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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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the correct phrase is "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".

As to your questions @vareena you will find everyone is in the camp of sh/sy EXCEPT ME though I support and understand HJ and hope she goes Dark Side on their rears...I'm firmly in the HJ/MW camps....but I don't think the opposition team nor my side will be victorious because I think this is about SH/HJ and temptation Misunderstandings! Which SY deliberately do on her part.

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Haven't watched Ep 8 yet but to respond to some most interesting comments after spending an hour catching up on missed posts: Triton823 said: . Personally i don't buy that sh loves his wife period because any man with dignity would immediately separate himself from a position that could cause harm to his marriage. You don't put yourself in a position where your temptation is your weakness. 

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@29bellevie (I'm answering only for the parts you quote of me)....I do believe its SH pride since he is technically the MAN of the house but also SY warned SH that his wife would not understand the arrangement which lies the whole crux of the problem and SH/HJ mind also went into the gutter as to what she wanted from him.

As to Sh bypassing MW and going straight to HJ...now that I've never thought of...but again trust is a two way street.

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Just saw Episode 7:  Found the episode irritating. Sort of teasing and tempting yes, but in an immature and ugly way. I found the wife sympathetic until she got drunk with the CEO, thought she had more class than to do that.  And hard to beat the loathing I had for Dir Yoo when  in her confession she said she felt sorry for the two of them, ..........well if you believe that, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.  Oh that's right, it is okay to seduce a married man because its your "first love" and that makes it all okay - I think not.  If he was the one  seducing her, I'd have more sympathy for her vulnerability. But,  Director Yoo's  R&R  "outing", her coyness. eyelash batting and wide eyed little girl looks (* and that special touch of wearing the shoes he bought for his wife - but after all she feels so sorry for both of them!), all made me nauseous. And, for what reason and why  is SH even doing this?  This testing of what for what?  And the ultimate hypocrisy of asking his wife to trust him, yet he doesn't trust her for an inch.   After all is a marriage supposed to call for a human sacrifice?  Does a man put himself in the path of a hot woman then "deny" himself, to show his wife he will put up with suffering for her? Is he the Christ  telling the devil "Tempt me not".   Is Dir Yoo going to strip down naked for him while Edith Piaf  sings in the background to see if he can resist her?  (of course that would be worth watching) but in general. the whole premise stinks.   [-X

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If SY had not given him that 'indecent proposal' their debt would have destroyed their relationship and HJ might even have been dead....

I can't believe Hong Joo even left Seok Hoon behind to decide whether he's going to accept the offer or not! If I was her, I would of waited until he decided and if his decision is the offer, I would of die right there in front of him!

Who the heck would know if Se Young was just messing around with them by giving him work to do in exchange for the money! Please! Se Young knew exactly what she's going to get herself into yet she does it!

Victim! There's no such word as anyone being a victim in this drama! Everyone's at fault! There are so many things wrong in this drama which at the end, there may not even be one right!

By the way, hello, @xxxzxxx‌! Long time no see in soompi here! And sorry to cut your post!

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I'm 16 pages behind?   insomnia.gif
@chickpea - Whoa, awesome insights on page 56! Truly enjoyable read, thanks! 
@hazelzerone - *peeks out carefully* I'll try to be careful talking about SY when you're around. *keke*
@bukk1 - ROFL! Agree, I missed the part of SY having a degree in psychology or marital counseling. 
@twinkystar - I agree, I find HJ's reactions perfectly normal but that's me. There is a whole generation of women who believe it's better to close your eyes and pretend nothing is going on if you suspect your husband is seeing another woman (ie- let him have his mistress, you get the home and the title of wife) but I'm not one of those women. Hysterical confrontations, tears, insults - those are all normal behaviors for a woman if hubby is a cheater to me. I wouldn't stay silent. 
@moony94 - I do think SY was just about to tell SH about her meeting with HJ but she didn't.
@samara34 - Yes, HJ is just supposed to trust her husband and wait while he "tests" himself by spending time with SY - holding her hand, fixing her booboos, frolicking in the water, traveling with her... laugh3.gif
@Triton823 - I don't know why but I starting laughing when SH went running to the hotel. So much for his trust in HJ. Pfffttttt. You would think from his reaction he would understand how HJ feels since he just showed he doesn't trust her either. LMAO at your comment about it's okay for the guy to cheat but not the woman. It's amazing how strongly that mentality is being portrayed in this drama, even with MW and his wife. If I had a friend like HJ going through this, I'd tell her to kick SH to the curb. (BTW, I'm also a huge HJ/MW supporter but ALL of these people better wait until a divorce happens before taking thing any further if you know what I mean) :-w

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"you should forgive your husband even if he cheats on you" ; whereas," you brought dishonor to the family by cheating on your husband, you are a richard simmons" etc if the wife cheats.   Society is not as open-minded as we like to believe.   Adultery is adultery, it brings with it insecurities, lack of trust, lack of communication, anger, hatred, and sometimes the need to avenge.    A cheating spouse should never be given a second chance, because reality check "once a cheater, always a cheater".  I don't believe in forgiving, and i don't believe in forgetting:  in a situation like this, the relationship has to end.    I still insist how SH reacted was not acceptable.  I was once told "you never give a man an ultimatum", nothing tops a man's pride.  SH already insulted his pride by attempting suicide, her lack of trust in him, and the pressure she put on him financially regarding her father's home.   His only way out was to accept SY's offer, she gave him hope to get his pride back.  I think he was truely surprised when SH reacted the way she did, he believed that she understood him and his love for her.  He thought she trusted him.  Her reaction is the reason he wants to prove himself.

I'm getting off work, will finish this later :)

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Lmangla said: klouvios said: It's beyond boring.Loooooong scenes where the actors speak with their eyes. It looks more like a photoshoot not a tv series.And I wanted to watch something good with Kwon Sang Woo  :x :( And what about the leading actress...........lifeless. Couldn't they pair him with someone more energetic, more spirited? 

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@maddymappo‌, your post up there is epic!!! Lmao and loving it at the same time!

Hello, @tessieroo‌! It's nice to see you in here!

Yeah, @hazelzerone‌! That's me from Empire of Gold thread! Thank you for the mention!

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Guest anhay59

For me SY is taking advantage of the situation because she has the money and power! I don't like her at all! She could have helped SH in another way, but the indecent proposal? Come on peeps, there is nothing really to like about SY's character!

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@vareena - You've just hit on the exact reason I can't get behind SY no matter how they try to soften her character with first love nonsense or illness. Doesn't matter - she's wants another woman's husband. Period. 
@maartjeheit - Yep, SH has already emotionally cheated in my mind. He likes SY, he thinks about her, he wants to see her...and all of his actions show that he's putting SY first and to heck with the consequences. I think HJ was aware of his feelings & attraction for SY even before he was. He truly expects HJ to sit quietly, trust him and wait for him to get over this. 8-|
@sogazelle - Exactly. 
@ymiss - *waves* Nice to see you here! I too wonder how SH would have reacted if the offer of 1 million bucks came from a man to HJ. (and then HJ goes to work for him) Would SH trust her and wait patiently for her to work it out?  Hmmm, lemme think....NO! 
@Triton823 - Agree and this might be the very thing hurting HJ the most - the fact that SH didn't immediately remove himself from the situation. Nope, he continued dallying with SY believing HJ would trust him and wait. I'm proud of her too and delighted she's the one initiating a divorce. WooHoo! hapydancsmil.gif (Another BTW, I think HJ is gorgeous too but I'm fairly certain we're the only ones who like anything about HJ) 
@natalian - There are a few of here who don't hate HJ and in fact, are pulling for her. 

@maddymapo - I thought you got disgusted and left! I LOL'd at SY's "feel sorry" for them line too. It's fascinating to me though that I can't stop watching this, I'm hooked. 
Wait...the SY/SH shippers aren't happy HJ asked for a divorce? I'm so confused.  :-/



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