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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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looks like wookie's lips to me..a lil bit pouty...wait,are we back to this?playing fbi?lol..

anw guys if it's confirmed that wookie is indeed dating an idol, I would wanna know as early as now coz u know, I need to be prepared...and if it's youngji or nana, well I'l try like really really try to be fine with that...just not u know not Park Bom, no offense but if (God forbids, Oh God pls) it's her, my mom should probably start hiding all the sharps in our house lol

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Wookie always dated someone within his close circle, costar or in the same company. That's why many suspected Nana or Youngji. Another e.g There is one blind item published in netizenbuzz in yr 2013, said Park Min Young was one of his rumor gf. Actually in his last fan meeting in Tokyo this yr, he said how abt I dating a singer, making the mc said " what" . I don't know if he is joking bc initially the mc asked him," you are not dating an actress right?." I will put the extract of the translation of that part later.

But we know he always eying Dahae bc in one of Strong Heart ep, his friends said he always thinking abt his ex-gf during his military days, and we know he watched Chuno during that years.

Looking at his condition and mood lately seems like that female idol cannot cheers him up.

Basically both Dahae and Wookie are not too adventurous in finding a partner, always among their close circle of friends.



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I think Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young were in a relationship after "Hunter" days ... 

'LDW's dating rumors seemed to be really all rumors and perhaps if it's true he had some, not really that  serious, maybe just trying to test one ... Hehe ... He believes, they need to spend time to know each other first before he decides to ask the girl and get into a relationship. He also wanted to have many good memories with her girl.

Women can't resist LDW's charisma and maybe there are times when he also flirted with them which caused  DH to be jealous.

God ... How I really miss them !!!

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I know I should respect privacy of everyone, that you can still comment in this thread if you still like it, I'm a hardcore fan Wookie but i also like DH so  with infors that I'm getting, I hope that all you can stop your comments here before it go too far .This comments just make DW long time fans include me hurt more.bc we know he is undergoing the difficult days in life. His Japan fans feel so hurt, bc news came out at the moment when he is preparing to begining his new drama, Media is nonstop tag his name but isn't with his new drama but about DH/7 scandal romantic. Media, DH/7 fans,...nonstop compare him. I don't know who is nowaynofake on IG, but many his Japan fans said that they are feeling so angry with this acc but they still keeping camp and down, bc they said past only is past and they respect all. It is lucky bc his new drama began filming now, he will have a happy time for work. But they won't prerermit if someone still continue to talk about something is hurting. 

@samzz I don't know something from your informers or your guess but I know you is wrong  and i don't understand, you always tried to deny my all informations about DH/7 before but you always said DW is dating someone. But my infors come from source I can believe and I can say that he really is single now. DH is dating another, it don't mean that he also have dating another. In fact, DP care to him more than DH/7 very much. And Korean also care to him more. Fanacc about him appear everywhere. But they said that they stalked him less 5 times during 1,5 years since 4/2015 but almost he only went out with male friends non-celeb from army, sometime with Seho and some others. Time is nearest DP stalked him that is during 3 months since Feb 2016 when they knew sure DH dated 7  with infors both were in Hong Kong for new year. They also thought that he can also dating but finnal nothing. on 02/05 he went to party birthday of a co-star in BG with BG crew, after with Seho but DP still stalked him during one month after but nothing.  

I hope everone can stop say about him here. Bc we want his name only tag in artilces about his new drama next time, not with news about another. During BG broadcasting, FNC used media to put DH's name  with news about his drama. For DWholic It is enough to leave now for this new drama. For me, they broken up and DH can date another and he can or not. I and his fans others don't understand why all you always think that he have dating with another. Many fans feel angry special Japan fans. So all you should stop here before DH can get attack from fans who like her but only don't like all you. 


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HoaD, sorry, I don't know how to address you properly ... I just want you to know that it's not only LDW who is undergoing difficult times here but most of us do, if not all of us, are hurting, too. Pardon us if we still talk about him here because we also love him dearly as much as we love LDH since he is the other half of our Donghae. Our hearts go with him and if you can see, we are all after his well being and happiness, too, because we care for him.

As I always said, I for one, really praying hard for Lee Dong Wook, be it personal, family, health or career wise and are here to support him with or without Lee Da Hae. But of course we all wanted them to be back into each other's arms again in God's perfect time.

So sorry to say this, but I guess Donghae shippers have all the right to say their piece here because this is their thread. They are not being insensitive or disrespecting LDW and his fans, they just happened to love both LDW and LDH.

Rest assured of my prayers and support for LDW, maybe even harder than what I am giving LDH. 

Let us all pray for both of them and for everyone of us. I know, we all have the same end goal here. Please be calm so that cooler heads will prevail and everything will turn out right for them and for all of us here.

Have a wonderful day guys even if we are all hurting ... In His time, we will all be raising our heads up and smiling !!!



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@HoaD, you know what I said in pm and still stands on my point that 70% of information I gave to you and to your YG stans (please I don't believe at all your friend is DP reporter) ,are from my own and my friend investigation and the information we get from the Korean. My friend contacted personally (not only Korean, but one of Wookie's military friend actually). Do you know I used the denial mode as a bait to see what YG stans next action. If I said yes, I will never hv a further info from them. I always gave them platform for them to investigate further. I know after I reveal Dahae in Bangkok, you will come to me, and within a day I got  a pm from you and the info from your friends. 

Actually I knew abt Dahae/7 since August last year, way before the brave reporter attacked her in Nov, after Lovebeats convinced me abt Dahae's marble table, and I was the one who posted in Dahae's thread Dahae went to 7 musical in July and then she had a dinner with 7's musical actress in Sept-all I reported that in Dahae's thread.

If you unhappy, about all this, just accept the reality-I may sound terrible and blamed for not accepting reality, but what I know about korean celebrities are not rainbow-that the reality.

and why this shipping forum so important to Wookie's fans and also the IG for Donghae-we are loser, so bear with it. Don't underestimate Wookie, he knows abt all the fuss about him and Dahae since 10 years ago, and why now he and his fans so sad abt this thread-are they collecting information from us. Ask them not to come here lah. Peace of mine.

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and @HoaD once again, if can u inform the Japanese fans and all other Wookie's fans, we are a very small community here and our post are read by not even 100 people I tell you, not enough to cause Wookie whatever condition now, Many of his fans still believe he is very happy at the moment.

and if you want to know, soompi is not the only channel people voice up the issue-IMO compared to our input in here and what Youngj said to media, is what Wookie's fans need to ponder. What she said to media, read by millions and people are talking abt their closeness, compared to us who many said bunch or loser and delulu-which one the fans or non fans want to believe.

So better watch out on what Youngji wants to reveal next, not on our posts.

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As I said reporters always care to forums public like as here. In fact, their infors, they take them 80% from fans, forums,.... and my friend only admit it. Infors DH/7 went to shopping implement for 7 new house in Cheongdamdong. And on 31/5 that lunch she cooked it in 7 house, infor came from lejardinflower. Many infors other that I never told to you.  In 8/2015, they take infors from Chinese to caught DH/7 in Beijing, I didn't believe it until rumors come from my country. I still don't believe it. But finnal, when DH/7 connect SNSlove, myself can find out answer for me.  and I said @samzz:  fans DH as you who knew so clearly DH is dating 7 but still always deny it to continue tag her name with DW, it make a part his fans thought a way bad about DH and her fans. I said to samzz they are saying that she intended to fans connect to DW instead 7,... many thinking is bad about her. Addition, all you always tried to saying that he also dating, before his fans never blame DH that she dated another before. Normal that if they broken up, she can find for her a happiness that she want. He can dating or not. I also like DH so much some his group fans even kick out me to group bc I commented in sp Dahae. 

Everyone can see thing that I said follwing a someway but if then DH get attacking nonstop from SNS, let understand that it come bc they hate us not her. Samzz knew What were Hong Kong, Chinese fans thought about you. And you can understand thing I said how they hated DH/her fans.

His fans are in Japan said that they respect all but they want his name won't appear in any news about DH/7 scandal romantic again, bc it is hurting for him. Myself also hope it only appear in news about himself ( news drama or his relationship) They broken up and they have happy for owner them. So only stop in place beautifull for all. I think so

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Hi HoaD,


*coughs* I don’t know as well how to address you properly, and I'm sorry, if this will happen to hurt you, but somehow I'm trying to be as kind as I want to in addressing this.


I want to be blunt by addressing the fact that, I couldn't care any less as to whatever it is that you are petulantly complaining about. My jaw basically dropped thinking about the idea that this thread could somehow give impact to whatever stuff DW is going through right now. Like, seriously? You're absolutely kidding me, you know. Oddly, I really don’t know if I should be sad or happy about that. As much as I'm so delusional about the thought that DH and DW would be again reunited, I might as well drink a bottle of reality that DW is somehow affected by this thread, so it could somehow mitigate the effect of my dismal mood concerning DH/7 dating news.


Perhaps, you're in the wrong thread or site, I must say, dearest. This isn't exactly the thread or the people that you have to rant those words.

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Hello everybody. I am new here but I have read this thread since last year from 1 to 1105. i came to this thread after watching hotel king but before then I love them together in My Girl. I find this thread very interesting and at the same time I am a big fan of LDH and LDW. The truth is I really wanted them to have a happy ending together but life is full of surprises not everything that we wish for will be granted to us.

As of LD/7 I wish them happiness. For me love can't be predicted or forced. We may love that person today but who knows there are some things that we as fans don't know behind the relationship between LDH and LDW on what went wrong to that love relationship.It might be they love too much or they just realized that they are better of as friends even if they love each other very much. And we can't blame DH or DW for loving other person. As a fan I am just happy to see them in love and happy with the person that they chose to love. i just hope that they will stay as good frineds and make another drama together.

Sorry for the long post.


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Actually, many hv predicted this Donghae shipper will become a scapegoat or to be blamed when either one of the affected parties esp Dahae or Wookie are showing disturbed condition. When fans are sad, they will find someone to be blamed. - this is also what people said abt me.

They always look at small thing rather than a bigger pic. 

Most of u here know very well, I'm not in whichever parties at the moment, in fact I'm more harsh to Dahae compared to Wookie.

When the news announced I'm clearly said as fan of Dahae I'm very happy, and as fan of Donghae I'm very sad. At that time I also believe Wookie is very happy bc Dahae is not a burden to him anymore. 

But 2 days after that news, after thinking back and real all my information and all the hard evidences that I know, my perception of the dating news becoming my no 1 hated topic in my first time as Dahae fan. I can bear all the bad thing abt her, all the bad thing people said abt her,but not when I know she is willing to be used as marketing tool by her bf. If she said I don't know Dispatch going to catch me, that a BIg lie she even said to her fans. She knows so well abt 2 of 7 minions who following her IG and always called her as sister and these 2 minions plus Dahae is so happy when 7 giving an info to all his fans whenever #heavenight# pop up in 7 IG. They thought many don't know the meaning of that and 7 fans are always giggling abt that #. Since the news these 2 minions not appeared in Dahae's IG, bc DH/7 asked them to be in low key, bc many knew abt their operation.

She knows when the news going to be released, it's a well planned move. After the joke, then come the rescue operation, so people will say ah so sweet of them protecting each other. 

This is my issue now on how to give my respect back to all the parties involved. To me, why not just said it loudly, instead of doing drama behind the scenes.

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@samzz i may be new here but i have read all your posts. I'm always looking forward of all your post and  opinions here in this thread. I have high regards on you as a fan and as a person. I am also a big fan of LDH and LDW. When the news came out regarding DH and 7 I was really brokenhearted. But as the days and weeks passed by I have accepted the DH/7 relationship. Sometimes love can't be explained. Maybe DH as a woman is willing to sacrifice for her love to 7. We can't blame her for that because when we truly love a person we are willing to to help that person even if you will be criticize by other people. All i can do as a fan is to observe and hope for their happiness.

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@ arlene80, as a fan, I'm still wishing her the best, but in reality, not all women in this world can withstand with that philosophy for that long,  I mean I will sacrifice everything for my man. Well maybe Dahae is one in million, she can prove me wrong and after 20 yrs she will said loudly to samzz esp, see I'm still happy, who said I was wrong, love conquer all.

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