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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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spideysteve said: sooyoungdaebak said: After reading what Mustarini posted about JNR role for her new drama, I wish it has no resemblance to KMY character. Reading the similarities between her new character and previous made me wonder why she accepted it, since she just acted that similar character. I understand the entertainment industry limelight span but I wish her character is very different than what she just completed. Oh well, maybe I'm the only one who thinks she's "wasting" her incredible talent by repeating a similar role. MBC better not screw us from not giving deserving awards to JH and JNR for FTLY.  I hope they will win more than Best Couple award. 

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Guest Kdrama-lover

After reading what Mustarini posted about JNR role for her new drama, I wish it has no resemblance to KMY character. Reading the similarities between her new character and previous made me wonder why she accepted it, since she just acted that similar character. I understand the entertainment industry limelight span but I wish her character is very different than what she just completed. Oh well, maybe I'm the only one who thinks she's "wasting" her incredible talent by repeating a similar role. MBC better not screw us from not giving deserving awards to JH and JNR for FTLY.  I hope they will win more than Best Couple award. 

@sooyoungdaebak‌ , you got a very good point there and so does @spideysteve‌. JNR is such awesome coz she gives back and doesn't turn her back on those who have helped her in the past. Taking on this new drama having barely rested and with another hectic, sleepless live shoot in the horizon., she sure is a keeper. MBC is fortunate to have shaped and nourish such a great talent and personality. :-bd :x

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@spideysteve, very insightful what you wrote since FTLY is the first JNR's drama I watched. She's a "new" actress for me. I saw bits of her appearances on tv before but I did not watch her other dramas. Thanks for the info.
@rienn I hope so too. I'm curious to see her looks for this drama. She did dye her hair reddish for FTLY.
Btw, I had to start writing down the He said/She said for ep 11 and 12 since I will be busy on Wed/Thurs. I noticed Geon was such an A$$ towards MY when he first read the news. It fits well with the old Geon. I really dislike SeRa in this episode and this time, I will include her She said for some scenes to show what a richard simmons she was. Urghhhh...this woman. 

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oh gosh ... @kdrama-lover ... that card is awesome  :x I am so happy that @songielove and @sooyoungdaebak received theirs already and that the cards were well received, I am so curious about the other cards, thought I do not see why a simple card should not be received in a greatful way, it's a sign of friendship and a common love twards the drama, so it's a sign from the heart ;) and I just like it ... I like it ... la la la la la  \:D/
For me it is like for sooyoungdaebak JNR is a "new" face for me, which does not spoil my appreciation :D for her skills ... I will certainly have a look into their (JNR, JH ...) new drama, thought I am a strange one, even if I loooove the one, does not mean I like the other one ;)

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Guest Kdrama-lover

oh gosh ... @kdrama-lover ... that card is awesome  :x

I am so happy that @songielove and @sooyoungdaebak received theirs already and that the cards were well received, I am so curious about the other cards, thought I do not see why a simple card should not be received in a greatful way, it's a sign of friendship and a common love twards the drama, so it's a sign from the heart ;) and I just like it ... I like it ... la la la la la  \:D/

For me it is like for sooyoungdaebak JNR is a "new" face for me, which does not spoil my appreciation :D for her skills ... I will certainly have a look into their (JNR, JH ...) new drama, thought I am a strange one, even if I loooove the one, does not mean I like the other one ;)

@itzibitzispider‌ , glad for your appreciation, just got lucky having kept some relatable stickers I was able to use for this activity. I had a great time making it and have you to thank for. :-bd

Regarding Snail Princess new drama, I will also take a shot and support her as well, in the belief that she considered it good material and opportunity. Wish her well. :-bd :x

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Today we visited a garden, and it was raining. So we had to run v fast to pose for photos n then duck back under the umbrella. When we just finished a shot, my sis told me: there's a lot of snails! My reaction was: where? Where?!

Haha, the old me would have ran away from the sight of snails, now I'm finding them! Seriously what has the show done to me.. -.- lol

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Guest psycheros

On my umpteenth time rewatching, I realised that Yong (and Secretary Tak?) work fast. The same day that they suggest Ellie Kim as a potential artist to collaborate with, Yong sets up the meeting at the cafe with Mi Young. Gun and Yong wear the same outfits in both scenes. This led me to think about matchmaking. Ji Yeon is the official matchmaker of the show, but is she the only one that helps bring our Snail Couple together? I think everyone (around them) had a part to play.
- Our couple themselves collide and work together to retrieve a ring- The Hamo Hamo couple's extortion plan resulted in them sleeping together- Lawyer Min and Sera's actions result in Gun really noticing Mi Young - Mum locks both up in a storage shed to work things out, or not- Gae Dong is the catalyst for them to start contacting each other- Ji Yeon keeps recommending Mi Young look-a-likes, reminding Gun of her. (Does she do anything else?)  - Daniel delivers her to Gun 
Did I leave anyone out? Did Grandmother contribute?

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rxthien said:

Oh well,
I was kinda shocked by the news that Jang Nara signed up for another drama already. The Snail Couple is so fresh in my mind just as my love for them. 
Jang Nara has not been around the Korean showbiz for a long time. Since her comeback was such a success with JH and "Fated to Love You", it would befitting for her to take up another opportunity when appropriate to further her presence in Korea. I don't blame her because majority of actor/actresses would do the same. They have a short limelight span where they can acquire the best work at their peak. Having said that, it still feels very empty since we will have to wish her the best as she moves on.

On second thought, JH has done the same thing. While starring in FTLY, he was also filming a movie. Right after the drama, he gets busy with other works, granted not as involved as a drama. JH may take it easy because he has a family. Interestingly, he also said he has no problem shedding his characters from one project to the next in short period of time. Likewise, Jang Nara is doing the same thing.
Well,...sad, but life goes on.
I don't want to have high hopes to see them at year-end-award neither. Partly because most actors/actresses tend not to attend unless they can help it. 
FTLY team, JJangs team, please prove me wrong at year-end!!!
:(( :((

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Guest rintintintin

Hahaha! So JNR is the female lead of SHK's new drama? Honestly, I'm a fan of that ahjussi hihihi! I know that it's kinda OT but I'll watch this for the sake of her hihihi.

I was laugh when a friend of mine said this: "So JNR is doing a drama after FTLY eh? I thought that JH will be her male lead again but I'm shocked when i read it's SHK not JH! Stupid internet lol!"

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psycheros said: On my umpteenth time rewatching, I realised that Yong (and Secretary Tak?) work fast. The same day that they suggest Ellie Kim as a potential artist to collaborate with, Yong sets up the meeting at the cafe with Mi Young. Gun and Yong wear the same outfits in both scenes. This led me to think about matchmaking. Ji Yeon is the official matchmaker of the show, but is she the only one that helps bring our Snail Couple together? I think everyone (around them) had a part to play.
- Our couple themselves collide and work together to retrieve a ring- The Hamo Hamo couple's extortion plan resulted in them sleeping together- Lawyer Min and Sera's actions result in Gun really noticing Mi Young - Mum locks both up in a storage shed to work things out, or not- Gae Dong is the catalyst for them to start contacting each other- Ji Yeon keeps recommending Mi Young look-a-likes, reminding Gun of her. (Does she do anything else?)  - Daniel delivers her to Gun 
Did I leave anyone out? Did Grandmother contribute?
SR contributed by not showing up in Macau and asking LG where their pictures were in his office.Halmoni, Sec Tak, and Yong contributed with Macau Revival 2.0.KMY's Omma contributed by giving her permission for marriage.LG's Dad contributed with the letter in the time capsule.Yong's mom contributed by giving LG his Dad's diary.
That's all I can think of right now.

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Guest SandiRa

Some random thoughts on the "new things" i found in the drama after my marathon. :D

The Princess

From the very first scene we get that Gun won't fall for woman that is just beautiful. The model's character is in total contrast with MY's, but still i had missed something, that's the last difference.

The model vs. MY
- woman that can't say - "Yes"/"No"
- woman that doesn't want to do what she has to/ woman that not only works, but do personal errands
- gold digger/ woman that refuses to take money to keep her pride
- woman that treats everything and anyone like trash because that make her feel different and special/ woman that treats everything and anyone with respect and care because that make her feel different and special (though others may see her as trash)

MY seems like someone who is naive and has no dignity, but she is full with pride and her standards of what is good/bad seem like childish, but she actually try to believe and hold on people till they screw up badly and even then she can find way to be kind to them. The guilt she feel come from the perfection she pursued, that she must do what she can do to help/to not be a burden to the people around her. In order to be good person she always put herself on second place.
When she already live like a shadow Gun manages to see her and later tell her to live like invisible, her kindness must poke his eyes.
* * *
The shoes, the earrings and the two jerks
(my version)

The way they treat her belongings is the way they seeing her. If lawyer Min is ready to throw her earrings or give it to another woman and call her b*ch (post-it), Gun gave back the shoes. MY on the other side try to get back the earrings(her woman pride), like she try to save what's left, after already leaving her shoes(herself) behind for her family. Gun pity her when he see her with lawyer Min and when she "beg" for her family, later at the press conference call it courage but the thing is she just don't care how she looks in front of someone who she love or what she have to do for him/her family and what others will think. When he feel bad that he has been treated like a trash from Sera, even that he is expensive, precious ... seeing someone like MY(acting cheap, look cheap), but she treasures cheap things/people just because of the possession that make them precious, surely made him mad and feel even worse.

"Post-it" Gun

He is hurt by his dad and he already think for Sera like family, so he can't say something like what MY did to lawyer Min "Go. Get out of here." and throws his anger/inner struggle indirectly on MY.
"- Whatever the reason is, the fact that you are abandoned by your family, won't change.
- Those good people would do such things?"
When MY feel cheap on personal level for first time, Gun feel wronged by his dad for long time and Sera made him like someone she can have, when she need for years. That play big role in his mentally absence when he is already married for MY. He probably feel incapable of what is to be a father and in his view just living like you not exist (but with "dignity") is enough for healthy relationship and is something "normal". If MY is like princess/mother in her "post-it" mode and everyone needs her, Gun is lonely and it's like no one needs him.
* * *
"I hope my friend can return the stuff she borrowed. Maybe she couldn't give it back because she lost it." I cant help, but think for Sera as the friend and how she already lost Gun, but she desperately try to keep him for herself.
* * *
Paper love

It's the episode where MY says that they are married just on paper. There is a western understanding that says the first year of marriage is fragile just like paper. In Ep.17 lawyer Hong hint about how all the divorce/will documents can be seen as love letters which are showing the progress of Gun's feelings for MY. If we look on the rest of the documents/money/paintings as progress of their relationship and a way to express their feelings indirectly

- the surgery document - MY is signing without a blink of her eye, she care more for him than herself
- the first wedding - they both promise to be good parents (wife on paper)
- cancel the deal with DuDu Industries - he shows that it's more than just marriage on paper (money)
- Gun take back the KD's cup - save their child (money)
- divorce - the paper that state Gun's loneliness and his fear
- the KD's painting - it's their memory of unfulfilled love
- collaboration contract - business partners (partners on paper)
- the lollipop painting - painting of MY's husband (husband on paper)
- the letter from Young Ja - the real love letter
- MY give back the money for the painting -  they get rid of the paper (insecure) love and kept their memory of what they had pure
- the second wedding - they didn't really needed paper, what they did was ceremony and celebration

Even 3 years were past and they were divorced, they continued from where they left. I wanted to emphasize on "family on paper". When they get clear with their feelings they even do house exchange, they not purchase it.
* * *
The Matrix (Evolution) *insert double spoiler :D *

The green cocktail or the red cocktail, is it fate or choice? That don't really matter if you are happy with the outcome. Make sure you don't mess with the maker/grandma because she will send Mr.Smit/Sec.Tak and the gang after you and you will realise there is another world where you can possess superpowers while you are sleeping. Even you think you can fly around Hong Kong 3 times and 1 day won't be enough, it will past just 1 night and you won't even remember it. That itself give us some evidence that the main heroes will experience some control over the time, space and "avoiding" love bullets with a lot of slow motion. As conclusion Joagra can make even the least skilled ones able to take over and surpass their teachers in no time.

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awww, Jang Nara take another drama. it's kind a dejavu all over again for me. LOL. 
last year the fan of You're The Best LSS is totally devastated when IU take a role in Bel Ami just 3 month after the show ended, also with the same channel, KBS. At that time we still fresh with Jo Jung Suk/IU amazing chemistry in YTBLSS. Totally understand what some of us feeling rite now. We just can't let go of Snail Couple feel just yet. but, worries aside if they meant to be we can see them together again in awards show even in different table. *sad face
for note: IU did sit in YTBLSS table on awards show last year and even win Best Couple Awards with Jo Jung Suk. Here the ratings and fan vote matter most. :)
do you feel the dejavu too, @akinahana89? :P

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psycheros said:
I remember spotting him wearing elbow protection during the BTS of the Volcano High parody scene. But the only BTS of that I can find is 3:28 long and is not the one I am remembering... Unless I hallucinated the whole thing?

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yoeda said: Totally understand what some of us feeling rite now. We just can't let go of Snail Couple feel just yet. but, worries aside if they meant to be we can see them together again in awards show even in different table. *sad face

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Guest chantilly

I don't know who JNR's new costar is since I dont really watch a whole lot of kdramas except this remake and a few others.  The only i feel when looking at the guy is he looks old? hahaa...sorry... and i hate those kind of plotlines too just like Secret Garden it was funny in the beginning but i got lost towards the middle and didnt even finish the ending.  I know alot of people love that series too but i didnt.  I guess you can call me weird since i didnt like the hugely popular one called 'you who came from the stars' either. it was also funny in the beginning but i also didnt finish it haha..LOL..n hotel king, OMG stops after 2nd episodes, i just can not stand LDH's new face.  I like LDW but even he cant save it for me haha lol....

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yoeda said: awww, Jang Nara take another drama. it's kind a dejavu all over again for me. LOL. 
last year the fan of You're The Best LSS is totally devastated when IU take a role in Bel Ami just 3 month after the show ended, also with the same channel, KBS. At that time we still fresh with Jo Jung Suk/IU amazing chemistry in YTBLSS. Totally understand what some of us feeling rite now. We just can't let go of Snail Couple feel just yet. but, worries aside if they meant to be we can see them together again in awards show even in different table. *sad face
for note: IU did sit in YTBLSS table on awards show last year and even win Best Couple Awards with Jo Jung Suk. Here the ratings and fan vote matter most. :)
do you feel the dejavu too, @akinahana89? :P

You know I do! If you saw my post from a few pages back, you'll see I mentioned JoU at KBS awards. LOL.

JoU in YTBLSS still far surpassed MaTong (I still can't get over this name... toilet.... HAHAHA) in BA though, so while I wish for JNR's success in Mr. Baek, I'm certain that our snail couple will surpass the OTP of her new drama. It doesn't mean that it will be bad, it just means that we, personally, love the snail couple so much, no other OTPs can dim the light shining upon them.

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heppy said: Today we visited a garden, and it was raining. So we had to run v fast to pose for photos n then duck back under the umbrella. When we just finished a shot, my sis told me: there's a lot of snails! My reaction was: where? Where?! Haha, the old me would have ran away from the sight of snails, now I'm finding them! Seriously what has the show done to me.. -.- lol

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Guest psycheros

Piggybacking on the comment by @donotaskshewillsayno, Gun might have steered the company to become more family-oriented in the last 3 years: the ad model changes from a hot young girl to a dad and baby. And with the use of Mi Young's ad campaign, there is less use of sex to sell Jang In products.

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rienn said: heppy said: Today we visited a garden, and it was raining. So we had to run v fast to pose for photos n then duck back under the umbrella. When we just finished a shot, my sis told me: there's a lot of snails! My reaction was: where? Where?! Haha, the old me would have ran away from the sight of snails, now I'm finding them! Seriously what has the show done to me.. -.- lol

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