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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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JH being framed? No...please writer-nim. Jebaaaaaaal! He was framed once. Don't do it twice. Though his Teacher had confessed that he's Healer to clear JH's name, framing him again isn't right. The sacrifice of his Teacher will become worthless if he will be framed again. Also, Detective Yoon doesn't believe that Teacher is Healer. So, jebaaaaaaaaaaaalll..

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No one saw Healer with the ex-cop right? Right?
Gosh, that look on CYS's face.. that is definitely the look of "he killed him.." kinda look.
I want her to believe her instincts. She trusted him before she knows exactly who he was, how he looks like. She can't believe him less now that he had open himself to her. He even told her about his dad was accused of killing hers. He is trying his best to be as open as he can. For someone like he said, he is always never himself, he is trying to be as "naked" towards her as possible. Hope she remembers.
The scene whereby she chased after him and tells him to come after he found out. Even if he cannot find out also come to her. I want her to remember that.
How are we going to survive another 6 days?!!?!?!

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so...lemme get this right, the writernim and PDnim gives us a lovey dovey full of rainbow in ep 15...
and now gives us a big confusion regarding what'll happen to JH, YS and what'll she think about it..

yet we have to wait 7 days until next ep.

:-t  =;

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juzluvpink said: No one saw Healer with the ex-cop right? Right?
Gosh, that look on CYS's face.. that is definitely the look of "he killed him.." kinda look.
I want her to believe her instincts. She trusted him before she knows exactly who he was, how he looks like. She can't believe him less now that he had open himself to her. He even told her about his dad was accused of killing hers. He is trying his best to be as open as he can. For someone like he said, he is always never himself, he is trying to be as "naked" towards her as possible. Hope she remembers.
The scene whereby she chased after him and tells him to come after he found out. Even if he cannot find out also come to her. I want her to remember that.
How are we going to survive another 6 days?!!?!?!

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Bad drama, evil drama! The cliffhanger is too cruel!!!

Now how will I survive until next week? OMG.... are they going to frame him? This is so wrong, so unjust!
YS, you better believe that JH didn't do anything or else, I won't love you anymore! Why would she think he killed him? He has no reason to kill that man. In fact, he has more than enough reasons to keep him alive.

In this episode, my breathing stopped. What an episode.... very suspenseful!

And I was so sad during their scene... I was crying and laughing at the same time. Crying because it was so sad and laughing because of her father reaction! AMAZING AGAIN! I love, love, love this drama but I hate what it is doing to me!

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Guest uctqepe

the guy with the baseball bat was the same person who attacked MyungHee and JiAn, rite? his face was really blurred when he killed the key guy, or maybe just the bad quality of my streaming.., i hope someone can screencapture his face... 
edit: got it. LOL this guy needs to die ASAP. STAT!!tumblr_niuaqq57AD1txqz2wo1_540.png

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Guest charliew

Its only 4 episodes left and there are lotS question to be answered. How they're going to clear SJH's father name, Sobu and SJH himself? and the mystery of 1992?? Is this going to be other k-dramas that they will answer all the questions on the last 10 minutes of last episodes..uugghhh!!

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Yes I am with you all in hoping that CYS will NOT believe that SJH is a murderer. She cannot be that fragile. I'll be too flaming disappointed in SJN, even though it's all about milking the angst as much as possible. They need to stay together as a real team to fight KMS and that blasted Oroshin. Sorry guys, sorry, I'm starting to swear. Believe you me, I've been swearing at my PC screen since that last 5 minutes happened. 
Right now my faith is in JH to figure this out. KMS just cannot succeed in framing both father and son. That's so wrong. He's just gone - beyond redemption. Pure evil. Let's send him to the pits of hell, Healer. I'm with you on that! What a load of c*ap to cry over his 'supposed' dear friend -Teacher. He's just... urgh I can't even express how much I hate him!  X( X( X(
MyungHee might just kill him in his sleep! Anyway one of the best things about this episode is MyungHee. Or the return of the Real MyungHee. I hope she kicks a*s - well, as a figure of speech. If CYS doubts Healer, I hope her mother will set her right. I'm really hoping for a mother-daughter reunion in Ep 17! Things are coming to a head, and getting more exciting. I'm a little worried about SJH though. He's just essentially still such a baby - really fragile. He was just tasting happiness for the first time. I hope he keeps his head about him, I hope he strengthens himself. CYS may fall apart but SJH - you are NOT allowed to!
You have ajumma remember? And isn't this the perfect time to bring in reinforcements ie Daddy Chae's ex-gangster friends - they should be able to provide valuable help right around now. Sigh. Sorry.. I'm just writing what is coming out of my head. 
Now I live for Friday - waiting for the written preview. 

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At the situation, I can understand why CYS will read it as "he killed him". He was holding onto a dead man, murder weapon nearby. Although frankly I think everyone who murdered someone will never linger around but she might think he might have accidentally killed him.
But now she knows Ahjumma & MoonHo and I am very sure Ahjumma will vouch for Healer. Esp after Teacher had told JH that killing someone is inhuman and one must remain human so that he can meet the people he wants to see again.. people who had left before them. I am sure Healer never meant to kill anyone, even if he said so. It's not in his blood to kill.
We trust Healer right? And let's trust writer-nim that she will let uri CYS have the same faith like us!

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