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[Drama 2014] Glorious Day 기분 좋은 날

Guest reijaye

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Guest AmalA1430294167

Hello everyone, this is Jamie Hartford from America! At first I just wanted to keep things to myself, so that I don't complain, but I can't hold it in anymore. So here is my concert regarding the drama being shorten. On the other hand, I totally understand situation happens any the actresses and actors have other plans and things to do. But here is what I think, when there is no funds or people who don't support the drama, who would want to continue? They need to make money too. Also, why does it matter so much what the Korean thinks? They are all bias. Just because this drama didn't have the actors or the actress that they like, they don't watch it. Or the story is not theitype. I know what the Korean like, they like all the birth secret and the step-mom hate each other. Thus, if the money is concert, they can tell us where we can donate it, cause I would do it! Now days the companies (SBS, KBS,

I watched Korean dramas for almost a decade and I have not liked another drama more than this. This one is honestly the best one.

I’ m sorry there something wrong with my phone. accidentally push "off the topic button". Accually, Im totaly agree with you. some of them is so loyal with their actor or idol. even the story line is not good.

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@gigglessquiggles‌, I love how you said about HSJ's book! I also love it how it ended in episode 40, where NGY believed even if no one believed her. Love is an amazing thing! Is one thing to be in love but another to have truest in that person!

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My heart goes out to the cast and staff as I think how demoralized and downcast they would be to have their work cut short. They have toiled tirelessly for the last 5 months, withstanding heat and sacrificing sleep to put together a good show.....  

Although being familiar with the industry, the cast probably see this coming (I am thinking back of the things they have said at the press conference on 5 Aug -- they have all alluded to the low ratings, so they probably expect the ratings to affect the show....) but still...... it is a slap in the face that is uncalled for. 

All the cast have put forth excellent acting in this show, even supporting cast like Hee Joo, Dr Kang, Eun Chan & JW's lady boss. I really want to applaud them all. 

Even for characters that we do not like e.g., SA -- the fact that we are so irritated with SA, shows that Lee Mi Young did a good job. I was touched when she showed remorse after finding out about G/ma's illness. Good acting on LMY's part.

This same goes for Son Chang Min. I detested him when he was the villain in Horse Doctor. But what a refreshing change in this drama. NGY is the life wire of this show !!!  I am totally won over by his charm !   

Most of all, my heart goes out to Lee Sang Woo. He has poured his heart and soul into JW and made JW come alive with such charm.   

But I worry whether his standing as a lead actor will be affected by the cutting short of GD. Will he still be able to get good offers going forward ? Or will production houses use the low ratings of GD and conclude that LSW has no allure amongst Korean viewers ??   

That will be soooooooooooo sad for his international fans.    

I hope production houses can see that international viewers do matter if they want to continue sell their Kdrama overseas........ 


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Guest freeyourmind

it seems that our veteran actors like CEO Nam & SinAe have been casted in new dramas (Pride & Prejudice & Secret Door?). Really am hoping to see LSW in a new drama too! Shall miss him after GD [-O<

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 ep 43 will be broadcast on the 28th
고우리는 SBS 주말극장 ‘기분 좋은 날’에서 김미숙의 까칠하고 새침한 셋째 딸이자 사진과 여대생인 한다인 역으로 열연을 펼치고 있다.
28일 방송될 ‘기분 좋은 날’ 43회에서 고우리는 기존 대학생 룩을 버리고 세련되고 우아한 명품녀로 변신한 모습을 선보일 예정이다.
고우리의 명품녀 변신 장면은 19일 경기도 부천의 까치울 마을에서 촬영됐다. 고우리는 극중에서 입어보지 못했던 색다른 의상을 입고 설렘 속에 함박웃음을 지으며 촬영장에 들어섰던 상태였다.
고우리를 본 스태프들은 “역시 아이돌 스타는 다르다”며 한목소리로 극찬을 쏟아냈다. 특히 ‘명품룩’을 완성시키기 위해 킬힐을 착용한 고우리는 다소 높은 굽 때문에 비탈진 곳을 내려오는데도 애를 먹었던 터에 상대역으로 호흡을 맞추고 있는 홍빈은 행여나 고우리가 다칠까봐 손을 잡아주고 부축해주는 등 에스코트를 자청해 현장을 훈훈케 만들었다.
제작사 측은 “촬영장에서 막내인 고우리는 어떤 장면을 찍어도 특유의 상큼하고 발랄한 느낌을 잘 살려낸다”며 “귀엽고 깜찍한 고우리가 변신을 거듭해 완성시킨 명품이미지는 어떤 모습일 지 기대해 달라”고 전했다.
한편 ‘기분 좋은 날’은 매주 토, 일요일 오후 8시 45분 방송된다.

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Guest SnoopysTwinkie

Hi, everyone! Here are my contributions for today:http://koreandramareviews.com/glorious-day-episode-42-written-preview-and-english-translation/

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And we have the SBS drama ' glorious day ' painting the prudish and the third daughter of Betty's in black and photos and Coed, being rolled back.

28 days will be broadcast ' glorious day ' 43 at times and we have abandoned traditional collegiate look sleek and elegant luxury will look like as a woman.

Our luxury turns into a scene of women cry, Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, 19, was shot in the village of magpie. And we put in something different, never seen of costumes and Tingle in the midst of a big laugh and was the site of the original set.

And we saw the staff "is also different from the idol Star" and in unison emphasize praised declarations as he. In particular, in order to complete the look of luxury ' Killa Hill wearing and we are somewhat high-heeled, because nowhere else where the non-drained-kids ate is focused on breathing as a counterpart to the Hong-bin would injure the hands or by the Bank, and we catch and hold onto the scene and volunteered to escort back to give the Hun the Hun made the cake.

@lienkms. @Joy17,  This is what I got from using bing translation..

@SnoopysTwinkie,  Thanks for your contribution to this thread it has been greatly appreciated..

To all my other glorious people to many names to just single out people so I say to you let's enjoy the last to episodes of this fun family drama.. And I hope your days are just as glorious... 

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Guest sauceofsoy

I came here to confirm whether GD is really ending on ep 44... I'm sorry and please don't hate me, but my friend and I are so happy that it's ending early. Subbing 50 episodes is no joke and I'm looking forward to getting my weekend nights back!  It was a lovely weekend drama and I've become a total fan of Lee Sang Woo due to this drama.  I know you are all sad, but let's enjoy the last 3 episodes and hope that they will ties all the story lines together and end it on a happy note.

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Spoiler Alert:    Yah

“Soon Ok and Chul Soo are on a date at the theaters when they hear news of Da Jung’s pregnancy and decide to stay at Jae Woo’s house for a few days. Meanwhile, Min Shik and Shin Ae meet So Yi’s parents and tell them that if they have no intentions of taking her back home with them, then they (Min Shik and Shin Ae) will take her home with them as their daughter…”

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@sauceofsoy: Thank you for the confirmation and your hard work :)I really like this drama!! I started watching it when they were airing episode 28 if I do remember correctly!!And I fel in love with this family drama!The pace is really well balanced and I like that!!GD Fighting :)
@valsava: Thanks for the preview :)

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Yes!!!  It's friday!!!
One more day and it is glorious time with Lee Sang Woo/ Jae Woo.  Our genuinely, naturally charming ever ... JW... in so so many ways!!!  Will enjoy every bit of his final 3 episodes with GD.
Production company Logos Film mentioned that he has very very strong support and responses from female audiences for obvious reasons... sweet, romantic and sincere JW.
Lee Sang Woo/ Jae Woo ... you are the best!!!!  Undeniably.  Wish we could clone you!     :)) :))
65632_94685_5239.jpgCredit egn kr josuhyeon newshttp://www.egn.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=65632

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