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♥ Yeo Jin Goo 여진구 ♥


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Why was he so good looking in today's episode? Why? It's like he gained some weight and changed the make up artist (...) he looked as young and beautiful as he hasn't since he was 16 (imo)! What happened? Is he happy? lol

And how do you post pictures in this forum? I never understood how to do that T T

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Hello Everyone! Here is a translated article for Yeo Jin-goo. It is a 3 parter so I'll post the others as soon as they're finished!

Kyung Hyang Sports | May 27, 2017 | Translated By Bah+Doo
Originally written by 이다원 기자 edaone@kyunghyang.com>

여진구 Interview 2017

[인터뷰①] 여진구 “연애 경험 無…‘사랑’이란 말 어색해요”
[interview 1] Yeo Jin-goo “No romantic relationship yet…the word ‘Love’ is still awkward for me”

기사입력2017.05.27 오후 2:51 기사원문 댓글
배우 여진구는 연기 경력 13년차지만 아직 스무 살인 청춘이다. 아역 시절부터 ‘진구 오빠’라는 별명이 따라다닐 정도로 여심을 사로잡는 마력을 지녔다. 그러나 실제론 연애 쑥맥이라며 수줍게 입을 뗐다. 
Actor Yeo Jin-go has 13 years of acting experience, but he his only 20 years old. He has charms that capture girls hearts, his nickname has been “Jin-gu oppa” since he was a child actor.

“첫사랑 경험 아직 없어요. 남녀공학을 다녔어야 하는데 남고를 나와서 그런가 봐요.”
“I don’t have any first love experiences. I think it is because I went to a boys school, not a mixed school.” 

최근 서울 종로구 삼청동 한 카페에서 만난 여진구는 ‘연애’ 질문이 나오자 얼굴을 붉게 물들이며 웃음을 터뜨렸다. 연애나 사랑이란 단어가 낯간지럽다는 그에게서 풋풋한 느낌이 물씬했다. 멜로 도전 역시 어색할 것 같다는 그다.
During our recent interview with Yeo Jin-gu at a café in Sam-chung dong, Jong-ro gu, Seoul, he blushed and laughed when we asked him about “romantic relationships.” He was charming because even saying the words “romantic relationship” or “love” embarrassed him. 

“제가 지금 멜로 영화를 찍으면 관객들이 혼란스럽지 않을까요? 전 아직 ‘사랑’이란 감정이 어색하더라고요.”
“If I take on a romantic drama now, don’t you think the audience will be confused? The feeling of ‘Love’ is still awkward for me.”

실제로 연애를 한 번도 안했다며 소개팅이라도 하고 싶다고 말했다. 
He said he has never had a romantic relationship, he wants to have a blind date. 

“이성 친구들도 초등학교 때부터 오랫동안 친했던 터라 거의 남자처럼 느껴져요. 그들에게 소개팅을 부탁했는데 기회가 없더라고요. 제가 유명인이라 소개 받는 분이 부담스러울 것 같아서 그런지.”
“I regard my female friends almost like guy friends because we have known each other since we were children. I have asked them for blind dates, but I haven’t had any yet. I think they feel awkward because I am a celebrity.” 

그렇다면 이상형은 어떤 사람일까.
So, what kind of woman is his ideal?

“잘 웃고 밝은 에너지를 가진 사람이 좋아요. 잘 먹고 애교도 많은 사람이었으면 좋겠어요. 제가 애교가 없고 애정 표현을 잘 못하는 편이라 그런지 애교에 약하거든요. 외모요? 그건 계속 구체화하고 있어요. 하하.”
“I like someone with a lot of laughter and bright energy. In addition, someone who eats well and has aegyo (charming, attractiveness, like when girls say Oppa~~~), because I don’t have aegyo and I don’t express my affection much, I am weak at aegyo. Appearances? I am still solidifying the image. Ha ha.” (see Aegyo battle)

반대로 예의 없는 사람은 조금 곤란하다는 그다.
On the other hand, he doesn’t like people without manners. 

“배려가 없다거나 주변 사람을 함부로 대하는 사람은 별로예요. 그런 사람은 다들 싫어하지 않을까요?”
“I don’t like someone who has no consideration for others or walks all over the people around them. I think no one likes those kinds of people.”

동종업계도 괜찮냐고 물으니 한참을 뜸들였다.
He paused for a while when asked if women from the same field are fine for him.

“솔직히 깊게 생각해본 적이 없어요. 하지만 아예 싫은 건 아니에요. 여지를 남겨둬야죠. 하하.”
“Honestly, I have never thought about it too deeply. But it is not like I don’t like to date them at all. I have to leave room for it, right? Ha ha”

―인터뷰②에서 이어집니다.
— To be continued in part 2

SOURCE Kyung Hyang Sports

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Kyung Hyang Sports | May 27, 2017 | Translated By Bah+Doo
Originally written by 이다원 기자 edaone@kyunghyang.com>

[인터뷰②] 여진구 “이정재 따귀 장면, 소심해 여러 번 찍었다”
[Interview 2] Yeo Jin-gu “I am a timid person , so I had to take on the scene where I slapped Lee Jung-jae” 

배우 여진구는 영화 <대립군>에서 ‘광해’를 유약하지만 점점 성장하는 리더로 그려냈다. 특히 ‘토우’ 역을 맡은 이정재의 마초적인 이미지와 대비시키며 연약한 ‘광해’를 더욱 도드라지게 표현했다.
In the movie Warriors of the Dawn, actor Yeo Jin-gu played king “Guang-hae” who was a weak king in the beginning but became a strong leader. He especially expressed a very frail “Guang-hae” compare to the macho image of Lee Jung-jae’s “Toe-woo” character in the movie. 

“이정재 선배와 함께 연기하면서 도움을 많이 받았어요. ‘광해’가 변화를 맞을 때 격한 표정을 짓는 게 아닌 마음의 일렁임만으로 관객에게 전달하고 싶었는데, 이정재 선배의 섬세한 감정 표현들, 의미 있는 눈빛들을 보고 배웠죠. 어떻게 그렇게 연기할 수 있느냐고 물으니 ‘너도 나이 들면 이렇게 돼’라고 답하더라고요. 이정재 선배의 그런 감성은 정말 뺏어오고 싶더라고요.”
“Lee Jung-jae seonbae helped me a lot with acting. I wanted to express the emotional changes of “Guang-hae” by slight tremblings in his mind, not with strong facial expressions, and I learned delicate emotional expressions and meaningful gazes from him [Lee Jung Jae]. When I asked him how he could do that kind of acting, he told me when you get old, you can do it. I really wanted to steal his sensibility.” 

여진구 Interview part II 영화 ‘대립군’ 속 여진구와 이정재. Yeo Jin-gu and Lee Jung-jae in the movie ‘Warriors of the Dawn’

극 중 이정재의 뺨을 때리는 장면을 얘기하니 웃음부터 터뜨렸다.
When I asked him about slapping Lee Jung-jae’s face in the movie, he busted out laughing. 

“그게 데뷔 이후 처음으로 누군가를 때리는 장면이었어요. 전날부터 마음을 단단히 먹었죠. 그런데 막상 이정재 선배를 때리려고 하니 소심해지더라고요. 그래서 촬영을 엄청 여러 번 했어요. 선배 턱을 칠 정도로 강하게 때렸는데도, 화면에선 약하게 보이더라고요. 죄송했어요.”
“It was my first time slapping someone’s face since I début. I prepared my mind from the night before. But when I really tried to slap his face, I became unconfident. We had to repeat that scene over and over again. I thought I was slapping him hard enough, but it looked wimpy on-screen. I was really sorry to him.”

촬영지가 고산지라 매일 오르내리기 고되지 않았냐고 하니 역시나 건강한 대답이 돌아왔다. 
When asked if it was hard to go up and down the high elevations every day, of course, a healthy response came back.

“오히려 감정을 끌어올리는 데에 도움이 되던 걸요. 전란을 겪은 어린 왕이니 몸이 고된 건 당연한 것이고, 그 와중에 화를 내거나 좌절하는 감정을 잡아야 했으니까요. 또 건강도 좋아진 것 같아요. 정상까지 올라가면 가끔 힘들기도 했지만요.”
“It actually helped me with acting. Of course, it should be physically demanding because he was a young king that just went through war, so I had to express his anger and frustration. Also, it made me healthier. Although, sometimes it was hard to walk all the way to the top.”

여진구 Interview part II

영화를 찍는 동안 나라에 다양한 변화가 있었다. 이 때문에 두려움과 걱정이 교차하기도 했다며 껄껄 웃었다.
He laughed and said that while shooting the movie, there were big changes in Korea. Because of that, some fear and worry came across. 

“첫 촬영할 땐 작품 속에 정치적 메시지가 있다곤 전혀 생각하지 않았어요. 당시엔 나라가 그럴 만한 분위기도 아니었잖아요? 그런데 촬영하면서 여러 사건이 터지더라고요. 현장에서도 걱정이 많았죠. ‘이상적인 리더’를 그리는 영화라 관객에게 너무 정치적으로 다가가지 않을까 우려도 했고요. 하지만 지금은 오히려 다행인 것 같아요. 희망찬 메시지로 전달될 것 같거든요.”
When we started shooting the movie, we didn’t think there was any political message. Korea was not in that atmosphere at all at that moment, right? But while we were shooting, a lot of things happened. We worried a lot. We were concerned that this movie was too political because the main theme of the movie is about the “Ideal leader.” Now, I think it was fortunate for us. I think it can be portrayed as a hopeful message.

그는 올해 첫 투표권을 행사했다며 묘한 기분이었다고 고백했다.
He said it was weird to cast his vote for the first time. 

“전 사전투표 했어요. 첫 투표인데 이렇게 빨리 할 줄은 몰랐죠. 그래서 그런지 느낌이 더 새로웠던 것 같아요. 내가 찍은 도장 하나가 나라에 큰 영향을 미치니까요. 그 순간만큼은 배우가 아닌 대한민국 국민으로서 많은 생각이 들었어요. 가볍게 찍으러 갔는데 그 도장이 엄청 무겁게 느껴졌고요. 앞으로 꾸준히 나랏일에 관심을 가져야겠다 싶었어요.”
“I early voted. It was my first time voting, but I didn’t expect this so soon. Maybe that is why it was so refreshing to me because my one vote can have a big effect in Korea. At that moment a lot of thoughts came across as a citizen, not as an actor. I went to vote without thinking much, but at the voting site, the stamp felt so heavy. I thought, I will pay close attention to politics from now on.”

그렇다면 그는 이번 작품 성적에 어떤 기대를 갖고 있을까.
So, what kind of expectations does he have for the movie. 

“제가 관객수 500만 돌파 공약, 700만 돌파 공약을 ‘프리허그’로 내걸었거든요. 이 공약들을 모두 이루고 싶어요. 으하하.” 
“5 million people, if it passes 7 million people then my campaign pledge is a “free hug.” I want to achieve my pledge. Hahaha.” (The current Korean president promised a free hug on Hong-dae street if the early voting rate surpassed 25%)

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Last one!


Kyung Hyang Sports | May 27, 2017 | Translated By Bah+Doo
Originally written by 이다원 기자 edaone@kyunghyang.com>

[인터뷰③] 여진구 “유승호와 비교? 정말 영광이죠”
[Interview 3] Yeo Jin-gu “Compared to Yoo Seung-ho? That is an honor”

“유승호와 비교된다고요? 정말 영광이죠. 저도 엄청난 팬이라서 그런 말 들으면 그저 감사할 뿐이에요.”
“Am I compared to Yoo Seong-ho? It is my honor. I am just thankful to hear that because I am a big fan of his.”

배우 여진구가 아역 출신 남자배우란 공통점을 지닌 유승호와 비교에 행복한 미소를 머금었다.
Actor Yeo Jin-goo happily smiled when he was compared to Yoo Seung-ho, who was also a child actor. 

“MBC <군주>를 완벽하게 다 챙겨보진 못하지만 자주 보고 있거든요. 진짜 멋있고 연기도 잘 하더라고요. 어떻게 제가 비교될 수 있었는지 모르겠지만 더 열심히 해야겠다는 생각이 듭니다.”
“I watch MBC’s The Emperor, not every episode, but very often. He is really handsome and acts well. I don’t know how I can be compared to him, but it makes me work harder.”

김소현, 김유정 등 함께 활동한 아역 출신 배우들에 대한 애정도 내비쳤다.
He also showed his kinship toward fellow child actors like Kim So-hyun and Kim Yu-jung. 

“워낙 바빠서 자주 연락하진 못하지만 항상 응원하고 있어요. 어릴 때부터 오디션이나 촬영장에서 자주 만나다보니 진짜 친동생처럼 같이 자란 느낌이 드는 친구들이거든요. 요즘은 제가 봐도 정말 예뻐졌더라고요.”
“We can’t keep in touch frequently because we are so busy, but I always cheer for them. We saw each other often at auditions or at shooting sites, I feel like we grew up together as if we were siblings. They became very pretty, even to me.”

여진구 Interview part III

그들이 자란 만큼 여진구도 어느 덧 성인으로 성장했다. 자연스럽게 주량에 대한 질문이 나올 정도였다.
Just like them, Yeo Jin-gu also became an adult. Naturally, we talked about his drinking capacity. 

“생각보다 많이는 못 마셔요. 술을 자주 접하진 못했으니까요. 다만 선배들 앞에선 마실 때 취기를 잡으려고 긴장하면서 마시죠. 흐트러지지 않으려고 노력하고요. 물론 숙소로 돌아갈 땐 매니저에게 추한 주정 많이 해요. 하하.”
“I can’t drink that much. Because I didn’t have much chance to drink. And when I drink with my seonbaes, I am tense because I don’t want to be tipsy. I try to gain control over myself. Of course, when I go back home with my manager, I show all my drunken stupor to him. 

술이 다른 배우들과 친해지는 것에 도움이 되는 것 같냐고 하니 고개를 강하게 끄덕였다.
When he was asked if drinking helps in becoming friends with other actors, he strongly agreed. 

“확실히 친해지는 것 같아요. 예전에 선배들 술자리에 참석할 땐 사이다로 건배했지만, 이젠 함께 취하면서 시간을 보내니 정말 좋더라고요. 무슨 얘기 하냐고요? 구체적으로 말할 순 없지만, 그냥 많은 걸 알려줘서 감사하다는 말을 전하고 싶네요.” 
“Definitely, we become friends easily. Before, when I joined my seonbae’s drinking parties, I toasted with soft drinks, but now I spend time drinking with them. I like it a lot. What do we talk about? I can’t say in detail, but I just want to tell them thank you a lot for teaching me everything.”

마지막으로 유명인으로서 불편할 때도 있느냐 물으니 ‘한 번도 없었다’고 답했다.
We asked him if he ever had any uncomfortable moments he said, “Never”.

“오히려 혜택을 보고 있죠. 식당을 가도 덤으로 뭘 더 주기도 하고, 어딜 가나 많은 분에게 환영 받고 있으니까요. 절 사랑해준 팬들은 늘 감사의 존재입니다.”
“Rather, I get more help from it. When I go to restaurants, I often get more food free of charge. Wherever I go, I receive a lot of welcome from a lot of people. I am always thankful to my fans who give me a lot of love.”


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Thank you for the translation! I have seen most of it somewhere but never the complete interview.

For some reason I feel that he is very self conscious and unsure, I really hope he can become more self confident and comfortable with himself.


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I am a bit upset... now that the riddles in circle have been solved.


I mean I did say that the plot of reunited worlds reminded me a bit of circle, but really? THIS similar? A young adult believed to be dead by all including his family turns up unaged more than a decade later? Is he practically playing the same character in two consecutive dramas? Why???

I have been worried that ppl might tire of him/ he might get a fixed image if he keeps playing similar characters, but this is the epitome of playing similar characters and appearing too often in a short time span. Don't get me wrong, I am super happy to see him in so many works, but what about the general korean audience?


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M Finally watched Daeribgun today, and it was better than I expected, actually I thought it was quite good.

Maybe this stems from me being somewhat disappointed with circle, but I liked the movie a lot. It seems to me that after all Yeo Jingoo is made for the big screen. In movies, you can appreciate his good acting BECAUSE he is never Yeo Jingoo but Gwanghae, and I can emerge myself fully in the story (and the beautiful scenery) without thinking about one actor at all. To be your role and not yourself is one of the most important abilities of an actor imo.

The story is rather simple, we all know it, the king fled the country, Joseon almost completely fell under the Japanese invasion, and a prince and not the obvious choice because of his birth was chosen to take up the navigation of the sinking ship. Poor ppl who risked their lives serving in the military to earn some money travelled with him through the dangerous country and with time, a bond was formed.

The overall plot seemed realistic and had an easy flow, it was worth the effort imo to film the entire movie out on the mountains, the scenery was beautiful throughout the whole movie, the birds chirping in the background, the crackling of the fire, beautiful unobtrusive fitting background music, overall very enjoyable.

I wished it would be aired where I live :-/

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On 6/24/2017 at 1:31 AM, rittoo said:

Thank you for the translation! I have seen most of it somewhere but never the complete interview.

For some reason I feel that he is very self conscious and unsure, I really hope he can become more self confident and comfortable with himself.


Right, I would just assume that he would be super confident. He has this weird place in my mind, I think he is a baby yet I also think he is super old. It's weird. Maybe because he has been around for a minute.

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11 minutes ago, V said:

Right, I would just assume that he would be super confident. He has this weird place in my mind, I think he is a baby yet I also think he is super old. It's weird. Maybe because he has been around for a minute.

It's funny that me and a colleague just talked about this a few days ago, that most ppl go through a phase in their youth when they start to live more aware of themselves and the world and become unsure about who they really are, where they wanna go and generally their place in the world. (for me, early puberty when my family migrated to Europe and for my colleague around the time she turned 18)

It seems to me that he is going through that phase or has been for 2 or 3 years now, the time you start doubting the way you acted and went through life until now and try to change it for the better but become awkward and self conscious doing it until you finally realize for yourself what matters to you most and how you can be comfortable with the way you are again.

When he said that Daeribgun will be his new turning point I was really happy because I felt like he's found it. I guess we will see it in his future acting.

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4 hours ago, rittoo said:

It's funny that me and a colleague just talked about this a few days ago, that most ppl go through a phase in their youth when they start to live more aware of themselves and the world and become unsure about who they really are, where they wanna go and generally their place in the world. (for me, early puberty when my family migrated to Europe and for my colleague around the time she turned 18)

It seems to me that he is going through that phase or has been for 2 or 3 years now, the time you start doubting the way you acted and went through life until now and try to change it for the better but become awkward and self conscious doing it until you finally realize for yourself what matters to you most and how you can be comfortable with the way you are again.

When he said that Daeribgun will be his new turning point I was really happy because I felt like he's found it. I guess we will see it in his future acting.

I completely agree. I also suspect that he is starting to go out more without his parents whereas before, he probably always had his parents with him? This is probably a big time/moment of self discovery for him. Have you been watching Circle? I heard it is really good. Maybe his acting/confidence has grown since the movie and that role.

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3 hours ago, V said:

I also suspect that he is starting to go out more without his parents whereas before, he probably always had his parents with him? This is probably a big time/moment of self discovery for him. Have you been watching Circle? I heard it is really good.

As he should :-) I was pretty sure that his mother used to be his manager before but now he talks of a manager hyung :-) I blame him for taking whatever jobs are offered without choosing though = =

I personally think that circle is really bad, but others like it, so give it a try.

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I have just finished watching Circle.. I waited till it was done before I really watch the drama. It confused the hell out of me when I tried to watch it the first week .. so I decided to wait till it's done.  And I am glad.. I loved the ending and hoping for a part 2. I came to understand the story after 5 or 6 episodes. And I really got into it.. over all.. I can recommend the drama. Jin Goo was as always superb in his acting..

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1 hour ago, l0ul0u said:

Can't wait for this.. 

OMG this looks beautiful! I'm getting my hopes high up again >///< I'm not sure I should be doing this because the less I expect the happier I might be with the result but... Jingoo also said that his character is a healing one, it is as if he came from the past to his friends and family who are struggling in the present to heal their hearts. When I read that I was already super happy. I really hope we will see him smiling and happy a lot in this drama >////< so excited!

On a side note though, he got killed in a car crash again = = Btw could it be that in all these years none of his characters have ever died/he's never acted in a death scene before? And then two in such a short time? lol

On the side of a side note XD I'm guessing now (when I barely know anything) that this drama will not have the standard happy ending. It reminds me a tiny little bit of the Kisaratsu Cats' Movie (world series) where a dead friend returns because he and his friends still have things left unsaid and undone when he died. At that time the friends have all graduated (I think he died in high school) and were having a more or less hard time in the world of grown ups, they all came together because it was said that if they did a special something, their dead friend would return (and he did). After they fooled around and had fun all together one last time and talked about things he disappeared again and assumedly went to heaven in peace.

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Btw I just realized that it was Jung Woo Sung who was holding Yeo Jin Goo in his lap and fed him spicy ttoek-bokki which made him scrunch up his face and drink a lot of water back then when they both acted in Sad Movie, it was such a funny clip to watch lol. And it was Jung Woo Sung and Lee Jung Jae who gave the award to him when he won the blue dragon best new actor award. And that now LJJ wants YJG to call him hyung even though his best (?) friend used to be a funny ajusshi who liked to feed baby YJG spicy stuff XDD the world of k-entertainment sure is small!


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26 minutes ago, rittoo said:

Btw I just realized that it was Jung Woo Sung who was holding Yeo Jin Goo in his lap and fed him spicy ttoek-bokki which made him scrunch up his face and drink a lot of water back then when they both acted in Sad Movie, it was such a funny clip to watch lol. And it was Jung Woo Sung and Lee Jung Jae who gave the award to him when he won the blue dragon best new actor award. And that now LJJ wants YJG to call him hyung even though his best (?) friend used to be a funny ajusshi who liked to feed baby YJG spicy stuff XDD the world of k-entertainment sure is small!


Just today I was thinking the same , jung woosung while giving the award must be like, damn he grew up well lol 




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