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[Drama 2014] Secret Love Affair 밀회

Guest uburoi

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said: I think we can all agree that having an affair is wrong. The name of the show says it all (Secret Love AFFAIR), without this element, than we would be watching a different k drama. I say put the moral compass aside for a minute and just enjoy the unfolding of the characters and writing. I am not watching to judge HW or any other character but to watch how they portray the story written. I don't think there is a character in this show without flaws but that is life itself. We all have flaws we all make mistakes and we can all get caught up in things we wouldn't normally do.This is a story about a woman doing something that is totally out of her character. I am a married woman with no desire to have an affair but I tuned in to SLA to watch HW and SJ have one. I can't wait to see them grow closer. If you find that this show does not fit your moral beliefs than don't continue watching because guess what guys they might have sex. I for one can't wait!!!

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Guest leezassi

kngdrama said: When HW says, "Your goddess lives like a slave" or something like that, I cannot help it but think that she chose to live like a slave in order to get to the CEO position and tramp over other players. She is scary in her thirst for power. And I have no pity for her ordeal, constant beating, water splashing, etc. War scars. I wonder if her husband actually sees her wounds for what they are. She provoked YW - having been with her for so many years, she knows YW's weak spots and could predict YW's reaction. 
From the first episode, when YW hit HW in the kitchen and HW calmly says, you have to pay me more for this, I understood that HW knows the rules and agrees to be a punching bag so she could weasel her way up. 

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Guest kngdrama

What is there in HW to glorify? This middle-aged woman stands in the room with two men, one is her husband of many years who she vowed to love and be loyal to, another is a future student who she kissed and brought into her house after hours and lied to the maid and hid him in a bedroom. She smiles at both men and continues on with business. She knows that if SJ's mother were alive, she would have added to the water splashing and maybe some hair pulling in between. 
Really, I fail to see anything special - this is just an affair with all the tricks, starting with girlfriends covering for HW so she could spend time with her lover, silly text messaging, and ending in a disgusting seedy motel where affairs usually take place. HW is used to managing affairs of others - pimping a restaurant adjumma and covering for YW's affairs. I bet she thinks the she could easily manage her own affair with SJ. 
As for HW's husband being responsible for her cheating, oh well, if this is how people rationalize affairs, so be it. She knew he did not love her, if you remember the recording in the restaurant with YW - HW listens to the recording and says that it is okay when YW says KJH did not love her. HW did not love her husband either. 
I will continue to watch and enjoy the music and amazing, nuanced, believable acting. 
I can't teleport my moral compass on Mars so it would not show what's right and what's wrong on earth. 

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Guest tinybelle

"Secret L o v e Affair, 7 
Hye Won has done some awful things during the course of this show, but none of them were even remotely as degrading as her meeting with the waitress. The whole time they’re drinking together, Hye Won is carefully hedging her bets: she’s sweet-talking the waitress to get the information she wants, but also to get on her good side. That woman might very well be the old man’s next wife, after all—similar things have happened before. And that’s why Hye Won swears allegiance to no one but herself. She’s made a career out of landing on her feet no matter what happens to anyone else around her. This scene was heartbreaking.
I just want Hye Won to run away with Sun Jae and leave this world behind. It’s defiling her in the worst, most soul-destroying ways."
cr. @llamaesque from Outside Seoul

We've only seen about 4-5 months of Hye Won's life. She's been with these people for decades. I wonder how many times has she been slapped, hit with things, thrown water at? To face that kind of demeaning treatment every single day, it's no surprise she's so calloused as to stay in a loveless marriage for that long. Forget love, man, the husband doesn't touch her! No handholding. Or a kiss on the cheek. Not even a pat on the back! ~X(

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Guest atiyam

sweetpeaga said: atiyam said: I think we can all agree that having an affair is wrong. The name of the show says it all (Secret Love AFFAIR), without this element, than we would be watching a different k drama. I say put the moral compass aside for a minute and just enjoy the unfolding of the characters and writing. I am not watching to judge HW or any other character but to watch how they portray the story written. I don't think there is a character in this show without flaws but that is life itself. We all have flaws we all make mistakes and we can all get caught up in things we wouldn't normally do.This is a story about a woman doing something that is totally out of her character. I am a married woman with no desire to have an affair but I tuned in to SLA to watch HW and SJ have one. I can't wait to see them grow closer. If you find that this show does not fit your moral beliefs than don't continue watching because guess what guys they might have sex. I for one can't wait!!!

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 After watching ep 7 the way things work in the story has become somewhat clear to me: the one with the pathetic existence between HW and SJ is the rich lady (strangely enough) and despite the fact that she chose this existence for herself you can't help but feel sorry for her and hope she manages to find the courage to get away from all this (I'm guessing SJ will play a part in this), HW's marriage is obviously a business arrangement right now (I'm not sure it was that different when they got married) since the husband is perfectly aware about what's going on and is actively trying to use it to his advantage and finally HW is the one who is more caught up in the affair as can be seen by her reaction to an innocent act from SJ (granted that could be easily misunderstood but still driving off with the poor guy's coat and keys is a bit much).
 The highlight of the ep for me is  rather low key and it consists of the demonstration of honesty from SJ when he sums up in a few words the way he feels about HW - Yes I love you and I do want to sleep with you but you said you were tired. Simple, incredibly honest and considerate of her feelings and still romantic in the most beautifully naive way :).
 I'm not going to get into the morality of the relationship between HW and SJ because there are quite a few insightful posts about this already but I will say it's pretty hard to not hope HW goes to SJ after witnessing the string of douchebagerries (it's a technical term :)) ) the husband is doing and did I understand this right? Is his position dependent on HW staying in the foundation?
 The next ep looks quite promising since the affair seems to get in high gear and hopefully the development of the story keeps this pace as I for one am really enjoying this particular rhythm the series set for itself.

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Guest tinybelle

tinybelle said: Preview SJ: It’s good that you came. I know you are jealous. so I like it.HW: don’t you have a dream? don’t you have passion/ambition? (me) the goddess you think is living as a slave.SJ: will you think about it a little more? I want to live enjoying music. that’s what I think is love. HW comfortably hangs out at his home.
cr. Soulsrebel


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Guest ineetha

YSJ : All the hurt I felt because of you until yesterday has been completely wiped off now. Instead Iam so furious and pissed off right now.

(after the ceremony , when he meets HW in the corridor)
What does he mean by that exactly ?

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These are my two cents.  I can understand people choosing to have affairs---to each his own. however, when it comes to HW and SJ…I do not want that final coupling, if there will be such a thing, to be cheap and sexual; I would rather to be sensual and life altering for both characters.  I believe that one of the things that bring s together is that neither one of them has reeeeeallllly experienced LOVE!!! towards another human being..  Where will the writers take us ….we shall seen.  I am truly enjoying this show tremendously 
Just a thoguht…..  

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Guest alambala

my two cents about the debate on adultery and whether we should support HW & SJ. As a norm, I don't think cheating is Ok. Yet, life is more complex - some marriages are indeed broken & the only reason the spouses do not divorce is because of inertia/other common interests (money, power) or fear to be alone. Whatever way you see it, HW's marriage seems to ft the bill. To those that say - get a divorce, find a partner afterwards - that would be great & clean. But as said before, fear & inertia make people continue with an unpleasant even horrible situation in the absence of a catalyst. A love interest, like SJ, can be that catalyst. A marriage needs to be more than a piece of paper for adultery to have a moral/ethical dimension. If the love/trust is missing (as is in HW's case) her having an affair is at most repudiating the contract between the spouses and not the breaking of, in this case, a nonexistent emotional bond.

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Guest calculator

estrellabrillante said: These are my two cents.  I can understand people choosing to have affairs---to each his own. however, when it comes to HW and SJ…I do not want that final coupling, if there will be such a thing, to be cheap and sexual; I would rather to be sensual and life altering for both characters.  I believe that one of the things that bring s together is that neither one of them has reeeeeallllly experienced LOVE!!! towards another human being..  Where will the writers take us ….we shall seen.  I am truly enjoying this show tremendously 
Just a thoguht…..  

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ineetha said: YSJ : All the hurt I felt because of you until yesterday has been completely wiped off now. Instead Iam so furious and pissed off right now.

(after the ceremony , when he meets HW in the corridor)
What does he mean by that exactly ?

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Guest kngdrama

I have an idea. 
Let's change it up a little. 
What if SJ is a talented Candy girl who has a gift.. let's see, in making pasta! She is a poor orphan but she makes incredible pasta that can be presented at an international competition. HW is a general manager of a pasta store, ambitious married older man trying to become a CEO in the corrupted pasta corporation, his wife is a sexless older shrew, and his wife wants to take Candy in and make her prepare pasta for her. 
But when HW accidentally makes pasta with SJ, they feel this incredible connection, rolling the dough together - four hands, spreading the dough, making pasta shapes, adding special spices, then eating pasta secretly in Candy's dirty apartment. They want to make more pasta, they hide from the shrew, they want to escape the most important pasta production chaebols who lust after Candy's pasta.Because, you know, SJ makes a very addictive pasta dish. 
Candy falls in love with her teacher pasta maker! She offers her virginity to the master!  SJ wants to sleep with HW! HW's taste buds are awaken!! He cannot stand his boring wife's cooking!!! Although he eats her bland dinners, he dreams of SJ's pasta and texts her in pasta shapes. Every night Candy SJ climbs up on the HW's roof to drop some flour disguised as snow. 
HW, that older man with shiny face like a moon, realizes that he wasted his time kissing asses of useless pasta chaebols. He wants to stay with SJ, flour on his forehead, garlic in his mouth, boiling hot, adding more spices to SJ's wild pasta. What is going to happen to this beautiful couple? Will love concur all? 

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These are my two cents.  I can understand people choosing to have affairs---to each his own. however, when it comes to HW and SJ…I do not want that final coupling, if there will be such a thing, to be cheap and sexual; I would rather to be sensual and life altering for both characters.  I believe that one of the things that bring s together is that neither one of them has reeeeeallllly experienced LOVE!!! towards another human being..  Where will the writers take us ….we shall seen.  I am truly enjoying this show tremendously 

Just a thoguht…..  

Agree agree!! And the other beautiful thing abt this story that sets it apart from other adultery stories is that our OTP's attraction to each other started through music. It is that pure. Music is their connection, their mutual love and solace. Sounds ironic since it is still adultery no matter how u slice it but this thing abt music being the bond purifies it all.

It's not like a lonely woman in a loveless marriage went drinking in a bar and caught the eye of a horny young boy. Just to draw a distinction....

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