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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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List to blames from ep 1 - 8 :
1. SY = because she made the offer, hv felling with married man, ....2. SH = because he accept the offer, ask ride bicycle, bla bla bla 3 HJ = because she spent all her husband money and than want kill her self in ocean, accept mw's offer to babysister roy, drink wine with MW, bla bla bla.... and hv her sixth sense ... to know that her husband hv a feeling to another woman... (this is woman's specialty)4. MW = because he made the offer for HJ, womanizer , hv a child with another woman, intervene SH-HJ problems,....5. Attorney choi = because his son hv a scandal and someone want put his son in jail ... and than he accept MW's offer to work with him... (if he still work for SY, at least SH will not worry about SY)6. Dong chul = because he want to help SH, he made arrange meeting for SH-SY


7. Do sik = because he take SH money and then suicide 8. ............ ? ...the last to blame : hormone the most person to blame : the writer-nim, we're just his victim.........  ^:)^

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Those shoes again!!!  ;

Right! Did Se Young made that offer to them in revenge for not able to purchase, own that pair of heels to begin with! Well, right after she tried it, she called Seok Hoon over to retrieve the shoes! So I guess it must be those shoes that tempted Se Young to make that deal! Lmao!
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tessieroo said: Still no word on what was in SY's chart (in the subs) I took a picture but still can't quite make it out. I thought it said uterine tumor? 

EDIT: @Lmangla - I prefer answer C (the red velvet w/blueberry filling) The only thing I know about LJJ is how amazing hot his kiss scene was in "Fugitve Plan B". *hee* Thanks so much for all your insights, I'm sometimes at a loss understanding the meanings behind what these characters are saying.  :-S

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Guest chll51

So episode 8....LQSdKd.gif
Like what a mind fudge it was. Never mind the beginning, I'm trying to really understand what the hell was HJ hearing during her talk to SY. Like SY was literally saying, "He loves you." And all HJ could hear was, "He don't love you. I'm am acting superior...blah blah and some bull$h!t that people who insecure think." LIke I can't even comprehend her reaction to SY.SY: your husband loves you.HJ:tumblr_m37w9bvduW1qbb77eo1_500.gif
SY: he gave up everything for you.HJ:glee-season-5-canceled-emotion-gifs-leam
SY: never mind. You stupid stupid girl. I'm done. 
That's basically what I saw through their conversation like seriously...It wasn't even like SY called her out to insult her and richard simmons. I don't understand HJ and at this rate, she's a mood killer. Seriously. I don't know what the writers are doing with HJ as a character.dont-care-nope-Steve-Carell-The-Office-G

And I forgot to add, since everyone's putting in their 2 cents. I say the only one that end up happy is HJ's brother with SY's sister. Probably. SY's either dead or well, dead. MW is still a child. SH will find his own success and Roy will live with HJ, completing her life. The company will be run by SY's right hand man who's now MW's right hand man. That's my prediction and I am sticking to it.

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I loved ksw and Cjw in stairway to heaven, but in this drama I really like hong joo and kang min woo. Especially Kang Min Woo!!! He is such an incredible man!!! Even though he has feelings for Hong joo he does nothing. It's actually very adorable and cute!!!!

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I agree with @sogazelle I am not shipping HJ/MW. Actually, I am with most of the people here shipping SY/SH.


On the issue on whom is at fault. I think the one to blame is SH. If he has been more cautious with people and not believing with the idea that he trusts everyone, then he could’ve prevented his business going bankrupt and he wouldn’t faced embezzlement. I’m not sure if everyone’s with me but one thing I did learn is to ‘trust and validate’. Anyways, if SH prevented his company going bankrupt then we don’t have a drama and this discussion wouldn’t have existed. =))


HJ did however pushed SH (as other’s pointed out) to accept the offer SY made. This I can’t understand, why would SY help a random person whom she only knew because she once interviewed him. I knew SH and HJ saved a man’s life but she is not related to that person. Does rich people deliberately help poor business man facing an embezzlement? How can SH be her first love? Maybe there’s more story to it other than the interview scene. I just don’t buy that your first love is someone whom you just interviewed. You can’t gushed over that uhmm.. one hour formal interview and a few minutes interaction about idealism and business perspective. I have interviewed people as well and I don’t think that is really possible or maybe this is just me.


But then we go to the fact that SH made a 3 dollar deal with SY. Why would he do that? He just left SY with a wrong impression. That’s a wrong wrong move. If really does not want to have any relation with SY. He should’ve stick to purely working with SY. What would his wife think if HJ knew that he biked with SY in Hongkong. As much as the scene is enjoyable for us, that should’ve been a no no for SH. I am convinced that HJ has the right to be mad at SH. When SH got back from Hongkong, I am not sure if he has explained well to HJ what happened. He should’ve tried explaining that nothing happened. Or maybe I missed a part where HJ was the one who said to forget what happened(I should re-watch those episodes). Anyways, I am not saying that HJ is purely innocent here. They’re both at fault but it’s mainly SH. Who in the right mind would try to prove that you have no special relationship with another woman by working with here. How do you expect your wife to believe you. If he’s in the right mind, he should cut ties with SY completely after the Hongkong deal. Idk, it seems like from what other’s dislike with HJ, SH is really doing the best he can to save their marriage but unfortunately the ways SH is trying to save his marriage are wrong. When HJ worked for MW, he should’ve stopped HJ but what did he do?


SH’s wrong action leads to HJ’s irrational decision. And now we’re down again to SH’s action with the divorce papers. If he does sign it, I think he does not wholeheartedly wants to save his marriage.

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Am I the only one who thinks HJ already "hated" or can't forgive her husband for whatever reason they lost their baby, or for how they handled that situation? 
I believe all this pointing fingers  and  "you betrayed me, you should be perfect"  thing of hers come from somewhere/somewhen before Hong Kong... 
I don't know...Los Angeles Girl 030.gif
BTW, Isn't MW a lovable sexist? Every time he can't beat SY he's expecting/wishing her to retire and get married. Gold.
For anyone who don't like and/or hate SY now that some of you are contradicting yourself you can always come with us to the dark side we have cookies here and the sweet wife HJ is eating it all :D

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Guest lonely_snowflake

Hi everyone, I've been a silent lurker but this drama and all of the comments intrigue me, interesting indeed. Since it's only episode 8, I don't really have a shipping yet, because the story is actually similar to real but of course since it's drama there's time the writer-nim exaggerate some scenes.

I think my view till this last episode that it's all started from ego, every characters is merely human and all of them, separately, is individual and each individual has their own ego, no matter your position as a husband, a wife, a CEO or an employee or attorney, it's human, and human prone to make mistakes.

I think we can't just judge the character based on wrong or right, innocent or not, since they're all wrong, they're all not innocent, they're all adults. Bear in mind even adults can be childish sometimes, and all of this happened because those adults, 4 of them, are childish. They want something that they can't get, something they can't have, something they've lost or something that was them but now slipping away.

intriguing and interesting. Can't wait for the next episode

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did anyone think like this while watching?


beware the headless zombie in the back kid....


temptation in red -- don't look back...


kid, ruuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ~ this will not end well for you.....

P.S -- thanks to @
adikkeluangman for the stills....

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chll51 said: ...........

And I forgot to add, since everyone's putting in their 2 cents. I say the only one that end up happy is HJ's brother with SY's sister. Probably. SY's either dead or well, dead. MW is still a child. SH will find his own success and Roy will live with HJ, completing her life. The company will be run by SY's right hand man who's now MW's right hand man. That's my prediction and I am sticking to it.

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Im truly admire SY's character ..... look cold outside but actually she is really caring and harm person, straight person, brave, and the best part when she did wrong she will admitted it...  ^:)^  ^:)^  ^:)^  im so proud of her when she asked HJ's time to talk with her... she told HJ, that SH give up for everything to be back with HJ......   =D> but (i still dont know why) HJ see her with different eyes and told her that she is shameless and rude... oh come girl!!!! when she told you she have a feeling with your man you said its shameless and rude and then she admit her defeat and told you, your man truly love you, and then you still said it shameless and rude too???  =;  im glad SY give her slap with her word about she is not give yo about SH and she will wait him till he is come back....  :-bd 
and about SH..... he is the man who can separated between brain and heart..... even though sometime i dont understand him (example for ride bicycle) but yes, you cant control you heart, but you can used your brain to think more .... when he rejected SY, was indicated that he used his brain at least .... #-o

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hell59 said: I watched this episode raw, so I really could not figure it out what happened. Could someone, please, tell me what is going on medically with SY? And why is HJ acting like that, all victim, annoying-like when SH is trying to work on their marriage by quitting the job and buying new commitment rings? I am really confused. Why is HJ so darn annoying? Thank you!

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What I've seen so far?
1.. A mature woman who falls first time in her life! She knows all about business, money, power ... but is totally innocent in love. Last virgin on earth! (I really think she is a virgin ...
:\"> )
2. A woman who understood love like a dog held tightly linked chain. The dog is not allowed to watch, not allowed to know what happens beyond the chain length. But beyond the length of the chain there is a whole world, there is life, there are temptations ...
3. A man of honor honest with himself and honest with others ... A man who broke the chain ... but like a loyal dog he is not willing to leave his master,yet!
4. A libertine man who seems to have experienced many love relationships and has never been linked chain yet.
Conclusion: our characters, even though no longer young, must learn the ABC of love ...
At this point
the story seems nobody really loves anybody. Libertinism versus possessiveness, innocence versus experience, extremely selfish versus self-sacrifice, trust versus temptations

It will be a painful process ... in love and war everything is allowed.

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Guest adikkeluangman

Lmangla said: did anyone think like this while watching?

beware the headless zombie in the back kid....

temptation in red -- don't look back...
kid, ruuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ~ this will not end well for you.....

P.S -- thanks to @
adikkeluangman for the stills....

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