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[Drama 2014] Glorious Day 기분 좋은 날

Guest reijaye

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Guest AmalA1430294167

the scene when whole family sleep together at grandparent livingroom was so hilarious ...

Dj and Jw whispering of something, get scold by their father ... but IW and Mom overhear their story ... and corious with the ending ... LOL

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Auntie Mame said: Wow, what's happened to this writer?  Does anyone know if they have changed writers since the beginning of the drama?  The writer who was so creative and wrote such realistic and reasonable characters, in the beginning, has taken a 180 degree turn.

DJ has been turned into a minime-combo of SA and SL.  All this cutesy-ness from DJ, especially to SA, which is like  copying SL. And, for which DJ acknowledged is act, as evidenced in her conversation with IW at the seesaw.  Ugh!  :-&

And, why is DJ so palm-slap happy on JW's body, which is SA's trademark?  >:P

Some of us have already commented on the way the disease was mis-represented.  But, the writer's treatment of the disease is even irresponsible now.  Push-and-pull may be okay in a dating situation.  But, to use it in a possible life-and-death situation????  How is the family going to feel if Grandma gets into an accident or dies, as a result of them playing 'push-and-pull'?  Sheeesh . . . They are so myopic.

It's nice that DJ can be a take control type of person, in the event of a crises.  But, taking control is not the same as a 'controlling' person.  And, DJ needs to learn the difference.  Otherwise, she'll become nothing but obstinate and obnoxious, a la SA.   :-&:-?? :-?

It's nice that DJ's trying to keep the peace in the family, as other comments have described her.  However, she had better be mindful that she doesn't fall into the 'can't see the forest for the trees' mode.  Meaning that she is so focused on the individual things/people/crises that she looses sight of the big picture, i.e. their marriage. 

And, JW has already voiced his dissatisfaction when he said that marriage is having long conversations.  Such as asking how was his day, what happened at work, what he did for lunch, etc.  But, the most important sentence JW said:  "Neglect is worse than murder."   It seems like, to me, that the writer is preparing us for some rough times between DJ and JW in the upcoming episodes.  Perhaps, the writer will show us DJ and JW learning the lessons of how to be a married couple. :-??

Realistically, in a marriage, after the wedding is when the hard work starts. 8-|

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@nenn, I hope so too. One of the objectives of the drama is said to rouse people's desire to want to be in love and to want to enter in marriage.....watching DJ and JW now does not make one desire marriage very much.......

Not sure why, but the ice-park date scene, and the balcony scene where JW back-hugged DJ, or some other scenes when they holding hands, can no longer feel the oomph in their romance..... is it because DJ has turned us off with her act-cute behavior, or is it that we feel that she is not devoted enough to JW.......

But one thing is clear, JW is not DJ's no.1 priority --- it is her mom's romance, her brother-in-law's marriage, how to escort the G/parents home. etc., etc.,  This is so sad..... especially when they are barely married over a month or two.    

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One more thing that I did not quite like about ep 40 & 41 was how the debt issue was handled. It was such a non-event. If it was meant to be so, then why even introduce it in the first place? It gives the impression that because the writer does not have enough episodes left to develop this properly that she had to end it quickly.  

I did not think MS did wrong by scolding DJ. Even if MS had threatened to divorce SA, who is DJ to step in. And clearly where money is concerned, she should not have colluded with SA, even though her intention was only to help. I think DJ should still have apologized properly to MS instead of scampering off. And when she complained to JW when they were having their private dinner, it showed that she did not know that she did wrong. Disappointed.  

In fact I thought JW should have taken a stronger stance. He should have told DJ off that she should not have taken such things into her own hands without consulting him, even as he stood up for her or tried to cheer her on with the snow-park date.  

I hope JW takes MS's advice seriously. He needs to take a firm stance on matters of principles - if not DJ will become a SA in no time.    

Other than my continued disappointment in DJ, I like the development of IW-SL's relationship in the last two episodes.

IW is a gentleman. He is making the picture clear for SL -- what it means marrying into his family, with a sick G/ma, at the same time giving her time to understand her own feelings -- whether her "love" for him is simply the desire to "possess" him since he was the only "thing/person" that she could not have.... he is even giving her the choice to back out from the relationship if she wants to.

IW clearly deserves someone better, but all this time, he is not thinking about himself, but is thinking about what the relationship means for SL. It will take time for SL to mature but it seems that she is also finding what it truly means to love IW.

Interestingly if you compare SL and DJ's love towards their man, perhaps there are some lessons that both can learn from each other.

DJ loves JW's family. I can understand her love for an extended family since she came from a single-parent household and HSJ is an orphan. DJ thinks that she is showing love by taking care of everyone's affairs, and be in everybody's good books. But the reality is she can't please everybody and she needs to know how to prioritize. She cannot neglect her husband in the process.

SL is devoted to IW. But she needs to know that marriage is reality. Marriage is not just being in love with your spouse, but having to bear with his reality, be it his family situations, sick elderly members etc.  

Of course the highlight of ep 40 & 41 is HSJ-NGY relationship. The pair are looking good. I know some people are frustrated with the emergence of editor Im, but I am not worried. She may be a bit brash but she is not the scheming/spoiler type. I think her suggestion to NGY in ep 41 is to facilitate his relationship with HSJ. 

Finally, Hee Joo.  It's so heart-wrenching watching him. I don't blame DI for suspecting if Hee Joo is in love with her. And I thought she was quite good at testing him. DI is clearly the most savvy amongst the three sisters in terms of BGR.     

Sigh.... I am still following the series faithfully, although I feel more frustration than warm fuzzies these days.

I am really hoping that the writer will bring back those warm moments like in the earlier episodes.   

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finally,the love story of hotel uncle and the writer mom is now moving faster.  there's  a  marked improvement  in  their  love  story.  i  hope  the  pr girl  is taken  out  of the  picture  in  the  next  episode so  with  the   creepy  ex  husband.i  am so  disappointed but i  think  this  so  lee  will  really  end  up  with  im  woo. her  character   is  irritating  to  the  max,  i  doubt  if  this kind  of  girl  exist  in  real  life.  she  is  so  immature,  clingy ,  no  self  respect  . for  someone  who  studied  in  the states, why  can't  she  be  on  her own? i  can't  see the logic  of  her  mom in  opposing  a  marriage  with  a  sick  grandma.  so  lee  is  not  marrying  the  grandma,  she's  marrying im  woo.  and  as  auntie  mame  said  in one  of her  posts,  the  grandma  and  grandpa  will  not  live  forever.  why  should  the  grandparents be  included  in  the  marriage  equation? do  these kind  of  parents   really  exist  in  korea,  meddlesome  to  the  max?! shouldn't  marriage  be  a commitment  between  2 people  in  love  like  dj  and  jw?

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Just noticed in SBS official website that the drama that follows GD premiers on 11 Oct (Sat). Does that mean that GD ends on 5 Oct, which is 3 weeks from now ? That means that GD only has 6 more episodes to go.....

This explains why some of the recent storylines are not very well developed.....

Sigh... series was cut because of the low ratings ? . 

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Guest freeyourmind

hate being a bearer of not good news..it has been confirmed that GD 50 episodes as scheduled earlier will be now be shorten to 44 episodes! what a weird number!! how can I survive my weekends! :(( :(( :((

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Guest hunterdd

I am assuming that GD will not be shown until after the Asian Games closing ceremony on 4th October? So the last 3 episodes will be the 5th, 11th and 12th.

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Just 3 episode will be? Will not Glorious Day be now and next weekend? Oh, no:(( I suspected abridgment, because smile,you was written by this writer and that drama had 45 episodes. As if she run out of ideas towards end, but I can't wait for her next drama. I love how she writes these human, warm, normal relationships. I hope PSY and LSW being pair in real life:D They are first pair who I'm rooting for:D They have good chemistry.

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I can not help but being really upset about this. I know why, but I don't understand why they have ruin a wonderful drama for us. I have never been disappointed with this before. Often times, I wish for a drama to end, but this one is so different that I wished they extended! OMG, I am so upset right now that words can not discernible how mad I am. This is so not fair to the cast nor the audience. If not the drama's fault that Korean don't want to watch this drama. Also, why should it only matter what the korean's watched. Why the international people are chap-livers? We deserve better. I am going to write a blog about this.

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