actually i don't know what i should type here because i thought i should wrote it prettily.from the very start of drama, i have been awe with JCW's actions. even tho i've been following JCW's drama, but he gave me strong impression this time.but what's make me really like Healer, is because how the story and the characters are connected.so.. with an extremely big smile on me, i say...
Healer is my favorite k-drama ever that i'd never get sick even i kept rewatching it again and again.
every single episode, there's always mixed feeling on it.sad, angst, happy, funny, and even gave us a heart attack for the very last episode.everything is just perfect. Seo Jeong Hoo, Chae Yeong Shin, Kim Moon Ho, Ahjumma, even the story of five friends from year 1992 are amazing.not triangle love or sacrifice between main characters.because they are all deserved to have a happy ending!i love how Kim Moon Ho finally let his first love go, and move on.but because lack of time, some parts are just passed, but still not ruined the main story.
maybe it's the end of drama, but it's not the end of our love."WE CAN START AT THE END OF TIME, AND DO IT ALL AGAIN"

See you guys on JCW / PMY / YJT next project *cries*

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Thank you to all live recapers! I guess this is the end. I am not ready for next week to come and no Mondays & Tuesdays.

This was wonderful drama and an even more awesome experience with all of you soompiers. I will definitely have withdrawals. Dramas like this one, only comes once in a while. It wasn't perfect but when you put all of it together, it just worked. It was magic and clearly we all felt it.

I am happy and sad, full of all kind of emotions. I need hugs, especially form the Healer Team!


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Guest Canavalia

Still have 35 pages of comments to read (are you serious???!!?) but let me just say this....

I'm puking rainbows and see unicorns dancing around me :smile:

I'm so happy... I don't know if I will be able to sleep.... ever.

It definitely felt rushed at quite a few places...

(how cmh found out about ja, what happened to kms,....) but at least it worked out for our opt.

It took me 90min to watch this episode... I kept replaying the cafe scene where jh beats the two guys up while talking to her father ...hahaha... then kept replaying the almost kiss in the cafe - hilarious xD - and PBS(?) at Someday news... not even caring about PBS at all. Loved it !!!

Even Secretary Oh had a couple of funny moments in these last two episodes: In episode 19 where he keeps cleaning his suit with a lint roller after the conversation with kms ... HAHAHAHA

Or when JH messed up his necktie in ep 20 and 15 seconds later its neatly in place again.... ^^

So much fan service,.... for me ★

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I'm there with you on wanting more of the Ep 15 kinda scenes, but this just made me laugh out loud! :))  - "please give me deep last kiss tonight pd-nim " .. You surely don't want the PDnim to give you a deep kiss, right? :))

@dk_sadia‌ @sunshine15‌

sorry late post


just got back home and i see this notification... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


seriously i was hyper stupid, cant stop laughing ryt now... hahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahah

it's the end... happy 1000 pages...

a lil bit dissapointed with the ending, i was hoping healer family and more lovey dovey scene... but its all good, he gave me the kiss, i mean pd-nim gave US OTP kiss hahahahahahah

see u all again... in another drama...

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Guest keroppikero

heartoppaya said: Here's my list of people I really love: 1. Jung-hoo/ Healer/ Park Bong Soo 2. Young-shin/ Ji-an 3. Moon-ho 4. Ahjumma 5. Daddy Chae 6. Seo Jung-seok 7. Ahjusshi 8. Myung-hee 9. Dae-young 10. Moon-shik 11. Teacher and all friends 12. Min-jae 13. Detective Yoon 14. Sang-soo 15. Rest of the cast except- Elder and Sec. Oh. Who's yours?

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Guest betchay

What a wonderful journey! The ending is perfect even though I cry for more of JH and YS moments. This is indeed a very satisfying drama from the beginning to end. I wished all drama are like this. A masterpiece  from writer SJN.
Healer...PBS... JH you will be missed!I will miss your sexiness, sweetness and HOTNESS.I love you... drama. I'll see you on my computer screen again.
Back to my re-watching mode!

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briseis said: So YS' and JH's epic lovestory concludes and where better for it to end than on a rooftop! However, their life together is only starting now and that makes me squeal in glee :x . SJN does really know what the fans want and she isn't afraid to give it to them. I love that it ended with them both working, living and loving together. It was great to see JH to be finally able to live his own life, as himself, with the woman he loves and also for him to walk in the footsteps of his dad. I love that SJN kept his air of untameability because him being a wildcat, a leopard, is something inherent and integral to him, just like his martial prowess or his goodness or his love for YS. In the end, for me the ending was perfect not because good defeated evil but because JH was given the life and love he deserved so much. Of course, there could have been more OTP moments or a prolonged conclusion for more characters but we know that's only our own fangirl greed talking; we all know how tight and demanding the filming schedule was and that there is only so many minutes the final episode can last. I can vouch for this show I'm suffering from gastric flu from this morning, being pale, sick and unable to stomach anything but the final episode truly helped me - Healer DOES REALLY HEAL!!!I can'T wait until I can get my hands on the whole episode video and start writing about all the awesomeness.

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YS's home:
YS: Jung Hoo-ah..JH: U almost hit me. Close your eyes..JH to father: Hello, I'm Seo Jung Hoo. I had a situation all this time so I wasn't able to tell u....Young Shin, are u still alright?YS: I'm not looking...JH: Guys like them, they may come here again...Young Shin-ah...YS: I already closed my eyes...Are u done?JH: Yes.JH: I'm sorry. I have some unfinished business with these guys. And please call the cops..Ajussi: Yes, I understand.JH: Tell them these guys forced their ways in and don't tell them about what just happened here..Ajussi: Yes, I'll go do that.Father: Wait...so your name isn't Bong Soo?JH: Yes, that's not my name. Father: Are we in danger now, is YS too?JH: Yes, that seems to be the situation now.Father: Start explaining now...JH: My father, my teacher and YS's father, they died because of some people...so I'm saying.....YS: Appa, our fathers were reporters, they discovered a crime committed by these people and got killed because of it...JH: That's right..YS: But no matter of their wrong doings, there isn't anyone to make these people pay...so we've been doing that...he's been doing that until now...he's fighting to stop them...JH: That's right..YS: And they keep acting cowardly like this, they blackmailed him and sent these guys to me...JH: That's the story u see..Father: Wait...what are u saying? Murder? Reporters?JH: Considering all these facts, I'm taking YS with me.Father: What is he saying now?JH: As u can see, here is too dangerous now. I have a safe place...Father: U...is not okay, to leave my daughter to some guy i don't even know? That's unthinkable.JH: He said no...alright, i understand..JH: I'll go find out if we can use a house nearby. I'll come back again...JH: Just 5 second...(he hugs YS)...Alright...YS: Come back quickly..JH: I know.JH turns back a second time: Be sure to eat right. Be good, listen to your dad.JH to Father: Have a nice meal...

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Guest nicesmile

Apologize to you about the Maldives
It was just my dream of one day
I wish I did not dream it

But why
Despite a happy ending
I feel it's not enough for me
Apparently because I expected more
Episode 20 was crowded
Need more 21 episode after it
With the wedding scene
In the presence of everybody's happy together
And ends with a scene of the newlyweds kiss
With applause from everyone, happiness and smile

Am I greedy ???
They deserve it all

But thank you for it a happy ending
:-? [-(


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