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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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fiovial said: An interesting article about the popularity of Fated To Love You among the desirable '20-49 yrs old' viewers.http://joongang.joins.com/article/aid/2014/07/30/14970498.html?cloc=olink|article|default

Article is basically saying how even though FTLY is garnering about 10% TV ratings this drama is actually very popular. The article talked about how the advertisements are all sold out and how it is one of the top 5 most searched dramas on Naver. An interesting point the article brought up is how popular this drama is among the desirable '20-49' age group. This drama is actually watched by 41% of the 20-49 demographic!In comparison last year's You Who Came From The Star had 25% TV ratings and pulled in 60% of the 2049 viewers. Master's Sun and I Hear Your voice pulled in 61% and 51% of the 2049 viewership.There seems to be a direct corelation between the interest of the 2049 demographic and advertising revenue. 
The article list the ratings% of the 2049 demographic as well as the cost of putting an ad during FTLY's time . 1st drama in the tables is You Who Came from the Star, FTLY is the 2nd drama.From the 1st table FTLY has a 8.7% national tv rating (I'm guessing this is data from 2 weeks ago :) ), the percentage of 2049 national TV viewer is 3.5% but FTLY pulled 41% of all the 2049 viewers.The second table list the cost. For FTLY a 15 second ad costs 13,485,000 won (approx 13,133 USD). Total advertisement time available per episode is 7 minutes. Advertising revenue ₩ 377,580,000 (approx $368,000). Total revenue for 20 episode ₩ 7,551,600,000 (USD $7,355,000 ---- that's 7.3 million USD folks!). 


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Guest ~dakieEe61325571021~

i can't concentrate every time i read discussion about Geon's father, i keep imagining Geon himself because dang~it, they have the same face basically all the gramps all have the same faces, so i just can't get serious about it... hahahaha

lord~ have mercy with my precious heart, i don't want to have any sin for shipping them too hard (ㅠ.ㅠ)
but the recently posted BTS is just so sweet like a candy, i think i will have imaginary diabetes because of them... 

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Guest patriarcha

I think I re-re-re-rewatched all 8 ep 12358955462 times waiting the news ep. 
I know I'm not normal but I also know that I'm not alone lool. Do you feel me chingus??!! :))

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Hei everyone,first time to comment here.Love the drama and i think it'sone of the best if not the best remake drama in asian drama history.Love the orignal but this one is super awesome and more realistic.Btw I'm surprised how Se Ra's character  isn't as annoying as Anna the original characterl.I remember that the reason why Anna came back  to Cun Xi was because she lost her job,and not because of their relationship :PAnyway i'm sure i'll start hating her soon but it's just that so far she's seems to be ok.I miss Anson thou :D

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@lclarakl, I meant to mention this before but I think Yong is the illegitimate son. That may be the reason his mother was crying and the grandmother talks about the men in the family having mistresses.  This would also be a reason why the grandmother treats Gun and Yong so differently, the whole son of a mistress thing.  Not sure if she was one of the household maids or she met him somewhere else and lured him in, but it's pretty evident that she was poor.  Just by the way she talks about having lived in a semi-basement apartment.  I just don't see Gun's father divorcing his wife for her or the grandmother allowing it.  Did both the parents die in the car accident or just the mother.  For some reason I thought the father died of the genetic disease.
Who do you guys think actually put the rumors in the paper about MY, the step-mother, Yong or Lawyer Min?  Anywho...I will be checking tomorrow while at work for all of the recaps of our wonderful snail couple.

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Guest bacom

narrubi said: stuartjmz said: In most of the threads I'm active i, there  are at least one or two other men keeping me company, but given the 1000 to 1 ratio of JH posts to JNR posts, and the fact that the "1" tends to be from me, I am feeling very lonely right now. 

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