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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest chll51

Finished episode 5. Shut everything down. Hands down my favorite character is MW's wife whose name I can't remember. She hustled so well even Missy Elliott would be proud. She found out her husband got a secret love child in 4 episode, delivered an ultimatum in order to get security for her girls and herself and also, shut MW's mom down. I'm just like, "richard simmons yes, do you boo."
I realized I don't care for MW as a character. He's a douch through and through. Being kind to HJ doesn't elevate him from his assholery and wandering eyes. Somebody reminds him that he also has other children please. If he can't be a faithful husband, at least be a good dad to all his children. But alas, he seems to be like that. I don't appreciate the show trying to paint him as good and misunderstand. I almost cough a hairball when HJ says his 'extreme kindness', like okay, whatever.
Other than that, I am enjoying this show. HJ's dad and SY's dad remain flawless. Don't care for Roy either so it could go either way.

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chll51 said: Finished episode 5. Shut everything down. Hands down my favorite character is MW's wife whose name I can't remember. She hustled so well even Missy Elliott would be proud. She found out her husband got a secret love child in 4 episode, delivered an ultimatum in order to get security for her girls and herself and also, shut MW's mom down. I'm just like, "richard simmons yes, do you boo."
I realized I don't care for MW as a character. He's a douch through and through. Being kind to HJ doesn't elevate him from his assholery and wandering eyes. Somebody reminds him that he also has other children please. If he can't be a faithful husband, at least be a good dad to all his children. But alas, he seems to be like that. I don't appreciate the show trying to paint him as good and misunderstand. I almost cough a hairball when HJ says his 'extreme kindness', like okay, whatever.
Other than that, I am enjoying this show. HJ's dad and SY's dad remain flawless. Don't care for Roy either so it could go either way.

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k0de said: @tessieroo i really do hope she leaves him and runs into the waiting arms of Roy daddy only to get crazy wife full attention. i can't stand her character so im rooting for that.

without subs it seemed like HJ was implying things about SY you think she would just stand there in take it? no person with self respect would.
what are you talking about suicide attempt? HJ? SY? anyway it has nothing do with why she walked her bass into the ocean. Sy hasn't let it show she is interested in him it seems like your projecting.

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AGB Rating (Nationwide / Seoul)#1 MBC Triangle: 9.2% (0.8%) | 10.5 (-1.1%)#2 SBS Temptation: 9% (+0.7%) | 9.3%#3 KBS Trot Lovers: 7.5% (-0.1%) | 8.2% (-0.4%)
TNmS Rating (Nationwide / Seoul)#1 MBC Triangle: 8.8% (-0.3%) | 11.6% (+0.1%)#2 SBS Temptation: 8.8% (+0.4%) | 10.5% (-0.3%)#3 KBS Trot Lovers: <7.8% (-) | 8.1% (-0.3%)----------------------------------------It's great when Temptation's rating increased :D

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Guest chll51

kalidreamz said: chll51 said: Finished episode 5. Shut everything down. Hands down my favorite character is MW's wife whose name I can't remember. She hustled so well even Missy Elliott would be proud. She found out her husband got a secret love child in 4 episode, delivered an ultimatum in order to get security for her girls and herself and also, shut MW's mom down. I'm just like, "richard simmons yes, do you boo."
I realized I don't care for MW as a character. He's a douch through and through. Being kind to HJ doesn't elevate him from his assholery and wandering eyes. Somebody reminds him that he also has other children please. If he can't be a faithful husband, at least be a good dad to all his children. But alas, he seems to be like that. I don't appreciate the show trying to paint him as good and misunderstand. I almost cough a hairball when HJ says his 'extreme kindness', like okay, whatever.
Other than that, I am enjoying this show. HJ's dad and SY's dad remain flawless. Don't care for Roy either so it could go either way.

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@Triton823 - I don't really like any of the 4 main characters but I ADORE the actors. Ottoke? 
@maddymappo - Agree, if SY's intentions were anything but truly virtuous - she would have made the offer with both SH and HJ in the room, making it 100% clear it was business. Hell, she could have even offered to let HJ stay too and watch them work! Nope, she not only wouldn't allow him to phone his wife in the beginning, she TOLD HIM STRAIGHT UP at dinner what her intentions were: to be a "wave" that destroys his relationship with his wife. Dunno how much clearer she can get about what she's up to. 
@kalidreamz - smiley-greet013.gif Agree! I stated I didn't like HJ's reaction in my review when SH called her with the "good news" that it was just work. I'm not on either team but I am hoping SH/HJ get divorced quickly so that no one is cheating. I also kind of thought HJ will actually be the first to cheat - with MW. 
I have no words for MW, my initial impression is that he's a player and a bad father but if he changes for the better, I'm all for it. 

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Greetings, @foxssj2,

I don't fault HJ for being "concerned" about the offer from the CJW character.  From her perspective, it was weird, and that was the writer's intent.  I do fault her for not trusting her husband of more than 10 years.  If he had a history of cheating, then I would understand.  But if not, she should have waited for his explanation.  Instead she let her imagination run wild and refused to listen to his explanation of what happened those three days in Hong Kong.  She had a choice, trust her husband or not trust her husband.  She chose not to trust him and she's doing all this psychic temper-tantrum stuff which is just making the situation worse all around.  She tacitly believes her husband cheated on her based solely on his decision not to do her bidding (i.e., leave with her) and her own imagination, insecurity and jealousy while, at the same time, allowing Roy's father to hide the "proof" of his cheating (the child Roy) from his wife.  What she is doing to Roy's step-mother is actually worse than anything the CJW or KSW character did.  Right now, she embodies every negative trait leveled at women--clingy, over-active imagination, passive-aggressive, suspicious, self-righteous (or, at least unable to see her own vices while making mountains out of everyone else's).  What is there to like about this character?  Should I have sympathy for this woman because she see's her life as pathetic for a variety of reasons, i.e., lost child, husband's business failed, unemployed brother, frail father?  Sorry, I can't.  From my perspective, she has the one thing she needs to pull through all life's difficult times, a loving husband, and she's pushing him away.  Sometimes life sucks, but its still better than the alternative... and a nurse, or a mother who lost a child, should know that.

Someone said it well in an earlier post:  no trust, no love.  Maybe the "sandcastle" is a metaphor for the "house built on a foundation of sand" and that house is looking more and more like the KSW marriage.

Looking forward to Episode 5.

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tessieroo said: @Triton823 - I don't really like any of the 4 main characters but I ADORE the actors. Ottoke? 
@maddymappo - Agree, if SY's intentions were anything but truly virtuous - she would have made the offer with both SH and HJ in the room, making it 100% clear it was business. Hell, she could have even offered to let HJ stay too and watch them work! Nope, she not only wouldn't allow him to phone his wife in the beginning, she TOLD HIM STRAIGHT UP at dinner what her intentions were: to be a "wave" that destroys his relationship with his wife. Dunno how much clearer she can get about what she's up to. 
@kalidreamz - smiley-greet013.gif Agree! I stated I didn't like HJ's reaction in my review when SH called her with the "good news" that it was just work. I'm not on either team but I am hoping SH/HJ get divorced quickly so that no one is cheating. I also kind of thought HJ will actually be the first to cheat - with MW. 
I have no words for MW, my initial impression is that he's a player and a bad father but if he changes for the better, I'm all for it. 

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I find the men of this drama very noble. HS is a good husband, a good son-in-law.

MW, although his wife labeled him a womanizer, seems a good father and a good son. (quite patient too to his crazy wife)

both fathers of SY and HJ are nice too.

it's the women who cause problems in this series. haha...

down to the materialistic sister of SY...;)

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@kalidreamz - 
I thought I was the only person seeing that!  giggle.gif  SY is playing both of them (SH & HJ) She likes being deliberately ambiguous, she was that way in Hong Kong when making the initial offer to SH. Her purpose from the beginning was to cause a "misunderstanding" and she's succeeded perfectly. SH is falling into her trap, just like a moth caught in a spider web. HJ sees it but SH doesn't. OR he does but his attraction to SY (and her money) is too strong. 
The information HJ's father revealed was telling - HJ obviously grew up struggling (poor?) while girls her age were out shopping and into makeup. It's an explanation for why she reacted the way she did about the offer, maybe she has issues with rich people? But I still don't understand her reaction when SH called to tell her it was just work, she should have been overjoyed! Ya know, "Oh, thank GOD! WooHoo! Okay, Honey...make sure she pays you and come home soon so we can celebrate!" (well, that would have been my reaction - LOL) 
Yes, both SY and her sister are using money to lure in the man they're interested in. I loved Hong-Gyu's reaction to Se-Jin's little shopping spree with his hard earned cash. I'm already looking forward to Hong-Gyu finding out that Se-Jin's older sister is the woman who got in between his sister and brother-in-law. That's not gonna work out so well for her - he's very protective of his sister. This is where it gets sticky because SY might think she's just destroying one sand castle but there are other people who will be hurt by her little game, including her own sister. 

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Hello there!
I was about to watch IOTL(It's Okay, That's Love) but I was intrigued by this plot so I've decided to watch this first since I can't find a good site to watch  or download IOTL.
The first 5 episode was........ I don't really know what to say, soo speechless.  
The storyline was so good. I really like CJW's acting as SY and her role. Though her character is a bit bad, and selfish, what I like is, she remains to be strong. For KSW, his acting really never changes. still superb. I'm really anticipating on what will happen to HJ and SH's loveline and SH and SY's relationship (though its really about money).
For episode 5, I'm really curious about one thing. Remember HJ waking up in her sleep because of having a dream of SY and his husband were kissing?? There was a scene in episode 5 which we can see her having a great time in the bathroom and she was having a flashback about her and SH, and one those is the part that SH kissed her. Which was HJ's nightmare. Did the kiss between SY and SH really happened?

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@Tessieroo.I think HJ was not overjoyed by the call from SH because she never really trusted her husband (maybe she thought she did) but most important is that her problem was never really only him staying with SY per se. It was the fact that she failed in providing the money for her husband (failed suicide) while SY managed to succeed in the area she herself failed. That's why even if SY had given the offer as it being a normal job then SY would probably still be against it - excusing it as the offer being to good to be true.

  • "I know you are a strong man" (she did trust her husband for not cheating her) -- we are clear on her marriage trust issueI don't agree - she might have said these words but her actions suggest otherwise and for me action speaks louder than words. The first time HJ proved her lack of trust was in the act of her attempted suicide since that was basically her saying that she does not trust her husband to get us through the situation. Then she still moved out of the house not trusting in her husband when he got back and now in episode 5 when they had their talk under the rain she spoke about how he is a strong man but still said that she would start doubting him if he were to go on business trips. Her imagination of SY and SH kissing also proves that. HJ might be saying she trusts her husband but her actions prove that she does not really trust him.
    SH is not innocent himself (none of the four leads are) but at least he accept his faults. I'm a bit tired of HJ yelling at SH that it's all his fault - sure he did wrong but she made equally bad mistakes which always happened before he made his mistakes so to blame SH only is wrong. Her making mistakes does not really excuse SH doing the same but at least she should stop blaming him only. SH should have cut all contact from SY after the trip and HJ should not have left the house but since she did SH should straight up have told her to either get back home and live with him while working on their problems as a married couple or get a divorce.
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not sure about anyone else but there were parts of ep 5 where I started laughing because no one reacted the way I expected them to. maybe because it is a melo, one is expecting a certain kind of reaction and the characters instead surprise you..

agree with @k0de ~ think SY hit back at HJ purposely because she was ticked off. SY gave backhanded information to HJ that SH did not come to see her and that it was co-incidence that they happened to meet. as @chickpea said, fate here seems to be immoral because it keeps putting these two people together. that said, SY reminded me of those aliens (watch lot of sci-fi) who are about to devour their prey right after HJ ticked her off, the way she kept angling her head and shoulders -- she looked like a spider that was about to stab her victim. hahahah..  @hazerzerone, still think something about HJ ticked her off (maybe her suicide attempt) which is why she worded her proposal to SH in such vague terms....

so it was interesting that right after, when we see ready to get into the taxi, she looks exhausted. as @chickpea mentioned, SY did the same thing when MW's wife attacked ~ she purposely makes her words ambiguous and gets rise out of them and then walks away. what struck me was that this was probably a tactic that she may have used several times in her life. she is single, successful and ambitious and beautiful ~ even when she is not interested, the wives see her as a threat. sometimes, it can be exhausting to be single...

more to follow...

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was so happy to see attorney choi again! we also learn some interesting tidbits ~ he is quite paternal with her and he has worked with her for 14 years. he said he was worried that she had changed after Hong Kong but was relieved that she hasn't ~ he says this right after she refuses the tip off he gives her and he recognizes that she will not take any short-cuts. so he was worried that she may have slipped and something happened between her and SH and her refusal to accept the tip confirmed what he has always believed about her. found that scene interesting because it revealed that she has principles and will not deviate from them even if it means she has to walk up the mountain and it will take her longer. and this is why he has great respect for her.

as we can see, attorney choi is a fantastic gutsty man. am not sure if there are men who would go up boldly to their employer and tell him that he met with his ex-boss and inform him of what happened in the meeting as a last debt that he needed to repay. so if a man like that has respect for SY, then she is a woman worthy of respect. so the question is why does she act in a way that she purposely lets herself be misunderstood?

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was laughing at the scene with Manager Jo and SH because Jo looked so nonchalant about the whole thing; his reaction was like "so you worked and she paid you. okay...so what is the issue here?"... and when SH asks if Jo thinks he did something bad, Jo's response was too funny "do I look like your wife?"..... hahahahha... but his classic one-liner was the one that @kalidreamz mentioned "Misunderstandings lead to doubts ... and doubts lead to confirmations.  Women specialize in that, dude!" ... that was too funny even though am a woman.... 

but what was interesting about the scene was that Manager Jo was not scandalized that SH spent 3 days in Hong Kong working or that SY made the offer. he is scandalized and shocked when SH said that he is curious and wants to meets SY again... what that tells me is that he is familiar with SY's working style that he does not immediately jump to conclusions that SY wanted bed services. neither is he amazed that nothing happened because he believes that SH is not the kind of man who would ~ a contrast with HJ, who is the wife. but he is shocked to hear that SH is intrigued by SY ~ if a good friend is surprised, then a change has happened in SH that may not be reversible....

while it is super melo, found it funny that SY thinks of calling SH and there is a huge bolt of lightning and she stops.... instead, it is now SH coming to SY and the way he makes an offer for a job ~ he is purposely being vague like SY ~ "will you buy my time for 3 months, no 3 weeks?".. dude, what are you offering?

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