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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Guest gailleqt1012

Good thing she's back in korea and hope to start a new project.......or i hope both da-hae and dong wook would be invited for an event :))

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Awww, love is in the air! Really LOVED Wookie's last photoshoot (the pic with the exposed nipple is so... drooling). It's just pics but lol, you can't tell the boy was excited to meet his woman few days later... ;) and he's excited she was back now! In the last gifs of IM shooting he was radiating happiness :x

It satisfies me so much that we're also getting all these sightings. It just means Wookie and Da Hae are not scared to date in public nor of the judgement of people, and it looks like people and their fans support them and don't bother them when they see them together. Just like we don't bother the couple of lovers among our friends when they are lovely-dovey, they are not bothered by people who catch them. I'm sure that we will expect lots of things from them in 2015. You said Dispatch is 90% scripted. My idea is that those people already know about DongHae, but they must not reveal their relationship until they give them the ok. I'm also sure their agencies are working together to protect the couple YET to publicize them in a way that before the announcement, people get used to their names together. FNC especially - I guess when they posted the pics of DongHae on the beach from ep 26 (beginning of July) they already knew about their status as a couple and were playing it with people because anyway it was promotion for the drama too. It fits with the timeline we speculated about:

  • February: possible first meeting after months or years of not seeing each other in person. A bit of distance between them.
  • March - PRE DATING: HK's presscon. The looks and the jokes they seem to play with each other already tell that the distance of the beginning has turned 80% like their old relationship. I bet Wookie already 'took action' when the filming started because we know that when he wants something, he's determined to get it and he wanted DH so he pursued her like a man ;)
  • April - TESTING THE WATERS DATING: rumored date at the cafè where Wookie touched Da Hae's hair. I wasn't there so I don't know, but they were likely taking their time together already to see if the relationship could work out again.
  • May - DATING: Here something must have happened. Perhaps a kiss, but there was still an unsure feeling on DH's side (looking at the bts). She was sure but still guarded because of the people surrounding them.
  • June - COUPLE 100%: I'm sure here Da Hae's feeling solified and she was SURE 100% that she wanted to be in this relationship. The stage after we go out with somebody and we understand that's the man we want to spend our days with and we are in love.
  • July - SHIP DEFINITELY SAILED: Possibly notifying the agencies about the relationship (see my post above).
  • August - COUPLE VACATION: Vacation in US - lol, wishful thinking not confirmed, but I know it's true haha
  • Septemeber - COUPLE OUTINGS: Date in SK possibly at Chuseok, sneaking in and there in DH's neighborhood while Wookie films IM.
If my assumptions are close to the truth, then it means Wookie and Da Hae must have been together for 5-6 months already. I wonder if they marked Da Hae's birthday as their anniversary, because I'm sure as the romantic man Wookie must be, he prepared something sweet for his girl's birthday :x
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LOL.. Chingus, so DaHae is back and she's showing off her culinary skills ... kekeke ... ;)) ;))  and also her Chinese skills ... kekeke..
She just updated her weibo... She knows we know that she's in SK.. haha.. she even liked her own post... LOL.. so cute.   

"我最近迷上了做料理~ 要不要既介绍一下韩国美食又一点一点公开一下我的秘密食谱呢? ㅋ 而且最重要的是这个是在没有任何人的帮助下自己完成的料理哦 哈哈哈!! 那做为开始!从公开为今天早上从美国回来的妈妈准备的早餐餐桌开始! !"
Eng trans. by me
I am really into cooking lately.  Should I give a small introduction of the Korean cuisine and give out my secret recipes bit by bit?? keke.. and the most importance thing is I made all these without anyone's help Hahaha!!  So to start, I prepared the breakfast table for mom who just arrived from US this morning!!

But DaHae, you didn't tell us the name of the dishes mea!!!!  :-/  LOL, yes, you should start to give out your secret recipe and maybe you can even MC a cooking show dear!!  :D

Ok, DH, so you are ready to get married hum??? keke... Did you take some to Mr. looking sad lately IronMan?  LOL... =)) =))

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"我最近迷上了做料理~ 要不要既介绍一下韩国美食又一点一点公开一下我的秘密食谱呢? ㅋ 而且最重要的是这个是在没有任何人的帮助下自己完成的料理哦 哈哈哈!! 那做为开始!从公开为今天早上从美国回来的妈妈准备的早餐餐桌开始! !" 
Eng trans. by me 
I am really into cooking lately.  Should I give a small introduction of the Korean cuisine and give out my secret recipes bit by bit?? keke.. and the most importance thing is I made all these without anyone's help Hahaha!!  So to start, I prepared the breakfast table for mom who just arrived from US this morning!! 
---------------------Wait? So her mom arrived from US different timing from her? Meaning our girl is already in Seoul earlier than her mom??

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 @nocturne and @zeppy, TQ so much for translation.
she's trolling us a bit, just like before, bc she's aware people saw her at the airport roughly 2 days ago, and maybe her mom is late by one day, her stylist already said, she just arrived yesterday.
anyway, looks like a breakfast for 4 people. Last night the table set up by her stylist, looked like for 2-3 people only, hehehehe
who is the mysterious no 4?

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zeppy10 said: "我最近迷上了做料理~ 要不要既介绍一下韩国美食又一点一点公开一下我的秘密食谱呢? ㅋ 而且最重要的是这个是在没有任何人的帮助下自己完成的料理哦 哈哈哈!! 那做为开始!从公开为今天早上从美国回来的妈妈准备的早餐餐桌开始! !" 
Eng trans. by me 
I am really into cooking lately.  Should I give a small introduction of the Korean cuisine and give out my secret recipes bit by bit?? keke.. and the most importance thing is I made all these without anyone's help Hahaha!!  So to start, I prepared the breakfast table for mom who just arrived from US this morning!! 
---------------------Wait? So her mom arrived from US different timing from her? Meaning our girl is already in Seoul earlier than her mom??

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BTW i was at the blademan thread watching the youtube BTS.. can i just say uri Wookie looked so distant from the other costars.. usually in his own world and just focusing on his JOB.. and probably missing someone so badly... it's all written on his face!!!! he doesn't even interact much with the other co-stars?? (totally unlike in HK... well one could say that in HK, most of the cast are his friends... well oh well..)
Hopefully now that dahae is back and going to cook him delicious food and feed him well he will be a happier man!

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Wookie must be so happy now..His girl is back anad learning hard to cook... I want to see Da Hae visits Wookie in filming location and brings good foods to feed him...
and btw, our Wookie's drama rating is going higher!! Last night rating is 6.9% and MLG is 7.3%...Double happiness for Wookie!!!

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Guest turquoiseblue

wait have you noticed the packed meals she made? she put some of them in a plastic container... kekeke... for whom those packed meals for? :D and those noodles with green chili peppers...hmmm... I remember wookie chose spicy noodle soup during his Iron Man interview compatibility quiz. so he likes spicy food too...udgzn7h.jpg

and yeah she said she made some food for her mom but the table is for 4. dont tell me the sytlist is sleeping in her house? :)) maybe she left already...so those 2 other plates are for whom? and the take away food too? c'mon wookie come out come out wherever you are \:D/
Dahae is suddenly turning into a domestic diva i love it! :x :x
thank you girls for posting the pictures here...wish dahae will show her face too :D and the people who will enjoy her homecooked meals *cough* *cough* 

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Guest supercalifragilistic

nocturne9 said: zeppy10 said:
Eng trans. by me 
I am really into cooking lately.  Should I give a small introduction of the Korean cuisine and give out my secret recipes bit by bit?? keke.. and the most importance thing is I made all these without anyone's help Hahaha!!  So to start, I prepared the breakfast table for mom who just arrived from US this morning!! 
---------------------Wait? So her mom arrived from US different timing from her? Meaning our girl is already in Seoul earlier than her mom??

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Guest turquoiseblue

when i saw those fan pics of her shopping at Glendale, I immediately thought that she's about to go back to Seoul anytime soon coz usually I do the shopping part towards the end of my trip when I'm about to leave coz that time I'm in panick on what stuff I should give to my family :)) and maybe she left earlier...coz yeah she can't stay any longer coz someone is missing her badly and looking miserable already :x but of course, our nondelulu mind will think she urgently needs to go back to Korea coz she has a very important business matter to do right? kekeke. 
Wookie needs his "delicious food" right away! aka delicious kisses, hugs and wink wink ;)

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how nice to have the news of dahae! bravo! finally, she is back to Seoul. Have our detectives begun to check out the four sets of breakfast this morning, and three sets of dinner last night  ;;)
Wookie just can't hide the happiness from his face. Dahae is really his sunshine and everything. He is now a happy man again! Also heard about the better ratings of IM. Double happiness. 
After reading the DH's weibo post, I really think she should also update this on her twitter, too. She should update both at the same time, so her korean and international fans can have her latest news. Also, she is promoting korean food :-) 
Lovely to have your back, DH! 

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