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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Guest agashi868

young30 said: oshinsue said: i went back to watch the  final episode today....i cry again and again.why.....? because of this.....
i love them so much....we just heard the news about Wooyoung....What happen to Seyoung...?

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@PeggyM  Good questions:
1.  How many of us vote for YY Nation (Support Group)  (Fan Club) (Whatever?)2.  Research the fan clubs and see how they are organized...CHECK.3.  OK brave choice...I likey...Public Support YY Nation.4.  Omo did the hairs on the back of your neck just stand up....PeggyM for President.5.  I think we'd need our own Website...I'm good at making a website AND I would do it for free...A website would give us a larger presence on the internet.
  I'm with you all the way.  I like the way you think!  2Young deserves our assistance for all the hours of joy we've received...we should reciprocate in kind. 
  I love love love your motivation technique (clearing dry throat....trying to swallow) and would absolutely vote PeggyM for President of the YY Nation Fan Club!!!!!     It's time for night night here at 11:30pm so off to sleep....until tomorrow....Lets Go!   YY Nation!!!   

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Alrighty then....
I am going to give this a try....hopefully I will have some support through this thread.  I will begin researching and making plans starting tomorrow.  I need to have a fresh clear mind for this project....I want to do it so that all involved can be proud to say they are a member of the YY Nation.  
@desertflower.....get ready Vice President Nominee...check out this website for Yongseo International (Yonghwa/Seohyun shippers) http://yongseointernational.com/
I'll be President-Nominee only.....but if someone else who is experienced and wants to step up and take that on....please feel free to say so :D  In the meantime, I will get to work to see what I can find out for us anyway.

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Guest ylndptrc

Why i couldn't stop crying everytime i watch their farewell :(( :(( this is the first time i cried a lot when i watch wgm. I only cry once when i watch khuntoria. The feel is different.

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We have a Facebook page YY Nation!!!!

If anyone is interested in becoming an administrator and helping out with the FB page, I would love to have your assistance.  I am trying to find ways to get maximum exposure for our couple's supporters.  If anyone feels like this is a really horrible idea....please don't hesitate to tell me.....I don't want to do anything unnecessarily. Also could use ideas on what to have on our FB page as well.
Yes, I'm really gungho right now.......I had a cup of coffee way too late at night!!!!

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@young30 @agashi868 like you....i also miss her... i wonder if this infinite...?they are the most adorable couple for me.all those memories also was memorable for me.they enrich my day.just  so Thank You to Wooyoung and Seyoung and all my friends because my day is filled with your presence in my life.
And to Seyoung.....i love you.be patient for a while...may be separated only for a while...and happiness will come to you someday......why i cry again!!!!!  :(:((

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Hi everyone, I keep re watched the farewell episode :( . When I watch the part Wooyoung said Park Seyoung ........& he silent plus he keep staring at seyoung...... I'm automatically crying :(( :(( :(( . I have replay again & again, trying to control my tears,but I'm crying at those part everytime I watch it :(( :(( . I think all 4 MC in the studio crying. Cuz I hear the guy MC saying 'Omo' when Seyoung start crying... :(( :(( :(( :((

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Guest happyjoann

 in BRI they are both still were the beacelet and the puzzel ring ..
this is  the direct link for picture i made http://image.ohozaa.com/view2/xQhLnb0mz2bZ5JDZ  but dont know how to put here !sorry dear.

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desertflower said: @PeggyM  "What can we do YY Nation???"

  • How about sending a YY Nation food basket with Banner to SY's Drama location (just like other fan groups do for their bias). Something with a large banner with YY Nation and the faces of WY and SY.    Something designed to get some attention.   Then someone needs to email Soompi to come and report on it (or don't email Soompi if you want to keep it on the down low and just support in private to they don't have a hard time with the fans.. 
  • [*]
2PM is traveling so much right now...I'm not sure of their schedule otherwise we could send it to JYP to WY and the other 2pm members from YY Nation...with the banner etc. with picture of SY & WY.....the boys might enjoy that but they might tweet it or FB it.....then it goes viral...who knows.
  • Create a banner to hold at 2pm concerts (as mentioned)....send members to support.
There are lots of things we can do but it might cost money...and we'd have to decide if we want to make sure our support is kept private from the overzealous fans.  What is the goal...to support YY publicly or privately (private meaning that we'd keep a low profile....public meaning we wouldn't shy away from crowds and publicity.    Omo...omo...  


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I just posted links for their first 5 episodes on our FB page....I will do the rest a little at a time.....I am sure there is probably a better way to do it, but I am seriously lacking in experience with how to run a FB page....therefore, if anyone can help, I would deeply appreciate it!!  Thanks to all of you for your support so far....I knew we could make this happen!!!  We need to put the word out to other fansites as well, maybe we can all join together....maybe even some pro-YY couple hottests??
@kahlias I need to find out how we go about doing this......I got to research more....I really don't want to be involved with money....we need a treasurer!!  Any volunteers?????  I really want to be able to do something like this for sure though.....we will make it happen!!!

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i was just watching the last ep with chinese sub and I found it interesting what the MC said during the closing. She said even though the virtual marriage has ended, she hopes the couple can continue to develop their budding romance. (wow! she is giving them her blessing!) She continues to add that, it will be great if the couple can go dating in e future, without the intrusion of cameras.

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