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[Drama 2014] Glorious Day 기분 좋은 날

Guest reijaye

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joy17 said: Guys, there were some best scene in this episode (38)! I thought it was beautiful that HSJ asked NGY if he wants a signature. It was the same way how she asked in episode 2. They trace back how they first met and I can tell NGY didn't like it. I am not going to lie, but I cried a little bit. I don't know why, but I can feel some emotion. Also, at the beginning of the episode, when HSJ asked DJ what they have been talking about. The way she lies is so cute.

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I tink the concurrent running of gd & wgm is taking its toll on psy couple scenes in gd. Right now I see more intimacy between da & dr kang than our otp. And also Mdm writers, wat's with the pinching of cheeks & nose. Please replace them with caressing touches which are more realistic. And when r u going to get rid of sl & now this new person.. There are not many episodes left. I hope the writers will focus on the core characters already.

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Guest ayoh1430294389

Regarding the thing on PSY's acting, i do think that it is a little harsh to say that her acting is bad(?) or getting bad. I recently started this drama and i've been LOVING IT!. One of the best family dramas ever, without the makjang  and all! And I must say that I LOVE DJ's scenes with the Grandma/Grandpa!! Though her scenes with JW do really seem less passionate in comparison, it would be really harsh to discredit her acting in other scenes! She has done a great job  tbh I think JW's character has always been more proactive than DJ's, especially since he seems to like her more than DJ likes him since the start. It was only upon finding out that GM is sick then did DJ become more proactive. But I guess now that they are married, she reverts back to her old(?) self, which is why we think DJ's love is mild in comparison to her previous behaviour. 
WGM is actually just another show overall and I think it would be weird to even compare PSY in this drama and WGM imo...
On a side note, I really hope this whole drama ends well and HSJ ends up with Uncle Young!!! Can't wait for their wedding.

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Actually, this drama lost momentum a while back.  And,the direction of the drama has been focusing more on SA and SL than the other characters, with the exception of Grandma and Grandpa scenes to move the illness along.

Don't get me wrong.  This drama is still better than most.

Perhaps, it is because the cast are doing double duty with other movies, variety shows, etc.  It's a good thing that there are a limited number of episodes remaining.  I hope the writer fills up the remaining episodes with a good script.  [-O<

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1bin said: I'm a little late. Had a real wedding to go to, but thank you for all of you who sounded out on PSY. I thought I was the only person who started turning on her performances. It started weeks ago, but everyone here was ranting on how lovely their wedding was...to me, it was flat on PSY's part. LSW is acting his heart out, the best I've seen of him in a long time, and she is sometimes neither her nor there yet when I read or watch WGM and her interaction with Wooyoung and all their fans comments, it confuses me... To the extent I only want to watch LSW act and I skip over her parts cuz I think it's one sided love and I wonder if LSW is acting with an empty shell? Maybe that's too harsh to say, but I only focus now on NGY and HSJ when I'm watching; Otherwise I'm washing dishes or writing emails on the side. Sorry!!!! Her big eyes don't do it for me anymore.

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Guest hunterdd

Auntie Mame said: Actually, this drama lost momentum a while back.  And,the direction of the drama has been focusing more on SA and SL than the other characters, with the exception of Grandma and Grandpa scenes to move the illness along.

Perhaps, it is because the cast are doing double duty with other movies, variety shows, etc.  It's a good thing that there are a limited number of episodes remaining.  I hope the writer fills up the remaining episodes with a good script.  [-O<

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oooooo that SL is really dumb!!  She wants to learn how to make ddoke (sp) and she shows up at the shop kitchen wearing high heels.  Really!!! And then she trips with her heel and all the beans fell all over the kitchen floor.  All she kept saying "sorry".  I would have blast her out there and tell her if she want to learn, to wear sensible shoes ie., tennis shoes (oh horror - she won't be caught in that!!).  OMG, this ding-a-ling need to go writer-nim!!!!! [-O<  :-q

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Despite my complaints, I still love gd & all the casts. I would love it more if sl is taken out of the picture and iw gets a love line that the actor deserves. Right now, the only time we see iw smile or laugh is when he is ard pple other than sl.

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@hunterdd, you might be right about NGY and the Publisher couple have lot more energy then with HSJ. But, if you don't mind, I think different! Being a couple is not about entertain each other, but is about understanding. To me I think NGY and HSJ have great chemistry on-screen and here is why. The Publisher knows nothing about NGY, what so ever. It is true that they both have an outgoing personality, but they just don't fit. HSJ and NGY been through a lot together and HSJ knows NGY way better. There are a lot of reason why HSJ can not choose NGY, but she has come to term knowing her own feelings. 
Often times we all wondered what "love" really is. But no one can really answer that. When I look at the triangle love, I can tell that HSJ really does love NGY. She knows she can be happy with him and she also knows that NGY will protect her no matter what. I think love takes patience, hate, fight, and most of all, trust. HSJ is a really quiet woman, who has kept all her pain inside of her. And I really hope HSJ would be the one confess her feelings for him! 
I want to see if I can finish there love story (from 39-50) and see what you guys think.  SJ gives up on NGY and tell him to go after the publisher because she thinks that they are the best fit. On the other hand, she is having hard time not to think about him. But NGY without knowing SJ's real truth, he went ahead and date the publisher. But during all this time, NGY thinks about SJ too. One day, HSJ told JW everything about her feelings for NGY and how she knows that she should go after him, but her heart can not stop falling in love with him more and more. Soon after that SJ got really sick and JW couldn't help, but go tell his uncle. After hearing SJ is really sick in bed and about how she really feels about him. He ran to her bed side and stay with her that whole night. (what a nice guy). The next day SJ was shock to see NGY beside her bed and he couldn't help but hug her say sorry for believed her. They both end up crying. They started to date and enjoy each other's company. NGY told the publisher that he has feelings for HSJ and she understood it and left them. 
After dating for a few episodes, it was time to introduce SJ to NGY's family (meaning MS and SA). NGY told HSJ not to worry about anything, all she had to do was sit and listen. SA and MS couldn't believe what they are hearing. SA was more shock then MS was. SA did not like HSJ, so she had to do everything in her power to break those two up. Even though HSJ took all the pain, she still did not want to break up with NGY. Time is too precious for her. But with all the fighting and NGY's real family disapprove their relationship (btw, in my version it was SA's doing). NGY's real family meet up with HSJ and told her to break up with NGY. So HSJ dressed up so nice and asked NGY to meet up at a nice restaurant and she told NGY to break up with her (again). NGY was in so much pain. But he found out really quickly who did all this. 
NGY begged MS to talk to SA and he also talked some sense in his family. With both of them in pain, NGY was willing to do anything to married HSJ. Then finally, NGY's family approve of him (that is all he need). His mom told him, he should married the person he is willing to married for the rest of his life. Without telling the family or anybody, NGY asked DJ and JW to think of the best proposal for HSJ. JW and DJ glad to hear that NGY's family approve of the marriage. They spend all day thinking and HSJ kept asking JW how is NGY doing. It make JW and DJ's heart hurt watch HSJ in pain. JW and DJ couldn't think of the best proposal, so they had to ask a back up, JW's team members. And they thought of it! 
Here is the proposal scene I came I with!
With all the family knowing whats going! they took HSJ out to a garden (since she loves flower). While they are walking they are notes hiding the flower telling HSJ what to do next. Then she came to a big open garden with a lot of handle shape of heart. Since no one really know how HSJ and NGY relationship really started, he played a romantic video over a jumbo TV. HSJ cried while looking at it! Then out of blue, the lights all led up and the video told HSJ to turn around and there was NGY. He walk up into the heart and nail down and ask HSJ to married him. She did answer at first because she told him to get his family's permission first. Then his parents walked up to her and told her to take care of him. HSJ couldn't believe and he give her a big hug. 
Then HSJ started preparing the wedding. Trying a lot of dress on. NGY couldn't believe that he is going to marry HSJ. Then they had their wedding in his hotel with her oppa walking her down the aisle. 
What kind of proposal would you write?  

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Guest freeyourmind

I love GD..still really do! But lately we were shown mediocre episodes & the main characters gets on my nerves so to speak..but I soldiered on watching them! You all know who! & another annoying cast is added on (i.e the book publisher team leader) gosh! we have enough of SL & yet another one? Let me mention here.. SL is awwwfully annoying in ep 37 & 38 especially!

As it is PD topic is sad & not sure how the production team is going to tackle it & ease the viewers anxiousness for the health of our beloved elder (G/Ma).

To HSJ..please ease up on the hard to get mode & chill down a bit..you'll have lotsa fun!

JW & DJ please enough of that pinched tickled play thing in & outside the bedroom..that's child's play! (face palm) & btw do they actually still practice the 1 meter distance even in marriage life!

I hope writer-nim read our rants! for the love of our Glorious Day!

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Guest kawaiiyuki

skyzora said: 1bin said: I'm a little late. Had a real wedding to go to, but thank you for all of you who sounded out on PSY. I thought I was the only person who started turning on her performances. It started weeks ago, but everyone here was ranting on how lovely their wedding was...to me, it was flat on PSY's part. LSW is acting his heart out, the best I've seen of him in a long time, and she is sometimes neither her nor there yet when I read or watch WGM and her interaction with Wooyoung and all their fans comments, it confuses me... To the extent I only want to watch LSW act and I skip over her parts cuz I think it's one sided love and I wonder if LSW is acting with an empty shell? Maybe that's too harsh to say, but I only focus now on NGY and HSJ when I'm watching; Otherwise I'm washing dishes or writing emails on the side. Sorry!!!! Her big eyes don't do it for me anymore.

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After watching ep. 38 - now SA knows her mom has Parkinson's and also she knows her money she borrowed for the ring is due soon (without interest right now), all the things she has been avoiding is hitting her in the face.  How is she going to get the money to pay off the ring without MK knowing.  He said if he find out he owes the money, she is out!!  And now knowing her Mom has Parkinson's, what is she going to do.  This is a good time to stay and watch GD!!  I don't want to belittle anyone but SA your days are numbered!!!   :D:D

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Despite recent criticisms regarding this drama, I continue to love its story. I think that the writers know what's best for each character, even SL might end up with IW if she changes for the better. This is the first drama I've watched without skipping any scene. Totally great compared to other makjang drama

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I love this drama so much and enjoyed every scene. I could not ask for more.  The cast and crew did superb job of course with well coordinated teamwork of writer and director. I love the turn of events. This drama with all its imperfection is perfect the way it is.  Kudos!

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Thank you everyone for your positive note on this drama.  Yes, overall an excellent drama and great reminders about recognising and appreciating people around us.  Do not take things and people for granted.
But last weekend's episodes 37 and 38 did dampen my motivation.  A lot of things that DJ does and some of her responses toward JW ... is not making sense to me.  So far her focus is more about winning others.  Even on getting married. She told JW she was not ready but ..the next day when she discovered grandma's illness, she was in a mad rush for a wedding and talked about babies!   Why isn't she showing that she wants to get married because she is madly in love with JW? Many more pain points but I shall not labour on it.
What JW did and said so far showed his thoughts and consideration into building their relationship and life ahead as a couple. He has so much love for DJ.  For example what he said after their wedding was very touching and meaningful ... in the car, in their walk in the park/woods and beach.
OK noted it's kdrama and 12 episodes to go. And, I shall be patient for clarity.  Perhaps.. through them the writer would like to show what would happen if you take someone for granted. DJ does recognise that JW is a trophy husband but she is not doing her part to show her appreciation for him. Her refusing to put on his tie was so freaking annoying and they are just a few days into their marriage!! Ok ok ok I must really stop! Just kdrama.
It was very tough watching halmeoni being so ill and suffering.  Made me feel the lowest when halmeoni and hal-abeoji were sitting by the roadside waiting for the bus.
@skyzora  ... agree with you on DA.  I really like how the writer has developed her role in this drama.  She shows a lot of compassion for others.  Hwang Woo Seul Hye is doing a fantastic job in showing compassion.  Very genuine through her gestures.  Nice surprise. :x
SA, SL continue to irk me to no end.  Glad that SA discovered halmeoni's illness.  Super happy to see objection from SL's mum.  Hope she doesn't give up on stopping the marriage.
Ok I shall find motivation to watch GD by appreciating LSW's work.  He is so so so AWESOME and thoroughly loooving every bit of his work in GD.  Very charming.  LSW makes JW almost a perfect person .. just cannot sing BUT cute in this way and makes JW realistic.  A+++ for singing effort.  Hahaha.  Big downside of JW's life is his mum... that he cannot choose nor control.  That's life .. you can choose your friends but not which family you are born into.  You just got to accept, see the best of everyone and appreciate.


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