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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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said: [size=2]

I hope this is the last time I give my two cents about BD, the reasons why that ship doesn't bothers me is..


1.- There's nothing going there, I watch RM (Just wookie's cut) and believe me there's no reaction from him nada, not a little bit, he cares more for... Ga Yeon? (I keep forgeting their names :-?? ) than who-must-not-be-named but it's an oppa- dongasaeng relationship.
2.- They're shippers like us, and they don't have our luck, they've to look at the most insignificant action and blowing out of proportion, one simple touch, smile, comment, and they take it like a sign their ship is sailing, but instead we have all those wonderfuls BTS, interviews, photos, teasing, and kisses that look so real that we can't call it acting.
The only thing that really bothers me about them it's when Wookie or Cherry get hate, I've seen some shippers saying awful things about them specially DH that's when I want to go and say one or two things but I count to 100 and calm myself reminding me (You're a 30 years old woman you can't go all Richard Simmons on them). I've not see them send direct hate to Dada but if that's happen I'll forget everything and I'll stand up for her.
Side Note: Somewhere (over the rainbow.. sorry) I read that RM PD & Wookie are close friends maybe he asked him to tone down the love line... Beside their ratings are between 5% and 6%, we just have to bear with it until the show is canceled.
On a bright note I'm watching episode 26 again, time to stare at that wall kiss 8->

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Guest tinsky73


So I was backreading a few pages to try to analyze what got IT all started & what did I find? A couple or so short posts expressing worried sentiments over THOSE photos. Then BAM! Here come the long posts on why the other ship must not be discussed here.

I've already touched on this in my post on page 241. We're women, we can't help it if we get jealous sometimes. Sometimes it's cathartic to express what's bothering us in this message board to try to find comfort among people who we know share our love for this ship. Of course, this should be done within the boundaries of the boards' rules & regulations. :D

Anyways, I just wanna say that if anybody here feels insecure or threatened in any way when "stuff" come out, try to express your feelings in a way that won't bring down the thread's energy level. Better yet, use the PM button. And for those who don't wanna talk about it, you can always ignore & scroll down. If everybody were to post their two cents, the supposedly banned topic is dragged on longer than it's intended & this brings down the energy level even more.

I, myself, find it amusingly cathartic if I was able to find creative ways in conveying my dislike for certain issues on this thread. It's kinda liberating actually! :))

Oops, I did it as well... :-$

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Guest turquoiseblue


said: :-t So I was backreading a few pages to try to analyze what got IT all started

:DAnyways, I just wanna say that if anybody here feels insecure or threatened in any way when "stuff" come out, try to express your feelings in a way that won't bring down the thread's energy level. Better yet, use the PM button. And for those who don't wanna talk about it, you can always ignore & scroll down.

If everybody were to post their two cents, the supposedly banned topic is dragged on longer than it's intended


) Oops, I did it as well... :-$

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Guest meltedchoco

I want them to be on magz so badly! If they did, their magazine photos would be my wallpaper for at least 1 year!!! I want a sexy photoshoot theme but a cute theme is alright. Honestly, whatever the theme would be ALRIGHT for me, so please just make it happen...
*greedy, fangirl is greedy*  >:) >:) DONGHAE, FIGHTING. <3

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Guest rosejenner123

I want them to be on magz so badly! If they did, their magazine photos would be my wallpaper for at least 1 year!!! I want a sexy photoshoot theme but a cute theme is alright. Honestly, whatever the theme would be ALRIGHT for me, so please just make it happen...

*greedy, fangirl is greedy*  >:) >:) DONGHAE, FIGHTING. <3

I would like to add to the shipper wish list, an OST sang by our favorite couple, which shall be the last track for Hotel King; preferably with an MV of them singing and being cute together.

Shipper gods pls answer our prayers.

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Seriously, I can't get over how flirty they were in the last episode. I know it's part of the drama, but the flirting was just so effortless, and tbh,when it comes to romance the script is sometimes awkward lol, which makes me think that most of the cutesy stuff are ad-libs from the couple themselves. We know that these two love to improvise, and we know how bossy Wookie is :)) , and sometimes I do think that Wookie actually has a lot of say in the show's production, since he did manage to get both DH and Im Seulong on board and they're both close to him. Every time they tease each other, I just have this stupid grin on my face lol. I love the scene where MN sneaked up on him to hold his hand, and how deadpan he was when he told her that she's shameless :)) . I just feel like JW's sudden surge of flirting power is actually LDW's  ;;)

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Guest tinsky73

@turquoiseblue‌ And yet despite all warnings, people are still bringing it up. Like I said, sometimes it can't be helped. I think it will all depend on how it's being brought up. I think @samzz did a good job presenting those photos on her post. I wouldn't have known about them if she didn't post them here. I wouldn't have known the buzz those pics are creating in other social media. I give her credit for posting the issue with a ready rebuttal as well. Like damage control before it could've created undue panic among the other posters who would've come across the pics anyway. Didn't most of us here say we weren't bothered by the pics? Maybe it's because the issue has already been doused with lethal donghae sweetness that it was contained the moment it hit the thread. :bd
Oh, about the PM (private message) button. It works. If anybody wants to discuss this issue further, feel free to PM me. Now let's get back to more important issues, aka donghae loving-loving...  :x
I know there's this metaphor about not "going into the light" when you come across it, but what about when it's the donghae blue light? @-)

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why there is no chamo in the next ep?!!!!... i feel sad :-S

but the good thing is there is the gif of kissing sence w/tounge! i can't move on.. everytime i saw those gifs i say"wow""OMG".. hahaha i watch the gif over and over again..

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I won't be surprised if a newbie will try to voice out her sentiments here regarding the other ship, so "WE" stay-in loyal DongHae shippers who don't leave this thread even just a sec should just ignore it and let it slowly subside. I agree with all the unnies here, if no one will ignite the topic then no problem ;) though I understand some of you here are just trying to explain and enlighten the minds of the lost souls who seem not to comprehend yet the difference between acting and reality. My dear dear loves, CHAMO IS THE TRUTH or better yet, DONGHAE IS THE TRUTH :x :x

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I want movie special for uuri chamo

Like in japanese drama...some of them continue to issue the movie to close unclear link in the drama.

Is it possible guys?

Fans shipper could be dreaming rite?

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Guest turquoiseblue

turtleaxis said: Seriously, I can't get over how flirty they were in the last episode. I know it's part of the drama, but the flirting was just so effortless, and tbh,when it comes to romance the script is sometimes awkward lol, which makes me think that most of the cutesy stuff are ad-libs from the couple themselves. We know that these two love to improvise, and we know how bossy Wookie is :)) , and sometimes I do think that Wookie actually has a lot of say in the show's production, since he did manage to get both DH and Im Seulong on board and they're both close to him. Every time they tease each other, I just have this stupid grin on my face lol. I love the scene where MN sneaked up on him to hold his hand, and how deadpan he was when he told her that she's shameless :)) . I just feel like JW's sudden surge of flirting power is actually LDW's  ;;)

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Guest turquoiseblue

what a very sweet innocent kiss from wookie :x :x
credit to @ranxie
so far from what he did to cherry's lips in episode 26 =))

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@dniiiicole‌ "enlighten the minds of the lost souls" <--- cracked me up :)) Honestly, I do not see why we should be perturbed. We have seen enough, heard enough to not have any ounce of doubt. Well, maybe that's taking it to the extreme, lol. But point being, let us believe and believe well. If anybody comes here seeking for some reaasurance, let us give it. :)) Or maybe we could pool our previous posts and each time it is brought up by someone needing "enlightenment", let us brandish the book of DongHae truth. XD

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Guest rosejenner123


Wahh I just saw this, and starting at 4:34 they point out MG and HK parallels and I dunno, it made my heart skip two beats


As you can see everybody, they are meant to be.

I feel like even if we ladies were to be put in an alternate universe, where LDW asked us to marry him, we would say no and ask him to marry LDH instead hehe

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Guest turquoiseblue

005uHTXYgw1ei447vo52wg306t04vqv5.gif005uHTXYgw1ei447wisoeg306t04vkjl.gifcredit to owner

love when dahae moved closer and closed the gap between them... wookie looked content and satisfied :x :x 

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Guest AikuhD

did da hae/ dong wook ever discussed  abt when or how he/she wants to get married?,.. well id love to know since im new here.. answers would be highly appreciated

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