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[Drama 2014] My Lovely Girl 내겐 너무 사랑스러운 그녀


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@bebebisous33 I have also thought the second possibility and it seems to me more likely. At least, I guess we'll see some together scene at the beginning of new ep but I'm worried and think that more angst also waiting for us because the devil CEO learned the truth and he will not give them a break :-S

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She'll probably not walk away since we saw the hug in the spoiler pics. But I agree with @bebebisous33, I think she may faint because of exhaustion. And swearoneverythingthatsholy, if Neighbourhood Ahjusshi Lee Hyunwook does not bring her home with him, I am going to thwack his head upside! 
I think Hyunwook will probably bring her back in AnA and as she's finishing her work with Shiwoo, Jaeyoung will throw in the big bomb to screw over Shiwoo's progress and of course, Hyunwook's life. That should be the next episodes cliff hanger if I had my way. Tho of course, I'd rather Hyunwook spills it. But then again, seeing Jaeyoung's reaction if Sena doesn't push Hyunwook away would be mighty satisfying. I'm in two minds about this. But I think we're in a win win situation if everything goes as plan lol.

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@kseeker16_9cc6 Aww that's such a sweet write-up! I love them together both in Reel and Real life. Like I said in my previous post, I think he's definitely an oppa to her on sets and looks like he takes care of her very well. I think they're just adorable and comfortable together. I love the bts you mentioned! It was cute that he watched her finish it and even cheered her on because she seems unsure of the stairs lol. 
Rain is such a choding in RL so its probably easier to jell in with the younger bunch. He seems like he gets along really well with L too from the pics I saw. I hope they both get to perform in the SBS awards in december (they're combining the drama and entertainment awards this year, I think). 

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@strawberries34 I am not so sure if SN will go back to ANA because this move would make HW appear weak as president and even undermine his authority. She might even refuse to come back but instead want establish herself as independant songwriter. She has already two commissions and HW would still be able to help her due to his connections. But that's only another possibility.

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bebebisous33 said: @strawberries34 I am not so sure if SN will go back to ANA because this move would make HW appear weak as president and even undermine his authority. She might even refuse to come back but instead want establish herself as independant songwriter. She has already two commissions and HW would still be able to help her due to his connections. But that's only another possibility.

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strawberries34 said: bebebisous33 said: @strawberries34 I am not so sure if SN will go back to ANA because this move would make HW appear weak as president and even undermine his authority. She might even refuse to come back but instead want establish herself as independant songwriter. She has already two commissions and HW would still be able to help her due to his connections. But that's only another possibility.

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@bebebisous33 I don't think Hyunwook would actually leave AnA if he finds out that his father wasn't having an affair or is really going to pass away. I think Hyunwook actually loves the company since its where his career first started, where he met Soeun, where he fell in love for the first time and where he does what he loves doing - writing music. 
I think the reason he wants to leave is because his desire of writing music was lost when he lost Soeun. So staying in a place that just reminds him of what he can't do anymore is rather difficult. Falling in love again and having Sena around may bring back that desire. It has been hinted a lot when Sena asked him if all he needs to do is fall in love to get back to producing music. That's possibly the key to everything. 
I personally want him to stay in AnA and establish his career there again. He can help revive the company after Jaeyoung's departure left a huge void. As for Sena, maybe after her song for Shiwoo is successful, he can 'scout' her back in AnA and then they can work together in creating music. I'm not sure how this is going to work out ~ independently or in AnA, but I hope they can work together doing music. Its part of the healing I've been waiting for but haven't quite gotten yet. And for the next few episodes, I hope they can focus on how to bring that back in Hyunwook's life.

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@strawberries34 I really like exchanging my thoughts with you because it seems, we have the same taste and even the same expectations. I also want to see HW doing music again and like you said, the part of healing process needs to become more central.
Therefore I don't want to see any push-pull actions any more from our OTP. I loved the way they connected and interacted from the start and even the two last episodes that had heavy and tearing parts also had really beautiful scenes, f. e. the one on the roof where she had to count or even the last scenes, where HW exploded in front of HY and SJ.

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Guest kseeker16_9cc6

strawberries34 said: Rain is such a choding in RL so its probably easier to jell in with the younger bunch. He seems like he gets along really well with L too from the pics I saw. I hope they both get to perform in the SBS awards in december (they're combining the drama and entertainment awards this year, I think). 

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I watched the ending of the last episode again and noticed that HY really wanted HW to feel guilty for SE's death. She said that SN and HW couldn't be together because if SN found out how SE died, SN would never be able to love HW. This sentence really proves that she is using HW's feelings against him: she knows, he feels guilty and responsible for her death, but we saw the car accident and he wasn't responsible for that event. That's really low from HY. 

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I'm going crazy
ah, it's so annoyingif  Hyun Wook wants to make up the things he need to tell the truth ...may be , Sena loves him so much that to overcome all hindrances!!Instead Hyun Wook chose to lie and look like a jerk in front of her, in order to come off without her to know the real reasons.   why? is not the same if she hates him because he played with her, or if she hates him because he hid the truth? what does it matter why she is upset? the feeling is the same , angry!!but knowing the real reason because he wanted to break their relationship, despite the feeling that he has for her, it is possible for her to reconsider ... Thank heavens that at the end of the episode he flipped everything and went after Se Na ...
oooo I felt butterflies in my stomach for them because it is so dizzying to get back with the one you love after you thought it was over, so wonderful ...but the barrier still exists ,as long as more people learn about it, finding the truth will be more painful for her and guilty for him!!!aaaaaaaaaaaigonaega michyeoss-eomichyeoss-eo

ps.for this I  like him more, 
because Shi Hoo is so abruptly honestTe1ftYp.png?2

and L has some very sexy dimple


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Guest hanaf1430294020

please please :) does any one have eng trans for g.brown too lovely girl for me , lyrics ?

i love this song its so amazing

and whats the song in the end scene of ep10 ? any one knows?

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Guest hind1430292929


said: So what will happen in the next episode?

I can imagine, SN will faint. We saw in the last episode, she was very sick and still had fever. But what will HW do?

1. Bring her to the hospital

2. give SN a piggyback to his home and take care of her

3. give SN a piggyback, bring her to her flat where her friends are waiting for her.

I prefer definitely the second possibility... because I love watching many OTP scenes

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